Lang Chen held a cat's paw and slowly rubbed it for her, ?? the foam was on his fingers, ?? the little white cat saw it, ?? the cat's head came over and wanted to blow the bubble Open, but accidentally got on the tip of the nose.

Lang Chen looked down and saw the kitten with foam on her little nose. The corners of her mouth were bent, and she reached out to help her erase the foam, and she said, "Don't move."

The little white cat screamed, stayed in the bathtub for a while, and then had another opinion:

"Senior brother, I think this bathtub is too big,?? Is it enough to use a basin for cat washing?"

The little white cat looked at her side and felt that the water was a little too much.

Lang Chen put his hand on the kitten’s back to prevent the cat from falling into the water. Hearing the kitten say so, he said lightly: "Generally speaking, when we kill chickens, we only use a basin to heat the water. hair."

Kitty suddenly shut up.

After washing clean, Lang Chen took the cat out, picked up the towel that had been put aside long ago, put the kitten on the towel and wiped it a little bit, and then wiped it with the flame of the palm of his hand Dry the kitten.

Qi Xiaohan is already very familiar with the flames of Lang Chen, ?? There is no discomfort at all, after waiting for everything to be handled, the kitten happily opened the cat's paw and jumped off the sink,?? That snow-white and smooth fur followed the kitten's movements with a soft light,?? Very beautiful.

The little white cat raised his head, the kitten's tail was about to rise, and it meowed at Lang Chen.


Does it look good? Isn’t it super pretty?

Lang Chen understood the meaning of the kitten, chuckled lightly, put his hand on the kitten's head, and rubbed the fur, feeling that the hand feels really good.

After taking a shower, Kitty cat jumped on the sofa and started playing with her mobile phone. Lang Chen touched the kitty one after another, and said to the cat by the way:

"I will leave school tomorrow. The situation outside is not very good. Many seniors, thirds, and fourths have been sent out. You have been in school during this period of time. If you have anything to do, send me a message.

The kitten heard it and meowed, brought the kitten's head close to Lang Chen, and rubbed his cheek.

Lang Chen laughed, squeezed the kitten's cheeks, and said, "I can't bear me before I leave?"

The little white cat snorted and pushed the soft cat's paw pad on Lang Chen's face, pushing Lang Chen aside.

Lang Chen really left the school the next day. I don't know when he will be back. Many seniors and seniors in Qi Xiaohan's circle of friends have gone out. Senior Duoen and Lang Chen are the same batch, and Senior Sister Lusha is still preparing.

I don't know what is happening outside, but it has reached the point where it needs to use student expatriates.

She had been punished in the floating tower a few days ago, and it felt as if a lot had happened after she came out.

Little cat felt a little uneasy and couldn't help but start sending messages to Qi Ning.

-Xiaohan is a white cat: "Ningning, how is the house recently?"

-Opening ceremony: "It's pretty good, don't worry, now the branch is open, waiting for you to visit the branch when you come back on New Year's Day."

With that said, Qi Ning also posted a lot of photos of the branch. It seems that the business is prosperous, and it is indeed a good time.

Qi Xiaohan was relieved to see that Qi Ning was okay. After thinking about it, he asked Qi Ning to bring the necklace she gave to her, with her own spiritual fire in it to protect her.

Qi Ning didn't expect an accident to happen, so he couldn't help but said to the kitten:

"Don't worry, I won't go anywhere else recently. I just spend my time at home. You study hard at school. Don't worry about me."

After the little white cat asked Qi Ning, he was about to go to class, and he saw the familiar little black dragon walking leisurely in the school with his claws. It seemed that his little life was going well, and he even got fat during this time. In a circle.

The little black dragon saw Qi Xiaohan and immediately waved his tail at her, and shouted happily, "Qi Xiaohan, go to class together!"

The little white cat gave a meow and didn't intend to go there. But since the little dragon has already screamed, she is not too happy to go, so she ran away towards the little black dragon.

"What class are you taking today?"

Isn't this little black dragon an official student of the school, is it possible that he still has a separate class schedule?

Kitty cat looked at the little black dragon suspiciously.

The little black dragon raised his head and said: "I applied for the same major as you. I will learn what you learn. We are classmates!"

The little black dragon also took a bit of pride.

Qi Xiaohan looked at the dragon and meowed, "Well, let's go to class, it's too early."

When he said that, he ran towards the teaching building.

The little black dragon floated beside Qi Xiaohan, saying a few words from time to time:

"Where have you been these few days, I can't find you." Xiao Heilong complained.

The little white cat glanced at him: "I was fined for cooking hot pot in the alchemy room. I practiced the pill for four consecutive days."

