My Third Gentleman

Chapter 1880: New Year's Eve Horror (3)

Chapter 1880 New Year's Eve Fright (3)

Xu Molian had just bought flowers for the little girl, but she didn't even notice her coming. Besides, he was sitting only a few tens of meters away from the campfire. How could he disappear all at once?

"Have any of you found an abnormality?" Xu Molian asked the group of onlookers.

Finally, there was a courageous guy who was not scared by Xu Molian’s aura, and stood up, “I just saw a beautiful girl being dragged away by two men. It seemed a little reluctant. I don’t know if it is. Not the one you said."

Xu Molian's heart fell cold, and she quickly retrieved Zhang Xiaowei's photo from her mobile phone and asked the melon-eating audience.

"Is it her?"

The audience watched carefully and said, "It's a bit like, but it feels more beautiful than this."

This is indeed Zhang Xiaowei's ID photo, which is uglier than himself, but it is basically determined.

"How long have you been walking? Do you see where you are going?"

"It didn't take long, just three or two minutes, and I went there..." Just as the audience had just finished speaking, Xu Molian's figure was already submerged in the night.

"You mean that girl was beaten away?" The girl who pulled Zhang Xiaowei over asked the melon-eating audience.

The man nodded, "I think it's very possible now. I didn't think in this direction at first. She struggled a bit and there was no movement... By the way, she won't be stunned."

"Oh, such an important clue, why didn't you tell that handsome guy just now."

She pulled Zhang Xiaowei to play, and now that something happened to Zhang Xiaowei, she felt that she was also responsible.

"He ran too fast..."

Indeed, Xu Molian was already distraught. He didn't expect that someone would kidnap people on the night of New Year's Eve. This is still his territory.

However, what is more important is that he doesn't even know the person who took Zhang Xiaowei away.

I don't know what the purpose is.

"Wu Tou, immediately send someone to block all the intersections in the south of the city. All passing vehicles are checked one by one. The young lady was taken away. I don't know which of them." At the end, Xu Molian added, "Have we been offended recently? People?"

Wu Tou thought for a while, he could feel Xu Molian's anxiety even through the phone, and then the anxiety shouldn't appear on his boss.

"Boss, we haven't dealt with anything on the road in the past few months. Besides, we didn't offend anyone before, unless... it was from Han Beijue's side, but since Han Beijue was forced to North America by us, we have never heard of him returning to China. News, so..."

So Zhang Xiaowei's disappearance is likely to be an accident.

Purposeful kidnapping is easy to handle, and there is always something to ask for. Zhang Xiaowei is safe, but there is no trace of this purposeless disappearance. Don’t take her beauty. It's dangerous, every second is the golden time to save people.

"The head of the military will make arrangements and will not hesitate to find people in the shortest possible time. The southern suburbs of the city are not large, and official forces must be used, and they must be fast."

"Received the boss!"

Wu Tou knew that the situation was critical, so he made arrangements immediately after answering the phone.

Jun Xiang was surprised when he received a call from Xu Molian at this time, because he took his baby daughter and Su Ran back to the old house for dinner, and was just about to return to Huijing Bay.

"Jun Xiang, I have to trouble you with something..." Xu Molian clarified the matter clearly with the fastest speed.

(End of this chapter)

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