"Look at you one by one, what do you look like! How decent you are! You want to shake the sky, drink and eat hot pot, it's a chic life!"

Professor Lu pointed at the group of rebels and cursed.

The students lowered their heads one by one, their heads slumped, the hot pot next to them was still tumbling, and they were about to dry up.

"This is what I just left and you just ate it, ?? It's not plausible, ?? It's really ridiculous!" As the voice turned, the teacher saw the cat standing in the corner, and suddenly became even more angry. ,

"Qi Xiaohan! You have only been here for a few days now, so you just followed your senior and senior sisters to mess around, so you have a hot pot? The freshman will not come home at night!"

When the little white cat listened, it shrank its paws, its ears were flattened, and it looked like he was being scolded obediently.

Teacher Lu glared at this group of evildoers. They were about to suffer from high blood pressure. He turned around and went to the small room in the alchemy room. A lot of household appliances were found and all confiscated.

"One of you counts as one,?? You don’t have to go tonight,?? Qi Xiaohan opened a furnace to practice a hundred Qi Gathering Pills,?? As for the few of you--"The teacher looked at these graduate students,??" I think you have a lot of idle time, and you just took the order from the Supernatural Office and worked overtime to make it out. Don’t forget to hand in the task on time."

After speaking, Professor Lu waved his hand and left.

Hearing the professor's arrangement, the graduate students in the Dan's room turned pale and their hearts were ashamed.

Originally, the task was stressful enough, but now I have been punished. At the Supernatural Office, all day long, it seems to be eating with pill, and I don't know what to do with so many pill all day long.

A group of students cleaned up the alchemy room, and took advantage of this opportunity to quickly fish out the contents of the pot and eat it, and then seized the time to start making alchemy.

The little white cat is right next to the graduate students. The whole cat is a little unwell. A huge stove is in front of her. The kitten puts the ingredients in, and the cat’s paw is slapped, and the flame is sent in by the kitten. .

Seeing this cat look like this, Senior Sister Ming Yu touched the cat's head and whispered: "It's okay, a hundred pots of pills will be fast, and you can go out the day after tomorrow."

The kitten’s ears were erected immediately, and the cat’s eyes were rounded.

acquired? !

It's already nine o'clock in the evening. She will not sleep till the day after tomorrow. ! !

Senior Sister Ming Yu sighed: "I would rather refine a hundred furnaces of pill and wait to rush out the order from the Supernatural Firm. It is estimated that I will also be scrapped. Maybe I will see you next week."

The little white cat also lowered his voice, and while controlling the fire, he moved in the direction of Senior Sister Ming Yu: "Senior Sister, the teacher won't punish us, right?"

Senior Sister Ming Yu: "Don't worry, it's a teacher anyway."

The brother behind: "Damn, I didn't realize that Lao Lu forgot to take something, so he just ate."

"Don't say it, my heart hurts. Waiting for me to go out this time, it is estimated that the subject will be yellow." Another senior brother was crying.

"Sister Xiaohan has been involved. We didn't investigate well. We were too careless. If we are careful, we probably won't be punished today."

The little white cat said immediately: "If I hadn't mentioned eating hot pot, it wouldn't be like this. I'm sorry, brothers and sisters."

"Hurt, we didn't eat less. No one is to blame for this. It can only be said that the luck is too bad. Who would have thought that Lao Lu killed a carbine."

Suddenly there was another sigh in the Dan room, and the whole Dan room was filled with worries. A group of students who had just ate the hot pot were working overtime to finish the punishment.

Under normal circumstances, it is not allowed to eat in the Floating Tower. There is a restaurant on the first floor of the Floating Tower, where students who practice here can dine. However, the students who are cooking in the Floating Tower have had fun for many years. What you eat is always more fragrant than eating upright.

Over the years, some teachers have seen it as if they hadn’t seen it, especially at noon in the morning, waved and passed. However, some teachers have strict inspections.

?????? Like Professor Lu's level, he is immersed in academics, and he will not stray from each other. The chance of students being discovered by him is extremely low. However, today is such a coincidence, and just happened to be hit. , And still drinking and eating hot pot in the Danfang, it was absolutely lawless. Professor Lu was shocked at the time. Maybe he didn't expect that his obedient disciples would do such a thing, and they all looked distressed when they left.

Qi Xiaohan was punished in the floating tower. He stayed for four and a half days, which was longer than expected, because after all, Qi Xiaohan was not as skilled as the seniors and sisters. He was able to make a hundred furnaces in just over two days. When the pill comes, she still has a part of the wastage rate.

The four days passed, it was simply dizzy.

After Qi Xiaohan finished refining the pill, the whole cat crawled out of the pill room. At that time, the cat's claws were weak.

