My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1005: Hope of victory

Anyang fell silent for a while.

In fact, he had made the statement very clear before. Everyone sitting in the command room was a high-level officer of the Tianhe Navy. It is impossible for only Lingfeng to realize that everything he said can really happen in the current situation. !

And why did others not point it out?

Including Marshal Canopy too.

Do you think you can't resist heaven and destiny? Still dare not stand up and say such rebellious words?

This is about the survival of the Tianhe Army!

Or did they listen to Anyang's words, but they were all thinking about each other? Since you think you have heard the future development, you can change your destiny if you pay a little attention?

That too underestimates fate?

After all, Qi Tian Da Sheng can't change ...

These thoughts flashed from my mind in only an instant, and after that, he looked at the spirit wind again: "So, why did the general run out so hurriedly to find me?"

"Let's talk about another place!" Lingfeng said.

"it is good!"

"follow me!"

Lingfeng walked aside first, walked directly to the edge of the flagship deck, jumped forward and flew away.

Anyang followed behind him.

And none of them noticed that in the huge flagship behind them, at least nearly ten eyes shot from different locations on the flagship towards them. The masters of their eyes are all powerful gods in fine armor!

Having said that, even if they notice these gazes, they can't ignore them.

During the flight, Anyang still silently thought.

If you really want to kill the gods of heaven, the Tianhe Navy is undoubtedly a powerful chess piece, saying that the chess pieces may not be appropriate, but they can definitely play a vital role.

Anyang also had the idea of ​​letting Marshal Tianpeng wake up early, which would enable him to see the Tianting as soon as possible, which would save him and the Tianhe Army, but this kind of preservation was undoubtedly built on the gap between the Tianhe Army and the Tianting , From now on, under the premise of "thinking about the adjustment of Heavenly Court".

Then the power of the Heavenly Court was weakened again, and he weighed the two phases, striving to achieve a balance between the strength of the Heavenly Court ’s fighting organs and the Buddhism and Huaguo Mountain.

This way, it will be more likely to collapse once the war starts.

The Buddha Gate is much stronger than the Demon Race. It is the most powerful challenger of the Heaven Court at present. If the Heaven Court is anxious, the Buddha Gate will inevitably bear most of the firepower of the Heaven Court. After that, even if the Heaven Court or the Buddha Gate is still there, Huaguo Mountain will poke. The last knife.

Yes, Anyang hopes Huaguoshan can win.

Comprehensive investigation, the threat of Huaguo Mountain is very low, even if they win, it is difficult to rule the world, and for these monsters that are no different from barbarians, it is like a blank piece of paper. If Anyang is calculated properly, he can completely write on it. !

It's a pity that he refused to take care of Marshal Teng Peng without even thinking about it. He really couldn't put his hand in it!

By comparison, General Lingfeng seems younger and more aggressive, and he is also more decisive and courageous! Although his position is no more than that of the senior generals of the Tianhe Water Army, he seems to be more suitable as an "cooperation partner" for Anyang than generals and even Marshal Tianpeng!

But he wanted Anyang to watch Marshal Tianpeng walk down the road of fate planning, and he was a little unbearable. After all, he had other purposes in his trip, but he also wanted to rescue Marshal Tianpeng. There……


Anyang sighed.

At this time, the spirit wind had taken him to another warship, and as soon as he landed on the deck, two heavenly soldiers came forward and nodded and saluted him: "General spirit wind!"

"Well." Lingfeng nodded. "It's hard work, you guys are busy first, I have something to talk with the guests!"

"Yes, General!"

Then Lingfeng still stood at the same place, waiting for the two soldiers to return to their original positions, before turning around and beckoning Anyang to leave with him.

This made Anyang affirm again that the spirit wind is indeed very prestigious in the Tianhe naval army and is deeply loved. If Marshal Teng Peng of this world is demoted, he is still very likely to take over the Tianhe Marines.

The two came to a cabin in the battleship. The cabin was very simple. The wall was also made of black star iron. It was boxy, and there was only one table and two chairs.

"Please sit down." Lingfeng said.

"Thank you, General." Anyang acted very politely, seeing the spirit wind took a pot of tea from under the table, and quickly said, "The water will not be drunk. The general will say it anyway. The Marshal has already dropped me. It's a chase. "

"Marshal is loyal, and he does not betray the heavens, and he wishes to protect the galaxy and all beings in the world, so he stayed neutral in the battle between Ziwei and Jade Emperor. It is precisely because of this, even if he listened to Mr. Will follow the meaning of the gentleman, don't be surprised, "said Lingfeng, still pouring tea to Anyang.