The little black dragon immediately sympathized and looked at the cat with a little schadenfreude: "Look, I told you to go to class with me a long time ago. You have to go to the Dan department and be punished. If you stay with me in the future, you won't be out of this. Kind of thing."

Qi Xiaohan's cat's ears moved, speeding up.

There are more things to do with this little black dragon. Basically all the teacher's eyes will be on her, there is nowhere to hide, it is terrifying.

After arriving in the classroom, the little black dragon swaggered and sat in the first row. He also took out his textbook and put it away, as if he was going to study hard. It seemed that the whole dragon was very serious.

Seeing that Qi Xiaohan was about to walk back with her schoolbag on his back, the little black dragon immediately hooked her with his paws, "What are you going to do in the back, sit with me, how nice to be here, with a broad vision, and the teacher can hear everything. Can interact."

Little Black Dragon really thinks that this position is super good, the first row of thrones, sometimes some professional courses even need to grab this position.

Kitty was silent for a while, looking at the center of the first row, she felt that she was really not blessed.

When attending Teacher Wei's class some time ago, this little black dragon jumped up to pick up Teacher Wei's fault. At that time, the atmosphere in the entire classroom was suffocating. It was simply terrifying.

If she sits with him again, I'm afraid she will never dare to pass by Teacher Wei's underwater house again.

"No, no, just sit here by yourself. I will be with my Dick and them."

With that said, the little white cat quickly ran to the position behind the little lion and sat there.

The little black dragon looked at the cat sadly, as if Qi Xiaohan had done something wrong, but the cat's heart was like iron, not moved at all, and sat upright in its position.

The little lion took a look at the dragon at the front. During this time, they were already familiar with the little black dragon. With this dragon in the classroom, it basically attracted the firepower of all the teachers. Their original classroom Killing Matt was forgotten by the teacher, which made the little lion and the others very relieved.

The little lion approached Qi Xiaohan and whispered, "Didn’t you say you want to dye your tail hair, like a red panda? I think it’s pretty good that I went to that house before. If you want to go, remember. Call me, I want to trim my mane."

When Qi Xiaohan heard this, he immediately became vigilant, looked at the mane that the good little lion had finally started to grow, and asked, "What kind of mane do you want to cut?"

The little lion smacked his lips and began to fantasize: "I want to cut it into moxican and dye it again. Now the teacher can't see me anyway. There are so many problems with the dragon every day. I don't need to worry. Attention by the teacher."

Little white cat:...

The little white cat covered his face with cat's paws, "Forget it, go by yourself, my tail hair is waiting for my humans to take me to dye it when I get home."

Little Lion still has some regrets, "You really don't want to go. I think the house opened by my brother at the school gate is super affordable. If you help him promote it in the circle of friends, you can still give you a discount."

The little white cat resolutely refused to listen to this lion's bewitching. Thinking about the time when the little lion had just started class, she couldn't bear to look back. She was determined not to repeat the same mistakes.

The little lion sighed, but could not move the cat when he could not persuade him, and said to the cat again after thinking of something

"By the way, have you watched the news the most? The human world is very unstable recently. Many seniors and sisters in the school have gone out. I heard that there has never been an operation of this scale before. Most of them are handled by the supernatural office. That's it."

When the little white cat heard it, he turned his head and said, "I know a little bit. Senior Brother Lang Chen went out today. He left very early and he hasn't asked me to send it."

Little Lion: "Yes, Brother Duoen is also gone." Thinking of this, Little Lion could not help but sigh. This situation made these freshmen and sophomores worry about it, as if something major had happened. These things have been discussed recently.

It’s just that not all the senior students go out. Most of the students who go out are those with stronger abilities. Some students who study theories are not going to go out. For example, the octopus brother in the Qi Xiaohan Orchestra will pay back Staying in the club steadily, going to class and sleeping like a salted fish every day is more comfortable.

The little lion searched on the phone, then handed the phone to Qi Xiaohan.

"Look, I feel like this is about to catch up with horror movies."

Qi Xiaohan listened, and took a look here. It was a piece of news that a family of five people died strangely. Looking at the description, it seemed that the family man killed his parents, wives and children, and then committed suicide.

Because it is the self-media of the Demon World, some photos and videos are not coded, and they look quite terrifying and bloody.

The corpse was cut irregularly and stacked aside. The seven-year-old kid was stuffed into the cupboard by his father. The folded shape was no longer visible. The man madly finished it. After all this, he died at the door of his house.

There are also some ogres appearing in the city, mass suicides in office buildings, riots in mental hospitals, etc., it is like living in the scene of the endless loop of large-scale horror films, the society is unstable and the people are in panic.

Even the Demon Realm and the Demon Realm have begun to follow the turmoil. These are two realms that are very closely connected with the human realm. Many people live in the human realm. This kind of thing has happened and everyone's attention is very high.

