My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 989: Anyang to Sun Wukong!

The moonlight is bright and the night is sultry.

Xuan Zang's disheveled hair was blown and swayed, and suddenly he seemed to see a woman in white Sheng Xue ran up from behind the mountain with a stunned and brilliant smile, and looked at him with a chuckle.

At this time she should say: "Look, I know you can't let me go, are you thinking of me?"

But unfortunately, she was still smiling, and before she had time to say that, the illusion disappeared. The mountain and stone in front of her were still empty, leaving a huge round of the moon hanging in the sky, shining bright and bright light.

How beautiful is this moon?

Without the dancers, after all, it is so lonely!

Suddenly, the sound of Sun Wukong sounded from behind, and there were some echoes from the cave, which was even more lonely: "Mr. Chen, is the moon round tonight?"

Xuan Zang glanced at it for a moment, then said: "It's quite round."

"That's good, my hole was blocked by the lotus flower, and I don't know how long I haven't seen the moon." The voice below said regretfully, and smiled again, but how lonely the laughter sounded Helpless, how bleak.

Xuanzang froze, looking back at the lotus flower.

Almost without much thought, he pulled the lotus out of the way.

But when he just got up, he heard Peng's sound, and the fire suddenly lit up in front of him. The white lotus that he had just pulled out was burning fiercely!

Xuanzang was shocked and quickly threw it into the lotus pond.

Suddenly, it was Peng once again.

The whole lotus pond was blazing with flames, and there were flames all over the place for a time. Only the stone he stood on was not burning, but the fire also blocked his retreat, and the heat wave was coming!

In the cave, Sun Wukong stroked his forehead from his forehead to the back of his head. The gentle expression before him suddenly disappeared.

"Finally fooled!"

A miserable expression appeared on his face, and in a blink of an eye the misery turned into laughter, and then he seemed to scratch his head like a monkey. The expression of laughter suddenly became cruel, and his teeth grinned!

Until he jumped!

"Boom ... Wait!"

A loud noise mixed with blazing flames suddenly rushed out of the hole, the hole was smashed directly! Then there was a sharp sound of breaking the sky, and a group of meteor-like flames soared from the hole, and stabbed straight into the night sky!

Xuanzang suddenly froze, looked up blankly.

The flame turned around in the sky, flew down suddenly, and landed in front of Xuan Zang. It turned into a monkey demon with a height of about 1.2 meters, and a handsome flag was inserted behind his back!

Xuan Zang looked startled, and his face was cold and sweaty.

I saw that this monkey demon had no appearance of "humanoid Sun Wukong" at all, nor that gentle and polite temperament, only one body of anger! He was dressed in gold armor. Although he was short, he had a stern face and fierce eyes!

He suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Xuan Zang's collar, and flicked directly into the distance, throwing him out of the 100 meters!


Xuan Zang exclaimed loudly.

He flew high into the sky, crossed the lotus pond, screamed and fell, and when he was about to fall on the mountain and fell to pieces, he was firmly grasped by one hand!

Xuan Zang opened his eyes and saw a pair of black Bu Yunlu standing close together, and then turned around—


Sun Wukong stared at him with a terrible look!

"It's you?" Xuan Zang said.

Sun Wukong was holding the banana in a rage. The voice was still the same as before, but he was full of excitement: "Do you really think a banana will get me done? The lotus is the seal, this is my true body , You helped me unblock it, I finally got out of the Buddha ’s control, haha! "

Xuan Zang was a little panicked at first, but now he calmed down, looking at Zhang Kuang's Sun Wukong with some surprise.

He knew that he had made a big mistake. I am afraid that crushing bones and bones would not be enough to make up for the sin of releasing this demon. Why should he be afraid of life and death again?

So he said: "You just walked out of the cave, the Buddha is still there. He has been watching us all, controlling everything."

Sun Wukong stunned and lowered his head: "Still?"

Xuanzang looked up at the night sky above him.

Sun Wukong raised his head accordingly, and the bright and clean night sky had been covered with several layers of dark clouds, and the bright moon still shone with silver glory between the dark clouds, still shining on the earth.


He suddenly roared.

At the same time, the earth centered on him, swaying a circle of sound waves visible to the naked eye, directly lifting up the dust stones on the ground, blowing away the dark clouds above the head, and overturning Xuan Zang out, falling heavily on the ground covered with gravel!

Xuan Zang had just stood up, but his legs were soft and he fell to his knees, spitting out blood.


He quickly folded his hands together.

With a click, Sun Wukong came to him and pointed a finger at him: "put your hands down."

Xuan Zang turned a deaf ear: "Amitabha."

Sun Wukong sneered, stepped forward to grab Xuan Zang's hair, and gritted his teeth to pull it **** his head: "I tell you to put your hands down!"

Xuanzang exclaimed!

His face was almost twisted with pain, and his hands folded together, but they immediately closed again.

