My time is running out

Chapter 392 Nia is a monster?

Looking at the Warrior Flower so close in front of her, the girl Nia opened her mouth slightly and covered her mouth with her little hand. Her expression was a little more surprised.

Warrior flowers, without exception, all grow on the steep cliffs of the abyss.

If you want to pluck the Flower of Warriors, only a true brave can do it.

This kind of flower is what many girls in the Nia tribe dream about.

But now this strangely dressed man in front of her wants to hand her a Warrior's Flower?

Nia's eyes trembled slightly, with a glimmer of disbelief. She subconsciously looked at Chen Tao: "You... want to give me the Warrior's Flower?"

Chen Tao looked at Nia and said with a smile: "I can see that you like her very much. Since I have the chance to meet you, of course I have to give you a gift."

It can be seen that Nia likes this thing very much, but Chen Tao does not understand what this thing represents.

He just thought the girl liked it, so he took it off and gave it to her.

"You... don't like it?" Chen Tao couldn't help but look at Nia when he saw that Nia didn't take it.

Nia's eyes trembled slightly, with a hint of mist in them. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Can I?"

Chen Tao was slightly startled: "What?"

Nia wiped away her tears and looked at Chen Tao: "Can a monster like me really be treated like this?"

The biggest dream of girls in the tribe is for someone to risk their lives to pick a warrior flower and then give it to her.

Giving the warrior flower to a girl represents courtship in Nia’s tribe!

And when Nia was in the tribe, she was treated like a monster, but now a man presented her with a warrior flower that symbolized supreme glory and made love to her.

Nia's emotions suddenly became a little difficult to control.

Nia wiped the tears from her eyes, raised her face, and looked at Chen Tao with her steamy eyes.

Eyes facing each other.

So beautiful, this face.

Nia's skin is very fair, smooth and delicate, like gelatin, slightly blue, but it does not damage Nia's beauty at all, but adds an exotic charm to her.

She was wearing only thin animal skins. When two pieces of animal skins were attached to her body, they were considered as clothes.

But in this way, her tall and voluptuous figure could no longer be hidden.

The upper body holds the fabric high up, and under the animal skin below, the legs are slender and straight.

Her hot figure, coupled with her natural ears and tail and her natural blue blood, add a bit of exotic style.

It's just that Nia's eyes were filled with mist, and she looked at Chen Tao with overwhelmed emotions.

Looking at Nia’s expression.

Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly and he smiled: "They say you are a monster, but I don't think you are a monster. On the contrary, I think you are very cute. Compared to those who think you are a monster, you are much cuter."

Hearing Chen Tao's praise, Nia was slightly startled. She looked at Chen Tao, and her eyes fell on the blue flower in front of her. She raised her little hand and took the blue flower. Looking at Chen Tao with his eyes, his face turned red and blue.

After taking the flower, she held it carefully in her arms. She looked at Chen Tao and met Chen Tao's gaze.

Nia slowly lowered her head, with a faint smile on her face, looking very shy.

It looks quite pleasant.

"Rust, rustle..." Suddenly, footsteps sounded outside.

"It's over there, it's over there! Hurry up!" An anxious voice came from the other side.

Nia was slightly startled: "It's Yani's voice."

Chen Tao looked in the direction Nia was looking.

With the sound of rustling, a group of people walked out of the forest.

Chen Tao took a look and saw that it was Yani.

As soon as Yani saw Nia, her eyes suddenly lit up. She hurriedly ran to Nia. Her little face was full of tears and stains. She wiped the tears with her little hands and choked out: "I thought I’ll never see you again.”

Nia looked at Yani who was crying so hard that she blinked her eyes and said, "I'm fine."

Nia raised her hand and wiped the tears from Yani's face.

Yani's figure is smaller than Nia's, and her skin is also dark blue.

Nia is much taller than Yani.

"Yanni." Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Yanni was startled and looked behind her.

Behind Yani were five men with dark blue skin and furry ears.

These men are tall and have dark blue skin all over their bodies, but they are obviously much burlier than Nia and the others.

One of the leading men, with his eyebrows furrowed, looked at Yani and said, "You just said that people in our tribe were attacked by wild beasts. Is she the tribe member you are talking about?"

He pointed at Nia.

Yani was startled, and then she said, "It's Nia, that's right."

When the man heard this, his face darkened and he said, "You actually asked us to put down the prey we were about to get to save this monster?"

Listening to the man directly saying that he was a monster, Nia's face turned slightly pale.

The touch and joy that Yanni was worried about disappeared all of a sudden.

She looked a little more depressed.

Yani frowned: "Nia is not a monster, she is a member of the tribe like us and is my companion."

When Nia heard this, she looked at Yanni, her eyes glowing with a hint of luster.

"Companion? Who is her companion?" The man frowned and said, "A guy who looks completely different from us, if this kind of person stays in the tribe, it is very likely to bring bad luck to the tribe. If Antu hadn't wanted to keep her, we would have driven her out of the tribe long ago. What about companions."

Yani frowned: "She just looks different from us, but Nia is a good person, you can't say she is a monster because of this."

The man snorted: "What a waste of time, Yani, stay away from her in the end, otherwise, you will also be regarded as a monster, and it will be too late to regret it."

Yani said: "Ted, listen, Nia is my companion, people are recognized companions. I say, she is not a monster!" As she spoke, she puffed up her cheeks with anger.

Chen Tao was watching this scene from the side. Looking at Yani's angry look, he found that the girl's personality was also quite cute.

Ted was too lazy to say more to Yani. He turned his eyes and fell on Nia.

Ted frowned slightly and said, "What are you holding in your hand?"

Nia was slightly startled. She looked at the blue flower in her hand, and her eyes were shining.

"It's the Warrior Flower." Someone recognized the name of the flower.

"Warrior Flower? Is that possible? Who gave it to her?"

Yani's eyes lit up, and she looked at Nia and said, "Warrior Flower, it's really a Warrior Flower... Nia, where did you get it?"

Yani was also very curious.

Nia blushed slightly.

Ted crossed his arms, looked at Nia strangely, and said, "Where did you get it from?"

Ted's question was not so polite.

Nia subconsciously looked at Chen Tao next to her.

At this moment, everyone's attention was also on Chen Tao next to her.

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