Qi Xiaohan's cat's claws turned down, looking extremely depressed.

According to the frequency of such terrorist incidents, it is not difficult to understand that senior students are required to enter the WTO. After all, these things have been exposed to the public, so it is not clear how many secretly happened.

And those of them who are still taking classes in the school are really standing on the safest piece of pure land supported by the seniors and teachers.

Kitty cat sighed in her heart and gave the phone back to the little lion. She couldn't help but feel a little worried. According to this frequency of events, is her family Ning Ning really safe?

Even if Ningning is fine, how is her stupid boyfriend?

At this time, the police should be very busy.

Kitty cat remembered that Chu Dongyang robbed her to eat, played games with her, and brushed her a recliner. Kitty's ears all stood up.


Qi Xiaohan thought for a while, and he found a few condensed flame beads from the kitty bag, which were as crystal clear as glass balls, and planned to send the glass beads to Chu Dongyang after the course was over.

After class, Qi Xiaohan took the cat's claw and ran towards the courier point. Not only did he send the flame beads, he also sent some foods with aura that he refined. The flame beads were insured and she was waiting for the video tonight. At that time, Chu Dongyang was taught to use it.

As soon as Qi Xiaohan finished sending the express, he received a call from Senior Sister Ming Yu and asked her to return to the floating tower.

Little white cat thought about the punishment she had previously made. It is estimated that the hundred pots of pills she refined were not just punishments, or else they wouldn't be used so much.

There are also the contents of the elder sister's methods, that batch of orders from the supernatural office may be the materials needed for this incident.

After Qi Xiaohan ran back to the floating tower, he saw that most of the Dan department students were here.

There are students standing in front of the pill room on each floor, earnestly waiting for the instructions from the top.

The little white cat took off the cat's claws and quickly ran to her level, and came to the sisters' side, and then heard a heavy and powerful voice, which could be heard by the entire tower.

"All the faculty and staff students of the Dan department, there is currently a large-scale vicious incident in your human world. Our school’s high-grade outstanding students are sent out, and our Dan department guards the rear. During this period, all Dan department courses are changed to practical courses and all teaching The employees and students began to refine the pill and deliver a large amount of pill to ensure their smooth return."

At the same time, the Mechanical Department of Jinling Academy heard the same order, and all the students began to combine practice and theory to make various mechanical puppets.

The foundation of Xunhai United University for so many years is naturally not thin. It is not a problem to provide these students to go out and return safely. This time, let the students practice and feel the atmosphere.

The pill that Xiaomao was punished in those days all contributed to it, and now he stayed in the floating tower and began to refine the pill. Her course in the Control Department was stopped again, focusing on alchemy.

Standing next to Senior Sister Ming Yu, Qi Xiaohan watched her sallow face manipulating the flames with her hands. With every movement of her fingers, the flames in the stove changed, and almost all the changes were clear to her heart.

Little cat asked in a low voice, "Sister, have you finished refining your previous pill?"

Ming Yu knew what the cat was asking, and said in a low voice: "How could it be done? The previous batch has been sent out. In order to prevent us from vomiting in the same batch, the teacher now gives us another one. Batch the order, and then exchange it back later."

After listening to the cat, the cat felt a lingering fear and meowed.

This is also terrible.

It wasn't until 11 o'clock in the evening that the little white cat completed the task assigned to her by the professor. Qi Xiaohan strolled around in the floating tower, found something to eat, and returned to the pill room.

It's all this time, so don't go back and disturb your roommate.

Qi Xiaohan lay on the soft cushion in the altar and began to send messages.

-Xiaohan is a white cat: "Did you see the courier I sent you today?"

-Chu: "? You sent me a courier? Are you not a cat school? This can also be a courier? Who is sending the courier, is it also a cat?"

When Chu Dongyang saw the message sent to him by the little white cat, he couldn't help but remember that this cat, under the direction of Qi Ning, ran across a small city and gave him a USB flash drive. At that time, the little white cat was waiting at the police station. At the door, he was shocked.

Isn't it another cat waiting for him at the door carrying a bag this time? Will you still wear a uniform courier uniform?

Chu Dongyang thought for a while, but he still felt a little cute.

Seeing this news, the little white cat poked the screen with a cat's claw in disgust.

-Xiaohan is a white cat: "Of course not! It's a formal courier company, can I send you SF Express!"

-Chu: "Oh."

Slightly disappointed.

?????? The little white cat continued to poke at the screen with a cat's paw: "The world is not peaceful recently. I sent you something to defend yourself. If you encounter something abnormal, remember to give it to you. Throw those glass beads out that is my flame. I also sent you some food with aura, which has the effect of a little pill, but there is no violent reaction of the pill. You humans should have no problem eating it."

