As soon as Qi Xiaohan ran out of the barbecue shop, he turned into a snow-white little white cat, mingled with his friends, and the little lion naturally saw what was happening in the barbecue shop. ?? It's just that they are not worried about this cat. ?? It is impossible for these humans to get this cat.

The police car quickly came over and took away the little bastards. The little white cat stood aside, watching the cat's bright eyes, staring at the police car seriously, looking very angry.

Today, her kitten’s supper is gone!

What a serious matter.

A Tan looked at the little white cat like this, with a little smile in his eyes, and raised the cat's paw again and touched the little white cat's head.

Feeling this familiar movement, Qi Xiaohan couldn't help turning his head to look at Ah Tan, ?? meowing, and gently rubbing Ah Tan's head.

The little lion glanced at them, and the whole lion turned his head as if nothing had happened, trying to pretend that he hadn't seen anything.

What is the relationship between these two cats? What if Senior Brother Lang Chen came over to see this?

The little lion had heard that Qi Xiaohan and Lang Chen were awkward some time ago. I heard that it is because this cat likes other cats. This is what he heard from Brother Donne.

The little lion thought of Senior Brother Donne, and couldn't help but sighed again. He didn't know how Senior Brother Donne was now,?? There has been no news from them,?? I don't know where they went.

The three big cats and kittens didn’t eat anything. They could only sit on the benches in the park and look at each other. They have already patrolled for a while, and they will patrol again later, if they can’t be found. , Can only exchange patrol positions with other students.

Carbon has other tasks, but now it seems that Carbon has already completed the task, but he doesn't know what his task is.

Thinking of this, Qi Xiaohan turned his head and started to ask Atan: "What is your task today? How could it be delayed until night?"

A carbon's cat ears moved, without concealing it, he said directly: "I am going to kill a dream demon, but it has now been completed, and it has been handed over to the Supernatural Office. It is estimated that it has been stamped and submitted."

The little lion slapped his tongue with envy. He is worthy of being a student. Look at the efficiency of other people’s work. They have just started patrolling for a few laps, and even the shadow of a resentful spirit has not been found. They have already completed the task and handed in a stamp. Up.

Qi Xiaohan didn't expect A Tan to move so fast, even the formalities have been completed, and he couldn't help but look at him in surprise: "Then you can go to rest now, right?"

During this period of time, everyone has been working very hard. Now that Carbon has just completed the task, he should go to rest quickly. Why is he still eating supper with them in this place? Thinking of this, the little white cat couldn't help but feel a little touched. Tan is really a good cat.

A Tan didn't know what the two of them were thinking about. He couldn't help but regret that he didn't eat the supper. He still wanted to eat barbecue.

?????? When I was wandering outside, I didn’t have the opportunity to buy food and eat. I could only pick up the leftover food from others, or receive funding from the Supernatural Office. After I went to university, I had no scholarship for a period of time. Going to be thrifty and earn money to work, finally being able to spend money arbitrarily, and need to take up tasks outside. He really wants to eat barbecue, especially with the little white cat.

When the two of them were young, they wanted to be able to eat a big roadside meal, but after so many years, his wish has not been realized. Carbon sometimes thinks, in fact, it was quite right for Qi Xiaohan to leave him back then. Otherwise, he will continue to suffer for many years with him.

Just thinking of this, Ah Tan's cat's ears moved again. The memory in Xiaohan's mind was a little abnormal. He didn't understand why Xiaohan's memory would be erased somehow. It stands to reason that this little white cat is wise. The time was about the same as the time he met, but suddenly a piece was erased, which seemed extraordinarily strange.

Thanks to this cat's big heart, for so many years, she has never thought about what she was doing when she was not picked up by humans.

The three big cats and kittens sat here for a while, and then they opened their paws and continued to search this neighborhood, lest any grievances slip through the net.


The clerk in the 24-hour convenience store was idly watching the video. After being troubled by the two cats before, he had no intention of sleeping anymore, and started eating the oden in the store, which was over Time, no more takeaways, the store defaults to the clerk on night shift.

I don’t know where the two kittens went, and he didn’t stop them, but he has already sent photos of the two cats to the WeChat group. At this time, there are still many night owls in the WeChat group. Everyone He began to inquire about the condition of his two kittens, but none of them came to say who the cat was.

