When Lang Town came, the little white cat was watching a movie together in Lang Chen’s arms, watching a classic horror movie specially found, and the kitten and the cat pulled the curtains and watched it with relish, while eating. With Langchen’s snacks.

While watching the movie, Lang Chen took the piece of dried meat out of the snack bag in Qi Xiaohan's arms and ate slowly.

As soon as Lang Zhen opened the door, he saw this scene. The kitten was watching attentively. When the door opened, the whole cat jumped up.

Lang Chen quickly caught the scattered snacks, and then caught the falling cat, then calmly looked at his father.


Lang Zhen didn't expect to come over and scared the kitten, ?? he stood still and didn’t know what to say, he heard Lang Chen’s greeting, ?? still nodded with a serious face,?? Chen's problems:

"Look at your internal affairs. As a soldier, don't you feel ashamed of such internal affairs?"

Lang Zhen continued to speak, and then saw the snow-white kitten meowing in shame, drooping the kitten’s head and standing out.

"Sorry uncle, ?? I messed up the house of brother brother, I will clean up immediately."

With that said, the kitten immediately started to act, and the whole cat quickly put the messy pillows in place, and put the blankets neatly together, and the cleaning curse swept the ground clean.

Lang Zhen opened his mouth and watched the cat running around diligently, the whole tiger moved a bit.

When the door was opened, he scared his son and girlfriend. He wanted to relieve the embarrassment by training his son, and by the way, to balance the kitten's mentality. Who would have thought that it was the kitten's head again.

Also, Lang Chen would not make the room like this.

For such a soft and weak cat, he was afraid that he could not control her and hurt her with a paw. Now seeing the kitten like this, he suddenly felt a little at a loss.

What if the cat has a bad impression of him and thinks that he is that kind of nasty parent who is not with Lang Chen? When the time comes, his son is afraid that he will cry with anger?

It's really difficult.

Lang Zhen commanded vigorously on the battlefield, but when he encountered such a soft and delicate cat, there was simply no way at all. He was not very good at handling such things.

Lang Zhen looked up, glanced at his cub, and said in a deep voice, "Are you just here to watch?"

Lang Chen looked at his father, then raised his hand, and the whole room instantly became tidy.

Lang Zhen: "...Is it making you lazy to teach you spells? Look at Xiaohan, what a hardworking classmate, you learn from them!"

After speaking, he smiled kindly at the kitten, trying to make up for the bad impression he had just left in Qi Xiaohan's mind.

When Qi Xiaohan saw this smile, Mao Mao was about to stand up. Such a big monster, big tiger, smiled like this, which is equivalent to showing white fangs at a kitten and cat. This is far more terrifying than the horror movie just now.

Qi Xiaohan's cat ears were flattened, and he worked hard to show a kitten smile at Lang Chen’s father.


Well-behaved, obedient, and sensible.jpg

When Lang Zhen saw this smile, he was immediately relieved. It seemed that the approach just now was very effective.

Sitting on the sofa with two tigers and one cat, Lang Zhen looked at the kitten and asked kindly:

"Are Xiao Han and Lang Chen in the same major?"

Kitty cat nodded: "Lang Chen is my direct brother, and I am now a minor in Dan."

Lang Zhen was suddenly a little surprised, isn't this kind of major major generally not a minor major?

Lang Chen touched the kitten's fur and glanced at his father, "Xiaohan is a natural fire spirit body, and the spirit fire is very good. Professor Lu is going to be a student."

Lang Zhen listened and looked at the kitten again. To be able to be asked to pass specifically, this spiritual root should not be so good, it should be the top spiritual root.

Sure enough, the next moment I listened to Lang Chen to continue: "Xiaohan rang seven bronze bells in the central tower. At that time, he stopped because of his young age and lack of spiritual power, otherwise it is expected to ring again."

Lang Zhen looked at his son. It was obvious that this kitten had a good talent. Why did his little tiger cub show off so inadvertently?

Lang Zhen: "Xiaohan is really good. In fact, it is also good to come to the military to develop. Of course, the Dan system is also very good."

The majority of their families entered the military department. After all, the Baihu clan was born with strong combat power, so there were few experts with such assistance. I didn't expect my son's girlfriend to learn this. Although it is only a minor, it is also very good.

Moreover, this cat looks small, but it is actually the same major as Lang Chen. The Spiritual Power Control major was originally called the Assault Major. This kitten should be their cat. It is a perfect match. It needs combat power. With combat power, you can also learn alchemy.

