My time is running out

Chapter 454: War within civilization

With the efforts of the dragon people, the entire universe tends to be balanced.

But there are countless civilizations in the universe, and various things are happening in each civilization all the time.

On this day, Li Xiaolu held the mirror. Through the mirror, she discovered a civilization that was facing a powerful nuclear bomb threat.

In one of the planets named Xia Yaxing.

Xia Yaxing is now in the period of nuclear bomb civilization. During this period, all countries in Xia Yaxing are scrambling to build nuclear bombs.

In one of the countries in Xia Yaxing called Sen Country.

In Qingya City, the capital of Mori Kingdom.

In a spacious room decorated with nobility and elegance.

A woman wearing a black uniform was sitting at the desk. She had long blond hair tied up, revealing a gorgeous face.

The woman wears white gloves and black boots.

She clasped her hands together, stared straight ahead, and said, "What's going on?"

This woman is Qingya, the leader of Mori Kingdom.

In front of Qing Ya, stood a black-haired woman in uniform, holding a data bag. This woman is Qing Ya's secretary, Jin Na. Jin Na looked at Qing Ya and said: "Last night, the Fire Nation's territory of Tin'er Island was attacked by a nuclear bomb from the West. In one night, tens of millions of people on Tin'er Island were all wiped out."

"Bang!" Along with a muffled sound, Qing Ya slapped her hand on the table.

The whole table trembled.

Qing Ya said angrily: "That bastard Marta! He openly violated the contract between nations and used nuclear bombs against other countries!"

Jin Na lowered her head and said, "Master, please calm down."

Qing Ya said: "Calm down! How can we calm down? If the Western Kingdom uses nuclear bombs against the Fire Nation, the Fire Nation will most likely break the agreement and use nuclear bombs against the Western Kingdom. If this continues, a nuclear bomb war will break out and the entire planet will be destroyed!"

Qingya stood up and said, "Contact Huo Lei, the leader of the Fire Nation, immediately."

Jin Na said: "Yes."

Jinna left.

Qing Ya sat on the chair again, her eyebrows furrowed tightly, and her brain was spinning crazily.

On Tinger Island, tens of millions of people died.

This must be an act of revenge.

The West Country and the Fire Country have always had conflicts.

The relationship between the two countries has long been filled with the smell of gunpowder.

For a period of time, there was a high-ranking official in the West who had a high reputation in the West. The two countries had not been at war. He was the one who maintained the balance between the two countries. He was a peace-loving person.

In order to make the two countries more peaceful, the official went to the Fire Nation to increase the friendship between the two countries through diplomacy.

But that prestigious official was killed by the Fire Nation's people less than a day after he entered the Fire Nation.

Less than a week has passed since that incident, and the West Country has given the Fire Country such a great gift.

"I remember Bias, who was killed on Tin'er Island. Was it really revenge..." Qing Ya frowned tightly.

Qing Ya said: "Tens of millions of people died in the Fire Nation all at once. With the temper of Sun Hao, the leader of the Fire Nation, this matter is probably going to be difficult. We must talk to Sun Hao and let him calm down."

Jin Na walked in and looked at Qing Ya.

Qing Ya said: "How is it?"

Jin Na said: "The Fire Nation has now entered a state of first-level war. I communicated with the Fire Nation's diplomats and told them that you wanted to contact Sun Hao, but the other party said that Sun Hao does not plan to meet with any other country now. "

"Damn it." Qing Ya's face turned slightly pale.

"Ring, ring, ring..." Jin Na's cell phone rang. She was slightly startled, took out her cell phone, then connected it and put it to her ear.

Jin Na said: "Yeah... good."

She hung up the phone.

Qing Ya said: "Is it a matter with the Fire Nation? Is Sun Hao willing to communicate?"

Jin Na shook her head and said, "It's a matter on the Fire Nation's side, but it's not about communicating with us. The information just came in. Just three minutes ago, the Fire Nation dropped three nuclear bombs on Lihong in the Western Kingdom. ”

Qing Ya took a breath, her face changed drastically, and she said, "Fire Country, West Country, are they planning to directly ignore the agreement and start a nuclear war?!"

Qing Ya hurriedly said: "Summon the heads of countries immediately."

An hour later.

Qingya sat in front of an oval table.

On other chairs, you can see people made of virtual images.

Those people are the heads of countries all over the world.

Apart from the heads of the Western Kingdom and the Fire Kingdom, there were seven people left in the room, including Qing Ya.

Qing Ya stood up, looked at the remaining six people and said, "I called everyone here this time to discuss the current war between the West Country and the Fire Country. Now our nine major countries have signed an agreement. Explain who will use nuclear bombs to attack first. , then the first person to use a nuclear bomb will be retaliated by all our countries. Now the West is the first to use a nuclear bomb.”

"Master Qingya, you can't say this about this." One of the men with a slicked back hair said: "Beiyu, the younger brother of Mata, the leader of the Western Kingdom, went to the Fire Nation for the sake of peace between the two countries. As a result, he was killed by people from the Fire Nation. Assassination. The West is the party that advocates peace, but the Fire Country is the evil and hateful party. The West uses nuclear bombs, which are righteous nuclear bombs. It would be too strange for us to retaliate against a country that longs for peace, right? "

"Yes, yes, yes, the Lord of the Sea Kingdom is right." Someone agreed.

"I also think the leader of the Sea Kingdom is right."

Another person stood up and said, "Lord of the Sea, I don't agree with what you said. The person who assassinated the Western envoy was not instigated by the Fire Country. Perhaps some countries wanted to provoke a world war and arranged such a person. How can we say that the war was provoked by the Fire Country? The matter is still unclear, and the Western Country directly used nuclear bombs to attack. I think the person who assassinated Beiyu in the Western Country may be someone from the Western Country."

"Anyway." He continued, "Since the Western Country used nuclear bombs, according to the agreement we made, they have to pay the price for what they did!"

"Yes, Lord of the Earth Country is right." Someone echoed.

"I also think what the Lord of Earth said is right."

The Lord of Sea frowned and said, "You three countries have always been so close to Fire Country. Now you know it's Fire Country's fault, but you still speak for Fire Country."

"Haha, Lord of Sea." Lord of Earth said with a smile, "It was not Fire Country that used the nuclear bomb first, but West Country. You are so close to West Country, and the sister of the Lord of West Country is your wife, so it's no wonder you would mention West Country."

Qingya frowned suddenly.

Qingya suddenly found that the other six people in the room, including her, had been divided into two camps, one standing on the side of West Country and the other on the side of Fire Country.

The nuclear bomb agreement that was made before was like a blank sheet of paper at this moment, without any effect.

No one could convince anyone in a meeting.

The meeting had to be dispersed.

Qingya returned to her office, she sat weakly on the chair, covering her head with her hands.

"It's over."

Looking at Qingya's tired look, Jinna said, "Lord, what happened?"

Qingya raised her face, looked at the ceiling, and said, "Half of the world stands on the side of the Fire Country, and half stands on the side of the West Country. If the Fire Country and the West Country fight, all the countries in the world will be affected. This world war seems to be inevitable."

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