Everyone was admiring the good looks of the two cats and hoped that he would take more pictures to come in.

The clerk sighed, now that the cats are gone, where did he go to take pictures, and I don’t know why the two cats had to run out, and why they came in inexplicably to look at his computer monitor. It might not have been perfect, right? ?

The clerk thought this way, couldn't help but smile and shook his head. He really watched too many TV shows, his brains were too big, and a harmonious society was not allowed to be refined.

At this moment, the glass door of the store was pushed open again, the doorbell rang, and the mechanical electronic sound welcomed you. In such a quiet atmosphere, it seemed a bit cold and strange.

A gust of wind blew by, and the temperature in the shop suddenly dropped a lot.

However, the clerk, who had just experienced two cats breaking into the store, didn’t panic at all. He reluctantly watched the video, paused the video and looked out the door. As expected, no figure was visible.

Which cat is this coming in again?

These two little ancestors really didn't treat him as an outsider. It's really free to come and go.

But that’s okay. Just now, he was worried that the two cats would go to another place. When the time came, the owner would come to him, and no cat would show it to him. Now he just happened to lock the two cats in the store and wait for it. The owner of the two cats came over and took the cat back.

I really thought that the clerk looked out the door, but didn't see any familiar cat supporting the glass door there. The glass door opened so automatically.

Where's the cat?

The clerk walked out from the counter with a question mark on his face, still meowing to attract the cat’s attention.

"Meow? Meow? Little boy, where are you? Come out now."

The shop was quiet and there was no sound at all. The clerk called for several times without hearing a cat responding. Gradually, he stopped, as if he couldn't even hear the sound of the video. The whole area was quiet. It's very.

The outside of the store was pitch black, and there was no light from the street lamps, which was not normal at all.

The clerk rubbed his arms, and afterwards he became scared, calling out the names of the two cats again, and then he kept moving back, trying to return to the counter.

The glass door closed again, and the bell that hung on the top of the glass door rang strangely, and then as if it had been broken, the hoarse and distorted voice was gradually muted.

The lights in the shop began to flicker, as if they were about to go out.

The clerk turned pale, this time I was afraid that it was a real encounter. How could this happen? Wasn't it a cute cat just now? What is coming in now?

A figure gradually appeared in the store, a human being covered in blood, half of his body was mutilated, and the blood on his body was dripping on the ground and gathering into a pool of blood.

The clerk finally couldn't help it, and screamed.


After Qi Xiaohan's three big cats and kittens wandered around the street, they suddenly heard the screams of horror over there, and couldn't help but stop. After distinguishing their positions, they quickly ran towards the convenience store.

Qi Xiaohan left his own spirit fire there. He weighed in his heart the power of the spirit fire that he left behind. It should be able to withstand a blow. The little white cat was relieved a lot, speeded up, and moved in that direction. Ran over.

I haven't noticed any problems in the convenience store just now, but I didn't expect something happened soon after I came out.

When Qi Xiaohan rushed into the convenience store, he saw the clerk in the convenience store fainted to the ground, and the burning figure appeared next to him, emitting a rancid, charred breath.

It was ignited by his spirit fire. Qi Xiaohan's spirit fire was extremely domineering and would not easily go out unless the owner of the spirit fire took the initiative to extinguish it.

The little white cat rushed forward without stopping, and the spirit fire on her body suddenly enlarged, entangling the resentful spirit. The little white cat's paws were slapped down, and the resentful spirit disappeared with a bang. Ground.

Simply neat.

There is also a law enforcement recorder next to the little lion's paw, and this scene is filmed, and then it can be handed over to the Supernatural Office.

Seeing the little white cat fall from the air, the little lion immediately began to applaud.

The little white cat is proud of her head.

"There is one here, there should be other resentful spirits nearby, let's take a look again here??"

The little lion said so, then put the law enforcement recorder away, first walked towards the clerk, and the thick little lion paws the clerk on the face.

The little white cat also came over and meowed and asked, "How is this human being?"

The little lion took a closer look, and then he was sure to say to the little white cat, "There is nothing too big a problem, but I was frightened and passed out. We called him an ambulance, and then reported to the Supernatural Office for tomorrow. Eliminate memories uniformly."

Qi Xiaohan nodded, then glanced at the human being in front of him again, meowing, thinking about putting the charm from his school in one of the human's pockets.

