My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 990: Fierce battle

Sun Wukong, Qi Tian Da Sheng, the world-famous demon king five hundred years ago, the demon uprising leader who led the world's demons against the heavenly regime, and fought against the heavenly court for hundreds of years. Although it has failed and ended, it has far-reaching influence!

It can be said that the reason why the world is rampant now is inseparable from the turmoil five hundred years ago!

In this hundreds of years of war, Huaguo Mountain was almost razed to the ground! Those demons who once stood against Sun Wukong against Heaven Court, either betrayed the Demon Clan during this period, or were defeated and killed, or they were tortured to death after being captured.

All in all, no one ended well!

Sun Wukong was suppressed by Da Riru for 500 years, which is already the easiest! Of course, the premise is to ignore the abuse he suffered when he was captured by heaven, the heartache he was betrayed by his comrades, and the pain of what he cares most about being destroyed by heaven, and the torture of these five hundred years!

He is a demon, but not ruthless.

It's just that he is a demon after all, not a person.

Humans are affectionate, but why have humans ever been affectionate to demons? Why have you ever been in love with flowers and trees? How many people can have feelings for "non-my" creatures?

In this case, why should the demon have affection for human beings?

Whether it is a fairy above the sky, or a human being who lives on the earth, they never left their hands when they killed the demon, so the demon will not keep his hand when he kills people! Especially such a big demon king who has experienced ups and downs and commanded countless wars!

He knew that he was not as strong as he seemed, so he could not be weaker, because he knew that weakness would destroy himself and bring him back to the situation where he was bullied and slaughtered hundreds of years ago!

So he only stared at the two indifferently.

Breeding and matching is a natural thing for all animals, not only for humans, but also for demon races.

But in the hundreds of years of war, even before starting his own army to resist the heaven, there were too many demon couples who were dismantled by humans and immortals by extremely cruel and **** means! Even some fairy gods and practitioners will torture his partner to death in the presence of a demon, and some people will take a look at the beauty of some demon women and force her to take them away to let her vent her desires. It is worth mentioning that almost no one has ever controlled whether this demon girl has a spouse.

Perhaps those fairy gods and humans never treated the demon as a creature equal to them, never thought that the demon would be painful and desperate, and never considered the demon's emotions!

In this case, why should he care about humans?

The world is vast, the divine power changes several times, and different races will eventually collide, and whoever has the upper hand, who can step on other races with a stronger posture!

The revival of the monster race Tianting was his belief!

The two in front of him were just the first small stones that stood at his feet after his comeback, and they could just kick and fly out!

He did exactly that!

Sun Wukong stared at the two human beings, indifferent to their sweet words before they died, and walked towards them step by step.

"Then die together ..." he whispered.

Suddenly, a roar came from across the hill, and a shell roughly the thickness of his waist hit him!



Sun Wukong's face didn't change, he raised it with one hand, and his palm was exactly in front of this shell!

But he does not have the same means as Anyang's "Aura Screen" to fix himself and the void, which determines that no matter how powerful he is, unless he has enough acceleration or uses magical powers, he can hardly stabilize against the great power !

So I just heard a bang ...

Hundreds of times the speed of sound shells hit him and was "grabbed" by his hand. At the same time, huge force took him directly out, hitting the side of the mountain with a bang!


There was a deep pit in the mountain, the gravel fell, and the dust covered the area.

Anyang came out of the sky and fell in front of Xuan Zang.

He pursed his lips, looked calmly, and looked at Xuan Zang and Duan Xiaoxiao, murmured a few spells, and reached out to Duan Xiaoxiao on the ground.

"The Art of Withering Wood and Spring!"

"Great cure!"

"Noah's Light Magic!"

The effect of the third operation method has not been used up. The severely injured and dying Duan Xiao Pei has come back to life. Just wait for some natural recovery of the body, she can fully recover!

Duan Xiaoxiao froze, stretched out his hand, and found that the hand that had just been broken by Sun Wukong was good, and then he blinked to Anyang.

Then she put her hands down decisively and continued to pretend to be about to die. She said weakly to Xuan Zang: "If I can survive, will you marry me?"

"Yes! Certainly ..." Xuan Zang held his little hand tightly, his face full of pain.

Under this sorrow, even if Anyang came, he did not have the joy of being saved. Even if Anyang obviously cast a spell on Duan Xiaoxiao, he still did not realize that Duan Xiaoxiao was about to be saved, and his heart had been Blindfolded.

"That's good ..." Duan Xiaoxiao coughed twice.

Anyang glanced coldly at her next: "Okay, Sun Wukong is about to come out soon. Xiu Ai will show again in the future. Anyway, he will come to Japan to grow up. Now it's important to escape!"

