When getting off the plane, the little lion watched Qi Xiaohan walk down with the whole cat drooping his head, and he couldn't help being a little curious, looking at the little cat and asked:

"What did you and Teacher Wei say when you were sitting at the back? Why did it look like this after coming down?" The cat looked decadent.

The little white cat raised her head, glanced at the little lion, sighed and then lowered her head again: "Oh, you don't understand, it's a disaster."

Little lion:?

This time, Qi Xiaohan and the others came to the branch of a supernatural office in a big city. Because of the excessive population flow, the aftermath work was difficult to handle, and the original shortage of manpower, Qi Xiaohan and the others were sent here.?? Other teams went to other places, and it was always these low-grade students who were stuck where they were short of people.

After Mr. Wei took the group of students to report, he assigned a place to stay, and then began to collect tasks. The process went very quickly. After a while, Qi Xiaohan led the tasks and the friends. out.

Qi Xiaohan and a leopard cat were assigned to a kindergarten, responsible for protecting the teachers and students there every day.

Some of the students of the United Nations University who have not been transformed need another set of simple disguise devices in the Supernatural Office to deal with the situation outside so as not to cause panic, but there is nothing like Qi Xiaohan. necessary.

The little white cat carried the kitty bag and ran towards the kindergarten with its paws, followed by an ocelot.

Leopard cats belong to the Turing Institute. Although they are not studying in the same courtyard, they live in the same courtyard on weekdays. They are familiar with each other. The two cats get along well.

So in the past few days, the kindergarten children found that there seemed to be two more beautiful cats in the kindergarten. They wandered around the kindergarten like patrols every day, holding the hairy cat's head high, looking serious and serious.

The teachers in the kindergarten would also share the food with them, and the cats also brought their own food. When the children ate at noon, they would also sit in the corner to eat.

Some children were curious about what the two cats were eating, and couldn't help but ran over to look at the two cats. Then they saw the little white cat looking up at him and meowing at him, very friendly.

The child's eyes lit up, moved a small stool, and sat next to Maomao, with his cheeks in his hands, watching the cat's eyes sparkling, and learning the little white cat meowed:


The child's milk cry is milky, and the voice is prolonged, it sounds very cute.

Qi Xiaohan was eating beef jerky brought from home. He raised his head when he heard the child cry like her, and the cat's ears stood up, followed by a meow, seriously correcting the child's cry.


The child didn't know what the cat was doing, thinking that the cat was playing with him, he suddenly giggled, patted his hand, and started meowing with the cat again.

The other children noticed the movement here, and ran towards this side, with small snacks in their hands, and then they all surrounded the two cats, watching them scream, and the whole restaurant was full for a time. All kinds of childish meows.

The teachers couldn't laugh or cry as they watched this scene. They just coaxed the children and told them to eat honestly. They didn't expect to be attracted by these two cats.

They don't know what these two cats are here for, but they are instructed by the above to keep these two cats properly. It's strange to say, why do you want to foster cats in kindergartens? And every meal has to be delivered to them, and the treatment is the same as the teachers.

Listening to the meowing of the cubs, the little white cat suddenly shrank the cat's paw and took a step back. It was too noisy. When the children saw the cat move, their eyes suddenly brightened. One girl even stretched out a little hand, trying to touch the cat's head.

The child moved gently, with a touch of temptation, on Qi Xiaohan's head, as if he didn't feel anything.

"Mao Mao is good."

The child touched Maomao's head lightly, and said so seriously, it looked very cute.

Qi Xiaohan raised the cat's face, looked at the little child, and meowed at her, and also raised the cat's paw and gently touched her.

Sometimes it feels like a child is also like a kitten, gently tentatively moving, curious but cautious.

A little fat man on the side looked at the beef jerky that the little white cat was eating, and couldn't help biting his finger. Then, while the little white cat was being petted, he secretly picked up a piece of beef and put it in his mouth, and watched happily. To my little friend,

"Wow, this is so delicious!"

The little friends noticed that the little fat man had eaten the cat’s snacks, and suddenly started to condemn him with milky milk:

"This is for cats, how can you eat cats' things?"

"What should I do if Mao Mao has nothing to eat at noon today? Don't eat her food."

"This was brought by Maomao's mother to Maomao. Look at Maomao carrying a small schoolbag."

Qi Xiaohan watched a group of human cubs start to discuss this seriously, could not help but turn the cat's ears, showing a happy kitten smile, and then pushed his snacks towards them.

These things that she eats by herself can be eaten by other cubs. These are all beef jerky made by her family Ningning, which is quite delicious.


Give it to you.

The children understood the meaning of cats, and suddenly cheered. It was not that they wanted to eat kittens, but they were surprised that the kittens responded to them. They were so surprised and stared at their eyes. Osamu.

"Wow, Maomao can understand people!"

"Maomao gave us the food, so amazing!"

"It's amazing!" A group of children admired in unison.