"Because of this, I deliberately advised the Marshal, and one of the most important purposes for me to come back here after five hundred years is to make the Marshal no longer suffer from samsara." Anyang said, and said, " The general does n’t want to call me anymore, I ’m just a wanderer. "

"The tea is good, the gentleman tastes it." Lingfeng shook his head. "Five hundred years after the gentleman's talk was surprising, but why did the Marshal never think about it? Why did we never think about it? We are, after all, a warrior, a warrior in heaven, and there are many things we can't do. We can only accept it, we can't resist! "

"The Heavenly Court at this time is no longer the former Heavenly Court. The former Heavenly Court stands for the world. All actions are for the world. The significance of the existence of the Heavenly Court is only to satisfy the powers and desires of some people, and there is more to fight inside. You are It ’s time to think about it. Are you fighting for the lives, or for the great emperors and gods in heaven? "

Unexpectedly, Lingfeng did not refute, not even a symbolic refusal, but immediately bowed his head and said: "Mr. What he said is very true."

Anyang suddenly realized that this was a very qualified general.

Paused a little bit, and Lingfeng said, "The inner court fights make the people of the lower realm do not talk about life, and our duty lies in guarding the Tianhe River. Even if we have the heart, we are powerless, and we are weak, how can the emperors control our opinions?"

"The general is too humble. The general's status in the Tianhe Water Army is very different. The Tianhe Water Army is the only elite remaining in the Heavenly Court. How can the General say that he is weak?" Anyang said calmly. "And now the Heavenly Court is already decaying, almost No Tianbing can compete with the Tianhe Water Army. If the Heavenly Court wants to be stable, it must also rely on the Tianhe Water Army. If the general wants to do something for the people of the world, and does his best, how can he be weak? "

"Although the Tianhe naval force is strong, the number of ancient gods and celestial beings in heaven is innumerable. It is far from the sages and demon kings of Huaguo Mountain. If the Tianhe navy makes them unhappy, they still It's hard to escape sanctions! "

"No, the court of heaven becomes more and more silent after five hundred years, and the gods of all parties hardly appear in the lower realm, which is absolutely impossible for no reason."

"Mr. think?"

"The Heavenly Court is the heavenly court of all beings, not the heavenly court of an individual or a group of people. The general also said before that there are many factions in the heavenly court who are fighting. If the Tianhe Water Army can draw the support of some ancient immortals, who are they afraid of? ? "

"Mr. What he said is very good!"

So far, it's unspoken!

The two did not have the process of persuading anyone at all, and even did not mention the matter of rebelling against the heavenly court, but they hit it off!

Although they seemed to be talking about something in the conversation, and they were mixed with some nonsense touted each other, it was the tone of the chat that was set early on.

As a young general, Lingfeng's thoughts are much more enlightened and radical than those of others!

Suddenly, Lingfeng's hand holding the teacup paused, and frowned and asked Anyang: "But if this is the case, how should my marshal be good? With his temperament, if the emperor Ziwei or the Jade Emperor call him to face the holy, he will still Go! "

Anyang stared at Lingfeng's expression, and he was a little uncertain about his thoughts, and paused for a moment before he asked back, "What do you think the general should do?"

Lingfeng thought about it without thinking: "Marshal is the pillar of the Tianhe Marines. With the Marshal in one day, the Tianhe Marines will always be a piece of iron, and the Marshal is so gracious to me. Of course I can't see the marshal suffering this tragedy!"

Anyang nodded, already knowing he would say so.

Their relationship is still rusty, and cooperation is not to mention, no matter what the spirit wind thinks, he can only say so.

Moreover, this is still in the Tianhe naval camp!

So Anyang still doesn't know what the spirit wind thinks.

Especially this sentence-there is a marshal in one day, the Tianhe Navy is always a piece of iron.

Can be understood as long as Marshal Tianpeng is present, the Tianhe Marines will never be dispersed, and his existence is indispensable and irreplaceable. It can also be understood that as long as there is Marshal Tianpeng, the Tianhe Water Army will always be controlled by him, and others will never be able to decide the direction of the Tianhe Water Army. Anything that Anyang put down and said!

Anyang flashed many thoughts in his mind at once ~ ~ also flashed many ways, and finally he chose the compromise.

"If the marshal wants to go to the saint, the general will certainly not be able to stop him. If the emperor Jade Emperor and Ziwei emperor will frame the marshal, the general will certainly not be able to stop him. , To see if you can keep the marshal's way, dignity, and memory, and then pull the marshal out of the reincarnation, and be a **** again. "

"So good!" Lingfeng claps his hands!

Anyang immediately saw him through, no matter how loyal he was to Marshal Tianpeng, he must be ambitious!

Paused, and Anyang asked again: "What did the generals say about the seclusion and the master Buddha?"

For a long time, Anyang left the battleship, opened the space channel directly with space gems, and stepped in.

Next second, he has appeared in Tianzhu. ) !!

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