My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 995: Ten thousand people for nourishment

At this time, more than one month passed since the last time at Wuxing Mountain. It was on the occasion of the next full moon that the brightness and size of the bright moon were greater than those of the last time, and the night of the world was white and silver.

In Huaizhou and Jiyuan County, the Wangwu Fairy Mountain has a glorious bloom, illuminating the night sky, and it will not be extinguished completely. It can be seen from dozens of miles away!

Countless practitioners and exorcists who have followed this news quickly rushed to Huaizhou, and then rushed to Jiyuan from their arms, and then climbed the Xianshan King House nonstop, just to find the "Moonlight Box" before other competitors. trace!

Anyang flew all the way, and it took only tens of minutes to reach Jiyuan County, Huaizhou, and flew directly to the top of the Wangwu! But he was not the first to arrive, because some exorcists had been near the Wangwu in Jiyuan County before, and some practitioners had been entrenched in Wangwu Xianshan since hundreds of years ago. They climbed faster than Anyang!

But Anyang does not matter, just quietly waiting for the night to come! He knew he was here, as long as there was no accident, as long as there was a moonlight treasure box, then he would definitely get it!

Wangwu Xianshan, with Taihang in the east, Zhongtiao in the west, Taiyue in the north, and the Yellow River in the south, is ideally located on the Lingmai, known as the first mountain in the Central Plains and one of the nine sacred mountains in ancient times It is also the first of the ten caves of Taoism!

At the same time, it is also the sacred place of the Taoist mainstream sect of the later generations-Quanzhenism!

It was also known to the world because Yugong moved mountains.

At this time, in the early Tang Dynasty, Quanzhenism, a world-famous world, had not yet been born. The roof of Wangwu Mountain was surrounded by fairy mist and cold fog all year round, and mortals could not live on it for a long time. .

However, the fairy spirit on Wangwu Mountain has a fatal attraction for practitioners. Many practitioners who pursued the fairy road came here thousands of miles to pursue the fairy trail, and even settled here.

Most of these practitioners lived in seclusion under the Wangwu Xianshan Mountain. They cultivated land to raise chickens and meditate every day. They hardly asked about the world. The court also exempted them from taxation, making the foothills of the mountain a great part of the population A paradise. Every spring and autumn, there are many famous writers who are famous in later generations come to play here, live in bamboo houses and cottages of the practitioners, eat and live with them, and communicate with them.

On the mountainside of Wangwu Mountain, there are three famous practitioners in the Central Plains, one second name! It is said that last year, the Holy Mountain Dashou, the three forces entered the palace, and they can always be seen in the Central Plains event.

This gate refers to the Shengyang Gate of sectarian practice!

The second surname refers to two families of practitioners, namely the Wang family and the Zhuge family, both of which have a long history.

The three parties have held the Xianshan King House for hundreds of years. During this period, in addition to mortals being able to freely climb to the top, practitioners and exorcists must obtain their permission to climb the King House!

It can be described as powerful and deeply rooted!

But the imperial court almost acquiesced in their behaviors, and even for them, they were far more lenient than other forces of spiritual practice! In addition to their strong strength, the imperial court needed to rely on them to resist foreign enemies, but also because of their political relationship.

From the beginning when the Li family started their soldiers, they extended an olive branch to the then Gaozu and Emperor Taizong, winning the friendship and favor of the Li family. Later, they stood decisively on the side of the Emperor Taizong in the Xuanwumen mutiny and supported the Emperor Taizong. It directly led to Emperor Taizong's tolerance for them!

In summary, these three forces are not easy to provoke, even the court officials have to be polite in front of them!

But when the Moonlight Box came out, many practitioners rushed to Wangwu Mountain, at least half of them were exorcists. These people traveled the world, joined the battle, and lived by catching monsters. They were almost fearless, but they were not the three parties. Can stop it!

In particular, there are still some desperate people!

The Tripartite forces notified the government immediately, but before the official court responded, someone had already crossed the symbolic blockade of the Tripartite forces and reached the top of the mountain.

As soon as this example opens, the people behind can't stop it!

When Anyang flew from Luoyang and flew directly from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there were already official missions to the bottom of the mountain, and there were successive troops mixed with practitioners stationed, and the seals were put on. .

In an instant, he climbed to the top of Wangwu Mountain!

Here is indeed a fairy lingering, white mist mixed with reiki and water vapor is floating on the mountain, condensed into a ray, and the mountain view is decorated like a fairy tale. In addition, the autumn wind blows the yellow grass and the red leaves, but the pine and cedar still maintain the evergreen. Some unknown wildflowers are still blooming in this supposedly withering season. At a glance, they are full of bright layers of forest, but they are The mist is psychedelic.

The mountain is indeed cold, and these chills mixed with the aura can easily penetrate the clothes and penetrate the bone marrow. Not only mortals can bear it, but practitioners can hardly resist it!

