The Ocelot followed Qi Xiaohan, and the two cats' paws stepped on the ground, silently making no sound.

The kindergarten teaching building is still noisy, and it is mixed with the crying and screaming of the children. In such a heavy rain, it is extremely noisy and depressing.

Kitty cat stepped away and walked up, ?? meowed, ?? I feel that the sky is really dark,?? When walking in the corridor, the light is too dark,?? It doesn't look like it at all It looks like during the day.

Qi Xiaohan came to the strawberry small class, ?? walked to the door and took a look inside, ?? Then he saw the children still crying, the teacher was helpless to maintain the order there, ?? coaxing the children,?? Look Going up is a mess. The kittens’ ears moved. It feels like human cubs are cute or cute, but they are too noisy.

At this moment, Kitty Cat suddenly noticed something was wrong, and quickly looked in a certain direction. It seemed to notice a trace of dirty breath just now.

The kitten reacted quickly, and a flame instantly chased in that direction, ?? as if something was burning, ?? let out a shrill scream.

The little white cat and the ocelot ran in that direction, and then they saw a child looking at the burning doll, and cried loudly.

"Uuuu Sasa was burned."

"Wow oh oh oh!"

The children started crying one by one, and the teacher didn't understand why this kind of rainy day was so humid, and the doll could still burn on its own. It was obvious that the child didn't bring anything to support combustion.

Looking at the current sky, the teacher couldn't help but feel a little uneasy. After evacuating the children, he quickly went to get a fire extinguisher to put out the fire.

When the little white cat saw that it was burning, the whole cat suddenly kicked its hind paws, and a white light flashed for the next second before coming to the child, paws the baby down.

The flame on the doll was still burning, but far away from the children, the little white cat quickly ran to the corridor with the doll in its mouth, and the whole cat jumped off when it turned over.

Ocelot was not with Qi Xiaohan. He stayed upstairs and looked at the children, waiting for Qi Xiaohan downstairs to solve the thing just now.

The little white cat watched the baby gradually burn out in the rain, and then returned to the upstairs. The hair that had been wet on his body was dried by the flame.

The children didn’t know what happened just now, they just saw that the cat seemed to have taken the burning doll away, and couldn’t help but cried the teacher:

"Teacher Wuwu, the cat is going to be burned to death."

The teacher was also a little nervous. She didn't expect that the little white cat just rushed up directly and took the baby away at once.

That's a real flame. Isn't this cat going to be burned to death?

Just because they fed the two cats before, do these two cats help the children? The teacher was a little moved and sad. Just when he was about to say something, he saw the little white cat who ran downstairs coming up again. The whole cat was very energetic and looked at the children in the class with serious eyes.


The little white cat walked to the child with the doll she met before, looked up at him with the kitten face up, and raised the cat's paw to pat the child.

The child looked at the cat in confusion and smiled at the kitten.

Qi Xiaohan's entire cat suddenly became serious and turned to look at the Ocelot. The Ocelot also looked at the child and shook his head at the kitten.

He wasn't sure what exactly this child was, but it looked like a human cub.

Kitty cat hesitated, and secretly led the child out with spiritual power, even if he didn't want to follow it.

The teacher glanced at the two cats and wanted to stop them. However, he met the eyes of the ocelot just now. He was stunned and looked dazed. Then he turned and returned to the classroom, as if nothing. Nothing happened.

?????? When Qi Xiaohan took the child out and walked downstairs to the teaching floor, the child suddenly struggled and wanted to leave Qi Xiaohan. However, how could Qi Xiaohan let the child leave her easily, the kitten’s cat’s paw stepped on it, and the flames entangled the child without any leakage, and then the kitten quickly hit the nearby supernatural office Made a call and asked them to come over.

The ocelot did not come down, and stayed upstairs with the teacher and the children. Qi Xiaohan took care of the downstairs.

The Supernatural Office came very fast. Not long after Qi Xiaohan finished the phone call, the Supernatural Office's car arrived.

A young female clerk saw Qi Xiaohan here and walked quickly towards the kitten.

"Is it this kid?"

The kitten nodded, glanced at the clerk's ID, and then handed the child to the clerk: "My classmates and I checked this child and there is nothing wrong with it, but his condition is obviously wrong, and it was the child who entered with a weird doll before. In the classroom."

The clerk stretched out his hand to hold the child’s little hand, squeezed the child’s hand bone, and gradually frowned.

"This kid...tsk."

The little white cat looked at her: "What's the matter?"

