My time is running out

Chapter 122 Running a Red Light

Chen Tao looked at Rose, who looked a little serious.

Chen Tao said, "I don't care how the elemental bodies evolve. As long as they don't come to provoke me, I have no interest in them."

Hearing this, Rose's eyebrows stretched slightly. She looked at Chen Tao, then smiled and said, "Yeah, that's right. The dragon civilization should be the one to worry about, not us."

Rose stood up and came to Chen Tao's side. She gently hugged Chen Tao's arm, looked at Chen Tao, and said with a smile, "Let's do something serious?"

Chen Tao pulled his hand out of her arms, stroked Rose's hair, and said, "No, I'll go out for a walk and relax. Now Yixuan and Xiaolu, their control over genes is not complete. As a sister, you should take some time to teach them. At least teach them how to analyze the rope, so that they won't be tied up next time and can't escape."

When He Yixuan and Li Xiaolu heard this, they both looked a little embarrassed.

Rose looked at Li Xiaolu, she smiled, nodded slightly, and said, "Okay."

Chen Tao nodded, he opened the micro wormhole, and stepped through the micro wormhole.

After passing through the micro wormhole, Chen Tao's figure appeared in Yuehu Manor.

Seeing the familiar Yuehu Manor in front of him, Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly.

"Master." The android next to him saw Chen Tao and immediately smiled and greeted him respectfully.

This android looks exactly like Wu Yao, with a number on his chest.

It's No. 10.

Chen Tao nodded slightly.

He didn't say anything, and went out of the door on his own and left Yuehu Manor.

Chen Tao walked on the side of the road, and he looked around at the familiar and somewhat unfamiliar environment.

This feels a bit special.

After all, Chen Tao has lived in Base No. 1 for a while.

During this time, all the food and drinks were brought up by the maids.

So Chen Tao doesn't need to come down at all.

Occasionally breathing the air here feels pretty good.

Halfway through the walk, Chen Tao noticed a group of people gathered on the road ahead.

Chen Tao took a closer look and found that there was an accident.

A man was lying on the ground, with a smashed motorcycle next to him and a car on the other side.

Next to the car, a man with short hair touched the back of his head and looked at the man lying on the ground.

The man with short hair looked a little unhappy.

The people around him gathered around, pointing and talking as if they were watching a good show.

"This man with short hair just ran a red light and ended up hitting the man on the motorcycle."

"This man is driving a Panshi car, right? Wow, he's rich, there's going to be a good show to watch."

Seeing this, Chen Tao felt a sense of novelty.

You have to know that Chen Tao's side is the Tal District. If it was in the past, if there was an accident in the Tal District, the driver would just run away and no one would care about you so much.

Now the driver started driving the Panshi car, which is a luxury car in the Thar District. Such a person has a high status, but he not only did not run away, but also looked depressed.

This scene is very interesting.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong..." At this time, Chen Tao heard the sound of police sirens.

He looked back and saw a car with a siren coming towards this side.

"It's the people from Hong Tao's organization."

Hearing this, those people made way.

The car stopped slowly.

Chen Tao glanced at the car, which had a "Tao" logo printed on it.

A woman in a black uniform got out of the car and walked to the scene of the accident.

She squatted down and checked the injured. She frowned, then looked at the scene, stood up, looked at the short-haired man, and said: "The person is gone, you follow me to the police station and explain the accident."

The short-haired man looked ugly and looked ashen.

He sighed, then followed the woman into the police car.

The woman looked out the car window at her companion who was still parked at the scene and said, "Azhen, keep an eye on the scene."

Azhen nodded.

The woman drove away.

Only Lin Zhen, her companion, was left.

Lin Zhen took a camera and took pictures seriously at the scene.

Looking at the woman's serious look, Chen Tao felt much more comfortable.

This is the Hongtao Organization, which is an organization created in the name of Chen Tao to maintain the balance of this continent. Currently, it is managed by Lin Na.

But Chen Tao did not expect that Lin Na could manage the Tal District so well in such a short time. It was a bit beyond Chen Tao's expectations, but Chen Tao also felt relieved.

It seems that letting Lin Na manage the order is the right choice.

Chen Tao retracted his sight and stepped forward.

"Ding ding ding..." Suddenly, a mechanical sound sounded.

Hearing this sound, Chen Tao was stunned.

What is this sound?

At this time, Chen Tao noticed that the people nearby were staring at Chen Tao, as if they saw something interesting.

Among these people, Lin Zhen was also included. Lin Zhen, who was taking pictures just now, stopped and looked over here with her eyebrows slightly frowned, looking a little angry.

Chen Tao seemed to realize that something was wrong, and he turned his head to take a look.

With this look, he understood what was going on.

There was no traffic light on the sidewalk before, but now there is one, and when Chen Tao just stepped onto the sidewalk, the light was red.

Chen Tao ran a red light in front of the traffic police.


Lin Zhen walked over to Chen Tao, she looked at him and said, "Sir, the light is red now, please stand back."

She looked a little stern.

Chen Tao was a little depressed. He didn't expect that his Hong Tao organization would manage order and manage him.

Chen Tao had no choice but to retract his foot.

Seeing this, Lin Zhen looked at Chen Tao and said, "Just now there was a car accident because of running a red light, and that person's life was lost. You don't learn a lesson here and run a red light again."

"Although the sidewalk is different from the lane, the consequences of breaking the law are equally serious." Lin Zhen said, "Take out your ID, register it, and fine you for thirty minutes."

A fine of thirty minutes..., this can only be said to be a punishment similar to a warning.

It can be said that it is not painful.

Chen Tao said, "The fine is fine, but my ID is at home and I didn't bring it out."

You can't perform a micro wormhole to take things in front of these ordinary people, right? That would be too eye-catching. Chen Tao doesn't want to be surrounded by reporters again in a while.

Lin Zhen frowned and said, "You have to register. Wait a minute, wait for our people to come, then register and leave after registration."

Chen Tao had a headache. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing when he went out for a walk.

But order requires people's cooperation. Lin Na worked so hard for so long to make the order so good. If Chen Tao messes up, it will not be good.

"Ding Dong Ding Dong..." At this time, the sirens sounded.

A car slowly drove over and saw the car.

Lin Zhen said, "Here we are, let's go, follow me."

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