My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1878: New Year's Eve Horror (1)

Chapter 1878 New Year's Eve Fright (1)

Mu Jinchen was speechless, "Wushuang, our baby is only four years old, and he is only cute when he is round. It will naturally rise when he goes to big class or elementary school."

"Really?" Wushuang was dubious.

Mu Jinchen rubbed his wife's hair, "Don't worry about what you cheated on."


A few days earlier, the young couple had brought Yuan Yuanbao to the Xia’s and Jing’s New Year gifts, and Xia Ziwei and Su Ran had also prepared a copy.

Mu Zhilan's family affairs are well organized, and there is not much to do.

Yuan Yuanbao’s room is pasted with his own writing Huaichun. Yuan Yuanbao is still in the stage of enlightenment, so she is limited to reading. She doesn’t learn to write so early. Others are writing characters. He is drawing characters. Follow Mu Baichuan’s paintings. He was slanted and slanted, and he could barely tell what it was, but he cleverly drew some lanterns and firecrackers on it, which looked festive.

Mu Baichuan always praised him for his cleverness. The little guy's tail would go up into the sky during the reunion dinner, and he insisted on asking for a reward. Wushuang allowed him to drink half a cup of Coke, and the little guy was happy. .

In short, after having Yuan Yuan Bao, the atmosphere in Mu Mansion is always so beaming and happy.

After dinner, the little guy prepared a small cushion, kowtow in front of every adult, asking for New Year's money.

Wushuang is very touched. Nowadays, probably not many children in China will bow their heads to their parents and elders. This is a fine tradition in China, a country of etiquette for thousands of years. Thanks to parents and elders, it is worth paying for generations. According to legend...

Yuanyuanbao knows her without a teacher, and she never knew it.

The four generations of elders sat upright and sat upright, looking at the new generation of Mu Mansion with satisfaction. They only hope that this kind-hearted, kind and intelligent child can grow up safely and happily, and go smoothly in his life...

It was also at this time that Xu Molian, who had had a reunion dinner, also took Zhang Xiaowei to the beach to watch the fireworks display.

The Xu family’s old house is at the southernmost part of S City, by the sea. Fireworks and firecrackers are strictly forbidden on weekdays, but New Year’s Eve is relatively special. The relevant departments have designated a plot for everyone to set off.

Xu Molian would naturally not come to places with such complicated flow of people. The sudden thoughts came tonight with Zhang Xiaowei.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a beautiful place in S City. I haven't seen fireworks on site for many years." Zhang Xiaowei took a deep breath of sulfur-scented air and opened his eyes contentedly, "This is what it is. The taste of the New Year, the Chinese New Year when I was a child is this taste, where is there in the city of S city now."

Xu Molian put her hands in her trouser pockets and curled her thin lips. He really guessed it. It was right to bring her here.

"These things pollute the environment, and the early forbidden is good."

Yes, it will really ruin the atmosphere.

"Sister, come and play with us. The more people, the more fun." A girl who looked like a college student invited Zhang Xiaowei to join their campfire party.

It looks like a group of college students came to vacation.

She glanced at Xu Molian.

Xu Molian really shook her head, "I'm not going, you go, I'll wait for you here."

The expectation in her eyes is almost overflowing, how can she not let her play.

"Then wait for me, I will come back after a few laps with them." Zhang Xiaowei stood up, patted the sand on his body, and followed the girl.

"Your boyfriend is so good-looking. I saw a lot of girls staring at him. He is the best looking on this beach."

Next is the last big plot before the finale, and some small theaters will be added later, and then the full text will end, la la la

(End of this chapter)

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