Seeing this, Sun Wukong was furious again, constantly pulling his hair one by one, making a horrifying horror sound under the night, and yelling in his mouth: "Let down, I tell you to let me down, let down ... "

Xuan Zang didn't want to die, clenched his teeth tightly, clenched his hands into fists, and then closed them again in a flash, gasping for gasps.

Sun Wukong was angry for a while, shouting and laying down, and constantly pulling the hair on his head until all his hair was ripped off, revealing a **** scalp!


Xuan Zang gritted his teeth tightly, squinting his eyes.

He still closed his hands.

Sun Wukong took a deep breath and said, "You said that the Buddha arranged everything?"

Xuan Zang squeezed a word from his throat: "Yes!"

"Then he can arrange your death?" Sun Wukong said grudgingly, reaching out a hand, "Then I will send you to see your Buddha !!"

As soon as the words fell, he suddenly turned and glanced!

I saw a strong man standing behind him.


Sun Wukong flew back and landed in front of this man!

But I saw two people beside him

A young man in white and a white hat, his skin was pale, his eyes were deep, and he was shaking with a fan.

An old man with a cane is gray-haired, but a little different is that one of his legs is very small, like a baby's foot, wrapped in cloth, just like an old man with a wind candle.

That man, whom Anyang met before--

Liu Zhuangshi!

Anyang didn't care, sitting indifferently.

In exactly the same way as the plot, in order to compete for the title of the first exorcist in the central part, the three people shifted their target from the pig demon to Sun Wukong, and began to challenge him.

Sun Wukong, the demon king five hundred years ago, had a reputation for attracting them, but they had no awe!

Perhaps they are used to being arrogant and invincible. They are almost invincible in the exorcism world in the middle, and they have contempt for all non-exorcist practitioners.

As a result, the three of them started to die!

Liu Zhuangshi, who had a relationship with Anyang overnight, provoked Sun Wukong, and was crushed to the ground and bitten to death!

Tian Can's feet are still not afraid. After only one round with Sun Wukong, he was pierced by Sun Wukong with a punch, and was almost abandoned!

Rao is so, the vacant son who claims to be the first in the world is still very confident in himself!

I saw that he took out a box and ejected several flying swords from it, turning them into sharp swords and slashing towards Sun Wukong!

He was indeed much stronger than Liu Zhuangshi and Tian Can's feet. Several fierce flying swords initially caused Sun Wukong to evade one after another, and then he synthesized a huge flying sword.

But stopped here, Feijian did not stab!

Instead, Sun Wukong just shook his body and shattered his flying sword, and the air wave suddenly flew him back!


This is the end.

As the world's first exorcist, the vacant son and the destructive feet of the exorcism world for decades, just roared by Sun Wukong, they were roared into ashes, and there was no scum left!

Then, Wu Wukong jumped suddenly and fell in front of the painful Xuanzang.

"it's your turn!"

As soon as the words fell, he saw a figure flying behind Xuan Zang and kicked him with one foot.

Sun Wukong clenched his fists with both hands and blocked it above his head.


There was a dull sound.

Sun Wukong stepped back several steps.

Duan Xiaoxiao fell to the ground, looked at Sun Wukong with cold eyes, pointed at Xuan Zang and said, "Who dares to move him and kill him!"

Xuan Zang raised his head ~ ~ said weakly: "Don't, go ..."

Duan Xiaoxiao just turned his head and glanced at Xuan Zang, suddenly filled with anger in his chest, and continued to look at Sun Wukong: "Dare to make him like this, you are a vegetarian!"

Having said that, she immediately took out the golden ring!

With a bang, countless golden rings appeared in the air, all flew towards Sun Wukong.

But these roots did not harm him.

The gap is too big ...

At the same time, on the other side of the hillside, Anyang finally stood up, looked at the side with his lips, and stepped into the air in one step!


Duan Xiaoxiao rushed towards Sun Wukong, but could not match Sun Wukong at all. She would be broken by Sun Wukong almost every round, but she refused to retreat, the scene was terrible!

It would be so painful for Xuanzang to die rather than die!

It also makes Sun Wukong angry!

Xuan Zang sat on his knees and cried out loudly: "Go, you are not his opponent, I beg you ..."

"Don't go!"

Duan Xiaoxiao gritted his teeth and moved towards Sun Wukong!

"Ah !!" she shouted angrily!

But Sun Wukong showed contempt, flew up, and slapped his hands to Duan Xiao's head, only to hear a muffled sound—


Duan Xiaoxiao suddenly fell to his knees.

Sun Wukong kicked out, kicked Duan Xiaoxiao out, and landed in front of Xuanzang ...

Xuanzang froze.

He finally lowered his hands together, crawling towards Duan Xiao step by step, staring at her stupefiedly, speechless.

Duan Xiaoxiao was covered with blood and messy.

At this last moment, the two of them whispered in silence. It is only at this moment that Xuan Zang can directly look at the emotion in his heart, or perhaps it is at this moment that that emotion sublimates to the point where he can finally not suppress it!

Sun Wukong stared at them indifferently.

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