My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 985: Pig 8 ring?

At this time, it should be the end of the second half, and there should be no moon, even if there is a moon, it is blocked by the fiery cloud above that head!

This fire cloud can be seen throughout Nanzheng City, which also causes the temperature near the South Lake to be quite high. Ordinary people must live within a few minutes of entering. Even practitioners have to weigh it. Burning coke!

At the same time, the fire cloud also shines brightly below!

After drying up, Nanhu Lake left a large crater after the impact of a meteorite. There was a ten-meter-high boulder on the west side. A man in a white clothe sat cross-legged next to the boulder, from time to time contacting, casting or prying on the boulder.

At midnight, the court sent people to come.

Anyang had already been arranged around, so these people broke into his sight as soon as they stepped into the South Lake.

It is a team consisting of a group of practitioners with a golden suit and a group of fully armed long-range soldiers. This group of practitioners is slightly higher than the average level of the previous group of fish and dragon hybrids. It is using means to protect this soldier from high temperature. , And this elite soldier has the distinctive style of the Datang Army——

Very well equipped!

At that time, the military equipment of the Datang Empire was the beautiful emperor of the earth in that era! A twelve chain mail armor with stainless steel chain armor on the outside, not with melee weapons, but a full-strength continuous crossbow, full of arrows, and a dozen-meter-wide attack with a horse in the back Chengqiang crossbow, this thing is equivalent to the large-caliber cannon of this era, maybe the nature is even more!

Obviously they gave Anyang enough attention, and basically dealt with him in the configuration of the siege, and Tang Jun was very experienced. Whether it is a strong crossbow or a bed crossbow, they are the best weapons for ordinary soldiers against practitioners!

Many practitioners are not necessarily able to withstand the intense shooting of the strong bow battle line. After all, the arrow penetration of the strong bow is much greater than the pistol! And even if they can hold the bow and arrow, how many practitioners can bear the crossbow used to shoot the city wall?


Anyang pursed his mouth and flicked his fingers, and continued to study and analyze this three-born stone.

On the other side, the situation is extremely critical!

I saw that the sky was turbulent, and it seemed like the sky was changing, and it was like the waves were rolling, and suddenly a huge flame was separated from the sky, aiming at the team of practitioners and elite soldiers and fell down!

Flames dragged their long tails like a meteor shower, and the rolling sound could be heard in the sky.

"Boom ..."

The practitioners and soldiers looked up and immediately changed their faces.

"Hurry up!"

"Gong Sanjin, your protection!"


"Everyone moves closer to Gongsan!"


"What about bed crossbows and carriages?"

"You can drag over if you can, but don't care if you can't, if you look at this situation, you won't need it anymore!"


A group of practitioners and elite soldiers gathered immediately!

At the same time, a middle-aged man with a mustache raised his hands high, and the crystal blue energy spread from the palm of his hand, turning into hexagonal crystal blue plates, forming a semicircular Shield, protect everyone!

At the same time, several people flew into the sky, wielding weapons in their hands to launch long-range attacks in various forms, attacking the flames!

In an instant, the flame above 10,000 meters has fallen.

Or it is more appropriate to use the word smashing, but if you want to describe its impact force, it is still appropriate to use hitting, because the speed of its fall has exceeded the speed of its free fall due to its weight!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

A group of meteor-like flames hit the bed crossbow, and immediately exploded the fire waves of tens of meters in diameter. The most advanced war machine of this era was swallowed by the flames. It is conceivable that most of the structures are made of wood. It will have no ash ... …

The horses were also devoured, and the shadows could not be seen!

The fire waves of tens of meters do not sound big, but they can already cover a basketball court and can devour a villa. Compared with horses and bed crossbows, they are like children ’s toys. Once they are hit, they hardly need to think about them. Nothing will be left! So a group of battle-hardened soldiers and a group of practitioners who not only packed up many exorcists were stunned, and swallowed hard.

Suddenly, the people who flew up shouted, "Come !!!"

Everyone immediately looked up.

This time is critical, too late to say too much, this sentence usually means that the enemy's attack!

As expected, a flame suddenly fell.

The kilometer distance is almost instantaneous ...

It was not until the last second that they felt that this group of flames, which did not seem terrifying when they were in the sky, was actually larger than a carriage, and once lowered, it was like the end!


The flame swallowed a long-range attack from several people, and it seemed a little unstable at that moment, but the next moment it hit the protective cover supported by Gong Sanjin!


The flames suddenly burst into endless waves of fire. For a time, their heads were full of blazing flames, and they dropped a huge pressure from the top of their heads, knocking all ordinary soldiers to the ground with a bang.