This kitten fell into their house from the sky, right? It's so suitable. Lang Zhen looked at Qi Xiaohan's eyes more and more kindly.

"I didn't bring anything with me this time. I don't know what you young people like. There is a card here. Just buy what Xiaohan likes."

With that, Lang Zhen found a card from his wallet and handed it to the little white cat.

The kitten suddenly rounded its eyes,

Is this so direct?

Qi Xiaohan raised his head to look at Lang Chen, and then saw Lang Chen calmly reached out his hand to take the card and put it in his uniform pocket.

"Thank you Dad."

The little white cat looked at Lang Chen blankly, and to say that this card was for her, she didn't plan to ask for it, she was planning to return it. But now Lang Chen took the card and put it in his pocket. It was considered that Lang Chen's father gave the card to Lang Chen. Isn't it not for the cat? Does she still have to refuse?

But if you don't refuse, Langchen's father just said it was for her?

In this case, is she the one who accepted the card?

The little white cat felt that her whole cat was going to be circumvented in, looked at Lang Chen a little blankly, and meowed.

When Lang Chen heard the kitten call, he lowered his head and reached out to touch the kitten's head gently, "Don't you thank Dad?"

Qi Xiaohan: "Huh? Thank you Uncle."

The big tiger suddenly smiled and said, "No thanks, you two can play well."

Qi Xiaohan:...

In fact, there was something wrong, but she couldn't point it out. Could it be that Lang Chen returned the card to his uncle? But that is what Langchen’s father gave him?

But since it was given to Lang Chen, why did she say thank you together just now?

For the first time, the kitten felt that he seemed not too smart.

After sitting for a while, Lang Zhen left. He still had things to do.

The kitten and Lang Chen sent Lang Zhen out, and then returned to the room. The little white cat kicked the cat's hind legs and jumped onto the bed. The cat's ears collapsed.


Lang Chen saw this kitten like this, held back a smile, walked to the kitten, turned into a prototype, leaned on her side with his paws, and rubbed the kitten.

"What's wrong with Xiao Han?"

The little white cat meowed again, this time Lang Zhen left, and the cat finally started to question with confidence.

"You just accepted the card?"

The big tiger's furry ears turned a little, and calmly said, "Why didn't my father take it?"

Kitty cat: "But why should I follow along to thank you?"

Lang Chen calmly licked his paw, "Because that's the card for you."

The kitten has blown up her hair: "I don't plan to collect it!!!"

Lang Chen: "Well, it's the same for me." Seeing the cat's angry fur exploded, Lang Chen approached her with a cat-like smile in his eyes:

"Why don't you want to run out to catch up with your father and return it to him now?"

The little white cat continued to pat the big tiger with the cat's claws angrily. He really wanted to pick up the card and chase it out. Then, he was pressed by the big tiger's paw and licked the fried fur at once.

"Well, my father is fast, I don't know where to go. I left the card to eat when we go out, OK?" Lang Chen said the last sentence in the kitten's ear. Low and dumb with a little smile.

The little white cat's ears trembled and gave a meow. Just as he lifted his face, the big tiger licked it again.

The tiger's tongue is rough, and when it is smoothed, it feels like being smoothed by a large brush. It's not uncomfortable, it just feels a little panic.

The cat's ears were all pulled back into airplane ears by the tiger. Lang Chen carefully helped the kitten to follow the fur, with a touch of warmth in the room.

Osamu is a long-haired cat with thick and thick fur, so I am most afraid of knotting when licking the fur. Fortunately, this kitten is very careful when combing his fur. The fur is smooth and beautiful, and it is very well treated.

Lang Chen remembered that when he saw this kitten for the first time, the small snow-white group of the kitten was held in his mouth by the wolf. He heard the sound and looked towards him. Those eyes were bright and clear, like The clearest lake water was average, and suddenly stopped his movements.

At that time, Xiaohan's fur was so beautiful, and Lang Chen liked to help the kitten to smooth the fur. There was a feeling of incomparable closeness between the two.

According to the aesthetics of cats, the little white cat is undoubtedly very good-looking. Although it looks small now, it has smooth body lines, sharp ears and four powerful claws. It is a very beautiful little female cat.

Qi Xiaohan was licked by Lang Chen’s body under her body, and the whole cat could not get out. Hearing Lang Chen’s words in her ears, she suddenly felt the heat in her ears.

The kitten lay on the bed, letting Langchen lick his fur with a solemn expression, and said in his heart that it was bad.

It's broken, wouldn't it be the tiger's meal that you will eat after going out?

This is soft rice!

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