I thought that if I saw this demon here, I could see the demon cub, but I didn't expect the cub to not come over.

Qi Xiaohan tidyed up his practice list and prepared to go back to the dormitory to rest for a while, and then saw a little black dragon wearing clothes.

The little black dragon obviously saw Qi Xiaohan too, and swung his tail at her.

"Qi Xiaohan!"

The little black dragon quickly came to the cat's side, and it seemed that seeing Qi Xiaohan made him very happy.

Qi Xiaohan didn't expect this little black dragon to come here. He meowed and the cat's ears moved. She remembered that this little black dragon could not leave the school arbitrarily, why was it brought out at this time?

Thinking of this, the little white cat tilted his head and asked.

The little black dragon listened and waved his paw and said, "Hey, I was brought out by your principal. Look, I'm still wearing a collar."

Qi Xiaohan took a look, and the collar on the neck of the little black dragon, which represented Xunhai's identity and prohibition, was still intact, and he meowed.

"Are you also out for social practice?"

The little black dragon shook his head: "No, I came out with a long experience." Having said this, the little black dragon suddenly remembered something and asked the kitten:

"By the way, how do you fill out this form, have you filled it out before?"

Xiao Heilong took out a few forms from behind for no idea, and asked Qi Xiaohan.

Qi Xiaohan glanced at it. It was the practice form he had filled out during this period. He taught Little Black Dragon what format to fill out. However, Little Black Dragon was very cautious for fear of filling it out, so Qi Xiaohan helped him fill it out. Qi Xiaohan looked at it now. Nothing, just follow the little black dragon to his dormitory and help fill out this stack of forms.

The little black dragon walked more and more remotely, and the little white cat gradually stopped the cat's claws. Although there was indeed a dormitory in front of him, the cat's instinct made her not want to go on.

The little black dragon turned his head, looked at Qi Xiaohan in confusion, and asked, "What's wrong, what else do you have?"

The little white cat shook his head: "No, but I think I should go to Teacher Wei to ask about filling out the form..."

With that said, when the cat’s claws moved, the cat would run back. Who knows at this time, this little black dragon didn’t know how to get a sack from there and buckle it directly on the cat.

"Let's go."

Qi Xiaohan struggled, but this sack didn't know what it was made of, and it couldn't be burned with fire. The little black dragon pierced the mouth of the sack, backed the sack to himself, humming happily and drove away on the cloud.

"There is a cat who is a little delicious and a little arrogant~"

Qi Xiaohan was going crazy in the sack.

What a shame, I was taken away in a sack!

When I was an ordinary cat, I was not taken away by a cat dealer, but now I am overturned by a milk dragon!

Qi Xiaohan’s cat's claws are constantly scratching on the sack, burning desperately, tearing the sack with kitten teeth, but the tricks that were very useful in other places before are useless in this sack, as if immune Up general.

Gradually, Qi Xiaohan also began to lose strength and fell asleep.

When Qi Xiaohan woke up again, he found himself lying on a soft cat litter with a pot of hot water burning beside him, and the little black dragon was missing.

The little white cat looked at the steaming pot of boiling water, and the whole cat fell silent for a moment, his face serious.

What does it mean?

This dragon wants to eat a cat?

Look, the boiling water is ready, this is to remove the cat's hair!

The little white cat stepped on its cat's claws and was about to set it on fire, but found that the flames in her body did not know when all of it would disappear, and there was no way to display it.

She has no spiritual power in her body.

Qi Xiaohan had never encountered such a situation before, and a daze flashed in his eyes, and he felt a little at a loss.


Is it possible that she will fight the little milk dragon with four cat's claws?

Qi Xiaohan thought for a while, and thought it might not work. Although the little milk dragon looked small, his fighting power was not small.

Qi Xiaohan climbed down from the cat litter that contained her, stomped on the ground, walked around. This is an ordinary cave with only a simple stone bed and stone table inside, which is a bit crude.

Is this the dragon's lair?

Then this dragon may not have a good family background.

Qi Xiaohan was thinking in a mess, the cat's ears moved, listening to the surrounding movement, she didn't want to be eaten.

Qi Xiaohan continued to walk forward. Although the cave looked crude, it seemed to be quite large.

