Lu Wan was too lazy to be perfunctory. She only said that she would come for an examination when necessary. She used to want to have the child, but now she has a casual attitude.

If it's not suitable to come into this world, it's better not to have this child than to be born in a single parent family.

Lin Zhao saw Lu Wan's perfunctory attitude and his face was slightly heavy: "since it's so reluctantly, don't do it at all. The child can take it off now!"

Lu Wan looked at Lin Zhao: "are you serious?"

Or is it that Shi Shi will soon be pregnant with Lin Zhao's child, so it doesn't matter whether she wants it or not?

But at least it's a little life. Maybe it hasn't taken shape yet. It's just a piece of meat. It's also pregnant and growing in her abdomen.

"Do you think I'm false?" Lin Zhao asked.

Lu Wan was stunned for a moment, nodded and said, "just do what you said. I'll make an appointment first."

She is no longer so crazy about Lin Zhao, and the child is just a burden to Lin Zhao. Since the arrival of this child makes everyone unhappy, it's better to take it away.

Lin Zhao looked at Lu Wan's back. Unexpectedly, she was so cruel.

He remembered that she used to use her baby as a chess piece to tie him. Now she says she can give up. Does this mean that she has no previous attachment to him and doesn't want to tie him down again?

If not, she wouldn't be cruel to take away the child.

Lu Wan soon made an appointment. She went to Lin Zhao and said, "I'm catching a cold. The doctor advised me to have an abortion when I'm better."

Of course, the doctor also said that the child has been more than three months. It's not only a pity not to have children at this time, but also harmful to the mother.

Lin Zhao looked numb and didn't speak.

Lu Wan had nothing to say and bowed her head and walked out of the hospital.

She stopped a taxi and just wanted to get on the bus, but Lin Zhao grabbed her: "do you want to take it off?"

Lu Wan nodded: "I'll do the operation myself. You don't have to worry that I'll go back."

She stooped to get into the car and leaned wearily against it.

She planned to have the child. Taking away the child was her intention. Maybe this was the last thing she could do for Lin Zhao.

I don't know whether she was tired or tired with a cold. She dozed off as soon as she got on the bus.

The driver's voice drifted into her ear: "Miss, there is a car following us."

Lu Wan sleepily opened her eyes and looked back. It was Lin Zhao's sports car: "don't be afraid, it's an acquaintance."

The driver was very confused. Since he had a friend driving a sports car, why did he still take his broken taxi? Look at the woman's clothes. It's a rich man. Therefore, the rich world, the poor do not understand.

Lu Wan finally returned to the gallery. The moment she saw the little catfish, she suddenly imagined who her child would look more like if she were born.

Of course, this will become an eternal mystery, because her children can't come to this world.

"Aunt, your face is very bad." the little catfish was very distressed when he saw Lu Wan.

Lu Wan gently pinched the little guy's face and smiled gently: "I'll be satisfied in my life if I can have a child like you."

The little catfish touched Lu Wan's stomach: "the baby must be as beautiful as an aunt."

Lu Wan had no strength to speak again. She went to the lounge. The little catfish followed in and took care of it.

Until Lu Wan fell asleep and the little catfish helped Lu Wan cover the blanket, he called Shi Zui Zui.


The first three chapters in the morning, and the rest are updated during the day.

In the new week, the votes are cleared. After the babies read it, they can vote easily. Listen to the little catfish, the babies who vote are very beautiful.

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