My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 986: What's wrong with this world ...

Duan Xiaoxiao glanced back, gritted his teeth, and rushed towards Anyang, and shouted: "Mr. An, it is not the time when it has the strongest mana. The two of us went together and tried our best. I might have beaten it! "

The pig demon apparently understood what she said, and howling at the sky, she rushed towards her with her legs!

Duan Xiaoxiao ran faster and faster, and soon came to Anyang, his legs closed to stop the car, but he slid on the ground for several meters before stopping!

She just wanted to stand side by side with Anyang and suddenly turned around, only to see Anyang stepped forward! The extraordinary pace seems to have an unstoppable momentum, and even the dust and small gravel on the ground are moving with it, faintly pressing towards the pig demon.

The pig demon rushed over like a high-speed train, and it seemed to be more fierce.


Duan Xiaoxiao took off the gold ring in his hand and just wanted to rush up to help Anyang. Yu Guang glanced at it, but he was stunned.

I saw Xuan Zang was all tattered and unkempt, standing dumb and silly, hands clasped together, seeming to be worried that Anyang would be smashed by the pig demon.

Perhaps he did not notice that there was a huge golden light behind him. The golden light was a monk wearing a shawl and carrying a bald head. It looked very young, but it was a majestic treasure and a smart face!


Duan Xiaoli immediately covered his mouth and turned his head.

But it was this turn that she saw Anyang grabbing the fangs of the pig demon with one hand and understatement, but it was blocked by the huge size gap!


The two sides collided and even made a muffled noise!

The pig demon's body of several tons weighed in at full speed, and it was stopped in an instant, so the impact force is no small matter!

Even its limbs are still running, trotters draw a shocking ditch on the ground!

It's just that Anyang is immobile, his expression is calm, and he looks too relaxed, which makes this shocking and shocking look like a game!

I saw his eyes narrowed and one-handed force, and he overturned the huge pig monster to the ground!


The earth seemed to tremble!

"What's wrong with this world?" Duan Xiaoxiao covered her mouth, and her eyes gradually came close ... She found that there was a faint shadow in front of her, and she was also a woman, but the shadow was too faint to see even if you didn't look carefully.


Xuan Zang next to her finally heard her shout, and turned her head suddenly.

For a moment, the two looked at each other, and they were both stunned.

"Miss Duan, you ... there seems to be a lot of shadow behind you, it looks ... it looks ..."

"What does it look like?"

"It seems that there are a lot of dead souls, is it the person you killed before, turned into a ghost and followed you? Or should I come to help you overshoot ..." Xuan Zang said a little, and suddenly his eyes widened, "You ... ... and there are many in front of you! "

"What's the deal? Do you have three hundred children's songs?" Duan Xiaoxiao glared at him. "I'm an exorcist, not an executioner. It's illegal to kill someone. I have killed so many people! If this were me If you kill someone, you still have a golden shadow of a monk behind you, could you kill a Buddha? "

"Gold glittering monk?" Xuan Zang stunned, then immediately turned around and looked.

Sure enough, he saw a golden glittering shadow, translucent, similar to him, but with a calm and solemn face, shining Buddha's light, his eyes looked deeply in one direction, and gradually moved forward.

Xuan Zang's eyes widened, and the first reaction was actually his hands folded, but before the sound of Nanwu Amitabha had not been pronounced, he was stunned, and then he was scared and retreated.

The glittering phantom still flew towards him at an unhurried speed, and he stopped until he was pressed against Duan Xiaoduan's slap, and then watched this phantom floating over, I ran into my body and didn't know where I went ...


Xuanzang swallowed, and slightly turned his head to ask, "Miss Duan, what is this? Illusion?"

"It should be the ghost of that stone." Duan Xiaoxiao looked at the stone that was not far away.

"Which stone?" Xuanzang turned his head and saw Sansheng Stone.

"If what I expected is correct, that stone should be related to the legendary Sansheng stone. Before the Sansheng stone, legendary people can see their past life, present life, and afterlife."

"San Sheng Stone!" Xuan Zang's expression was stunned. "You mean it was my afterlife? Can I become a Buddha in my next life?"

"Stupid!" Duan Xiaoxiao knocked his head hard, "That is your previous life, and the next is the next life!"

"Previous life ..." Xuan Zang froze, "What about my next life?"

"You ... you have no afterlife."

"No afterlife? Am I going to fly away?"

"... I can't think about it. You were a Buddha in your past life, can't you live forever?" Duan Xiao fiction, and carefully looked behind him again. It ’s just too vague! "

"Is it?" Xuan Zang is still a little dumbfounded.

And at this moment, Anyang once again grabbed the fangs of the pig demon, turned around, and slammed the pig demon into a circle, hitting the ground with a bang!