This charm is made into a transfer charm. It is folded very beautifully. If you don’t open it carefully, it will be treated as an ordinary small pendant. Even if you see something strange in your pocket, this human being will not be caught Scared.

After dealing with the resentful spirits in the convenience store, they walked outside. Since a resentful spirit appeared, it meant that there must be other resentful spirits nearby.

Coming to the outside, Qi Xiaohan sniffed in the air, noticed the concentration of yin in the air, and then started running in one direction.

A Tan also followed Qi Xiaohan, his expression serious, his beard trembling lightly, as if he was detecting something, with some dignity and solemnity.

Only the claw tip of the little lion flashed with thunder, which looked particularly dazzling in the dark night sky, like a moving hot wheel.

Suddenly the little white cat stopped and looked in that direction over there, meowing, and looked at the group of ghost repairs over there hesitantly.

Wasn't it a resentful spirit?

Qi Xiaohan couldn't help but feel a little regretful. He thought he could kill many resentful spirits today, but he didn't expect to judge in the wrong direction. There were a few ghost repairs here.

Thinking of this, the little white cat carefully looked at the ghost cultivators over there, and gradually felt that the ghost cultivators over there were familiar.

It seems to have been seen in the last examination room.

As I remembered carefully, the little lion also ran to her at this time, looked over there, thought about it, and then yelled:

"It's them!"

In the last examination room, they squatted through the grass together.

Qi Xiaohan remembered them. She remembered that she once gave a little ghost a little white cat in ghost repair, and she didn't know what happened to that little white cat.

Qi Xiaohan was thinking this way, and then he saw the ghost repairs floating towards them over there, obviously recognizing them too.

One of the little ghosts saw the familiar little white cat, his eyes lit up, and instantly floated to Qi Xiaohan’s side. He stretched out his little hand to touch Qi Xiaohan’s head, and then was given to him by the big ghost next to him. Stopped.

The big ghost teaches the little ghost: I told you, don't move living things casually, why are you still moving? "

The little ghost pouted a bit wrongly, his pale little face looked very affectionate.

The big ghost looked at these big cats and kittens here, and said friendlyly: "Allies, it's been a long time, I didn't expect to meet on this occasion."

Qi Xiaohan also greeted these ghost repairs, then looked at them and asked strangely: "Why are you here?"

The ghost repairs showed them the secondment badge of the supernatural office of the wearer on them, and said to Qi Xiaohan:

"We were also seconded here. Because of the resentful spirit situation, we will come to deal with it. Compared to you, our processing method is more convenient and our processing scope is larger. It happened to be here today. Look, I have met several groups of your classmates."

Qi Xiaohan meowed, looked at the secondment chapter, and then nodded. The relationship between their Xunhai United University and the Supernatural Office does not require secondment, and the students are sent directly to use it.

The ghost repairers took a look at the kitten, then found a few ray of yin from them, and asked: "Did you just meet the resentful spirit?"

Qi Xiaohan didn't hide it either. He nodded and said, "I ran into one at the convenience store and killed it directly."

There is no need to save the contaminated evil spirits. They can only be killed or captured. Of course, the value of capturing the monsters is greater. Therefore, everyone prefers to capture the evil monsters and send them to the supernatural office. Killed directly on the spot.

So far, there is no way to re-transform the contaminated wraith spirit, so it can only do so.

But now it seems that the pollution situation is very serious, and even some humans have been involved. If this continues, I am afraid that the casualties will be too large, and the Alliance is also racking its brains to find a way.

After all, human beings are getting along so densely now, if such a contaminated incident really happens, it will be a hassle to deal with it then.

Qi Xiaohan couldn't help but think of the kid he saw in the kindergarten, and he didn't know what was going on now.

Because human beings do not have aura, even if they are contaminated, they are less harmful, so some measures can be taken to control them, waiting for a more appropriate method to be dealt with.

The little ghost in Gui Xiu looked at Qi Xiaohan, with a small smile on his face, and then let the fire spirit kitten that he treasured out while the big ghost was not paying attention.

As soon as the kitten appeared in the air, it bounced back and forth vigorously, shaking his head and paws, and then turning his head to see a little white cat exactly like it, suddenly cheering and leaping towards Qi Xiaohan. Rubbing against Qi Xiaohan.

