My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1004: Spirit wind

This conversation has been simulated many times in his mind, and it is not surprising that he can achieve such an effect.

"If I don't intervene, the Tianhe Navy will attack Huaguo Mountain in about half a month." Anyang said while watching the expression of the generals in the command room.

Especially after he was hit, some people can keep their face unchanged, and some people's expressions are wonderful.

With a smile, Anyang went on to say: "The long-trapped Huaguo Mountain demon has no other choice but to fight and fight, and can only abandon the work on the ground and turn it into the underground. So they entered from the Shuilian Cave, relying on The hollowed Huaguo Mountain and the intricate tunnels are in close combat with the Tianhe Navy! Under such circumstances, the Tianhe Navy ’s advantages will undoubtedly be greatly reduced. "

"In the end, the Huaguo Mountain was still a big defeat, but the Tianhe Navy also paid a great price!"

Speaking of this, many generals are somewhat discolored.

Because Anyang not only talked about their offensive plan, but also bluntly responded to Huaguo Mountain, and if he really wants to connect with the demon short soldiers in the intricate underground, the Tianhe Marines will definitely not have an advantage!

Then one of the generals got up without hesitation and said to the teenager at the door: "You send someone to see if there is really an underground passage under Shuilian Cave, and whether Huaguo Mountain is really hollowed out!"

"Yes, General Spirit Wind!" The teenager turned and left.

Anyang was a little surprised, looking at the general who was not in front of the seat: "General Lingfeng?"

The general frowned: "Do you know me?"

Anyang ripped the corner of his mouth, revealing a weird look.

General Lingfeng ...

Is this a coincidence or nonsense?

In the era of Gods and Buddhas, Tianhe Marines had a general called Lingfeng, who was brought out by Marshal Tianpeng. Later, Marshal Tianpeng was demoted, and the deputy commander Tianyou went away.

This is a systemic pot, right?

Anyang did not speak.

The command room has also remained quiet, even if Marshal Teng Peng did not rush out, and the needles around him can be heard!

Anyang could feel that the troops outside were mobilizing. Some warships surrounded this place, and some warships built imprisoned circles around them, which almost prohibited the use of spiritual power.

This is not ready to let him go!

But Anyang didn't care.

Ten hours later, the teenager who had just left came back again to confirm what Anyang said.

The generals immediately took a deep breath and looked more and more dignified.

"That monster monkey is really well prepared!"

"It's so dangerous!"

"Although the Heavenly Soldiers should fight, the other Heavenly Soldiers are nourishing and favoring them. It is too much for us to have so many brothers buried in Huaguo Mountain in vain!"

"Sinister demon monkey!"

Only Marshal Tianpeng narrowed his eyes to Anyang and motioned him to continue.

Anyang smiled and said again: "Then the Huaguoshan group of monsters continued to shrink to the ground. Although the deaths and injuries were heavy, the remaining monsters were extremely powerful. The Tianhe Water Army was afraid of casualties and decided to recruit troops to discuss strategies and options. Fight again. "

"You continue to be stationed on the sea near Huaguo Mountain, threatening the survival of Huaguo Mountain!"

"But without waiting for you to send troops again, the order of the Heavenly Court came, and ordered the Tianhe water army to return to Tianhe quickly, and summoned Tianpeng Marshal into the Hall of Lingxiao Baodian!"

Anyang looked at the expressions of the people who were dazed and stunned, and waited for a moment, until they reacted, with a look of anger on their faces, before continuing to say: "This is a great feast, as you all think. If Marshal Tian Peng is gone, he will never be able to return. He will be demoted, and he will directly cut off the divine book, cut off the fairy bones, disperse the spiritual practice, clear all the memories, and push into the reincarnation to become a person again. "

"And the reason turned out to be ... drunk in the Ling Xiao Bao Dian, playing with the dancer Xian'e!"

Seeing that everyone's face changed greatly, Anyang continued to throw a dose of fierce material: "The marshal's treatment was then miserable!"

"The marshal's reincarnation was influenced by heaven, and he became an ugly monster. Then he worked hard and finally married a beautiful wife room, and was very infatuated with it, but the wife room was ugly and he was a ugly man, and he also joined the adulterer. He was killed! The marshal turned into a pig demon because of love and hatred, and eventually became a pig demon, which destroyed the world! "Anyang's mouth twitched an arc." Yes, just like the rivers and rivers killed countless monsters today! "

"Before I came here, I only met the horrible pig demon, and through the Sansheng Stone, it was the reincarnation of the Marshal!"

"Do you think that the marshal has become a demon who was once despised by yourself? Is that the end? Wrong, Xitian has a Buddha, they calculated the marshal, so that the pig demon converted to the Buddha, the marshal had to betray the heaven and go to preach for the Buddha!"

As soon as the words fell, someone shouted absurd!

