My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 994: The so-called Monkey King?

Successful mission: reward props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 3, the selected person can return to the real world at any time.

By this time, the task was over, but Anyang was not in a hurry to return, and what he had to do was far from over!

He returned to Henan County!

Originally, of course, because Anyang once talked with Liu Zhuangshi in the broken courtyard, Liu Zhuangshi inadvertently mentioned that a treasure in Henan County was born, named Moonlight Box, and he wanted to explore the reality.

If there is really a moonlight treasure box, and it is really the moonlight treasure box he imagined, then he feels that he has to go a trip 500 years ago to see what the heavenly court and the Buddhist gate look like. Marshal Tianpeng Why did General He and the roller blind suffer this?

At the same time, such a great opportunity to pursue the secrets of time and space, he will never let go!

So Anyang flew all the way to Henan County!

As soon as he arrived in Luoyang, he heard many rumors.

First of all, there was a big earthquake in the border areas, and the mountains and rivers were trampled and broken! Later, he said that there were ghosts and monsters in the mountains of the two realms, fighting, ruining a hundred miles overnight!

Finally, I learned the truth-Sun Wukong, the demon king who came back five hundred years ago, came back to the world in an invincible manner!

He screamed all night on the top of Gaduojue, the sacred mountain of Buddhism, and intended to challenge the authority of Buddha again!

Then he stepped down a border level and slaughtered a major town in an instant, not only trampled upon the lives of mortals, but also challenged the authority of heaven!

To him, mortals are like ants!

Afterwards, someone saw him heading towards the frontier west sea.

In the ancient time, the West Sea was also in the Qinghai territories. It is now Qinghai Lake, and it is also one of the strongholds of the heaven. !

From this group of ordinary people, Anyang does n’t know what happened in those days, only that the West China Sea winds up, the waters flood the villages, the stench permeates the whole West Sea, and then countless gold and silver treasures are washed ashore! But the strange thing is that as soon as people take these babies home, they will die and die, and there will be a mourning in the frontier!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is said that Tatar began to be a little restless outside the Two Realms Mountain. If the movements of that night were too horrible, they might have crossed the Two Realms Mountain and plundered the territory of Datang!

Three days later, the celestial miracle!

On that day, the clouds opened, and the sky soldiers came across the border. From afar, I saw a golden light. After a short while, there were drums of war, thunder, and roar. The two sides broke out of the earth-shattering battle. River!

The fighting continued for three days and three nights. According to reports from the army, the movement of the land boundary didn't stop until the day before yesterday. I don't know the result.

But the fact is that the border has returned to stability.

The generals did not stay in the world, and left directly after the battle, and the demon king Sun Wukong also did not move.

Some people say that he has been suppressed by the army of heaven!

Anyang just smiled.

There are too many rumors, they are all true and false!

It is probably true that Sun Wukong went to the West Sea. According to his violent nature at the time, it was normal to do such things. The anger and hostility that had been sealed for 500 years also needed to be vented.

It is estimated that the dispatch of troops from heaven is also true.

After all, Heavenly Court really exists. Even if something happened in the past few hundred years, the connection with the world has gradually diminished, but Sun Wukong's so blatantly provocative Heavenly Court may even directly pull out the Xihai Dragon Palace, and Heavenly Court will certainly not stand it!

The matter of Tian Bing Tian Jiang is open to question.

According to the communication level of the ancients, it is normal for the content to be slightly distorted when it is transmitted back so far and then passes through various communication nodes. Coupled with the urinary nature of those good deeds, maybe Heavenly Court only sent some gods to be blown into a million troops, or they may not even see the sky at all, and all the drums and thunder are false!

It is up to Anyang to decide the specific situation.

But Sun Wukong's absence in the past two days is definitely true, otherwise the world is definitely not so stable, so Anyang is more inclined to send some warriors or famous long-time supernatural powers who have been defeated by Tianting. Sun Wukong.

At this moment, he heard another news-

Sun Wukong appeared in the northwest demon's nest. It is said that he came back from a foreign country outside the customs. He is calling on the world's demon and slogan "common anti-heaven, common extinction of the gods, and common occupation of the world"!

Like all practitioners, exorcists, and even other mortals who heard the news, Anyang was also surprised!

