The little lion quietly approached the little white cat, took a piece of candy from Qi Xiaohan’s claws, and was about to open the wrapping paper, when he saw Teacher Wei’s gaze faintly glanced over.

"Dick? Did you see the results of the last quiz?"

The little lion's paws stiffened, and the whole lion's face was a little dazed. He looked at the teacher and asked sadly, "Teacher, you can't eat candy if you don't have good grades?"

Teacher Wei: "It's not."

The little lion breathed a sigh of relief, and then listened to the teacher to continue: "I mean, after you go back, don't forget to make up the exam."

Little lion:?

Little Lion: "Teacher, do you still need to make up the quiz?!"

Dick was shocked, and he stared at Teacher Jiaolong in front of him with wide eyes. This is too scary, why do you have to make up the small test? Teacher, do you think this is normal?

Teacher Wei added: "Don't be so nervous, you are not the only one, there are also a few classmates you join together to form an examination room."

Right now, the other students sat up, looking nervously at the teacher.

Qi Xiaohan bit the toffee in his mouth, so sweet, the kitten squinted happily.

Hahaha she passed the exam!

She can eat candy!

The little white cat slid the toffee in front of him, put them in front of him, and then looked at the classmates with his head held high.

Teacher Wei: "I am proud of taking the sixty-one exam?"

The little white cat closed silently, pressed its ears, and the whole cat became low-key.


Not proud not proud.

She is not worthy!

A group of students received a new task here, and then went out chucklingly, looking depressed.

The little lion sighed and walked next to the kitten and cat, turning his head to look at her: "Wait to help me with tuition after I go back, I think I will be thrown out by Teacher Wei if I hang up again."

The little white cat thought for a while, "I'm only sixty minutes...Do you think this is feasible?"

The little lion hesitated for a moment, and then said boldly: "It's okay, I'm only forty minutes, it's feasible."

At this moment, a Siamese cat came over from a distance, saw Qi Xiaohan here, changed direction and came to Qi Xiaohan’s side.

"Have you taken a new mission?"

Qi Xiaohan didn't expect to see A Tan here, and his eyes lit up. She stayed here for a long time and didn't see Ah Tan. She didn't expect Ah Tan to be here.

The little white cat looked at Ah Tan with bright eyes, and meowed: "We are going to the night shift on Huayuan Road, Shibei District, to hunt down the polluted spirits at night."

Tan's cat's ears moved, as if thinking about it for a moment, and then said to the little white cat:

"It's very close to my place. Let's have a supper together after waiting."

The little lion looked at the little white cat and then at Ah Tan, his paw stepped on it.

When did Xiaohan meet such a cat?

Qi Xiaohan nodded and agreed, and Ah Tan stretched out his paw and patted the white cat on the head, and then left here.

The little lion waited for Ah Tan to leave, and asked curiously, "Is he that mind control cat?"

This cat is a bully, the kind of bully that is often shown in the classroom as an example by the teacher in class!

It's just that this cat is very lonely and rarely communicates with other students. He is alone, and I heard that he did not participate in the military training.

After watching the cat go away, the little lion turned his head to look at the little white cat. After thinking about it, he said to her, "Then we'll see you tonight."

At night, a group of friends gathered together, each of the big cats and kittens carrying their own equipment bags. After looking at each other, they low-key boarded the car arranged by the supernatural office and moved towards The city flew away.

Now that he has begun to take the assigned task, instead of patrolling the streets as before, the task has become a lot more difficult unconsciously.

Qi Xiaohan thought of the big bad wolf that was injured before, and his heart was slightly serious.

I always feel that under the cover of the school and the government, something extraordinary seems to have happened in this world.

After arriving on Huayuan Road in the urban area, the little white cat jumped out of the car, carrying a kitty bag on her body, and walked for a while away from the cat's claws.

The school did not disclose the exact location of the resentful spirit, and they needed to find it by themselves. The students divided into groups and began to detect them on the street.

Qi Xiaohan's purple flame burned quietly beside her claws, turning into the lowest brightness. As if it was just a piece of colored fur, the little white cat’s paws stepped on the ground, and the four purple flames began to spread around her as the center, using spiritual power to detect.

The little lion's spiritual power is different from that of the little white cat. He can only spread around with his own spiritual power, not like Qi Xiaohan, who has his own life spirit to assist him.

The little lion approached Qi Xiaohan secretly and asked in a low voice, "Is there really a resentful spirit here? I have never seen a polluted resentful spirit before. Will it be as ugly as in a horror movie? I accept No more."

Think about what you see in a horror movie, the little lion is either pale or blood-stained in the scenes of various evil spirits, the lion's fur is about to stand up.

This is too test the lion's psychological endurance.

The little lion moved his ears and looked carefully at the surroundings.

When the little white cat heard the little lion’s words, the whole cat suddenly became vigilant. After thinking about the scene, it was really scary, but they had never seen that kind of evil spirit. They went to school with them on weekdays. The ghost cultivators of, are basically neat and polite, even if their faces are paler and the body is more yin, but in general they are all friendly classmates.

If there are creatures like Sadako or Coconut, kittens and cats feel a little scary.

The little white cat stepped on the cat's paw, took the lead, and walked towards the front: "Forget it, go ahead and check it out anyway."

The distance between Qi Xiaohan and the little lion is not too long. They walked along this road, including the entire community, which was the scope of their search.

