My time is running out

Chapter 471: A vicious woman

Muyang is dead. When the company trained the killer, one of the rules was that if the killer was caught, there was only one choice, suicide.

Only by death can the secret be hidden and not revealed.

But Muyang was wrong. The person he met now was not an ordinary person, but Chen Tao.

For Chen Tao, even if Muyang was dead, he could still read the information he wanted to know through the code stored in Muyang's body.

Chen Tao looked at Muyang. In Chen Tao's eyes, Muyang's whole body turned into a code composed of 1 and 0.

Through these codes, Chen Tao can read Muyang's memories of this life.

Although Muyang is dead, those memories are stored in his brain. As long as he reads the memory code that constitutes his brain, he can know all of Muyang's memories.

Chen Tao read it and his eyebrows stretched slightly.

Muyang's life is very simple. He was adopted by a company called Blackstone when he was a child, and then he was trained to be a killer. After he was sixteen years old, he began his career as a killer.

It has been three years now.

In the past three years, Muyang has killed hundreds of people. He accepts missions without asking for the purpose or reason, just killing.

This is the life of Muyang.

Chen Tao wants to know who sent Muyang, but through Muyang's memory, he only knows a company called Blackstone and his boss named Scorpion.

That's all.

Muyang doesn't even know where Blackstone is located, what power it belongs to, or what Scorpion looks like.

Muyang knows too little.

Shockingly little.

He is completely a tool in the hands of others, nothing more.

This is a troublesome matter.

If it were someone else, the clues would probably be cut off, and it would be difficult to find the person behind the scenes.

But Chen Tao has his own way. He reached out and took the walkie-talkie off Muyang.

This walkie-talkie is the only channel for Muyang to communicate with Scorpion.

If you want to find Scorpion, you can only rely on this thing.

However, Chen Tao looked at the walkie-talkie and found that it had been flooded.

It's broken.

What to do? This walkie-talkie is the only clue to find the mastermind. If this thing is broken, Scorpion cannot be contacted. Then, with only one clue, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack to find the person called Scorpion. You should know that Black Stone and Scorpion are probably just code names. Perhaps only Shepherd knows these two code names.

With Shepherd's death, these two code names are probably gone.

It is impossible to find them.

The walkie-talkie in Chen Tao's hand glowed with blue light, and soon, the walkie-talkie was repaired.

The walkie-talkie is fixed.

Chen Tao said to the walkie-talkie: "The mission failed, and the target is still alive." He used the programmed voice changer to change his voice, and the voice he made was the same as Shepherd's.

"I saw it." The voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie sounded slowly, saying: "You did a good job, and this failure is not your fault. Go first and wait for the next task."

Chen Tao raised his face and looked around.

Everything around him turned into blue code.

The intercom needs to transmit information through signals.

And now in Chen Tao's eyes, everything has become a code, including signals.

He transmits through signals.

Came to the source of the signal transmission just now.

His figure appeared in a room.

Chen Tao is now standing in a living room.

And in the living room, a woman in a bathrobe, wearing a pair of red high heels, sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed.

This woman is tall and proud, and looks extremely cold.

She is holding a glass of red wine in her hand, and on the table in front of her is the intercom.

And in front of the woman, five meters away, 180 degrees around, all are screens.

Most of the screen images are surveillance images near the location where Marta is in danger.

This woman is Scorpion.

But the voice Chen Tao just heard on the intercom is a male.

Obviously, this Scorpion uses a voice changer.

Time resumes.

As soon as Scorpion finished speaking, she shook the wine glass in her hand, and frowned as she looked at the red liquid in the glass.

As if she had noticed something, she raised her face and looked at Chen Tao.

Their eyes met.

Scorpion's eyebrows suddenly frowned, and she stretched out her hand, took out a pistol from the sofa, pointed the muzzle at Chen Tao, and pulled the trigger directly.

Scorpion was only wearing a bathrobe and looked defenseless, but no one expected that she would have a pistol on the sofa.

She picked up the gun and fired the gun in one go, without any hesitation, just to kill Chen Tao instantly.

The bullet flew.

Chen Tao stretched out his hand and caught the bullet with one hand.

He opened his mouth.

The bullet fell to the ground.


The sound produced by the collision between the hard bullet and the floor was particularly crisp.

Scorpion's cold face changed.

Scorpion was still planning to pull the trigger, but his hand exerted force.

"Splash." The pistol in her hand turned into water, soaking her palm.

Scorpion was stunned. She adjusted her mood and slowly sat back on the sofa, staring at Chen Tao.

Chen Tao casually threw the intercom on the table.

Scorpion looked at the intercom on the table and frowned.

Chen Tao said, "Do you know why I came to see you?"

Hearing this, Scorpion looked at Chen Tao, crossed her legs, looked at Chen Tao, and said, "I don't know."

Chen Tao crossed his arms, looked at the charming woman in front of him, and said, "Tell me, what organization do you belong to? Why did you attack Marta?"

Scorpion showed a playful smile and said, "Do you want to know? I can tell you, but you have to satisfy me with one thing."

Looking at Scorpion's charming and charming smile, his eyebrows stretched slightly and said, "What is it?"

Scorpion stood up, took a cat step, walked in front of Chen Tao, gently put her hand around Chen Tao's neck, looked at Chen Tao charmingly, and said, "Your body can't be penetrated by bullets, it's so hard, I just don't know if your whole body is hard."

She looked at Chen Tao, and a glimmer of murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

Sometimes a woman's body can also be a weapon, and Scorpion is a woman. She has the advantages of a woman. With her appearance and her figure, no matter which man sees her, it is impossible to control himself.

But she has hidden all kinds of poisons in her body. As long as the man dares to do something, she can kill him immediately.

Chen Tao raised his hand, held Scorpion's hand, looked at her and said: "I see you don't want to know if my body is hard, but if my body is resistant to poison, right?"

She was startled, and the smile on her face froze.

Scorpion adjusted her mood, she looked at Chen Tao and said: "Yes."

She smiled: "Then do you dare?"

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