In the cave, Qi Xiaohan could see the intricate paintings of various murals on the stone walls, and the little white cat’s cat's claws stepped on the ground and jumped up to observe carefully. Only then did he see that this seemed to be the recorded seal catastrophe of the year.

A huge dragon was flying in the sky, and countless believers were looking up below, and they could see that the reputation of this dragon was very high, and under the mountain was a crowd with flags and dead bodies all over the field. Next to that giant dragon, there was a nine-tailed fox warlord in armor. Various ancient beasts appeared beside him, and all the dragons surrounded him.

No wonder there will be no dragons in the monster clan after that, because the dragon clan has already followed the monster emperor in that war.

So now this little black dragon is very suspicious. The principal had previously locked the little black dragon in the school and prevented him from walking around, which was already a very safe measure.

I just don't know why the dragon caught her. Qi Xiaohan thought for a while, and felt that it was not accidental when we met for the first time. The dragon approached her disguised as a kitten and was taken back to school as a matter of course. He could even go to class with the students every day. This is already handled by the alliance and the school on the principle of peace and justice.

Kitty cat's paws touched these murals, and suddenly he yelled. Kitty's face looked closer, and then his complexion became more complicated.


Isn't this mural that the little black dragon carefully scratched out one claw?

Still painted the dragon so stalwart? Which of these dragons is him?

The kitten fell off the wall, shaking his fur and continuing to walk inside. The cave is very deep, and I don't know where it leads to, Qi Xiaohan hasn't reached the end after walking for so long.

When it reached a fork in the road, the little white cat stopped and tangled for a while, then the whole cat jumped up, flipped to the ground in the air, and the cat's head quickly glanced behind him.

The cat's tail points to the right-the little white cat shook his tail and walked to the right with his claws open.

The mouth of the hole was a little small, and gradually widened, like the mouth of a gourd bottle. After the cat entered, the whole cat's eyes widened.


In this cave, there are various treasures. The whole cave is magnificent and magnificent. Many fairy grasses that have been extinct in modern times are placed here like weeds. Various rare spiritual stones are just like ordinary stones. Usually big pieces are thrown aside, not even cut.

The cat's claws stayed in place, and the whole cat didn't know whether to step in.

This is too... She really underestimated the dragon.

I thought it was a poor dragon.

The little white cat’s ears stood up, and the whole cat’s eyes were filled with these things. I don’t know how much the things in this cave are.

Now she went to a duel with the little black dragon. She beat the little black dragon and cried, kicked his little dragon's horns, and defeated the little black dragon. Is this the cat's trophy?

Kitty cat's tail fur was about to stand up excitedly, and suddenly heard the sound of the hole. Kitty cat turned her head and saw a man in a gorgeous black robe standing not far away looking at her.

Seeing the kitten turning his head, the man took a few steps forward. Qi Xiaohan used the light in the cave to see a corner of the man’s robe, with complex and gorgeous lines on it, with mysterious runes. This is just a fake Just expensive and shocking vestments, not to mention what kind of noble status it represents.

Kitty cat looked up at him, and saw the man's face pale and handsome, his pupils were honorable and cold gold, and when he glanced over, he felt that his heart was suddenly pressed by a hand and could not breathe.

Qi Xiaohan took a few steps back. This level of coercion was only inadvertently leaked by the person in front of him. I really don't know where his strength has reached.

This is... Demon Emperor Shang Yi?

Hasn't the Demon Emperor already died in battle?

The little white cat kept retreating, and the cat's paw suddenly hit the uncut moonstone in the corner, and the little cat couldn't help feeling a little sad. When death is approaching, there is still a time to touch such precious things. Sure enough, can only the kittens have the chance to make a fortune before they die?

Qi Xiaohan looked at him and asked carefully, "Is the pot of water that you burned at your door used to shed my hair?"

Shang Yi's eyes moved, he looked at Qi Xiaohan, his thin lips lightly opened: "No."

Qi Xiaohan breathed a sigh of relief.

Shang Yi said nonchalantly: "The round-haired ones cannot be scalded with boiling water, they must be peeled directly."

The kitten’s ears are flattened, and the whole cat exudes a kind of ashen heart.


Shang Yi: "Of course you don't have to worry about this."

Kitty cat:?

As soon as the little white cat's ears were about to stand up, he listened to Shang Yi continuing: "Eat your cat, I can just swallow the bones of my belt."

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