My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1003: talks

When a warship flew down the sky obliquely, it stopped ten meters above Anyang's head.

A warhead is set on the head of the battleship, like the collision angle of an ordinary warship, but it has a big mouth of blood basin, and the white teeth are clearly visible in the mouth!

Suddenly, fiery white light began to accumulate in the dragon kiss.

Anyang frowned and clenched his fists.

Fortunately, the white light was only gaining momentum. The general on the battleship did not order to fire at him, and even canceled the protective circle on the battleship, stood on the bow, and looked at him at a distance of ten meters.

This is a very young warrior, with a resolute face and star-browed sword head, handsome and stiff, wearing a battle armor with a bit of cold eyes.

Two fully armed soldiers came to him.

Two other extraordinary soldiers moved a mirror from behind him and looked at Anyang!

The warlord looked back at his glasses, frowned for a while, then looked back at Anyang and asked, "Who are you, neither a demon, but why appeared in Huaguo Mountain?"

Anyang directly picked out his intentions and said, "Anyang, who is a cultivator, is here to see Marshal Bianzhuang."

Hearing that, the battle will be stunned.

A moment later, he turned around and turned to a Heavenly Soldier beside him, and said nothing. The soldier immediately understood that day and turned and walked back.

Warlord Fu turned his head to stare at Anyang and asked, "How do you know the name of the Marshal? What do you mean by looking for the Marshal? You appeared on the battlefield of my Tianhe Marine Army and Huaguo Mountain for no reason. , I am afraid it is difficult to get out! "

"When I meet the Marshal, he will know." An Yang said lightly, he is not weak now, and he has also grasped the way to open the space channel, and he is not afraid to leave under the control of the Tianhe Navy.

Bianzhuang, the name of Marshal Tianpeng.

He is naturally not called Zhu Ganghui or Wu Neng now.

Bianzhuang appeared only a little later than the Taizong Taoist ancestor. It was recorded in the later "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" that Marshal Tianpeng's real name is Bianzhuang, who is loyal, filial, and brave! But in fact, "Dao Fa Hui Yuan" is only a record of mortals.

And in the era of the gods and Buddhas, Anyang had talked with Marshal Tianpeng and the general of the roller blind, and learned that he was indeed named Bianzhuang, and he was so sure under the two phases!

But one thing is true. Marshal Tianpeng had slaughtered the tiger when he was a mortal, and then asked intently to practice. I don't know how many years have passed before he finally became a god!

Anyang called Marshal Bianzhuang also to attract the attention of the warrior.

Sure enough, about five minutes later, the soldier returned to the general and whispered something to him.

The battle will immediately wave, allowing the soldiers to put up the attack on the battleship, and at the same time: "Marshal agrees with you, come up."

"Thank you."

Anyang jumped up and jumped lightly to the deck of the battleship, and began to look around.

In the era of Gods and Buddhas, he also boarded the battleship of the Tianhe Navy in that world. Although the two have some differences in shape, the style and texture of the battleship are similar, just because of the difference in power and background of the two worlds. The Tianhe naval warship seems to be relatively weak ...

The battleship slowly ascended into the air, and Anyang glanced at the two heavenly soldiers standing beside them. They were all in silver armor, holding long swords and carrying long bows, but their faces were expressionless.

Several other generals came from the other warships, and they swept around Anyang with an unknown weapon, as if they were checking something.

It didn't take long for the battleship to pass directly through the mighty battleship group of the Tianhe naval forces and come to the flagship.

Surrounded by several generals, Anyang flew to the flagship and came to the combat command room. The eye-catching map was a precise and concise map, and a group of powerful warriors wearing majestic armor and armor next to the map. !

At the forefront is a tall and mighty godly man wearing a scarlet cloak, exactly the same as the previous life in which the pig demon was reflected by the Sansheng Stone that day, it was Marshal Tenpeng!

Anyang had just stood still, and he saw Marshal Tian Peng opened his chair and sat down, saying to him: "I heard you want to see me?"

"Yes." Anyang said.

"Do you have something to say to me?" Marshal Tianpeng looked at him calmly, but in that calmness it seemed to hide a bright light.


"What a standard counselor's style!" Marshal Tianpeng smiled and said, "But before you say what you want to say, I have something to ask you."

"Marshal said." Anyang's expression was calm.

"Very well, leisurely, I like to deal with such people the most!" Marshal Tianpeng glanced back at the map with many marks on the wall, this map recorded all the movements of the Tianhe Navy in this war, It seems foolproof, but now it is useless, because the enemy has disappeared, and all the arrangements have become empty shells.