The result is obvious, that day the court did not win!

"Recruiting troops and buying horses, this is the intention to set off another war between the gods and demon!" Anyang looked far northwest and sighed again.

So far, Wu Wukong has been suppressed for five hundred years.

Five hundred years!

What is this concept?

The average life expectancy of later generations is around 70 years old. It can take a person from birth to death for seven long years. If it is counted as a generation of twenty years, it will be enough for you to reproduce twenty-five generations of descendants; an average dynasty is two hundred years. Will change, so long enough to change the dynasty twice!

In ancient times, due to lack of nutrition, healthy and adequate diet, people ’s life expectancy was generally not high. In addition to various natural disasters, human injustices, and injustices, the atrocities that killed the city at all times caused many abnormal deaths, and backward medical technology So that a considerable number of people will not survive into adulthood! Looking at the famous people in history, the early death of family members is basically the norm, so there is a very terrifying fact-

People in this era have an average life expectancy of less than thirty years!

It seems difficult to believe, especially for those who are close to 30 years old and just young people, it is really difficult to imagine that many people have entered death at their own age in ancient times!

It seems very common, because even in the 21st century, there are still many people in the third world whose average life expectancy is only forty years.

Five hundred years, enough for these people to live a dozen lives!

And this is only the time when Sun Wukong was sealed. In the long time enough for ordinary people to spend more than ten years, he was among a small cave. The torture day after day can make him recognize the mistakes he has made. Can make him crazy.

And good and evil are only in the front line.

Especially for a brutal demon king like him!

Perhaps Sun Wukong now has no command strategy even when he once led the demon army against the heavenly court, leaving only the hatred and madness that have been accumulated for 500 years. In the original plot, there was Tang Seng's blood, which made him sober, but Anyang deprived all of it. It can be said that Sun Wukong has lost some reason now, otherwise he will not be so crazy to have a life and death with Heavenly Court and Buddha.

Not to mention how his current strength compares with five hundred years ago, but the prestige among the demons is certainly far less than it used to be.

After all, as a victor, Heavenly Court will definitely use the methods of shielding facts and tampering with history to control the theory of the people. Now both mortals and demons will only regard Sun Wukong as a loser, an ant who does not know the heights and challenges of Heavenly Court, but does not know what he once Brilliant, I do not know how strong he is.

Another point is that after the defeat of Sun Wukong, he has experienced a series of demon turmoil and repression of heaven, and now the number and strength of ordinary demons are far less than five hundred years ago.

What does Sun Wukong fight against heaven?

What to fight against Buddha?

Anyang sighed and continued to inquire about the Moonlight Box, but he never heard the news.

If it were not for many practitioners here to hear the news of the "Moonlight Box", and many exorcists rushed to Luoyang because of the rumors of the "Moonlight Box", he even thought that Liu Zhuang was deceiving him.

And whenever he asked others, the news he got was even more speechless.

Because of the practitioners who came for the Moonlight Box, most people do n’t even know what the Moonlight Box is. Only a few people patted the chest to say that the Moonlight Box contains magical power, infinite power, and even some people said that Moonlight Inside the treasure box are hidden treasures, immortals, or treasure maps of a certain **** ...

When Anyang was approaching despair, he finally heard a reliable answer-the Moonlight Box contains the ultimate secret of the universe, and once you get it, you can freely travel through time and space!

This answer made him ecstatic!

Leaving aside the possibility of this man's lip service, aside from the coincidence in which he happened to say the characteristics of the Moonlight Box, he almost confirmed what he thought.

But when he asked about other details, these people were all the same: one question, three questions!

If it weren't that there was no tourism economy in this era, he even thought that the "Moonlight Box" was just a gimmick created by the Henan County Tourism Bureau to attract tourists and develop local tourism!

So I spent another half month in Luoyang ...

In the past half a month, he kept inquiring about news. He even broke into the mansion twice at night and attacked the headquarters of the exorcist organization in the Middle East three times, but found nothing.

Instead, news about Sun Wukong kept coming.

The efficiency of the demon is far higher than that of human beings and much higher than that of the human court. After the news that Sun Wukong called on the world's demon to join forces to fight against the heavens, there were really many demon responses, which greatly exceeded Anyang's expectations.