Kitty cat stumbled away and ran towards the outside of the floating tower, feeling that she was going to have a psychological shadow on this place, and she wanted to go out immediately.

When I went out, I saw Senior Brother Cheng Lin and Senior Brother Yan Chong outside. When I saw her, I was taken aback for a while, and then burst into laughter.

"Hahahahahaha Xiaohan, are you going to get the boiler?"

Yan Chong asked with a laugh.

The little white cat looked at his gray furry, and let out a weak meow.

I want to know what I am like now.

The little white cat stood on the spot, shaking his fur, the ash scattered on his body, but it was still a gray-black kitten, and it didn't look much change.

Cheng Lin looked at the kitten, smiled and walked towards her. When he first saw this little white cat, he felt that the cat's coat color was not tolerant to dirt, sure enough—

Look at this dirty one now. Chenglin circled the kitten a few times. He wanted to lick Qi Xiaohan's fur, but when the kitten looked dirty like this, he couldn’t speak, so after thinking about it, he did it. A cleansing spell made the cat barely clean.

The cleaning curse can only clean the surface. It is not as good as washing. Cheng Lin looked down at the gray and white kitten and smiled:

"Xiaohan, hurry back and take a shower. You haven't been out for class for so many days. I asked for leave for you. Do you know that you will have to make up the leave slips for the teachers?"

The kitten meowed, indicating that he knew it.

After choosing the Dan Department as a minor major, the department has become more tolerant of her schoolwork. As long as her learning progress can keep up, the attendance rate can be lowered, which is basically equivalent to having two majors. .

Cheng Lin thought of something and said to the little cat: "Yes, I forgot to tell you that recently the school has not been very stable, and contaminated monsters and evil monsters appear more frequently. The students of the military department are ready to go out and participate in the killing. Senior Brother Lang Chen is probably going out too, he should have told you, right?"

Only then did Qi Xiaohan remember that her cell phone had been kept in the pill room. She sent a message to Senior Brother Lang Chen on the day she was punished, and the cell phone never turned on again.

The four-day retreat has allowed her to improve her own cultivation level. After all, this day and night alchemy is extremely testing spiritual power and the control of flames. Now if she measures spiritual power, she estimates it will be higher. That's it.

Qi Xiaohan meowed at the two senior brothers, indicating that he knew it, then took out his phone and took a look.

There were many messages from Senior Brother Lang Chen on the phone, and the last one was a missed call. The little white cat’s paw was pressed on the phone and sent a message to Lang Chen.

-Xiaohan is a white cat: "Senior brother, I'm out, I'll look for you."

-Lang Chen: "Well, I'm in the house off campus."

Qi Xiaohan put the phone away, and after bidding farewell to the two elder brothers, he stepped away from the cat's claw and ran towards the house that Lang Chen rented outside the school.

The cat is running fast now, and the cat's claws are moving fast, and soon he will reach Langchen's house.

Lang Chen heard the cat tapping the door, opened the door, and then saw a little gray cat, with a bit of astonishment on that cold face.

The kitten naturally wiped its paws at the door, and then walked in.

Lang Chen looked at the little gray cat, tried his best to hold back his laugh, reached out his hand to pick up the kitten, patted the ash on the fur, and then saw that the ash was not going down, maybe this one had shaken before. Fuzzy.

"This is the result of training these days? Changed the coat color?"

Lang Chen's smiling voice rang in the kitten's ear.

When the little white cat heard it, he immediately raised his head and said confidently: "Of course, change the coat color to a different mood! I'm also going to change the tail coat color to a nine-section cat!"

Lang Chen listened to the cat's face-saving words, and suddenly felt that the kitten in his arms was so cute, he couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub the kitten's head.

"Go, let's wash the hair."

When Qi Xiaohan heard this, he immediately started meowing. The entire cat’s face clearly showed resistance to water.

"No, I think the gray hair will fall off naturally after a while, and I will still be a white cat by then."

Lang Chen held down the cat, regardless of her struggle, took the kitten to the bathroom and put hot water in it.

Seeing that the kitten was still very reluctant, he couldn't help but poked the kitten on the head: "Did you have swimming lessons during military training? Why don't you want to take a bath now?"

Qi Xiaohan: "It's different, it's not the same thing."

Who didn't bow to the grades back then, harm.

"Actually, I think it's okay to not take a bath. I will become human in the next few days, and no one will see that my prototype is a gray cat!" Kitty cat struggled and tried to reason with Lang Chen.

Lang Chen poured the shower down gently down the kitten’s fur, rubbing the kitten with his fingers, and laughed when he heard the cat say this.

"Strong words are unreasonable."

Qi Xiaohan heard the laughter and moved the cat’s ears. Knowing that he was not right, he changed the subject with a meow and raised a cat’s paw to Lang Chen.

"The paws should also be washed."

The cat mumbled.

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