?????? When looking for a circle, Qi Xiaohan saw a 24-hour convenience store lit in front, the little white cat walked towards the supermarket, and the little lion stood in the shadow, sneaking towards the market. While watching, lest I accidentally frighten others. Although many abnormal events have occurred now, normal humans still feel that this is a normal society and there will not be so many weird things happening, so normal As far as the lions are concerned, they should not be on the streets.

The little lion glanced at his furry and thick lion paws, and sighed. It would be great if he could become a kitten so that he could walk around the street at will on weekdays without having to eat a hot pot. Dodgy.

Qi Xiaohan didn’t know what her little friend was thinking. She walked to the door of the convenience store, and the cat peeked inside. She saw a clerk dozing off and the video on the phone was still playing, probably I fell asleep watching the video.

The little white cat lifted the cat's paw and pushed the glass door open, and walked in. There was an electronic sound of welcome on the glass door. The little white cat meowed and was startled in this quiet environment.

At this time, she realized with hindsight that the street was too quiet. Even if it was almost late at night, there shouldn’t be anyone walking on the street. After all, this is an urban area, and many office workers still Will just go home after overtime at this time.

When the clerk heard the door bell, raised his head in confusion and said welcome, he gradually opened his eyes and found that there was no one in front of him, but the glass door had been kept open, and he was shocked to wake up.

He couldn't help thinking of many urban legends he had heard, such as the terrifying underground garage, the weird convenience store in the subway late at night, and all kinds of horror novels in his mind one by one as if revolving lanterns flashed by, and he was suddenly pale with fright.

When he was frightened out of a cold sweat and was about to go and see what had pushed the heavy glass door open, he heard a soft meow, and a snow-white little white cat was trying to use the cat. Claws pushed the glass door, and when he saw him walking over, the kitten looked up and meowed at him, very cute and well-behaved.

It turned out to be a cat.

The clerk breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at the beautiful little white cat in front of him with some surprises. This little white cat looks really good. The cat's hair is smooth and shiny, and the cat's eyes sparkle like the most beautiful gems. .

Where does this kitty come from? He even actively pushes the glass door open. This glass door pushes hard even for girls.

During normal operations on weekdays, he would hold the glass door with something to prevent it from closing.

The clerk walked to the little white cat, knelt down and touched the cat's head, then picked her up and closed the glass door.

The clerk smiled and looked at the little white cat, and walked her along the cat one after another, fearing that the cat would be scared, so he didn't make much movement.

"Whose little cat are you? How come you came here? Do you want to buy something to eat?"

As the clerk said, he saw the yellow kitten bag on the back of the little white cat, and couldn't help laughing.

This kitten is too cute. He even carried a small bag on his back. What do you want to come out for?

I don't know whose little baby it was, so he just let it go and walked around like this. The owner should be in a hurry. Look at this beautiful hairy body. He should have taken care of it and grew up.

The clerk looked at the little white cat, put it on the counter, then opened the door of the shop and looked outside. He couldn't find any figures, and he frowned.

Could it be that this kitten ran out of the house by himself? At this time, no one would take the cat out.

Forget it, let's post a lost cat to the group in this neighborhood.

The clerk walked to the counter and saw that the little white cat was staring at the computer seriously. He couldn't help but smiled and asked softly: "Little cute, what are you looking at?"

Qi Xiaohan was watching the surveillance in the store at this time. The surveillance in the store included not only the interior of the store, but also the road outside the store.

The little white cat looked up, turned to the clerk, meowed, and answered him seriously.


I am watching surveillance.

The clerk saw the little white cat meowing and then continued to turn his head to look at the surveillance camera seriously, as if he was really studying it.

This is too cute.

At this time, I don’t know when it’s just the cat’s owner who will be able to find it. The clerk thought about the things in their shop and found out a packet of cat food for the little white cat and poured it into a small bowl. When he arrived next to the little white cat, he tentatively touched the kitten's head and motioned for him to eat.

However, the little white cat just glanced at it, and the kitten moved its nose slightly, and then put his head aside, as if he didn't want to eat.

Qi Xiaohan has long stopped eating cat food, she is a cat raised in a hot pot restaurant.

The clerk didn’t know what the little white cat was thinking. He couldn’t help feeling a little pity when he saw that the kitten didn’t eat. He tried again and saw that the cat really didn’t mean to eat, so he planned to wait for the cat to be eaten tomorrow morning. Food was given to stray cats nearby.

The clerk was thinking about it, and saw the computer monitor in front of him. He didn't know when it started to change the time, as if the cat in front of him was checking the monitor the night before.

This scene couldn't help but feel a little horrified.

After all, the computer does not change automatically.

The clerk couldn't help but his eyes widened, and wanted to check what was wrong with the computer. At this moment, the door of the store was opened again.

The clerk held his breath and looked over there, and then saw no one on the right side of the door, exactly the same as when the little white cat came in.

What the hell?

The clerk walked over suspiciously, and then saw a little black-faced cat pushing the store door serious with a serious face, and then stepped into the inside with its paws open.

It's a Siamese cat.

What's going on tonight? Why are there so many cats?

The whole Siamese cat was very energetic. After entering, he first looked around, then glanced at the clerk in front of him, and then meowed at him, then moved away from the cat's paws and turned towards the little one sitting on the counter. The white cat ran over.

It turns out that this is still a group.

The clerk suddenly looked black, and followed the Siamese cat towards the little white cat, trying to see what the two cats were doing.

The two cats were clean and tidy. They didn't look like stray cats. Someone's cat ran out together. Who are these two cat owners? With such a big heart, I can rest assured that two cats are hanging out on the street.

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