When Qi Xiaohan saw A Tan coming, his eyes couldn't help but light up, and he moaned at him.

Unexpectedly, A Tan actually came to find them for supper,?? It’s just that at this time, where you can eat supper,?? I can only find a few barbecue stalls,?? At that time, Qi Xiaohan will become a human figure and bring A carbon they used to eat.

There is still a little lion waiting outside. Qi Xiaohan intends to quickly finish watching the surveillance here, and then go out to look for the lion quickly, so as not to be discovered outside.

When Ah Tan came, he naturally saw the little lion too, and they said hello. It’s just that Tan and the little lion are not very familiar with each other, they just fight. A hello, he came in the direction of Qi Xiaohan.

The clerk looked at the two cats, ?? his eyes were a little weird, ?? what did these two cats come to do, ?? whispering and whispering, ?? meowing, ?? It is really a bit magic what.

Look at these two cats, they are still pointing at his computer monitor!

What do these two cats have to say about their surveillance?

The clerk also thought it was a bit interesting, so I couldn’t help but took out my phone and took a photo of the two cats. One was sent to the WeChat group for lost cats, and the other was compiled into a paragraph. Online, send a Weibo to ease the current inexplicable atmosphere.

Qi Xiaohan noticed that this human being was taking photos of them, but she didn't mind. They left after a while. Just take a photo if you take a photo. After all, she is such a nice cat.

Kitty cat thought very generously.

Instead, A Tan glanced in that direction, but seeing Qi Xiaohan didn't mind, he didn't move after thinking about it, but the cat's ears turned around.

The monitor still jumped the time quickly under the clerk’s nose. This scene seemed too abnormal. The clerk wanted to interrupt the process. However, when he moved, the two cats next to him started to look up and stare at him. Look, he didn't even dare to reach out for a while.

Qi Xiaohan did not find any strange places in the surveillance. Some regretfully stopped the investigation of the surveillance with cat's claw spiritual power. Carbon also followed by for a while and saw Qi Xiaohan stopped. So he jumped off the counter first, and the cat's tail flicked gently and gracefully went out to the store.

This time is the right time to have supper, maybe the barbecue stall will be closed in a while

Qi Xiaohan thought the same way. He followed A Tan and walked out towards the outside. The little lion had already turned around and came back. Seeing Qi Xiaohan and the others came out, he rushed over.

All the footage of Xunhai Union University students in this section of road surveillance will be cut off tonight, so even if someone finds something wrong, it will not cause riots.

The little lion is also legally walking on the street. The whole lion is excited, running back and forth. Although it can't be seen by people, it is still very happy.

"How is it? Is there any problem in the store?" the little lion asked curiously.

The little white cat shook his head. She didn't notice anything unusual there, and the clerk seemed to be pretty good, and even opened a bag of cat food for her.

Qi Xiaohan left a little thing in that store to protect the store clerk from any evil.

"I'm gone, I'm going to have supper, I'm starving to death now."

The little lion yelled, and took the lead to open his claws, wanting to walk towards the nearest barbecue restaurant nearby.

A Tan followed behind him, turned his head and glanced at the little white cat, meowing for her to follow.

Qi Xiaohan still looked around from time to time. The street was really quiet a bit too much, but he did not find any traces of resentful spirits, and could not help but ran with them with some regret.

This period of time is basically a combination of opportunities and challenges. If you can kill monsters and resentful spirits to a certain standard, maybe you can increase the amount of scholarship, which is a very big opportunity.

Speaking of this, Qi Xiaohan couldn't help but look at Atan in front of him. Atan was able to get a scholarship after the military training was over, and I heard that the amount of the scholarship was very high, but she didn't know how much it was.

A carbon's talent seems to be somewhat special. The school even allowed him not to participate in military training, and he did not participate in any minor majors, and only stayed in his major.

Qi Xiaohan's kitten ears moved. Although A Tan said that they grew up together when they were young, she still has no memory of them being together.

She didn't know what kind of talent Ah Tan was, and what was special.

When he was about to reach the barbecue restaurant, Qi Xiaohan transformed into a human form, a beautiful girl with black hair.