The little ghost also watched this scene happily. He has kept this kitten very well, and he can't bear to let it out often. He will only let the kitten out at night and play with him for a while. He had to look for flames everywhere to feed him, lest the kitten would shrink in length.

At first, the other big ghost brothers did not approve of him doing this. After all, it was a fire cat, but as time passed by, the big ghost brothers also began to accept the kitten and liked it. After all, there are really few cats in the ghost world. This is a cat who is alive, with a bit of aura, and is very cute.

This little devil became the most popular little devil in Guixiu, and other children would come over to play with him, trying to touch his kitten, but he proudly refused.

Qi Xiaohan was a little surprised to see that this kitten is so well preserved. She thought it would dissipate after a while. Qi Xiaohan looked in the universe in her sleeve and found out a few flame beads. Put it in the mouth of the fire civet, and then saw the kitten crooked its head and bit it, swallowing happily, and the whole cat's figure suddenly became solid again.

The little ghost watched Qi Xiaohan feed the cat with bright eyes. He squatted aside and watched seriously with his small face, as if learning how Qi Xiaohan feeds the kitten.

The big ghost immediately rubbed the little ghost's head and said to him, "You better not even think about it. Our ghost world can't raise such a flame."

This kind of domineering spirit fire can only be found within the range of Xunhai, and it is all those genius students can have. In their ghost world, they can use the dark fire to feed this kitten, but that kind of fire is against this kind of The damage of the fire civet is too great, it is better not to feed it, it can only keep the cat hungry.

Fortunately, there is not much movement on weekdays, even if it is hungry, it doesn't matter.

Qi Xiaohan had neglected this point. When he gave the fire cat to this little devil, he only thought that the little devil would play for a few days and it would be over. He didn't expect that this little devil could continue to be raised until now.

Of course, at that time, she didn’t have the ability to condense the flame beads. Even if she gave the little white cat to the little devil, and she remembered feeding the cat, there was no way to send fresh flames to the little devil to make him daily. Feed the cat.

The little devil still remembered the little lion next to him. After greeted the little lion again, the little lion extended his paw generously, indicating that the little devil could hold a claw with it, but the little devil stepped back. After all, the little lion’s There was still thunder light on the paws, and this kind of thunder light could hurt them greatly.

During the conversation between Qi Xiaohan and them, he learned that this group of ghost cultivators had wiped out more than a dozen contaminated resentful spirits along the way, moving very quickly, and the weapons in their hands were quite powerful.

Qi Xiaohan glanced at the weapons in their hands, and then at his empty cat's claws, and he couldn't help but moaned. The magic weapon she currently has is only one flying machine, and it is still used within the school. The most important function of the not-so-competitive cat litter is to fly and let her sleep in the cat litter every day to delay the time to get up.

Qi Xiaohan followed this group of ghost cultivators around, picked up a few resentful spirits behind them, and met her classmates. The time of the night was gradually passing, and the sky began to turn pale. The car that took them back to the Supernatural Office also arrived.

The people in the Supernatural Office saw Guixiu and they were in the supermarket here, nodded at them, and then took the seal in their hands by the way, and after recording, they signaled that they could continue, and then took these students back.

Students still have to borrow and repay.

When Qi Xiaohan returned to Teacher Wei to surrender his life, he saw Teacher Wei was talking to a man who was still carrying some devilish energy.


Qi Xiaohan looked at him crookedly, and then saw the demon turned his head and smiled, and said to the kitten: "How long has it been since you didn't recognize me?"

Of course, I still know him, this is the father of the demon cub I met in the demon world before.

But I didn't expect the dad of the devil cub cub to appear here, and he knew their teacher.

Qi Xiaohan's eyes turned back and forth between the teacher and the demon, and then he saw Teacher Wei beckoning to her, the little white cat stepped away from the cat's paw and ran over, and teacher Wei reached out and took what Qi Xiaohan was holding in his mouth. Practice the form, took a look,

When he saw the number of killed resentful spirits above, Teacher Wei nodded, not seeing whether he was satisfied or dissatisfied, signed a word on it and handed it to Qi Xiaohan again.

The little white cat took it, then turned to look at the smiling demon next to him, and the kitten moved its paws.

If he knew what she was thinking, the demon smiled at Qi Xiaohan and said to her, "Xiaobao didn't come today."

The kitten meowed in disappointment.

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