The earth was smashed into a deep hole with cracks all over!

Anyang was about to throw the pig demon back again, and let it go if he knew him, but he threw the pig demon into the light of the Sansheng Stone ...

Anyang suddenly froze.

Under the faint divine light of Sansheng Stone, this huge wild boar still appeared the ghost image of the previous life behind it, but it was composed of two parts.

An ugly man in cloth.

A tall hero, dressed in silver armor!

Duan Xiaoxiao and Xuan Zang were both stunned, and almost murmured at the same time: "What's wrong with this world ..."

Even Anyang was stunned!

"how come?"

It was this stupefying time that the pig demon on the ground rolled up and howled, spreading his hoofs, turning his head and ran away in the direction he was traveling.

Anyang frowned and looked at the back as it left. The huge **** was swayed, very ugly ...

In an instant, the pig demon disappeared into the night.

Duan Xiaoxiao reacted first and hurriedly rushed over and said, "Hurry up and chase, don't let it run, even if you don't care about this bounty, the pig demon will get revenge! You don't take it now, Wait for its full moon night to double in strength, and you wo n’t necessarily be able to beat it so easily when you come back! "

Anyang was still stunned for a while, and for a long time he turned around slowly and looked at Duan Xiaoxiao: "Do you know who is the figure behind it?"

"Who is it? Isn't it its previous life? What is terrible when it's dead?" Duan Xiaoxiao frowned, and suddenly found something wrong, "Wait, you don't even have a future life, even if you didn't even have a previous life. ? "

Anyang ignored her next question, but said lightly: "That is Marshal Tianpeng."

"Who? Marshal Tianpeng?" Duan Xiaoxiao opened his eyes obviously, a little surprised, and a little stunned.

Anyang did not speak, only looked at her faintly.

Duan Xiaoxiao waited for ten or more seconds without waiting for his answer, and the expression on his face finally turned completely stunned: "You ... shouldn't you say that Marshal Tianpeng is a true monarch?"

Anyang took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

This time, even Xuanzang next to him was dumbfounded.

As mentioned earlier, the universal worship of the mortals in this era is still the Arctic deities. The most important star in the palace astrologers is the Emperor Ziwei, and the belief in the Jade Emperor only emerged later. The Arctic deities are well-known in the folk. Apart from the Arctic Lagerstroemia emperor, the highest degree of folk worship is the true marshal of the canopy, almost reaching the level of no one knows and no one knows!

So people in this era heard that Marshal Teng Peng would not associate him with Zhu Bajie like the modern people, but would subconsciously think of the sky above the temple, majestic, invincible, and fragrant. Marshal Peng Da Zhenjun!

In this era, the Marshal Canopy was even worshipped by countless people. He was worshipped in the temple by countless people, and he was even invited into the house to burn incense at night. Even when he was worshipped by the emperor, he had an important seat in Marshal Canopy!

Both Xuan Zang and Duan Xiaoxiao were stunned, unable to connect this ugly pig demon with the true marshal who was worshipped by countless people in the world!

For a long time, Anyang suddenly remembered something!

Since that ugly pig demon is really the reincarnation of Marshal Tenpeng, what about that water demon? Could it be that the roller shutter general has been cut off from all mana supernatural powers and memories of previous lives and pushed down from reincarnation?

He immediately turned to Duan Xiaoxiao: "What about that water demon?"

"Ah? It's me!"

"take it out."


"give it to me!"

"Oh ... Here you are, why are you so fierce!" Duan Xiaoxiao frowned, drawing a rune rope from the bag hanging around his waist and pulling out the water monster's grim entity.

Anyang took the rope and held it high.

The radiance of the Sansheng Stone shone down, and two shadows of 氤氲 actually appeared on the water demon entity in his hand.

A handsome and weak-looking man ~ ~ A tall, strong and resolute god!

Anyang immediately murmured: "General roller shutter!"

Xuan Zang and Duan Xiaoxiao were stunned, and Duan Xiaoxiao quickly asked, "Is there another god? What is the origin of this general?"

Anyang glanced at her and said, "Either Tianting has had a series of power changes in the near future, or it is an internal power fight. Anyway, it is not the emperor Ziwei who is sitting in Tianting but the Jade Emperor! This roller blind! The general is the **** who is responsible for walking with the Jade Emperor, going in and out of the roller blind, and protecting the emperor! "

"Isn't that the first bodyguard of Yuqian in the sky? Or is it close? The head is so big!" Duan Xiaoxiao immediately opened his eyes. "What's the matter? How did you meet the two demon alone, the head of the last life was actually It ’s so big! "

After a pause, she pointed to Xuanzang again: "What about him?"

Xuan Zang Wenyan immediately bowed his head.

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