My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1002: Evacuate


A huge gold hoop swept into an equally huge black battleship, and a thunderous thunder rang through the sky!

The eighteen demon kings and Sun Wukong, the outbreak of combat power is really unparalleled, and even makes Anyang suddenly have the illusion that Huaguo Mountain has no power other than them.

I saw that Sun Wukong took the lead with a gold hoop and turned into a ball of flame towards the flagship of the Tianhe Navy, but was stopped by a slender and fast warship on the way!


The two sides of the collision immediately burst into a loud noise!

The battleship was violently shocked, the protective circle was broken instantly, and the hull of the pure black flashing stars was hit into a deep pit, but it did not fall like the battleship that was hit by Sun Wukong a few days ago.

Today's Tianhe Marine Army is obviously more elite!

The Huaguo Mountain demon in the rear caught up with this and collided fiercely with the battleship of the Tianhe Navy!

However, the Tianhe Marines refused to send the soldiers to fight, but in the advantage of the battleship, they directly rammed into the blockade of the demon king of Huaguo Mountain all the way, and went straight ahead to the cave of Huaguo Mountain. , The group demons that are evacuating!

Anyang watched silently and heard Sun Wukong next to him sigh.

The ending is tragic. Only Hua Wushan and the Eighteen Demon Kings can directly block the warships in Huaguo Mountain, but the number of warships in the Tianhe Navy is far more than that!

So what Anyang often sees is that dozens of monsters will block a warship together. Some sacrificed their eye-catching implements and some turned into huge bodies. However, it was difficult to break through the defense formation of the warship and the defense formed by the heavenly soldiers on the battleship It is more difficult to force a warship with huge kinetic energy to stop, at most it only makes it gradually slow.

What these monsters will face is the attacking array on the battleship, the most technical war equipment in the heavenly court, and the attack of the elite warriors on the battleship!

Soon, they suffered severe casualties.

The Tianhe Army is still approaching at a slow and powerful speed, and it seems to be irresistible!

Seeing that his side could not stop the Tianhe Marines, Sun Wukong immediately shouted to the bottom: "The 6th to 10th Army heard orders and immediately stepped forward to meet the enemy! The 3rd to 5th Army was stationed on the spot, and no one could be allowed to approach me. Huaguoshan position! The first army and the second army will evacuate in a cascade, and we must ensure the safety of our people in Huaguoshan at the destination! "


Below is another wave of response like a tide!

The war is much cruel than anyone imagines. Once the two armies are in contact, especially the Huaguoshan side with a flesh-and-blood body that resists the magical battleship, plus the demon soldiers are not as strong as the demon king demon, it is immediately Huge casualties!

Even the legendary Qi Tian Da Sheng, who was forced to help, had to give up some of his men!

In the face of such a powerful Tianhe army, the demon army sent to the war basically used their lives to fight for the escape of others.

Including those stationed, the final survival depends on whether the other five armies can block the Tianhe Water Army!

It can be seen that the first and second troops are the most elite troops in Huaguo Mountain, so Sun Wukong let them guard the Huaguoshan demon from this place, and also saved them in disguise, keeping the last one for the Huaguoshan army. Divided strength.

It can also be seen that Sun Wukong put the hope of the future of the demon clan on the demon Huaguoshan who left, rather than these combat troops. Anyang carefully read that in addition to the elders, the weak and the sick, these demon also include a large part of demon mastering various technologies, such as offense and defense equipment manufacturing technology, smelting technology ...

Whether from a pragmatic or emotional perspective, he has made a wise move.

And he is also wise to choose the destination in Tianzhu, because Lingshan is also fighting against Tianting, so that as long as Huaguo Mountain can stand firm in Tianzhu, he is equivalent to forcing Lingshan Buddha to become half of Huaguo Mountain. ally.

If Tianting wants to continue to attack Huaguo Mountain, then it certainly can't get around the threshold of Lingshan. After all, Tianzhu is still the base camp of the Buddhist temple of Lingshan. And the Buddhist gate will certainly not be stupid enough to fight the Huaguo Mountain in its heyday, it will only benefit the heaven, so the two parties are more likely to coexist peacefully and have little friction, but when the army of the heaven is stationed, they will be distracted. Xuan's joint fight.

Sun Wukong sent the most elite first and second troops to the past also to ensure the combat strength of Huaguoshan's migrating troops and avoid being directly taken by the Buddha!

He calculated very well.

Probably the only thing not calculated is the speed of the arrival of the Tianhe Marines and the determination of Marshal Tianpeng.

With the joining of the five troops of Huaguo Mountain, the speed of the Tianhe naval warship finally stopped, but every time the warship stayed for one second, the demon soldiers would pay a heavy price.

The evacuation speed below suddenly accelerated, and people shouted, lest they might fall behind.