Anyang decisively abandon the image of ordinary gentleness and humility, and coldly scanned for a week, and found that many practitioners have gathered on the mountain, and a considerable part of them are from the three forces of Wangwu Mountain, because only they are gathered together and hit Under the banner, and the official mission.

There is a continuous stream of people uphill below. I don't know if the imperial court's blockade didn't work or why.

Everyone is waiting quietly.

Gradually, it was getting late.

The sunset fainted in the distant sky with gold and red colors, soaking up half of the sky and all the clouds.

When the sunset is gradually setting and the dusk is getting darker, many clouds begin to transition to darker colors. Starting from the sky, the sky gradually changes from blue to purple, and the colors are fascinating and beautiful.

Zixia dispersed, the mountain became colder.

Many exorcists are covered with thick fur. It is not difficult to see that these furs should all come from demon who have been practicing well, in order to barely resist the cold on the mountain. Many practitioners shivered in cold, the official mission and the mortal army had already retreated, and the Wangwu Xianshan became a restricted area that only practitioners could set foot on.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the distant sky can see a round of a huge silver moon. As the sky becomes darker, the bright moon is getting brighter and brighter, and it has gradually become one of the most striking signs in the night sky. Yinhui, over any stars!

Nothing can compete with Haoyue!

The powerful exorcist is proud to be alone.

There are also weak people hurrying up in the afternoon.

There are also practitioners from the three major forces or other famous schools visiting around and playing a powerful public relations role-either to meet more practitioners or to advise the exorcist not to fight against them. Someone directly pays to hire the exorcist for their own use ...

Everyone seems to be using their own means, and all seem to have a "treasure is what I have in my pocket" gesture!

In the blink of an eye, the sky had completely turned into shady.

But the world did not fall into darkness, but the whole world was filled with Yinhui Yuehua, like a day! The undulating profile of the distant peaks in the moon, the winding arc of the river under the mountain, and even everyone hundreds of meters away on the mountain are clearly visible!

Anyang looked up, and I do n’t know when the huge bright moon had reached the top of his head, and Ming Huang shook the world, only half a minute away from the middle of the sky. It was really amazing!

So that he narrowed his eyes.

Such a huge, bright and clear moon, I am afraid it will be a rare encounter for thousands of years!

Suddenly, he thought a little.

With a self-deprecating laugh, he lowered his head again.

At this time, some people climbed to the summit one after another. It is said that the government of Huaizhou received the latest order from the court and lifted the seal.

Two people passed by in front of Anyang. They thought they should be traveling together. They walked and talked: "The weather on this mountain is okay. Such a big moon is too cold."

"I'm afraid of being cold. It's better to have light. The mountains under the mountain are all dark!"

"Yeah, it's only light here, what the **** is the weather?"

"Hahahaha, there is a fairy in a vision!"

The two gradually walked away, but Anyang frowned.

Looking up at the sky again, can this round of conspicuous moon be seen only on the top of Wangwu Mountain?

Carefully calculated, this time seems to have passed more than a month from the last bright moon of Wuxing Mountain. It stands to reason that it should be just before the full moon, but here, it is the occasion of the full moon!

It is also a bit strange.

However, if only Wang Wushan can see such a moonlight, this alone is worthwhile!

Suddenly ~ ~ Anyang felt someone pat his shoulder.

The sweat on his body suddenly stood up, and a burst of cold filled every pore, and suddenly turned around, while his body retreated quickly, avoiding this person.

At a glance, he immediately frowned again.

This is a man with disheveled hair, dressed in plain clothes, staring at him expressionlessly.

Anyang withdrew a few tens of meters after blinking, and landed on the ground steadily, staring at the comer, his heart rose for a while, and narrowed his eyes and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing with me?"

The man grinned and made a familiar voice from Anyang: "Don't you recognize me? So fast?"

Anyang immediately took a deep breath!

Sun Wukong!

Then Anyang was relieved again.

Although Sun Wukong is terrifying, he knows the depth anyway, but he can't beat it, but it is completely okay to retreat.

"What are you doing here? Is it just to come to me to revenge that day?"

"Relax, I'm not here to trouble you!" The humanoid Sun Wukong grinned, "You didn't hurt me that day, where are our enemies, do you say that?"

Anyang didn't eat his set, frowned and asked, "Then are you here to find what I want to do?"

"It was just a chance encounter, a chance encounter." Sun Wukong was still hippie smiling, "Don't I hurt some energy a few days ago, knowing that the Moonlight Box is born, there will definitely be many mortal practitioners here, just come here to make up ... ... I didn't expect to meet you just by chance. Is this ... Proving that we are destined? "

Anyang heard a chill in his heart.

Come here to replenish vitality ...

He glanced at the practitioners around him.

This demon is here, how can these people have the power to resist? If there is no accident, I am afraid that it will be reduced to the nourishment of this devil, and he will use it to restore his vitality!

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