It is not a problem for these things to flow into the human world. Many humans are also using these things. After all, humans are so fragile and cannot be used as pills. They can only buy some ordinary refined pills that are not even considered as pill. There are such business licenses in the human world, but not many humans can be found, and the price is extremely high.

Chu Dongyang didn't expect the kitten to send him such a thing, and he was a little surprised.

During this period of time, it was indeed a little chaotic and busy outside. I didn't expect this cat to be aware of these things when he was going to school. So speaking of it, these strange things that happened weren't actually made by humans?

Chu Dongyang thought of a tragedy in the school before, and his expression was a bit solemn.

Now this little cat brought these things over, it was a charcoal in the snow. Chu Dongyang looked at the cat’s head and couldn't help but smile, and gave the little cat a red envelope.

His sister cat is really a good cat.

After another period of time, after the Dan system's indicators were completed, the Dan system gave a day off.

When the students of the Dan department came out of the floating tower, they were a little tranced, and finally saw the light of day again.

When Qi Xiaohan was floating away from the tower to make alchemy, he signed up for the aircraft test by the way, and passed subject one in the tower. Now he took this opportunity to take the second subject quickly.

The little white cat carried his cat bag, and ran to the exam site with his credentials early in the morning and waited there.

At this time, the freshmen and sophomores are no longer allowed to leave the Xunhai area. Even if they are on vacation, they cannot go to the human world, otherwise Qi Xiaohan would like to take a vacation and go home.

But fortunately, I can talk to Qi Ning every day, knowing that the hot pot restaurant at home is still open and nothing has happened, and Kitty Cat also feels relieved.

The teacher of Subject Two glanced at Qi Xiaohan and said to her: "First take out the aircraft, take pictures there, and record the specifications."

The little white cat meowed when he heard it. After thanking the teacher, he took the aircraft out of his sleeves.

This flying vehicle was made by the little fox Yu Xiu before. It is a big cat litter shaped like a bowl. It is quite comfortable to lie on, and the bottom of the bowl is very strong. The cushion inside the bowl can be replaced and washed frequently. Convenience.

The teacher glanced at the flying machine shaped like Qi Xiaohan and couldn't help but laughed out loud.

This kitten is quite interesting, using a cat litter as a flying machine.

The little white cat dragged his cat litter and ran towards the hall over there, lining up to take pictures of his cat litter.

Finally, it was almost ten o'clock. Qi Xiaohan was sitting on his cat litter, floating in the air, waiting for the front staff to call her, so she could go to prepare for the exam.

In the first semester of the freshman year, most of the students who took the flight certificate exam were some swordsmanship. This is their basic course. If they don’t have a flight certificate, their class will have to fail, so they all queue up here for the test. I heard that I can take the exam four times a month, once a week. At the end of the sword repair teachers have to limit the number of sword repair exams, so as not to score like they do.

Kitty cat waited in line at the back, looking at the sword repaired in front of him.

This sword had some red light, and it flickered slightly with the movement of the student, very aura.

Qi Xiaohan couldn't help but look a little envious. Such a sword looked very good. It was not like her cat litter, it was too life-like.

Qi Xiaohan remembered a cartoon that he had watched at home when he was a child. One of the protagonists in the cartoon was also a cat. He was a red cat. That cat could make swords. It was super powerful. It was Qi Xiaohan’s. Childhood idol.

At that time, Qi Xiaohan wanted to go to a small shop and buy the same plastic sword. It was red on the outside, but it could glow at night. However, at that time, her money was used to buy buns in the morning, and the red fluorescent sword was never bought, which became a pity in Kitty's heart.

Qi Xiaohan controlled his cat litter, moved a little forward, and secretly looked at the sword. The sword seemed to have noticed the cat’s peeking, and flickered, then the student in front turned his head and looked at the little white cat.


The cat peeked and was caught. The cat's claw stepped on the cat's litter, and it meowed and said calmly: "Hello, your sword is so beautiful."

The sword suddenly lit up proudly, and even Qi Xiaohan could feel his pride.

The student Jianxiu smiled at the kitten and said, "Thank you, your cat litter is also very nice."

As he said, he glanced at the kitten's cat litter again, with a smile on his mouth.

This kitten is too interesting, because he is a cat, do you bring the cat litter to take the test? This is good, if you wake up late in the morning and have no time for class, you can sleep in the cat litter.

Jian Xiu looked at it and thought and turned his eyes to his sword.

The sword shook suddenly, and the whole sword was full of resistance.

Kitty cat looked at him in surprise: "Can your sword understand us?"

Jian Xiu smiled and said: "Of course, this is from my family. I have already cultivated a sword spirit. He is older than me, more than 300 years."

Little white cat: "Wow!"

Her cat litter is only one month old, so it is too young.

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