The beautiful girl walked towards the barbecue shop. There were still a lot of people at the barbecue shop at this time. Qi Xiaohan took a look at the shop, then began to order, ordered a lot of food, and sat at the side table waiting. Up.

At this time, such a beautiful girl alone attracted the attention of many people in the barbecue restaurant, and they secretly focused on Qi Xiaohan.

Qi Xiaohan naturally noticed these gazes, and the various meanings in these gazes made her feel a little uncomfortable. Qi Xiaohan naturally raised his head and glared at them one by one.

If this becomes the shape of a cat, it is probably already staring at this time.

When those people saw the girl even dared to look at them, they laughed and stood up. They accidentally ran into a wine bottle. The crisp sound rang out in the noisy barbecue restaurant, without attracting anyone’s attention. I don't want to pay attention to the movement here, some are just turning around to watch the excitement here.

Such a single girl, and so beautiful, is really dangerous to walk on the street.

I just met Qi Xiaohan and didn't know who was in danger.

Someone secretly began to shake their heads. The girls nowadays are so careless. At this time, they are still walking around and dressed like this.

What Qi Xiaohan wears is actually the skirts that Qi Ning bought for her. Because he has not worn them all the time, Qi Xiaohan is afraid that it will be unsightly after the next season. So now when he is in human form, he often wears all kinds of dresses. Skirt.

Qi Ning's vision is naturally nothing to say. These skirts are quite beautiful, and they are especially matched when worn on Qi Xiaohan's body. The girl's skin is like fat, bright eyes and white teeth.

Qi Xiaohan frowned and looked at them, and then saw those people really walking towards him.

"Where did this beautiful little sister come from? She came out to have a barbecue at this night, and put together a table together!"

A man said to Qi Xiaohan with breathlessness.

Qi Xiaohan looked over and said, "I'm packing, you can sit here if you are willing to sit here." After speaking, he stood up and stopped approaching the table.

However, the men over there refused to give up, and continued to approach Qi Xiaohan, trying to catch her.

Qi Xiaohan didn't expect that these human beings were so bold that they would dare to touch her little cat!

Qi Xiaohan held the wrist of one of them with his backhand, twisted and pushed hard, and that person's hand dropped as if it had lost its strength.

A scream rang out. Seeing that the woman dared to do something, the men next to him suddenly slammed the wine bottle against the table and walked in the direction of Qi Xiaohan.

Qi Xiaohan kicked the table over, avoided the broken glass wine bottle, and threw it aside without doing anything. Then after a ding and ding, several big men were stacked together. Constantly wailing.

The other people in the store were shocked. They didn't expect that such a weak and weak girl could have so much strength and could not get up a few big men on the spot. This is amazing.

Many people in the store were holding their cellphones and shooting at them. No one came out to fight when they first hit someone. This would remind me of the excitement.

Qi Xiaohan's mood for supper was destroyed. She glanced at the men, then walked to the boss, and asked unhappily, "When will my barbecue be ready?"

Qi Xiaohan ordered a lot of things. I guess he will have to wait a while.

The boss didn’t expect this girl to be so powerful. He was a little dumbfounded. He had called the police just now. If the situation didn’t develop well, he would come out to stop him, but he didn’t expect it to be like this before he came over. Then the police came, shouldn't they just grab the child and leave?

What is this called!

The boss told her the situation in a low voice and motioned him to run first.

Qi Xiaohan glanced at the barbecue that was still roasting, and couldn't help feeling a little regretful. He was planning to eat supper just now, and now he is about to run away, all to blame for the few humans just now!

Kitty cat immediately angered those little gangsters just now.

When her family opened a hot pot restaurant when she was a child, people of this kind would often come to make trouble in the hot pot restaurant. At that time, her parents would find someone to deal with it, and she grew up watching this situation.

It’s just that it’s not suitable to stay here anymore. Barbecue can’t be eaten anymore. Qi Xiaohan touched his body and found a charm. After lighting it, he stuck it on the bodies of those little gangsters. People discovered this scene as if Qi Xiaohan's movements were invisible just now.

After Qi Xiaohan finished, he clapped his hands and walked out.

These spells didn't have too many side effects, but they could reduce their fortunes. Anything that they did a little bit bad would be infinitely magnified in the eyes of everyone, and they would be sent to the police station until Fa-rectification.

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