"Ridiculous! Even if the group of people looked at the marshal, but if they wanted to suppress the marshal, it would not be possible to strip the marshal and drive the marshal into reincarnation!" The majestic general stood up, his eyes bulging, not angry Ziwei, "Furthermore, is the Marshal's identity comparable to that of the Immortal God, let alone to find such an excuse to suppress the Marshal, even if the Marshal is really raised in the Lingxiao Baodian ... casually teasing Xian'e, there are also Why not? "

"Finally, even if the Marshal enters the reincarnation, it is still comparable to the mortal. If the gang of the people in Tianting are a bit brainy, they will not sit and watch the Marshal being blinded by those bald donkeys?"

"In summary, all you said is nonsense!"

After the general had finished speaking, some people responded immediately, but some people remained silent. It seemed that even though Anyang was telling lies, it was somewhat expected. The loyal and faithful will be beaten and framed repeatedly, which is inevitable.

Anyang sneered contemptuously, ignoring the general and their questioning, but continued: "Almost right after the marshal was demoted, for some reason, many heavenly generals fell down, and the heavenly fighting organs were paralyzed until It has not returned to its present level after 500 years. "

"The Huaguo Mountain also collapsed and was finally surrounded by a certain soldier. Sun Wukong was suppressed by Dariru for five hundred years. When I saw him five hundred years later, he just came out of trouble!"

"Then Heaven Court did not know what the reasons were, the power was greatly damaged, and even the Buddha Gate was difficult to suppress forcefully. In the next five hundred years, it became more and more silent, and almost no longer showed the sacred, and even was once infiltrated by the Buddhist Gate!"


Anyang then said a long list, including the future situation, what will happen in the future, the situation of Huaguo Mountain, the battle between the Buddhist gate and the heavenly court, the situation of the fairy god, Buddha, demon, etc.

Speaking of people refuting at the beginning, afterwards the large furniture was silent, with a somewhat stunned expression.

In the end, Anyang sighed: "Flying birds do their best to bow and hide, cunning rabbits cook with dead dogs, plus Master Gong Gao Zhen, if the marshal does not have the victory in this battle, he can still save his life, maybe the Tianhe army also It can be saved in the future. I just hope that the marshal at that time will not be foolish anymore, even if you want to keep the Heavenly Court, do n’t keep the Heavenly Court at this time! "

Marshal Tianpeng was still sitting on the chair, tapping his finger on the table with a single click. He didn't have much surprise on his face, but he couldn't see any expression.

He seemed to believe, but he didn't seem to believe.

Or for someone like him, how to believe, not to believe, how to be true, or to be false, he always has his own beliefs, and this belief is by no means anyone, who can be shaken by a few words!

Even if this person speaks the situation truly and urgently, then it is difficult for him to change his code of conduct that he has adhered to for many years!

After a while, he raised his head: "If what you said is true, why do you help me and remind me?"

"Because I have a relationship with the Marshal." Anyang said.

"Are you dating?" Marshal Tian Peng frowned for a while, "Is it in the future?"

"The future? Barely right."

"Hmm ..." Marshal Tian Peng was silent for a moment before he went on again, "regardless of whether it is true or not, I and the generals of the Tianhe Water Army will pay attention, just when you wake us up!"

"As for the battle just now, although you let go of the Huaguoshan demon, you also saved my Tianhe Army from one death and one injury. I do n’t want to pursue anything else ... I can barely guess yours Intent, but unfortunately, even if I really stepped into the step you said, it was determined that it was impossible to do something contrary to the orders of the heavenly court. You should go. "Marshal Tian Peng waved his hand," But this time It is not so simple to end, you have created an enemy for us, next time I meet, I will directly order the warship to fire at you! "

"Fortunately, when I say this, I can't control how the Marshal thinks." Anyang said lightly, sweeping around, knowing that Marshal Tianpeng didn't listen to him. It didn't matter. So many people here heard it, they always went back. Is a bit useful.

Especially the next spirit.

"Since this is the case, I will leave." Anyang said.

"Slow walking, don't send!"


Anyang turned around ~ ~ You can feel that all the battleships outside have left and the formation has been cancelled.

The flagship of the Tianhe Water Army is huge. He led out of the command room under the leadership of two teenagers and walked onto the deck.

But at this moment, one person stopped him.


Anyang suddenly turned his head and found that it was actually a spiritual wind.

Lingfeng stepped towards him in two steps, waved his hands away and repelled the two teenagers beside him, and immediately went straight to the door, saying: "I think what you said may be true!"

Anyang was surprised for a while, then asked: "Why?"

"Because the seclusion sect Buddha and the dominant sect Buddha are arguing, it is likely that Tianting and the Buddha Gate will fall into the silence you said. The Tianting ’s power struggle is serious, the battle between the Jade Emperor and the Ziwei Emperor is even more fierce, and the Tianbing army is decaying. Seizure of power is likely to paralyze the fighting institutions of the heavenly court. "

"And my marshal originally belonged to Ziwei Emperor, but because of his prestige and power, he threatened the emperor, and the marshal was too loyal. He remained neutral in the battle of" Ziwei vs. Jade Emperor ", and was gradually tolerated by the Arctic Ziwei Emperor. It was also tolerated by the Jade Emperor because he belonged to the Arctic Ziwei Emperor. He was also tolerated by the fairy gods because he had too many followers in the civil society and too much power in the heavenly court, so it was no surprise that he was framed! "

Said, he squeezed his fist.

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