My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 988: Sun Wukong

Obviously, Xuan Zang got rid of Duan Xiaoxiao.

Anyang saw a dilapidated gazebo on the top of the mountain and sat down in this gazebo.

There is a stone-cast sink in the gazebo with half of the water in it. The words "Shuiyuedongtian" are inscribed on the stone wall of the sink, which is just projected into the water below, also in the water. These four words are positive. I do n’t know what it means.

Anyang took out a pot and started cooking with fire.

The fire had just risen, and he saw another person start to climb the Wuxing Mountain. It was a woman dressed in white. Only a small spot could be seen at this distance, but he recognized it.

Duan Xiaoxiao.

Anyang smiled and said nothing.

Suddenly, Duan Xiao, who was at the foot of the opposite mountain, noticed that there was a rising smoke, and immediately looked at him.

"Hey ... Xuan Zang!"

"..." Anyang was speechless, so far away, you shouted like that, others can't hear clearly.

But he really could hear it clearly.

So he said to the party lightly: "Miss Duan, it's me, Master Xuanzhuang is not here."

The sound is still gentle after a distance of one thousand kilometers, it seems that the speaker is two or three meters in front of you. So Duan Xiaoxiao was stunned, and then shouted over there: "Where did he go, this bastard, last time I ran away while I was taking a bath, and this time I ran away while I was investigating the demon, I must find him to break his leg! "

"He is on the mountainside, you hurry up and chase now, you should still be able to catch up."

"Really, then I will go!"


Anyang continued to fire and cook.

It didn't take long for Xuan Zang to reach the palm of the Wuxing Mountain Reclining Buddha, and Duan Xiao, who stepped up his feet, was not far away.

Anyang narrowed his eyes and looked over there.

The weather is clear and the visibility of the air is extremely high. He can see the lotus pond over a thousand meters. Every petal of the lotus, every lotus, even every stone on the ground can be seen clearly!

Xuanzang arrived at the lotus pond and looked around for a week, and soon discovered the difference in this place. Before long, he saw the striking lotus flower and the hidden hole under the lotus flower.

So he jumped decisively.

About twenty minutes later, Duan Xiaoxiao also came here, looking around, but found no trace of Xuan Zang.

She did not bother to find it, but chose the easiest way-turning her head across the gully and shouting to Anyang: "Eh! Do you know where the **** is?"

Anyang was speechless for a while. Wasn't this just telling Sun Wukong that there were people on the other side of the hill?

After a pause, he made his voice more concentrated, almost only spread in a straight line, to ensure that only Duan Xiao could hear.

"You walk into the lotus pond in front of you, there is a lotus flower in the middle of the lotus, there is a hole under the lotus, Master Xuanzhuang and Sun Wukong are in the hole. But don't tell them that I am here Bian, I have communicated with you. "

"No problem, thanks!" Duan Xiaofeng finished, turned around and jumped towards the lotus pond, found the lotus flower at a glance, jumped away from the lotus and jumped.

Anyang can imagine what happened in the cave.

The difference between wanting to come and the plot is not too great.

At midnight, the moon is bright.

The sky is almost all bright, and the huge moon hangs over the bare rolling mountains, giving off a silvery light, reflecting the clear outline and veins of the mountains. The lotus pond was also shining brightly. The lotus lotus leaves projected a dappled shadow, and all around were silent. It seemed that everything formed a pale wait like the moonlight, and everything was silent.

Until a howling broke the silence of the night sky-

That came from the bottom of the mountain!

This howling was terrifying and extremely sharp, and instantly shattered the night sky like a painting, tearing the moonlight like a thick light, and bursting into the sky from the bottom of the mountain!

If there are living creatures on the mountain, whether it is a demon, a ghost, or a land of mountain gods, whether humans or animals, it will definitely be awakened by this howl, and then fall into a night of fear cycle, do not sleep well!

Anyang had closed his eyes and practiced ancient nerves. He suddenly opened his eyes and got up to look at the opposite foot of the mountain.

A tan wild boar is rushing from the bottom of the mountain to the mountain, with an unprecedented momentum, fierce and terrifying, every step of the hoof can step on a deep hole in the mountain stone! And when it encounters something that blocks it, whether it is a boulder or something, it will rush into the past regardless of it, and use its fangs to chisel it through and smash it!

For a time, it seemed that the giant tank had been driven ...

Anyang only felt that his body was slightly smaller than the last time he saw it, but his body's anger and fierceness had increased several times, and his momentum was one heaven and another underground.

But it hasn't found its enemies yet. Although the momentum is advancing, it will inevitably feel a little headless ...

Until the top of the mountain came a melodious music——

Xuan Zang stood on the stone in the lotus pond and slowly stirred a beautifully made music box in his hand. He was staring up, looking at the highest woman in front.

That's a little bit.