After the speech was over, Xuan Zang immediately froze.

Duan Xiaoxiao also turned over and got up from Xuan Zang's arms, moved his hands and feet, a little embarrassed said: "How did you cure me, I am obviously going to die, you can still pull me out of the ghost gate ! "

Xuan Zang sat staring blankly.

Anyang ignored Duan Xiao, but patted Xuan Zang's shoulder: "If I didn't come, she would die."

Xuan Zang was still stunned, a little preoccupied.

The dark red blood mixed with the visceral debris flowed down his mouth and looked terrible ...

So Anyang cast another healing spell on him!

"Oh ..."

Xuan Zhuang took a deep breath, his appearance suddenly improved, then coughed again, lowered his head and touched his chest, and looked at Anyang in disbelief.

Anyang asked: "Do you understand?"

Xuan Zang stared at him staring blankly.

Anyang smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. Next, think about all the things you have experienced and what you have seen along the way. The so-called salvation, the so-called Dharma, the so-called truth, what are these things!"

Xuan Zang still didn't speak, stunned.

Anyang glanced at him lightly, without saying much, and the current situation would not allow him and Xuan Zangla to do homely.

Since he met Xuanzang, he has been guiding him. He has considered every sentence and every thing, and finally reached the last step. It should be effective if he wants to come.

At this moment, a cough came from a distant mountain wall!


Sun Wukong, who was short in stature, came out from the dust and mist in the mountains. While waving the dust in front of him, he looked at Anyang with his eyes, and suddenly his eyes narrowed: "Who are you, the taste of demon and God?"

"Da Sheng, how about stopping?" Anyang said.

"Stop it? What do you have the right to tell me to stop, but it's just another person who came to die!" Sun Wukong held his hands to his chest and scanned him coldly up and down.

"I'm not here to provoke you, I just want to save these two people." An Yang whispered and pointed to the top of his head. "The Buddha is in this sky. Everything that happened now is arranged by him, including These two people. What is his purpose I do n’t want to say, does Da Sheng want him to do what he wants? "

"Save it? The person I named Sun Wukong to kill, so far no one has been able to save them!" Sun Wukong spit on the ground. "If you look at it, I will fight against him today, and just Starting to kill this monk, you dare to stop me, hehe, I will kill you together to see how long it is inside you! "

"Then it seems that our negotiations have failed." Anyang said rather helplessly, and then took a deep breath-he didn't mind teaching about the combat power of Sun Wukong in this world!

"Miss Duan, Master, you go first, I stop him!"

"No, you can't beat him!"

"how do you know?"

"He was the demon king five hundred years ago!"

"Five hundred years ago, there were demon kings everywhere!" Anyang said coldly, "Miss Duan, take Master Xuanzhuang away, I will come to you!"

"... Well, you be careful!"

At this moment, Sun Wukong's brows and eyes were condensed, and his grin revealed a cruel smile. He said fiercely: "Five hundred years ago, there were demon kings everywhere ... Hey, then I will show you what a demon king is!"

"Wait and wait ~ ~ Anyang bowed slightly.

"No one is allowed to leave!" Sun Wukong suddenly looked at Duan Xiao who had Xuan Zang hard against his shoulders, and flew towards them in an instant, and raised his fist in the air!


Anyang did not care too, offering a small flag, blocking himself between Sun Wukong and Duan Xiaoxiao, holding the small flag and waving it in the air, the small flag rose to a full length!

I saw him violently wave, and a great force flew out!


Sun Wukong was blown out by Juli Shengsheng!

With a snort, he landed on the ground, his body still standing, but constantly receding, plowing a deep gully on the stone ground.

Anyang put down the flag, stood in the sky, and looked at Sun Wukong with his eyes: "Da Sheng, why do you, you have been suppressed by the Buddha for five hundred years, and I happen to be uncomfortable with Lingshan today! With the following mortals fighting against his doctrines, why should we kill each other? And how can you beat Buddha so much? After all, it is unwise! "

"A lot of nonsense!"

Sun Wukong punched him again.

Anyang put down the flag, squinted his eyes, his body shook, his body muscles were suddenly ready to accumulate, layer by layer, the body's energy was also mobilized to fill the eight channels, and various auxiliary techniques and spells were instantly cast on himself. The destructive means of restraint and slowdown are applied to Sun Wukong layer by layer!

I saw Sun Wukong, who was flying at high speed, frowned, his flight speed dropped sharply, and his invincible momentum gradually disappeared.

At the same time, Anyang put out a punch and collided fiercely with him!


A muffled noise erupted from Wuxing Mountain in the night, and the air waves swept away with the light of Anyang spells. The two who had just walked out a few hundred meters were almost shocked and fell to the ground.

See clearly at the foot of the mountain.

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