The kindergarten teachers stood behind and watched the children play with Maomao for a while, and then clapped their hands to let them go back:

"Okay, kids, go back and eat well, don't disturb the cats to eat."

The teacher took the group of children back one by one, and then left the two cats eating at the table. The kindergarten teacher glanced at these two cats curiously, and couldn't help but touched them. The head of a cat.

Qi Xiaohan is a little white cat that is accustomed to Shun Maoshun, naturally let the teacher touch Maomao, and the ocelot raises its paw and pushes the teacher away, with a meticulous look.

He is finishing work, don't molest the cat casually.

The kindergarten teachers don’t mind, cats always have weird tempers, some like people, and naturally some don’t. After the kindergarten teacher touched the little white cat again, he watched the children eat again.

The sky gradually darkened, as if it was about to rain, and the wind rustled the leaves outside.

The children looked at the sky outside, their attention shifted again, staring at the outside one by one.

"It's going to rain!"

"My mother bought me a raincoat, it's great!"

"Teacher, it's raining, go home and collect your clothes!" The child imitated the tone of the TV show, standing up and shouting in joy.

The teacher was helpless: "We didn't dry clothes."

Children at this age have difficulty concentrating the most, and small things will be distracting. It started to thunder soon outside. Some children were afraid of thunder and lightning, and they were already crying with a spoon in their mouths.

The teachers turned on the lights in the dining room, then comforted the children and coaxed them to eat obediently.

The little white cat was also looking at the rainy day outside, and the cat's ears moved.

She doesn't like rainy days. Walking on the road in rainy days will get her paws wet, which is very uncomfortable.

The Ocelot also looked outside, the whole cat looked dignified and looked rather dissatisfied with the weather.

After Qi Xiaohan had eaten enough, he packed up the things in the place, put it in his cat bag, and then walked outside with the cat bag on his back.

Patrols still need to be patrolled. The daily life of a kindergarten cat is so boring.

They are in the human world now, and they can’t take things out of their sleeves at will, so they can only carry a kitty bag anytime and anywhere, which is slightly troublesome. Even the Ocelot carries one, but the Ocelot has long legs. He looked very formal on his back, a cat who was smaller than Qi Xiaohan looked much more serious.

As the ocelot walked, he talked to Qi Xiaohan: "You are from the Huo Lingyuan, so can you just evaporate the water vapor, it's so uncomfortable that you are so wet."

The little white cat was stepping carefully along the eaves. Hearing the words of the ocelot, he tilted the cat’s head and meowed.

"It can be, but it will be discovered this way."

When the ocelot heard this, he was also a little depressed. The cat's paw lightly touched the floor tile, and then quickly jumped over the puddle.

Qi Xiaohan looked at the Ocelot like this, and couldn't help but comfort him: "Waiting for us on the way back, I will help you dry the fur."

Ocelots are short-haired, and their fur is as smooth as silk and should dry faster.

The little white cat was also wet, and the whole cat trembled after walking a few steps, looking very uncomfortable.

On the road, Qi Xiaohan and the others met a child whose clothes were soaked, and they were holding a doll, standing so far and looking at the two cats.

Qi Xiaohan feels that this child is a little strange. What is a good child doing here to get caught in the rain?

The little cat endured the feeling of rain hitting her body, stepped away from the cat's paw and ran towards the child, came to the child, and yelled at him.


What is Zai Zai doing here?

The child lowered his head to look at the embarrassed little white cat. The pupils were extraordinarily large, making the child's eyes extraordinarily dark, which unexpectedly resembled the baby in his arms.

However, the cat can't see any abnormalities. After all, the cat's pupils often change, which is normal for two cats.

Kitty cat raised her paw and touched the child's calf, trying to take the child to shelter from the rain under the eaves.

The child smiled at the cats, showing white teeth, and followed the cat obediently.

Qi Xiaohan came to the teaching building of the kindergarten, sent the children in, and then stayed under the eaves for a while, rested for a while and waited for the rain to get a little lighter before wandering around the school with the ocelot.

Although this job is boring, it must be rain or shine when the weather is bad. It is good when the sun is shining. It is really easy to make cats feel bad when it is rainy and cloudy.

The little white cat listened to the immature singing of the children in the teaching building, and the sound of the teacher playing the piano, and the cat's ears moved.

In fact, the feeling of being in kindergarten is still very good. The teachers and children here are very good, and the food is also very good. Qi Xiaohan likes it very much.

At this moment, a thunderbolt fell in the sky, and a sycamore tree in the kindergarten seemed to have been smashed. With a click, the children screamed in fright.

At this moment, the lights of the kindergarten disappeared.

The little white cat moved the cat's claws, the whole cat was looking up at the sky, the cat's ears were erected, and it felt that something was wrong.

The children were still screaming constantly in the classroom, some were scared, some were excited to join in the fun, and suddenly became a mess. Children like this kind of chaotic environment that suddenly falls into darkness, and one by one is crazy.

The little white cat stepped away from the cat's claws, walked upstairs, and went to the teacher to see if it was tripped or for other reasons.

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