At this moment, Xiao Xiao, dressed in white, Sheng Xue, put his hair down and put it on his shoulders. His exquisite face complemented the figure he had practiced for many years. He held a round of bright moon on his head, and stepped on the barren and desolate rocks. Looking up, it really constitutes a beautiful picture.

The music is still circling in the night sky, and the bright moon still sprinkles bright and bright, illuminating all things in the world.

Duan Xiaoxiao started to dance.

With the moon.

With the night wind in the mountains.

Also accompanied by melodious music.

The pig demon under the mountain froze for a moment, looked up, and at a glance saw the dancing segment on the top of the mountain, his eyes suddenly turned scarlet.

It made a sharp howl, and then rushed towards the lotus pond even more, regardless of speed!

Xuan Zang shook half of a song, and the dance that Duan Xiaogang just learned didn't finish, so he heard an angry and piercing howl that broke this wonderful, huge and terrifying figure of the pig demon rushed up from the other side!

Xuan Zang's fascinating eyes suddenly regained consciousness, and put down the music box and said: "Come!"

Duan Xiaoxiao quickly got down from the height.

The mountain is still cluttered in the night sky, the moon is still hanging above its head, the lotus pond below is still swaying slightly with the night wind, the sky is clear, everything is still a beautiful picture, but I always feel that something is missing .

Xuan Zang looked back at the empty mountain stone, and was actually nostalgic. Then he shook his head and quickly hid with Duan Xiaoxiao.

The pig demon stared at them violently, using sharp fangs to pick up the stones on the ground, and the hind legs kept digging a gully on the ground, and rubble and dust danced behind it!

The next second, it rushed over.

The earth was trembling, and there was a muffled sound!

Its momentum is really unstoppable!

Suddenly, a calm and echoing cry came from the center of the lotus pond: "Pig Gang Hye, Pig Gang Hye!"

The pig demon suddenly froze, his limbs stopped, and he slid a few meters on the rock. Then, as if attracted by something, she looked at the lotus pond in doubt and walked slowly towards the direction of the sound.

Soon, it discovered the hole.

It looked at it for a while, because of the light problem, it was not clear who was calling it, so it leaned over and wanted to see what happened!

But at this glance, it makes it full of fear!

"Zhu Ganghui, I haven't seen you for a long time." There was a calm and gentle voice in it, which seemed to be old friends.

The pig demon screamed in horror, his hind legs frantically struggling on the ground, and wanted to retreat, but it was too late-it almost put half of his head into the hole, and the force from the hole grabbed it easily. , Pull in.

No matter how hard the pig demon is struggling, no matter how great its power is, and no matter how much the full moon night is for it, it still has no resistance against this power!

Xuan Zang and Duan Xiaoxiao both opened their eyes wide.

This fierce and fierce pig demon was dragged into the hole in such a way that there was no sound.

Xuan Zang reacted and jumped into the hole.

The space in the cave is narrow, like a prison, and the moonlight shot from the top of the head hits a silvery spot on the ground.

Inside stood a man in shabby clothes with a common face and a gentle smile. He was holding a newborn pig in his arms and still stroking with his hands.

Xuan Zang froze for a moment: "Mr. Sun, what about the pig demon?"

The man smiled softly. His face was pale and his skin was dirty, but this smile was exceptionally peaceful. He also raised the pig in Yang's arms to Xuanzang: "Isn't it? I've moved it with truth, kindness and beauty ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Let me deal with it next! "

With that said, he gave the pig demon to Xuanzang.

Then Duan Xiaoxiao also jumped down.

Time passed little by little, Anyang could n’t see what was happening there, and could not hear the sound in the cave, but according to the plot, Xuan Zang should be living up to a small heart at this time, and then there would be a quarrel, and then Xuan Zang Will drive her away.

Sure enough, about half an hour later, Duan Xiaoxiao flew out of the hole and left angrily!

"Damn! Bastard **** ..."

"If I didn't protect you, you would have died!"

"Boys are ungrateful bastards!"

"I really want to slap you ..."

Duan Xiaoxiao kept thinking angrily, while kicking the stones under his feet, with a deep disappointment in his eyes, while walking down the mountain ...

But not far away, she stopped again.

Looking up at the moon in the far sky, she rubbed her hands over her cheeks and squatted down, looking at a few stones on the ground, and she was a little surprised.

Suddenly she looked at the opposite mountain and shouted: "Do you say I should go now? He still cares about me, right?"

However, no response was received this time.

Duan Xiaoxiao was a little lost for a while.

Anyang should have gone.

She thought so.

Because the pig monsters have been subdued.

But she didn't know that Anyang just changed a less striking place and continued to watch the movement here.

He has always mastered the progress of the plot!

Soon, Xuan Zang also climbed out of the cave and looked at the perfect moonlight in the sky, but he did not rush to leave, but found a place nearby to sit down and stared at the place where Duan Xiao danced just now .

The night wind blew, a little bleak.

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