My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1879: New Year's Eve Horror (2)

Chapter 1879 New Year's Eve Fright (2)

Zhang Xiaowei smiled and couldn't hide the pride in her eyes. Xu Molian looked good, she didn't know.

With the participation of the big beauties, many men came over to start a conversation. They were probably rejected by Zhang Xiaowei, and some of their gazes floated to Xu Molian, which was probably jealous.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaowei is full of beautiful women on both sides, Xu Molian's eyes are faint, and she is considered interesting.

The so-called bonfire dance is just a group of people holding hands and dancing around the fire. There are just a few movements that come and go, and there is nothing special.

However, the woman Zhang Xiaowei smiled like a flower because of this. The smile on that beautiful majestic face was something he had never seen before. It was a self-confidence that overflowed from the bottom of my heart and was smiling with heart.

Then there was a solo dance with drums and flowers. Zhang Xiaowei was the first to hit, and she was pushed to the center.

Xu Molian thought that he should go to the rescue at this time, but Zhang Xiaowei jumped up to the changed music.

The slightly heavy clothes did not affect her flexible dance. She was only seen dancing the Xinjiang Dance around the fire. The swing of her waist, wrists, and head were all matched seamlessly, dancing around the bonfire like an elf.

At this moment, like a princess, she was stared at by the ministers from the periphery.

That was the most confident and beautiful moment when Xu Molian saw Zhang Xiaowei, his woman should have been so dazzling.

Xu Molian's beautiful eyes flickered, shouldn't he participate in it too?

"Sir, buy me a bunch of flowers, you can give it to your girlfriend." He was about to get up when he was stopped by a little girl selling flowers.


Xu Molian pursed her lips, as if she had known Zhang Xiaowei for so long, she hadn't sent her flowers.

"What kind of flowers do girls usually like?"

Perhaps this is the first time that the little girl saw such a good-looking brother, staring at him in a daze, a little dazed.

Xu Molian frowned.

"I want all of these."

The little woman reacted, "Oh oh oh, good..."

After buying the flowers, Xu Molian thought the basket was too obtrusive and asked the little girl to wrap them in a bunch.

Xu Molian looked at the bonfire. There were no people in the center of the bonfire, but there was still a circle of people dancing outside.

His eyes searched for Zhang Xiaowei's figure, and he swept back and forth for a few laps but found nothing.

After spreading to the surrounding area, it was still not found.

Xu Molian took out her cell phone and dialed Zhang Xiaowei's number, and the phone rang twice before she was hung up.

What the **** is this woman doing?

He walked quickly towards the campfire.

"Hey, big brother, your flower..."

He turned a deaf ear to the little flower girl shouting behind him.

Xu Molian pursed her lips and walked to the circle of people, holding hands, airtight.

Without saying anything, he walked to the speaker and unplugged it.

The music stopped, and the dancing crowd finally stopped, and their gazes swept in Xu Molian's direction.

"Where is the girl who just danced?" Xu Molian asked loudly.

The group of students looked at each other, as if they didn't know who he was asking.

Xu Molian squinted her eyes, scanned the girl who had brought Zhang Xiaowei over just now, pointed her finger at her and asked, "Where is the girl you just brought over?"

The girl suddenly realized that this handsome guy is good-looking, but he doesn't seem to have a good temper.

"She...she left after she danced solo, I...I don't know." The girl shook her head.

"Which direction did you go?" Xu Molian continued to ask.

The girl pointed in the direction he was sitting in.

(End of this chapter)

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