My time is running out

Chapter 470 Give me the answer

Marta was stunned. She looked at Chen Tao and said, "Why are you here?"

She looked around subconsciously, and then she found that she was in mid-air.

She looked at Chen Tao, and then she noticed that a pair of pure white wings were slowly flapping behind Chen Tao.

Marta's eyes trembled slightly. She looked at Chen Tao, and her rose-colored eyes trembled slightly, with a hint of disbelief in them.

Marta looked at Chen Tao and said, "You are indeed a god."

At the same time.

Shepherd had just come out of the hotel door. As soon as he came out, he noticed that the people next to him were looking up.

Shepherd could hear discussions.

"What is that?"

"That man has wings... Is he a god?"

"He seems to be holding a girl in his arms."

Hearing the discussions next to him.

Shepherd's eyebrows stretched slightly, he raised his face, and looked up.

At a glance, Shepherd also saw the man with wings, and at the same time saw the girl in the man's arms.

Seeing the girl, Muyang's pupils condensed slightly, and his pupils trembled.

"How... How is it possible?!"

The girl in the man's arms looked so familiar.

Since Muyang received the task and got the girl's photo half a month ago, he nailed the photo on the wall and stared at it every day.

The girl in the man's arms was Muyang's target this time, Marta, the ruler of the Western Kingdom!

Just now, Muyang shot the girl's forehead with a sniper rifle.

But now Muyang found that the girl in the man's arms was not injured at all.

This scene was too strange.

Muyang's eyes trembled slightly, he stared at Chen Tao, and said to himself: "Is it because of that man?"

Realizing this, Muyang touched the black bag with a sniper rifle hanging on his body.

Muyang looked back at the hotel behind him, he retracted his sight and left.

Just now, he fired a gun in this hotel, and the guards of this Sen country will definitely arrive in a while, and he can't stay here any longer.

Must run.

Anyway, we have to go.

He got into the black car and drove away.

Chen Tao subconsciously glanced at the black car that was slowly moving away below.

He retracted his gaze, looked at Marta, and said, "I'll take you back first."

Marta nodded slightly.

Chen Tao and Marta's figures disappeared together.

When they appeared again, the surrounding environment changed again.

Marta looked around and was surprised to find that the surroundings had also become her bedroom.

Chen Tao put Marta on the bed.

Marta sat on the edge of the bed, looked around, then looked at Chen Tao and said, "Is this... my bedroom?"

Chen Tao said, "Well, you stay here for a while, I'll leave." As he said that, he disappeared without waiting for Marta to say anything.

Marta looked at the empty bedroom, she got up and looked around.

"My bedroom..., this is actually in my bedroom." Marta felt a strong sense of unreality, this feeling was too strange.

You should know that Marta's room is in the capital of the West Country, and just a second ago, Marta was in the capital of the Forest Country.

The distance between the two cities is not short. Even if you take a plane, it will take half a day.

But in the blink of an eye, such a long distance has been crossed...

This is something Marta can't imagine. This is completely beyond her common sense.

Suddenly, Marta subconsciously touched her forehead with her hand.

She was shot here just now. The feeling was very clear. She was definitely not dreaming, but she didn't die.

"No wonder it's because of him?"

Marta looked at the scenery on the balcony and said to herself: "Can he resurrect the dead?"

"God..., is this the power of God?"

At the same time.

Muyang drove away, and now he is on the road to escape.

As a killer, Muyang knows very well that after sniping in a place, he must leave that place immediately.

Otherwise, he will be discovered. If the killer is discovered, it means that his life is in danger.

So, even if he sees that the target survives strangely, he can only choose to run.

The car was halfway on the road when Muyang suddenly saw a figure in front of him.

It was a man with white wings. The man was flying in the air. He slowly landed in front of the road, staring at Muyang with a pair of eyes.

Muyang's face sank slightly. He saw someone in front of him, but he did not stop the car. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.

The speedometer on the car instantly soared to the limit.

The car shot towards the man in the distance like an arrow from a string.

The man was Chen Tao, watching the car coming towards him.

Chen Tao stood there without dodging.

The car was about to hit Chen Tao.

Muyang suddenly opened the door, and he suddenly jumped out of the car, and now the car was driving on the suspension bridge.

When Muyang jumped out, his body fell from the suspension bridge, and below was the sea.

At the moment Muyang fell, Muyang saw that the car hit Chen Tao.


Accompanied by the sound of explosion, flames shot up from the suspension bridge.

In an instant, flames shot up to the sky.

Shepherd looked at the flames and squinted his eyes.

Then his body fell into the sea, and the water splashed for a while.

After Muyang's body sank into the sea, he relied on his swimming skills to start swimming and quickly swam towards the shore.

I swam for about fifteen minutes.

The shepherd came ashore.

As soon as they landed, Shepherd heard a sound.

"The sea water is very salty."

When the shepherd heard the sound, he felt excited. He stood up and looked at the source of the sound.

Over there, a man stood with his hands folded on his chest, looking at the shepherd indifferently.

That man was Chen Tao, who had just been hit by Muyang's car.

Chen Tao didn't have any injuries on his body and looked calm.

Muyang hurriedly pulled out the pistol from his waist and pointed it at Chen Tao.

"Bang bang!"

Two gunshots rang out, bullets emerged from the muzzle and shot towards Chen Tao.

Chen Tao raised his hand.

Caught two bullets with one hand.

He opened his hand, and the two twisted bullets fell to the concrete floor with two soft sounds.

Muyang's face changed, and he looked at Chen Tao with trembling pupils: "You...who are you?!"

Chen Tao looked at Muyang and said, "I should ask you this question, right? Who are you? Why did you attack that woman?"

The one who has conflicts with the Western Kingdom now is the Fire Nation. Could the person in front of him be a killer sent by the Fire Nation? Could it be sent by Sun Hao?

Chen Tao needs to know this.

Muyang frowned suddenly, raised his hand, and pointed the pistol at his head.


There was a gunshot.

The shepherd fell to the ground and became motionless.

Looking at the shepherd who had turned into a corpse.

Chen Tao's eyebrows slightly stretched and he said: "You really have the bearing of a killer, but you still have to answer the answer I want to know, even if you commit suicide."

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