My time is running out

Chapter 455 Alien Visitors

Jin Na looked at Qing Ya and said, "Then, what should we do?"

Qing Ya said: "If there is another world war now, it will be a nuclear bomb war. Our planet cannot withstand a nuclear bomb attack. If there is a nuclear bomb war, the entire planet will be completely destroyed."

She frowned, looked away, looked at her white-gloved hands, and said, "I hope the leaders of the countries will not be stupid enough to launch a full-scale war."

Qingya put her hands together, held her nose with her fingers, and said, "This is the only hope."

"I heard that a nuclear bomb war is about to break out here?" Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Hear this sound.

Qing Ya was slightly startled, then she stood up suddenly and said, "Who?"

There was a man standing directly in front of Qing Ya.

Qing Ya stood up and looked at the man, her eyebrows furrowed tightly.

The man was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. He was tall and thin, and looked quite handsome.

Next to the man is a girl.

The girl is dressed like the man. She wears a white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. The simple outfit fits the girl's slender figure and looks quite cute.

The girl has a delicate and delicate face, and under the long and narrow eyelashes are a pair of large eyes, which are crystal clear.

Qingya hadn't noticed there were two people in the room just now, but now they suddenly appeared.

This made Qingya feel a little surprised and uneasy.

If someone could sneak into her office in broad daylight, wouldn't it mean that if someone wanted to kill her, it would only take a thought?

This is terrible.

"How did you get in?" Qingya stood up and looked at the two people in front of her nervously.

The man and woman were Chen Tao and Li Xiaolu respectively.

Chen Tao looked at the tall woman in front of him and disappeared.

Just disappeared into thin air.

This strange scene made Qingya's pupils condense slightly. She looked closely, but she didn't expect Chen Tao's figure.

Where are people? This doubt arose in her mind.

But the voice sounded behind Qingya.

"Where are you looking?"

Qing Ya felt the hairs all over her body stand up, and she looked behind her.

I saw Chen Tao looking over there with his hands folded across his chest. He looked at Qing Ya with a smile and said, "I'm here."

Qingya's pupils trembled.

How is it possible? Qing Ya clearly saw this man right in front of her just now, but now this man has circled behind her in the blink of an eye. Let's not talk about how he disappeared out of thin air. Simply speaking, he moved to this distance at this moment. It's about six meters wide.

In other words, if the man in front of him wants to kill her, he can do it with just one thought.

Qing Ya's expression was a little more solemn.

"Guards!" Jin Na, feeling threatened, immediately shouted.

Qing Ya was startled and said, "Jin Na!"

"Bang." The desk door suddenly opened.

Two guards rushed in with guns drawn.

Qing Ya said loudly: "Stop!"

The two guards were slightly startled. They looked at each other and Qing Ya.

Qing Ya said: "Go out and no one is allowed to come in without my order."

The two guards stood at attention together.


The two of them went out together again and closed the door.

Seeing this, Jin Na was stunned. She looked at Qing Ya and said, "The Lord..."

Qing Ya glanced at Jin Na and said, "If he wants to kill me, I'm already dead. Since I'm not dead, it means he doesn't want to kill me. There's no need to call in the guards."

Jin Na was slightly startled. She nodded slightly and said, "Yes."

Qing Ya looked at Chen Tao and Li Xiaolu, and said, "Who are you two? Why are you here looking for me?"

Chen Tao looked at the blond beauty in uniform in front of him and said, "Let me introduce myself first. My name is Chen Tao, and I am the master of this universe."

Qing Ya was startled: "The master of the universe?"

Chen Tao looked at Qing Ya and said, "Don't know?"

Qing Ya looked at Chen Tao and said, "I've never heard of it."

Chen Tao said: "I can explain to you that there is a civilization in this universe called the Dragon Man Civilization. The Dragon Man Civilization has its duty to protect the balance of the universe, and I am the king of the Dragon Man. The purpose of my coming here is also very simple. , I heard that there is a nuclear bomb crisis here, and the planet will be wiped out by nuclear bombs at any time, so I came to take a look. "

Qing Ya's eyes were filled with a hint of surprise and confusion, and she said, "What did you say? Are you from an alien planet?"

Chen Tao looked at Qing Ya and said, "Yes."

Qing Ya looked at Chen Tao and said, "If someone had said this to me an hour ago, I would have regarded him as a fool, but after seeing the ability you just showed, I have to face you squarely. That’s what I said.”

Qing Ya said: "As you said, our planet is facing an unprecedented threat from nuclear bombs. If this threat is allowed to continue, I am afraid this planet will no longer exist."

She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Do you have a way to solve this matter?"

Chen Tao said: "Of course."

Chen Tao can reshape a planet, and it is naturally easy to solve the problem of nuclear bombs on a planet.

If Chen Tao wanted to, he could directly redefine the nuclear bomb in this world and make it ineffective in this world.

But in this way, it will have a great impact on the subsequent process of this civilization.

After all, nuclear bombs are also part of the process of civilization development. If nuclear bombs are redefined and all nuclear bombs cannot be detonated, then the progress of this civilization will stagnate, which is not what Chen Tao wants to see.

However, it is also possible to temporarily redefine nuclear bombs.

For Chen Tao, solving this matter is just a matter of thought.

But Chen Tao is really bored staying at home, and now it is just the right time to take advantage of this matter to go out and have fun.

Qingya looked at Chen Tao and said, "What are you going to do?"

Chen Tao crossed his arms, looked at Qingya, and said, "I plan to find their leaders and have a chat."

Qingya frowned and said, "The Lord of the West Country, Marta, and the Lord of the Fire Country, Sun Hao, those two have been blinded by hatred and anger. They will not stop just by chatting for a few words."

Chen Tao said, "Chatting doesn't work, so kill them, what do you think?" He can directly change a person's mind and turn that person into a puppet who listens to him, but this is not the practice of the Dragon People civilization, nor is it suitable for the Dragon People civilization.

The rule of the Dragon Civilization is that you can kill your enemies, but you can never use genetic abilities to change a person's mind.

Qingya said: "Now is a sensitive period of conflict. If you kill their leader, it will be like throwing a match into a gunpowder barrel. It is estimated that both the Western Country and the Fire Country will directly throw out nuclear bombs, and then the planet will be destroyed faster."

Chen Tao's eyebrows stretched slightly, he crossed his arms, thought for a while, and said: "Then I will try another method."

He looked at Qingya and said: "I will destroy all the nuclear bombs in your world. What do you think?"

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