A few more days have passed. Qi Xiaohan has adapted very well in the Dan department. Basically, he is with Professor Lu. If Professor Lu is not there, then the graduate students under Professor Lu will take her.

The fire of the little white cat is very easy to use. ?? Professor Lu’s graduate students like to find this little junior sister to borrow a fire, ?? Anyway, the cat is right in front,?? It is more convenient to control the fire, and you can even ask for one. The ray of fire came out to refine the ones used by yourself.

Qi Xiaohan came to the floating tower early that day, found his position, pushed his stove out with the cat's claws, then turned over the cabinet and found a pack of instant noodles. The cat's eyes were shiny. of.

Yes, ?? After studying in the Dan department for a while, this cat has also learned to cook instant noodles in the Dan furnace.

Qi Xiaohan just poured the water and was about to open the package, when he saw that the door of this alchemy room was pushed open, Master Ming Yu walked in.

The master sister saw that the kitten was about to cook instant noodles on the stove, and she immediately said:

"It's a nonsense,?? Who told you to cook instant noodles here?"

When the kitten heard the reprimand from her senior sister, the cat’s ears collapsed and the cat’s paws were retracted. The whole kitten stood there obediently, looking like he knew it was wrong.


The elder sister came over, glanced at the stove, and then said to the cat: "This teacher in the alchemy shop often comes here. You can't eat here. You will be easily spotted. Then the teacher will throw you out with your tail. Besides, what kind of instant noodles you eat early in the morning."

With that said, Senior Sister Ming Yu took Qi Xiaohan’s stove out and brought it to a pill room at the end of the corridor. After swiping the card to enter, Qi Xiaohan saw many senior brothers and sisters sitting around, eating all kinds of things. Something, seeing the two of them coming, and greeted them with a smile:

"Xiaohan came so early, I haven't gotten more sleep in my freshman year."

"Have you had breakfast? Come and eat together."

Ming Yu put down Qi Xiaohan's stove and raised his head to the human who just spoke: "This little cat was just stupid. He planned to cook instant noodles in the room where the professor often goes. Fortunately, I saw it. Otherwise, wait. Professor Hui Lu will come over, then it will be over."

When other seniors and sisters heard this, they felt lingering. At the beginning, you explained the kitten one by one and asked her to pay more attention to where she can eat and where she can’t. Don’t watch the seniors and sisters. It feels okay to eat anywhere, which is the experience of the old fritters over the years, which is different from the newborn kittens.

Qi Xiaohan was stunned when he heard the whole cat. He didn't expect that there were so many ways in it, so he nodded obediently, then looked at his senior brothers and sisters again, and gave a meow, tentatively said:

"Then I still want to eat instant noodles... OK?"

Senior Sister Ming Yu smiled immediately and rubbed the cat's head: "What kind of instant noodles are you eating here? It's delicious. It's not healthy to eat instant noodles early in the morning."

As he said, he took out a plate of freshly baked pizza from the back of the pill room.

The others gathered around, Qi Xiaohan was stunned, Maomao's eyes widened and couldn't help asking:

"Can this also be made from a pill furnace?"

A elder brother couldn't help but smile, and nodded the cat's head: "How could it be possible that there are household appliances such as ovens in the small room behind, which we secretly hide."

With that, he stuffed one of the pizzas into the kitten's mouth.

Qi Xiaohan bit the pizza, the cat's paws hugged and ate, the cat's ears stood up, looking very happy.

"How is it, is it delicious?" Senior Sister Ming Yu found Qi Xiaohan a small dish and asked her with a smile.

The little white cat nodded vigorously, with bright eyes, "It's super delicious!"

She found that the seniors and seniors in the floating tower seemed to have good cooking skills no matter who they were.

Thinking of something, the little white cat raised her head to look at Senior Sister Ming Yu and said: "Sister, can we eat hot pot in our pill room? I brought the bottom of the pot from home, and it has not been used."

Several other people were immediately happy: "Of course, we haven't had hot pot for a long time, and we plan to wait for the weekend to eat out."

They knew that the cat's house seemed to be a hot pot restaurant, but they didn't understand it very carefully. After all, they would spend most of the day in the floating tower.

Now they are floating out of the tower just after daybreak in the early morning, not because they got up early, but because they have not left all night and have been practicing alchemy here. Don’t look at eating this and eating easily now, etc. Will continue after eating.

They are all graduate students of Professor Lu. Professor Lu looks very kind on weekdays, but he is quite strict in his studies. He will also give students a lot of homework, or put forward a guess for them to verify. The very popular elixirs are all studied in this way.

"If you want to eat, just wait tonight. Professor Lu should go home tonight. The teacher will take a break tonight. We will eat in the floating tower. After eating, Xiaohan will return to the dormitory and we will continue the experiment."

