Lang Zhen looked at this little white cat. This little cat was almost as big as his paw.

Lang Zhen met Kitty’s gaze and gave a kind smile, but the face that had been serious all of a sudden smiled and looked terrifying. Kitty stepped back involuntarily.


Lang Zhen: "Xiaohan, right? I'm Lang Chen's father. I'm coming to see him today, and I brought him something by the way."

With that said, Lang Zhen took out a big bag full of snacks and put it in front of the little white cat, "These uncles will give you food."

Zai Zai had a girlfriend for the first time, so he wanted to treat him equally and have snacks.

Qi Xiaohan looked at so much to eat, he was stunned for a moment, and looked up at Lang Chen's father with his kitten face up: "Thank you, uncle, I have some food there."

Lang Zhen stretched out his hand and rubbed the cat's head, and realized that the cat's spiritual roots should be good. Now this spiritual power store can be transformed.

Lang Zhen was still holding the little black dragon in his hands. The little black dragon groaned and was extremely dissatisfied, but there was no way he could only signal Qi Xiaohan to let her save him.

When Qi Xiaohan saw it, he gave a meow, and said to Lang Zhen: "Uncle, this dragon is raised by our school. Do you want to take it away?"

When the little black dragon heard it, he struggled even harder and tried to stretch his dragon's head in Qi Xiaohan's direction.

"Have you heard, don't let me go!" The little black dragon cried out.

As soon as Lang Zhen's fingers pressed hard, the dragon stopped moving, as if all the strength of the body was taken off.

Lang Zhen grabbed the dragon in his hand, and then said to Qi Xiaohan: "There is something wrong with the breath of this dragon. I was invited to the school to check it out."

After thinking about it, he said to Qi Xiaohan: "You first go back to eat with snacks, and when you finish class tonight, your uncle will take you and Chen Chen out to eat."

After speaking, he rubbed the kitten's head again, and then took the little black dragon away in stride.

The little black dragon kept looking at Qi Xiaohan, reluctantly, his eyes full of accusations against Qi Xiaohan.

Qi Xiaohan watched the two of them walk away, and then looked at his own package of snacks, the whole cat sighed.


The little lion was very curious about the scene just now, "Is that the father of Senior Brother Lang Chen just now? It looks so majestic, and brought so much food to Senior Brother..." Now it seems to be distributed to Qi Xiaohan. Up.

The little lion looked at the many snacks in front of Qi Xiaohan and was very envious. The whole little lion came to the snacks, and the furry little lion stretched its paws into the bag.

"Wow, this is Wuyin Beast Jerky! I heard it's super delicious!"

"Youyun grass milk-flavored pudding? Single-wing fire-breathing beast wing tips?"

Every time the little lion utters a name, the whole lion becomes more envious. In the end, he looks at Qi Xiaohan with those round lion eyes, eagerly,

"Xiaohan, are there any sisters in Senior Brother Langchen's family? We have a lot of cubs in our family, so I can go to join the family."

As he said, the little lion made a pose, indicating that his body was super healthy.

Nowadays there are not many lions and tigers together. Even kittens can be with tigers. Why can't lions be?

Qi Xiaohan thought for a while. She remembered that Senior Brother Lang Chen said that his family is a big family. There are many brothers and sisters in the family, whether it is a side branch or a direct line, and they can make up a big family when they are together during the New Year.

Maybe the little lion can work hard if he really wants to.

Qi Xiaohan looked at the little lion, who was much taller than her, grinned, showing a cat smile.

Qi Xiaohan packed up these things and did not go back to the dormitory, but ran downstairs to Lang Chen's dormitory.

Lang Chen went downstairs after a while, followed by Don.

Lang Chen saw so many snacks next to Qi Xiaohan, he was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly that cold face melted like ice and snow, with a clear smile.

"Xiaohan bought me something delicious?"

With that, Lang Chen came over, picked up the kitten, kissed her forehead, and was pushed away by the kitten’s claws.

Dorn on the side:...

He should not be in the car, he should be under the car.

The little white cat looked at Lang Chen, the kitten rubbed his forehead with his paws, gave Lang Chen a glance, and then said to Lang Chen:

"I didn't buy it, but your dad bought it. He brought a lot of food. After seeing me, he gave me some of it. The other is probably intended to be given to you after seeing you."

Lang Chen:? ! ! !

Lang Chen originally had a soft smile on his face, but after hearing the kitten's words, all that was left was amazement.

Dorn chuckled aside: "Hahahahahahaha, Uncle is here again, I don't know what I brought you this time."