After a little silence, he went on: "I received some information from Huaguo Mountain a few days ago, and the specific content of the information will not be elaborated. You also want to get it. But there is one other thing mentioned in the information A Monkey King and a white-robed man arrived at Huaguo Mountain. After that, Huaguo Mountain began to prepare for evacuation! "

"Later in the battle just now, some people in our army saw you standing with a" Sun Wukong "until the Huaguo Mountain group of monsters evacuated, and when the blue hole closed, you still have some Weird behavior! "

Marshal Tian Peng said calmly and calmly, while looking at Anyang's expression until he saw that his face had not changed from beginning to end. Then he said, "How can there be two Sun Wukongs in this world? What actions do you do? What's the point? What does that blue hole appear to have to do with you? Can you solve my doubts? "

"The blue hole was opened by me, the function is to let the Huaguoshan group demons evacuate." Anyang said lightly.

As soon as the words fell, two teenagers changed their expressions slightly. They pressed their weapons consciously and rushed towards Anyang!

They took two steps, only to find that the high-ranking Tianhe naval forces in the command room did not understand the mountains, their faces were indifferent, and they looked like they had expected. They stopped, looking at Marshal Tianpeng in doubt: "Marshal ... "

Field Marshal Tian Peng waved his hand: "Do not be impulsive."

"Yes, Marshal!"

Marshal Tianpeng looked at Anyang, still calmly grasping the rhythm of the conversation, saying: "Are you a human?"


"Then do you know that the demons are guilty of crimes, and there are even many demon heads who eat human flesh and kill the city refiner? You let them go today, and they will be the three realm disasters in the coming day. Limin, the world! These demon don't blink when they kill people! "

"Yes." Anyang said calmly, "but they won't do it again."

"Oh? So determined?"



"Because they want to win!" Anyang raised his head and looked directly at Marshal Tianpeng, and then looked around the crowd. "Because they don't want to be demons anymore, they want to be the masters of the world, so naturally they can't eat and kill people at will! "

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was stunned.

The two teenagers were shocked.

The rest of the senior generals frowned.

The same is true of Marshal Canopy.

They can all obviously realize that if all the demons in Huaguo Mountain have been able to change their nature, then Huaguo Mountain must be more difficult to deal with than before!

And changing nature ... just the beginning!

They already have this consciousness.

A moment later, Marshal Tianpeng spoke again: "You can't do this even if you have the intention to rebel against the heavenly court and human beings. All this ... related to that other Sun Wukong?"

"Marshal is like a god!"

"So what's going on?"

Seeing that the key point was finally asked, Anyang showed a slight smile, which proved that although the rhythm of the conversation was dominated by Marshal Tianpeng, it was also controlled by him in secret.

So he simply asked: "Marshal has heard of Moonlight Box?"

"Moonlight Box?" Marshal Tian Peng frowned.

Several other senior generals were also startled, and they all showed a startled expression after a while.

It's just that they still didn't speak.

Only Marshal Tianpeng said: "But you mean the treasure that can reverse time and space in the legend?"

"That's not a legend."

"I know, but few people seem to be able to get it in hand?" Marshal Tianpeng's face was a little heavy. "So you want to say that you or Sun Wukong got the Moonlight Box? Another Sun Wukong is the future Sun Wukong?"


Anyang nodded ~ ~ All of the famous gods were present, but they all exclaimed, and their breathing was short.

A general next to Marshal Tianpeng couldn't help but finally interjected: "You tell me carefully, don't be perfunctory!"

Anyang smiled. This is what he meant!

"At this time, Sun Wukong got the moonlight box, and I don't know what he did with the moonlight box, because we can only see the current history, but we don't know whether this history has changed many times!" Anyang calmly said. "And I am barely the other owner of the Moonlight Box. Both me and another Sun Wukong are from five hundred years later."

This remark suddenly made waves.


"Five hundred years later?"

"That monster monkey got the moonlight treasure box? No wonder Huaguo Mountain is so hard to tangle! No wonder a monster monkey can set off such a big storm, he is afraid that he has come back with the treasure for how many times!"



Marshal Tian Peng gradually stood up, and gave a color to the teenager at the door. His expression changed from calm to dignified: "In this case, from you five hundred years later, and the demon monkey, what do you want to do here? Subvert heaven? "

"No," Anyang said. At the same time, Yu Guang glanced at the young man at the door and quietly left, but he didn't say anything. He continued, "It can be said that I came for the marshal, whether you believe it or not, but at least there is this Part of the reason! "

"For me?" Marshal Tianpeng was surprised.

"Before that, the Marshal is interested in listening to me to talk about what will happen in the next five hundred years?" Anyang asked.

Marshal Tian Peng was silent for a while before saying, "Say!"

Perhaps he did not realize that just the news of a moonlight box made them lose a bit of shock in shock, and now the conversation has been firmly led by Anyang.

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