He speculated that there might be a few reasons.

These demons may have come from five hundred years ago.

These demon may be compared to the second.

These demons may no longer tolerate the oppression of heaven and the constant killing of the exorcists!

After five hundred years, the demons in the world have been replaced, and the scars may be cured and the pain will be forgotten!

However, Sun Wukong was a soldier. This is a fact.

And the reaction speed of this bloated organization in Tianting was beyond the expectations of Anyang. Almost immediately after Sun Wukong gathered a group of demons, Tianbing Tianjiang would knock again!

This time Anyang directly used the mirroring spell to watch the war situation there, and no longer believed the intelligence network of these ancients.

Through mirroring spells, he can see that there are not many troops sent by Heaven Court, but they are very elite. Various advanced instruments mixed with mana appear in the sky. An unknown and powerful **** will stand high and condense to stare at the demons.

The war is on the verge!

The battle was extremely fierce, and it was no exaggeration to describe it with a landslide. The formed sky soldiers displayed a fighting power far beyond the monsters. Even though the monsters resisted, they were easily strangled and killed!

Under the grief and indignation of Sun Wukong, it turned into its original shape again, and the huge body waved its hands and stomped its feet like a nuclear bomb!

But the gods would have resisted Sun Wukong in this form, fighting fiercely with him in the northwest demon nest, and even gaining the upper hand from time to time ...

Until Anyang's mirroring spell will be discovered by a responsible warlord and directly isolated!

"Oh shit!"

Anyang snorted.

He is seeing the most exciting place!

"Heaven is heaven, and both the enemy and the enemy have been exhausted. He also has the intention to arrange a **** to take charge of the war!" Anyang chuckled when he calmed down. Such a bloated and pedantic organization, eating jujube pills!

The next day, the Moonlight Box still had no news, but he heard the news that the demon nest was completely destroyed by the soldiers!

For a time, the hearts of the people were greatly boosted!

In this era of demon rampage, the Northwest Demon Nest has been in trouble for a long time. The court has repeatedly sent troops, sent cultivators, and released bounty missions to attract the exorcists. The largest tumor in China. Now that the demon king Sun Wukong is even more terrible, and even there are rumors that the world will fall, but did not expect that the Heavenly Court sent troops to easily destroy the demon nest that Sun Wukong joined!

So, the long-lost Heavenly Court only passed this battle, and its reputation reached its peak!

It is for this reason, as the characters who dominate several imperial regimes ~ ~ Anyang smells too strong political taste from it, in other words, the purpose of this war is too strong!

It might also be ...

The hallowed Qitiansheng, just got rid of the fate of being used by the Buddha because of Anyang, and now ... is it being used as a monkey by heaven again?

At about night, another message spread at a speed far exceeding the communication level of this era!

Because the Buddha came to suppress Sun Wukong unfavorably, Lingshan was reprimanded by Heavenly Court and was ordered not to preach in part of the Western Region of Tang Dynasty today as a punishment!

Then Lingshan sent Luohan and Bodhisattva to be taken away by Sun Wukong captured by the heavenly court and repressed!

This statement is also very political in purpose, and is biased towards heaven everywhere, especially now that Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty is also rising. It is really not appropriate to have such a completely biased speech towards heaven.

Anyang immediately judged that this rumor was not generated naturally, and that there must be a pusher behind the scenes.

Moreover, it is like the official document of Heaven Court has been slightly modified, obviously boasting its own power and degrading the Buddha, and also ingesting higher prestige among the people.

Think a little bit and think a little bit.

This "document" was automatically converted in his mind: Sun Wukong was captured by the God of Heaven, and the Buddhist door still wanted to hold Sun Wukong in his palm for some reason, so he asked Sun Wukong from the Heavenly Court. As a price, they must give up the Western Region.

This is an exchange of interests between big regimes!

At the same time, Heaven Court preached not only to show its strength in capturing the demon king, but also to compare with the Buddha Gate, showing its stronger muscles than the Buddha Gate, and the "monarch" posture of Heaven Court in front of the Buddha Gate!

The former Qitian Dasheng became the victim of the game between the two forces and the doll of the two forces!

What is the so-called Qi Tian Da Sheng?

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