My time is running out

Chapter 391: Soft-heartedness is a disease

For Chen Tao, Nia's special skin looks very good. In the aesthetics of the earthlings, Nia is a first-class beauty.

But among those fox people, she is like a monster.

For a long time, Nia has been treated as a monster by the people in the tribe.

Except for Nia's parents, who raised Nia gently and brought her up, everyone else in the tribe regarded Nia as a monster.

Nia has always been excluded in the tribe and has almost no one around her. Later, she met Yani.

Nia looked at the warrior flower under the abyss.

That flower is actually the proof of a warrior, and it is also the way for the powerful men in the tribe to pursue women.

Only when the opposite sex takes this warrior flower and gives it to the opposite sex they like, then the opposite sex will feel very honored and happy.

A woman who takes the warrior flower is equivalent to accepting the courtship of the opposite sex.

And a woman who gets the warrior flower means becoming a warrior's woman. In this way, she can have a lot of glory and can be respected by people in the tribe.

However, Nia knows very well that it is impossible for her.


"The Warrior Flower can only be picked by the top warriors in the tribe. It feels so difficult for us." Yani complained weakly.

Yes, only the top warriors in the tribe, the warriors who are recognized as the most powerful, can pick the Warrior Flower on this extremely steep cliff wall.

Because the place where the Warrior Flower grows is very difficult to touch, only the most powerful warriors can pick it.

And the woman who gets the Warrior Flower is admired by others.

For Nia, as a monster, it is impossible for her to get this kind of thing.

Somewhat powerless, but this is the fact.


Suddenly, at this moment, a low beast roar brought the two women standing next to the abyss back to their senses.

Nia subconsciously turned her head and looked behind her. The scene she saw made Nia's expression change.

What is this...?

Behind Nia, a completely black leopard was staring at Yani and Nia.

Seeing this, Nia's face turned pale.

It is common to encounter wild animals in this forest. Nia often hears about people being taken away by wild animals in the tribe.

Nia and Yani have to go into the forest to pick wild vegetables and fruits. However, Nia and Yani have been outside for half a year, and they have not encountered any in the past six months. They thought they would never encounter any.

But unexpectedly... they still encountered them.

She suppressed her inner fear and looked at Yani beside her.

Yani's little face turned pale, her big eyes were full of tears, and her nervous look was all seen by Nia.

Nia bit her lip and said, "Yani, run, I will stop it."

Yani was startled, and she looked at Nia.

Nia hurriedly took a step forward and stopped Yani behind her. She stared at the leopard's eyes and said, "Run quickly. If you don't run now, it will be too late. I heard that wild animals will not chase others after they kill and eat. If I stop it, it will finish eating. As long as you leave before it finishes eating me, you will be fine."

Yani was stunned. She looked at Nia blankly: "Nia..."

"Yani, in the tribe, you are the only one who talks to me and works with me." Nia bit her thin lips and said, "No matter what, I will not allow you to die."

Yani bit her thin lips when she heard it, and she looked at the leopard with a black body.


Nia shouted.

Yani wanted to run a long time ago because of fear, but she knew that she could not outrun the leopard, so she did not run immediately.

But now she was a little confused when she heard Nia's words.

Hearing Nia shouting to run again!

Yani took a step forward, and as soon as she took a step, she ran.

Yani cried as she ran: "Niya..."

The leopard glanced at Yani who was running away, and his eyes fell on Niya.

It risked its body and pounced on Niya.

Niya's face was as pale as paper.

Everything was over.

But...what does it matter?

Niya had infinite fear in her heart, but she felt relieved when she realized that she was going to die.

Niya was a monster, and in the eyes of the tribe, she was a monster.

She was alienated and driven away like a monster, and she was considered unlucky.

Niya felt that she was an alien in this life, and it was useless to live.

If she died, she could still save her companions. For Niya, it was worth it.

Niya watched the leopard flying over, her eyelashes trembled, and she slowly closed her eyes.


Suddenly, there was a muffled sound.


Accompanied by a scream.

Niya could feel a gust of wind passing by.

She subconsciously opened her eyes and caught a glimpse of the flying shadow. She looked over there and saw the shadow hit the opposite wall with a bang.

Now Nia could see clearly that it was the leopard.

After the leopard hit the wall, its body fell down and fell into the abyss.

"Ah!" A leopard's cry sounded.

The leopard disappeared, but Nia was a little confused.

What happened?

Nia subconsciously looked forward.

At a glance, Nia found a person standing in front of her.

A weirdo.

Nia blinked subconsciously. This was a man, and this man was wearing clothes she had never seen before, and the man had fair skin.

No ears and no tail.

Nia blinked subconsciously, her expression was a little more confused, and she felt strange in her heart.

Was the beast knocked away by this man?

Nia's brain was a little frozen, and she was a little unable to think.

Chen Tao looked at Nia who was stunned.

To be honest, Chen Tao didn't intend to save people at first, but looking at the picture, looking at Nia's choice to sacrifice to save her friends.

Chen Tao really couldn't bear it, so he took action.

Looking at the girl in front of him, Chen Tao showed a gentle smile and said, "Are you okay?"

Nia was startled, she looked at Chen Tao, she nodded slightly, and said, "It's okay..., I didn't see what happened just now, it should be you who saved me. Thank you, you are Nia's benefactor."

Her voice is quite nice, crisp and pleasant.

Chen Tao smiled and said, "I was just passing by. What are you doing here?"

Nia was slightly startled. She said, "I am collecting wild vegetables and fruits to eat."

Nia pursed her thin lips, looked at Chen Tao strangely, and said, "You...are you from there? I feel that you look so strange... Sorry, I have no ill intentions..."

Nia seemed to be afraid that her words would offend Chen Tao. When she said the last part, she couldn't help but bow her head to apologize.

Looking at Niya's somewhat delicate appearance, Chen Tao smiled and said, "Don't worry, where I come from is not that important."

Chen Tao raised his hand, and there was a blue flower in his hand. He sent the flower to Niya and said with a smile, "The important thing is that I met you. Come, this flower is for you."

Nia was startled. She looked at the flower in Chen Tao's hand, and her eyes trembled slightly.

This is the Warrior Flower? !

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