"I'm really going crazy. I feel like I'm stinky. I've been in the floating tower for a week. My girlfriend said that he would see me under the tower, like visiting prison every day."

"Yesterday I felt like I was going to succeed, but I accidentally fryed the stove, and my mentality was broken."

"Damn, you were the one who fryed the stove yesterday, so I said why a pill room seemed to be cleaned again."


Qi Xiaohan was eating pizza, and it was very interesting to listen to these seniors and sisters.

At night, Qi Xiaohan prepared everything for hot pot. After waiting for Professor Lu to go home, Xiaomao brought the things to the pill room where the senior brothers and sisters were.

The elder brothers and sisters have already cleaned up the room. I don’t know where I found a big round table. The round table is filled with all kinds of food, such as tofu skin kelp knots, hairy belly beef and gluten tofu. Beef and mutton pork belly, you have everything you need.

Qi Xiaohan originally brought some hot pot food, but he was a little surprised when he saw that it was so complete.

So many.

How long is this to eat!

Seeing Qi Xiaohan's expression, a senior brother and sister suddenly smiled and said, "We will not be drunk or go home tonight!"

"Hahaha it's Xiaohan who didn't return, we didn't leave originally."

"Just find a cat litter for Xiaohan, and sleep with us here tonight."

"What kind of cat litter? Just find a blanket and just wrap the kitten in the corner. It's very convenient."

The little white cat shook his ears, and Maoyan glanced at the boxes of wine beside him, calmly meowing:

"Yes." After that, he added: "I brought a blanket."

A group of graduate students suddenly burst into laughter. Senior Sister Ming Yu hugged the kitten and rubbed it, then put the cat down and watched Qi Xiaohan find the hot pot ingredients.

Qi Xiaohan turned into a human form and put the hot pot bottom material in the pot. There are a group of people who use fire in the Dan system, so the induction cooker is naturally not available. Of course, the pot is still a normal pot.

Qi Xiaohan lit a flame under the pot, waiting for the bottom of the pot to boil.

Soon the scent of the spicy butter sauce began to spread. A group of people smelled the scent and suddenly sighed, "It's really delicious."

"Isn't it very spicy? This color doesn't seem very good."

"Hahahaha, if you can't do it, I'll give you a mandarin duck pot. I also have a clear soup and small fat lamb pot bottom."

"Boiling, your little fat lamb in clear soup is too wasteful to cook instant noodles."

The room was filled with the strong aroma of hot pot, and when the bottom of the pot began to roll, everyone immediately rushed up and started to order food inside.

"Pour all the sea oysters in! Pour, I said stop and then stop."

"Lamb, and beef slab tendons are all down."

"Hey, you can't put too much at one time and you are old!"

However, just after the senior sister said this, she saw the chopsticks flying one by one. Basically, the things floating in the pot disappeared in the blink of an eye. From time to time, you can see several pairs of chopsticks flying in the air. stand up.

"Damn, is your mouth connected to a black hole? You have eaten half of the lamb, don't assume we haven't seen it!"

"Nonsense, what about your evidence!"

"You spit it out to Lao Tzu!!!"

Qi Xiaohan put the tofu skins in the pot on the side. Don’t be afraid to cook this for a while. I have already brought two plates of shrimp slips. Qi Xiaohan turned them into **** one by one, and put them in the pot, waiting for the shrimp. Smooth and ripe.

"The hairy belly is done, hurry up! I'll be old in a while."

Qi Xiaohan swiftly lowered his chopsticks, caught a lot of them, rolled them in the seasoning, and ate them happily.

There was a plate of blinds beside him. Qi Xiaohan glanced at it and asked, "Are the blinds down now?"

The elder brother next to him suddenly said, "Go down and down, just eat without asking."

Ming Yu looked at Louye with some curiosity: "What's the difference between Louye and tripe? It feels like eating is the same?"

Qi Xiaohan is also not sure, after all, she is only the one that is responsible for eating at home.

The elder brothers and sisters around were very satisfied with their meals, and the wine began to be served during the intermission.

The red and white beers also had various flavored wines. Various colors came up, and a senior came up with interest. He was going to show everyone a bartender on the spot, and instructed other people to help him make ice.

His classmates really cooperated very well. The ice cubes were immediately condensed and ready to be served, and then he saw the brother's operation, and the cup was placed on the table with a clatter, and said boldly:

"This is called Pink Lady!"

A group of students suddenly slapped the table: "Good!"

"Brother Su is amazing!"


This senior was proud, smiling and waving his hands modestly. He just wanted to say something. When he raised his eyes, he froze and his small face instantly turned pale.

Others noticed it was wrong, and when they turned their heads, they saw their tutor standing at the door carrying a bag, looking at them in amazement.

A group of graduate students were about to kneel in fear on the spot. They got up in the chaos, and saw that many cups and dishes were dropped on the table again. They were drunk and tranced, as if seeing the tutor's face darkened.

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