Donn was impressed with Uncle Tiger.

In the first year of their freshman year, he was just a little lion like Dick, poor and without territory, stiffly putting his den in the dormitory, and then he saw his roommate coming.

The roommate is a snow-white little tiger, who looks a bit different from ordinary tigers, and looks somewhat arrogant. Behind this little tiger, a middle-aged man in military uniform brought in big bags.

What kind of super-large cat climbing frame, all kinds of food and everything, were all placed in the position of the little tiger, and then sternly asked Lang Chen to self-reliance and put everything away.

Then Dorn watched his little tiger roommate resigned and sighed, helplessly climbed up and down, and packed up the daily necessities that he had several times more than other classmates.

Because of the giant cat climbing frame, Lang Chen argued with his father for a long time, but in the end he couldn't match his father, and the cat climbing frame was kept.

At first glance, it is the cub of a wealthy tiger family who wants to exercise the child but is afraid of a bad life.

Lang Chen's mother is gone, and only his uncle is left with Lang Chen. Sometimes he doesn't have a good grasp of it, and sometimes Lang Chen is very helpless for his old father's weird care.

Lang Chen heard Dorn’s laughter, glanced at him coldly, and smoothly stopped the lion’s laughter, and then met the kitten’s eyes. Lang Chen began to see how his father had brought him something. what,

The bag was filled with various jerky snacks, and even mixed with a toy doll that he liked very much when he was a child, and Lang Chen's face suddenly turned black.

He is not Xiaohu anymore, his father is really...

When Don saw the doll, he immediately tried to hold back his laugh.

Lang Chen sighed in his heart, took out the doll and took a look. It should be that his father forgot to take this out and accidentally sent it to Xiao Han.

Seeing Qi Xiaohan still watching him, Lang Chen touched the kitten’s head and stuffed the toy into the kitten’s arms.

"Give you."

Qi Xiaohan hugged the doll and took a closer look. He felt that the doll seemed a bit old, with burrs in some places, not like a new one.

Seeing the little cat staring at the dolls, Lang Chen coughed lightly, tidyed the dolls, and said to the little cat:

"This is when I was a kid."

He had no sense of security when he left home to go to kindergarten when he was young, so he always bullied the teacher and other cubs. In the end, her father rushed back from work and transported the climbing frame he had been using to the kindergarten. toy.

After that, every time he went to school, his father would always send these gadgets to him, as if he hadn't grown at all for so many years. Also, my father has lived for thousands of years. In his eyes, there is no difference between decades and hundreds of years. My father still treats him as a cub now.

When Kitty Cat heard that this was his brother's toy when he was a child, he was very strange.

Unexpectedly, such a big tiger would still play with this toy when he was young. The kitten raised its paws and scratched the doll. After holding the doll with four paws, the kitten looked up at Lang Chen with a smile in his eyes.


Lang Chen noticed the cat's narrow smile, and immediately rubbed the cat's head vigorously, then packed the big bag of food, holding the kitten and preparing to leave.

Dorn watched from behind and said to him, "Are you not going to the office?"

Lang Chen: "Not going anymore."

He said, holding the cat and left.

Lang Chen took Qi Xiaohan to the house his father had rented outside before.

He doesn't come here often on weekdays, and sometimes some things are done late, so he stays out for one night so as not to affect his roommate's sleep, although Donne slept hard and didn't mind.

Qi Xiaohan jumped out of Lang Chen's arms, and the whole kitty turned around in the room, and then jumped onto the sofa.

Lang Chen glanced at her and took out a box of yogurt from the refrigerator for her.

When I came last time, Brother Lang Chen didn't have yogurt in his refrigerator.

Lang Chen helped her open the lid of the yogurt, and then watched the kitten lower his head and sip the yogurt. The kitten's beard was stained with yogurt, which looked a little cute.

"My father should come here to find me later, let's wait for him here."

The kitten listened, was having a meal with Yogurt's movements, and looked up at Lang Chen: "Meow?"

Why is she waiting here?

Seeing Qi Xiaohan's questioning expression, Lang Chen raised his eyebrows immediately, "You have accepted the snacks my dad gave me. Is it possible to leave after eating?"

That's what I said, but I always feel that it is a little strange to meet Langchen's father at Langchen's house. She is not Brother Langchen's cat for the time being...

Lang Chen watched the kitten bow his head tangledly and stepped on the cat's paws left and right. After a while, he raised his head and meowed:


See the parents when you see them. Brother Lang Chen has also been to her house anyway.

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