Compared to when the uprising was just a hundred years ago, Huaguoshan experienced many defeats, and Sun Wukong could no longer stabilize the people.

The sky war is getting fiercer!

After a one-hour stay, the Huaguoshan demon soldiers paid huge casualties, and the Tianhe navy still couldn't kill the battleship, and his attitude was calm and panic!

At the same time, the battleship has also become a huge thorn carapace of the Tianhe Navy. Not only can it resist the offensive of the Huaguo Mountain side, it can also launch a powerful attack, provide them with an excellent place to cast spells, and even bless each other with their power!

For so long, they have only paid the price of a dozen warships crashing, and less than one-tenth of the damage to the sky soldiers!

Gradually, the battleship moved again.

Sun Wukong and the eighteen demon kings were bloodied and fragile, but the Tianhe Navy clearly prepared a special meal for them-a large number of giant warships carrying powerful warlords, and the warships and warlords The strengths of each other increase each other, and they can resist Sun Wukong positively without falling down!

Another two hours later, the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Corps of Huaguo Mountain used as guards to face the increasingly close Tianhe naval warship group, and finally could not hold back and attack!

Sun Wukong around Anyang sighed again and again.

However, the Moonlight Box is already open. This world can only allow two Sun Wukong to exist and meet at the same time, but cannot allow them to fight side by side. Even the world will be restricted in more detail. Many things Sun Wukong cannot do!

It was another hour, and the sky gradually dimmed.

The Tianhe Marines released a sphere into the sky, and the sphere glowed like the sun, and this ray seemed to have a faint stimulation effect on the fighting will of the heavenly soldiers.

Sun Wukong and the Eighteen Demon Kings finally gained the upper hand on the top battlefield, and the giant battleships of the Tianhe Navy were scarred, and the warships on the battleships were defeated.

However, in the low-end battlefield, the Tianhe Marines had crushed the Huaguo Mountain side, and the demon soldiers suffered heavy casualties!

It was finally at this time that almost all the monsters in Huaguo Mountain were withdrawn into the space channel constructed by Anyang!

Sun Wukong immediately shouted exhaustedly: "Huaguo Mountain can still run, give me full retreat, I and all the demon kings, hurry up!"

All the demon soldiers began to retreat immediately.

At this point, they can still be banned, but once so many demon soldiers leave, they immediately put great pressure on Sun Wukong and the eighteen demon kings, especially several demon kings have been exhausted and injured in the previous battle!

The flag of the Tianhe Water Army flagship that Sun Wukong and the Eighteen Demon Kings failed to destroy was supposed to be the top of the Tianhe Water Army seeing the failure of Huaguo Mountain to evacuate and retargeting Sun Wukong and the Eighteen Demon King Body!

This is the rhythm of killing several demon kings!

Anyang saw that Sun Wukong's gold hoops collided with the purple and red light from a battleship, and then several attacks from the battleship hit him.



Sun Wukong's figure was beaten back for a while.


Outnumbered! ! !

The demon king with the avatar body was struck in turn by several giant high-speed warships, and he fell down to the ground. A hole through the body!

Gradually ~ ~ The demon king finally refused to support and fell down!

Once these demon kings fall, without defensive spells to resist the warship, they can no longer make predictions and evade, and they will immediately be overwhelmed by endless gorgeous attacks!

When all the demon clan army left here, four of the eighteen demon kings were dead, and fourteen were still scarred.

"Roar! ... withdraw!"

Sun Wukong, who turned into a kilometer gorilla, roared, jumped high, and then hammered **** a battleship with a punch, hitting his head low, and he was arrogant!

But his whole hair was scorched, and there were various scars on his body, which looked terrible!

But it also makes him more fierce!

The fourteen demon kings retreat decisively, taking away the broken bodies of the other four demon kings, leaving Sun Wukong alone as a living target for a moment, and then he decisively left.

For a while, only the battleships of the Tianhe Navy were left in the sky!

Sun Wukong next to Anyang still sighed and nodded to him: "We should go too."

"No, I want to see Marshal Tianpeng."

"Alright." Sun Wukong gave him a deep look. He didn't say anything, and then stepped into the hole, disappeared.

Anyang waved his hand lightly and closed the hole.

Then he looked up and looked around, the ground was almost covered with the corpses of the Huaguoshan demon clan, stained with blood, and there were many demon warriors with great fighting power. At the same time, you can see some warships falling to the ground, slanting on the ground, broken into two sections, or half inserted into the ground or mountain peaks, there are more warships floating in the sky silently, and the Tianhe Water Army painting the Galaxy The flag is flying against the wind, and a picture of the battlefield of the gods and demons!

Anyang still stared silently at the sky.

After a moment of silence, the nearest warships turned around and turned towards him slowly.

The military flag hunted!

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