My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 987: 5 lines

After the large South Lake dries up, a huge deep crater with cracks and cracks is left. The three-born stone stands firmly at the bottom of the deep pit on the west side.

The whole South Lake is completely empty and empty.

Only under the three-life stone, a handsome young man wearing a tattered beggar stands silently, the extraordinary thing is that the golden monk behind him is phantom!

Standing next to him was a woman in white, and opposite was Anyang, who was dressed in a gray-white cloth and looked dignified.

"Have you heard of Jin Chanzi?" Anyang said.

"Ah? Never heard." Duan Xiaoxiao replied.

Xuan Zang next to him changed his face, and quickly raised his head: "You are talking about the second disciple under the seat of Buddha, Elder Jin Chan?"


"Ah?" Duan Xiaoxiao was shocked!

Although she had never heard of Elder Jin Chan, Da Ri Rulai still knew.

At this time, I heard Xuan Zang's shy question: "Dare to ask Mr. Ann, what does this elder Jin Chan have to do with me?"

"Can't you see it yet?" Anyang glanced at him lightly. "He is your previous life. To be precise, it was many previous lives. You were reincarnated from the elder Jin Chan, the purpose is in this world where Theravada Dharma is prevalent. Promote Mahayana Dharma. "

"..." Xuan Zang swallowed hard.

Xitianrulai Buddha, is the master of his previous life?

Duan Xiao, beside him, was so surprised that his chin almost fell to the ground, but his expression soon became complicated.

Such a person who was a disciple of the Buddha in the previous life and cannot see the afterlife under the three-life stone, will he live in the West Heaven Paradise even if he is not a Buddha? Is she liking someone who is destined to have no results?

Buddha disciple ... How far is it from her!

It ’s not just her. In this day and age, gods and Buddhas are getting higher and higher. How many mortals have seen gods and Buddhas? Even the most powerful exorcist and practitioner can be compared with the gods and Buddhas?

Duan Xiaoxiao sighed, but clenched her teeth.

In an instant, she saw that Anyang picked up the water demon entity and handed it to Xuan Zang: "This water demon will be handed over to you. I will first release the magic weapon from destroying it, but let it remain like this. One day you can influence it, and then release it. "

Xuan Zang was a little stunned and took over the water demon.

Duan Xiaoxiao immediately frowned and stood up and said: "Eh! This is my thing, you just give it to others casually, haven't you asked me for your opinion?"

"This is the reincarnation of the roller shutter general. Even if it is given to you, you will still give it back to Xuanzang after all." Anyang said.

"What about the roller shutter general? It's all from the last life! The last life, do you understand? It's just a water demon now, I can beat it down with one fist!"

Duan Xiaoxiao wrote, looking at the direction where the pig demon left, and then said: "Like the pig demon, even if it is really a true commander of the Marshal Tianpeng ... what about the reincarnation, now it is just a harm Countless ugly pig monsters! Since his reincarnation, he is no longer the supreme canopy of people's hearts! Look, the exorcist in front of you has been dispatched, even if you do n’t take it, it will It will be killed soon! "

Xuan Zang tilted his head and scratched his head: "Miss Duan said very reasonable, life and death reincarnation, since this is the life, the previous life has passed, and should not be kept ... remembering not to forget."

He was hesitant when he said this.

He remembered Master ’s great expectations and full of confidence in him. When he was young, he did not know why, but now that he wanted to think about it, he should not be separated from his previous life!

Anyang saw through his thoughts, but only smiled, and then said: "You still don't understand."

"Don't understand what?"

"Mr. Ann, please enlighten me ..."

"You didn't think about it seriously, one is one of the most adored gods, one is the personal guard of the Lord of Heaven, and there is also a disciple of the Lord Xitian, who should have long lived and no boundaries How high is it? Even if they are all reincarnated as humans, what is the chance of getting together? "Anyang said lightly, but his words were like a heavy hammer, hitting their hearts.

"Why ... why?" Duan Xiaoxiao asked in a daze, but somehow stuttered.

On the contrary, Xuan Zang, who usually seemed dumb and stupid, remained silent, because he remembered what Anyang said to him, which was arranged by some people with great pains.

Really ... is it arranged?

Otherwise, how come there are so many coincidences?

As the second disciple of Buddha's seat in his previous life, did he personally plan his own destiny, or was he also part of the arrangement?

Thinking about it, I saw Anyang waved his hand again: "This is the end of this matter, you go, go to Wuxing Mountain to find Sun Wukong, I will stay here for a few days, and then see if I can catch up with you. . "

"Yes." Xuan Zang bowed his head.