Even as a cultivator, it is not easy to keep standing, and with the flames swaying above their heads, they also decided to go down!

After a while, the flames dissipated.

A soldier in armor frowned, seeming to endure a lot of pain, but still lying on the ground and asked a middle-aged man next to him: "Adult, what should we do now, the bed crossbows have all been blown up By the way, the brothers should still be alive, but they ca n’t fight anymore. It ’s good to stand up ... "

"How do you feel now?"

"It feels like frying human flesh on the back, the armor is deformed, all the steel is inserted into the flesh, and the blood flows out next to the hot armor. The squealing noise is almost unsustainable!"

"Then can you speak?" The middle-aged man said nothing, looked up at the sky, and then waved his hand. "Withdraw, withdraw, it can't be beaten, others just want to give us a warning!"

"The governor ..."

"I'm going to say that if you encounter this kind of thing, you won't be treated like us even if you are in the Holy Ghost! Plus, the court has spent a lot of money training you, and it's useful for you to stay. It's the court who sacrificed losses so freely!" The middle-aged man stood up and gritted his teeth to touch the burnt back clothes. The exposed back skin was still fair and smooth. "What's the matter ..."

"Sir, let's go quickly!" The soldier crawled up and grinned.

"Not so embarrassed, all right!"

"grown ups……"

"What's the matter? Listen to you or listen to me? You don't want to face me, I want it! If you rush away and let so many people in the same lane see you, how can I mix?" The middle-aged man touched his back again, it seemed ... exposed half of the ass!

"Yes, listen to your lord!"

"Then go!"

In fact, everyone left quickly, even faster than when they rushed in.

There is no way, there is a cloud of fire on the top of the head, like a sword hanging down, who knows when it will drop a bunch of flames and burn a group of people clean!

Fortunately, the escape process is very smooth!

In the early morning of the next day, Anyang removed the fire cloud. After all, it was too expensive to hang it at high altitude, and the side effects on this land and the city were too great.

Then he spent some time deploying new vigilance and defensive means in this area, before he delved into it!

Or you can change a word ... sentiment!

Yes, he used the middle of the night to prove that the Sansheng Stone could not be infiltrated or damaged. No matter how he used it, he could not collect even a little sample from the Sansheng Stone. Various auxiliary analysis methods and mysterious text arrays could not be done, even he The dozen or so outside creatures summoned can't learn anything from this stone.

It is like a mirror, and nothing can penetrate it, so you can never see its true appearance!

Anyang had to abandon the conventional means and instead realized its mystery, and its communication with the heavenly numerology and the laws of the universe when radiating divine light and reflecting the three lives.

So, three days passed.

Three days later, in the middle of the night, there was no moon above the head, but there were dense stars, like someone grabbed a handful of shining sand of uneven thickness and sprinkled it on the sky.

A howl suddenly sounded through the night sky!

Anyang turned his head sharply, frowning and looking into the distance.

No one has bothered him for three days, and even the government in this area chose to be silent for a short time, perhaps accumulating stronger power. At least, these three days he had a very comfortable life.

Tonight, the detection circle is touched again!

But the sound seemed familiar.

He narrowed his eyes and froze immediately.

Through the magic circle, he could see a brown-black wild boar covered with mane flying down the hillside in the distance, rushing all the way, no matter how thick the trees could not stop it!

It has entered the warning range in madness, and then it will enter the attack range of the defensive circle!

Yes, it looks almost crazy!

Anyang could see the fangs in the corner of his mouth and drooling drool, and he could also see its scarlet eyes, and from time to time it made a long scream, which alarmed the night sky and frightened the already sparse bird and beast in the forest Running around!

After a moment of thinking, he muttered two spells and canceled the attack of the defensive circle.

Then he began to look around. Sure enough, he found two figures in front of the pig demon. He was wearing Xuan Zhuang, who was wearing a dirty and ragged cloth, and his eyes were beautiful. The other is dressed in white clothes, and the facial features are dignified. It is Duan Xiaoxiao.

Both are running desperately, coming towards him.

"Ah ~ ~ Anyang sighed and stood up.

He thought that he could meet Xuan Zang again under the Wuxing Mountain. He didn't expect to be wrong, but he met halfway.

So, just help them!

Only listening to his faint words, but the voice came to the far side: "Master Xuanzang, please come here."

About three minutes later, he saw the two of them.

I do not know how long they were chased by the pig demon, both of them looked a little embarrassed, and when he saw him, he was shocked.

"Come here." Anyang said.

Duan Xiaoxiao hesitated a little, and Xuanzang immediately ran towards Anyang and shouted, "Mr. An!"

On the other side, the frantic pig demon also rushed out!

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