Clerk: "It turned out to be a contaminated human race. This is not the first time. I didn't expect that there is still such a young person."

With that said, the clerk put a bracelet on the child, then picked up the child and took it to the car.

Qi Xiaohan followed, and the whole cat felt a little wrong, and asked, "Can humans be contaminated? Didn't it mean that only the monsters and demons are contaminated?"

The clerk pondered for a moment, and said to the little cat: "There have been many contaminated human races. Now the human race's luck has declined, and it is not as good as when there was shelter in the world. There is no **** in the world, the original protector The gods of the human race have fallen, and now the human race is not a safe race."

Little cat didn't expect it to be like this, so she was taken aback.

In the education she has received for such a long time, the Human Race has always been a race favored by Heaven. Didn't she expect that even Human Race cannot be avoided now? What happened to cause such a big impact?

The clerk didn't say much to the kitten, and after putting the child in the car, he quickly left.

The students of Xunhai United University who were patrolling the streets also saw the situation on Qi Xiaohan's side. After communicating with each other, they were a little surprised at the current situation of the human race. Humans learn everything faster than them, and they are born with Taoism, basically they are the darling of the heavens, now has their luck also declined?

After patrolling near the kindergarten, Kitten and Ocelot returned to the office where they stayed.

Both of them are just freshmen, so most of them are in charge of patrolling or protection work, while the sophomores are responsible for beheading and killing contaminated monsters after the seniors.

Although Qi Xiaohan has been in school for so long, she has never understood what it means to be contaminated. She has only seen one monster beast that is really contaminated, and that is the shark who has seen it at the beginning of school.

I don't know what happened to Senior Brother Lang Chen.

The little white cat hugged the phone and lay on the soft cushion, silently in a daze watching the chat record with her brother.

The last time I was with Lang Chen, it was when Lang Chen washed her fur.

I don't know when everyone will be able to return to school.

Kitty cat sighed.

Fortunately, Qi Ning is now staying in a safe place and working as a volunteer in the rescue team. Although he gets tired every day, his safety is guaranteed.

Kitty cat turned over and slept with her mobile phone.


A few days later, just after Qi Xiaohan got off work in the kindergarten, he heard news that Senior Brother Lei Yuan had been seriously injured in order to protect several junior brothers and sisters and was still lying in the hospital.

Little white cat and a few classmates took advantage of the rest time to take some food to see him, and then saw the **** wolf with a cast on one leg, dying and lying there watching TV, the whole wolf was very decadent.

Seeing a few cats coming by, the wolf's ears stood up, cheered up, and looked at them.

The little white cat put the delicious food on Lei Yuan's table and said to Lei Yuan: "Senior Brother, are you better? Let's come and see you."

Lei Yuan's ears turned and coughed slightly, "It's nothing, but the legs are not easy to walk."

After speaking, the **** wolf also stood up specially to look at these big cats and kittens.

The little white cat looked at the **** wolf with a large piece of fur on the back of his head that had been shaved, and there was a bandage on it. He looked very embarrassed, and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable. How prestigious the Big Black Wolf was when he was in school, and he walked around with the law enforcement team, but now he has suffered such serious injuries.

The **** wolf noticed the little white cat’s gaze and turned his head to prevent the kitten from looking at the back of his head, then raised a paw and patted the kitten’s head.

"Tsk, what to see."

The little white cat knew that this wolf idol was burdened and he was even more tired when they were here, so he just left here after a while.

After watching the departure of these catyards, the **** wolf stretched out his wolf's claws and pulled the cats to eat. Seeing that there was something he liked to eat in it, he grinned immediately.

This is how long this group of cats have been eating.

The kitten ran on the road, heading in the direction of Teacher Jiaolong.

There are more and more polluted races. Qi Xiaohan and the others have gradually joined the armed forces from pure patrols. Every day they kill the evil monsters based on the location of the evil monsters detected by the office. Qi Xiaohan’s original team is now renewed Together, the little lions are back.

The little white cat raised the cat's paw and patted the door, and heard the sound of Teacher Jiaolong letting in, and then pushed the door in.

Teacher Wei took the Dragon Ball back these days, and Qi Xiaohan observed that Teacher Wei's spiritual control seemed to be more accurate, and he didn't know what the principle was.

Teacher Wei saw the kitten come in, and parted her a bit of toffee, and then began to assign tasks to the kitten.

Qi Xiaohan bit the candy, felt the trace of sweetness, and listened carefully to the teacher's teaching.

This is a rare practical lesson.

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