"What is it!" Duan Xiao, who was very upset, interrupted him. "He obviously can conquer the pig demon, why do you have to go to Sun Wukong! Even if Sun Wukong is even more powerful than him, he is also fighting the pig demon. , What's the difference? "

"..." Xuan Zang was silent for a moment before he said, "Master asked me to go to Wuxing Mountain to find Sun Wukong in order to use love to transform the pig demon instead of slapping it down. Otherwise, the top of the leaderboard in Miss Duan's mouth The exorcist can do it. Why should I go to Sun Wukong? "

"Well, you make sense!" Duan Xiaoxiao frowned and thought about it, and suddenly he grinned again, "Then let's find a place to rest in Nanzheng City, and take the road tomorrow morning!"

"Let's look separately."


"Lonely man and little woman, not very good."

"What's wrong? You forgot the pig demon. It may still be waiting around now. Once you don't have my protection, the pig demon can swallow you in one bite!"

"I think the pig demon has just been beaten, and his self-esteem must have been hurt. Now maybe he is introspecting himself and will not come to us easily." Xuan Zang said, reaching out, "Miss Duan please please first . "

"I do not!"

"Miss Duan please."

"I don't! I will go wherever you go!"

"Miss Duan ..."

Anyang can't see it anymore beside him, thanks to Comrade Xiaoqian and Ji Weiwei are not around, otherwise he has to show off the blood of the couple!

He took a deep breath, his expression calmed down, turned his head, and continued to focus on Sansheng Stone.

Until Xuan Zang's face appeared in front of him and said with care: "Mr. An, why have you been standing here looking at this stone? Has anyone punished you for thinking?"

"..." Anyang was speechless and pushed away with a slap. "Also asked the Master not to disturb me."

Xuanzang nodded slightly, letting go a little, and suddenly remembered something, and said softly: "Mr. Ann, I understand that you do n’t have the despair of the previous life and the afterlife, but you stared at it and touched it so useless……"

Anyang turned his head and looked at him silently.

Xuan Zang flirted with a smile and made a gesture of asking: "You continue, you continue."

Seeing Anyang turn around, he said again: "Actually I mean, you can try closer to him."



Xuan Zang and Duan Xiaoxiao lived in Nanzheng City for one night. At this time, Nanzheng had almost a third of his death. The whole city was shrouded in the haze of death and grief. Seeing such a tragedy, Xuan Zang temporarily decided to stay here for a few days, overkilling those civilians who inexplicably died after drinking South Lake water accidentally.

Three days later, they left.

Before they left, the two said goodbye to Anyang. They said goodbye together. Naturally, it was Duan Xiaoxuan who stuck to Xuanzang.

Anyang stayed here for half a month, and realized the rule of the Sansheng Stone for half a month. I do n’t know where Xuan Zang and Duan Xiaoxiao went, so he set off for Wuxing Mountain!

The carriage moved all the way through the boundary between Shaanxi and Qin.

He traveled faster now, but it took about ten days before finally reaching the foot of Wuxing Mountain.

This is the boundary of the West China Sea, which is now Qinghai, and is where the boundary of the Tang Dynasty was at this time, almost unattainable.

Within the mountain is the jurisdiction of the Tang Dynasty. After passing the mountain, it is the reign of Tatar, so it is also called Liangjie Mountain.

Anyang stopped the carriage ~ ~ got off the carriage, wore a robe, stepped on some green ground, and turned his head to pat the horse's neck: "This is a hard work for you. Give it away, then you are free. "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a snap, the bridle that bound the horse suddenly broke, and the carriage suddenly hit the ground.


The old horse hissed, turned his head to look at him, and soon disappeared into the jungle.

Anyang raised his head and looked at the mountain in front of him.

What you see is surrounded by mountains, but it is different from the real world of Qinghai. It is more like a loess high slope. Except for the green at the foot of the mountain, the mountains are all barren.

"Is this the Wuxing Mountain?"

Anyang glanced back at the carriage hitting the ground and waved it into the forest. Then he stood up and flew toward Wuxing Mountain with a roar.

It didn't take long for him to reach the top of the mountain.

Looking across, it is a lying mountain, but you can see at a glance that this mountain is a fallen Buddha!

How sharp was Anyang's vision, he instantly saw a lotus pond above the "Buddha Palm" of that mountain, and the blue lotus leaf was conspicuous on the bare mountain.

According to the plot, in the middle of the lotus pond, an extra large lotus hides a hole, and the former Great Monkey King Wukong is sealed in this cave by the Buddha! Only when Xuan Zang arrives, tears off the seal of Da Ri Ru Lai Jing Jing, or pulls out the lotus that covers the entrance of the cave, Sun Wukong can escape!

But it is clear that Sun Wukong has been trapped for 500 years, and his heart is full of resentment, perhaps his strength fluctuates compared to 500 years ago, but the fierceness is definitely even worse!

Anyang hesitated and stayed at the top of the mountain without passing.

Faintly, he saw a Taoist figure climbing the Wuxing Mountain on the mountainside, not who is Xuanzang!

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