My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1006: 2 factions

From Lingfengkou, Anyang saw the hope of victory.

Because the seclusion gods are not pursuing immortals, the seclusion gods have won, and the world can basically say "no" immortals.

This world, there is no need for God Buddha!

Anyang murmured and suddenly stepped out, his body suddenly turned into a streamer and disappeared into the sky.

Reappeared, he had found the Huaguoshan group demon.

At this time, the Huaguoshan group of demons had not collapsed. The base of the demons remained intact. The first and second troops remained intact. The third to fifth troops lost about half of their damage. It is equivalent to annihilation of the whole army.

Eighteen monster kings died four, but in addition to causing panic in the monsters and did not cause much impact, the remaining fourteen monster kings can still support Huaguo Mountain.

When Anyang arrived, the Huaguo Mountain group of demons were on a towering mountain, and it seemed that they occupied it as soon as they came.

This mountain is still full of spirits, but the climate is a bit harsh because of its high height, but it has no effect on these demons and can be used as a temporary resting place.

And in the distance, some monks wrapped in yellow robe and red robe came, and the target was the same mountain.

Anyang flew directly to the mountain and was stopped by a demon soldier. After a briefing, he quickly saw two Sun Wukong and fourteen demon kings.

This mountain should have been the owner before, because there are actually a few strange buildings on the top of the mountain, but when the army of Huaguo Mountain is under pressure, the main place has been changed. Temporarily settled.

As soon as he entered the room, a Monkey King frowned, "You didn't come with us, did you meet Marshal Tianpeng?"

"Yes!" Anyang confirmed.

As soon as the words fell, a group of demon kings in the house who were very wounded angered and almost gritted their teeth. Unless another Sun Wukong glanced at them, they almost all flew towards Anyang!

"Are you going to see Marshal Tianpeng?" A demon king asked, "Can it betray me Huaguo Mountain !?"

"Meet Marshal Tianpeng, you dare to come back!"


Anyang's eyes swept coldly and said directly: "Can you keep your brains aside, I let you go, I will betray you? You have left, how can I betray you?"

"Who knows what idea you hit!"

"Will the demon also have a long brain?"


A group of demon immediately filled with anger.

Anyang was also very helpless. He had just dealt with the senior leaders of the Tianhe Water Army, and had a tacit discussion with smart people such as Lingfeng for a long time. Suddenly he faced this group of demons. By contrast, he knew how big the gap was!


At this time, Sun Wukong waved his hand five hundred years later, and said to Anyang expressionlessly: "Tell them what you have done, otherwise they will not give up."

"..." Anyang was helpless for a while, and then took a deep breath, half-truly, "Marshal Tianpeng will soon be demoted, and his situation will be miserable. I would have wanted to convince him , Pull him to our side, but it ’s a pity that he does n’t want to betray heaven ... "

"If you don't want to be with us, that day, Marshal Peng and I have **** enemies. I would rather he be demoted, and I will swallow him!" Said a demon king.

"Yes, he deserves it!" Another demon king said.

Anyang finally could n’t take it anymore, and could n’t bear the brains of these demons, shouting, “Shut up, you pig brains! Do you know how useful the Tianhe Army is for you? Even if they are Stay neutral from now on, and you will be able to avoid the end of the ruin! "

After this, he immediately caused a lot of noise.

Anyang frowned directly and did not want to listen anymore. He faced the two Sun Wukong on the main seat and said: "Although I did not convince Marshal Tianpeng on this trip, he and his men must have been extremely disappointed with Heavenly Court. I have buried one. Seed, this abandoned seed may break out at any time. And I also contacted a general of the Tianhe Marine Army and got some important news. "

"Who? What news?" Sun Wukong asked.

"The person's name will not be said, the news is." Anyang stared at Sun Wukong calmly, his attitude and tone were enough to show that he was not speaking as a Sun Wukong's identity at this time, "Tianting is now divided into many factions, and disputes continue Among them, the most important are the two major factions, one is the dominant faction, which is the representative of the desire for power, and the other is the secluded faction, which is a typical practitioner and a fairy who pursues the heart. "

"These two?"

"Yes!" Anyang's eyes were slightly condensed. "The fairy of the dominant school believes that he is the master of the heavens and the earth. He advocates controlling the three realms and placing himself in the position of the master."

"The ones who have committed evil with you, sent troops to suppress you, and even oppressed people and slaughtered demons!"

"The sedentary gods of the seclusion school yearn for nature and the pursuit of inner supremacy and purity. They do not think that the fairy gods are more noble than the ordinary people, nor do they think there is a difference between demon and man. The world, regardless of the world ’s operation, gives everything to the law and the life itself, and does not threaten anyone. "

"Of course, in addition to the Domination Immortal God. Because the Doctrine Immortal God's own ideas are contrary to them, what they do is influencing their pursuit of the heaven and earth and nature, and they have to fight against the Domination Immortal God."

After listening to him, several demon kings scratched their heads.

The two Sun Wukong lowered their heads in contemplation, contemplating the same movement of supporting their elbows on the armrests of the chairs.

For a long time, Sun Wukong five hundred years later raised his head: "Which of the two factions is currently weak?"

"Overall, the dominating faction gods have the upper hand and are more powerful. After all, they have ruled the heavenly court for so many years. They have a deep background and master the fighting institutions of the heavenly court." Anyang had expected them to ask such mentally retarded questions. "However, most of the seclusion gods are fairy men who came from mortals step by step, and they have stronger powers ~ ~ and there are many strong ones. This is not lower than the masters.

"According to what you said, according to your previous plan, should we stand on the side of the seclusion gods, suppress the dominant faction, and replace them with the seclusion gods after victory?"

"No! The seclusion gods advocate that everything follows nature, as long as you don't act too much, don't challenge their ideas too much, don't become the new masters, you don't need to replace them, and you don't need to fight. Because what you want is already within reach, "Anyang said.

Many demon kings seem to understand.

The two Sun Wukong are still contemplating.

A moment later, they looked at each other and said almost exactly: "In our present situation, we can't contend with heaven at all. It seems that we have no choice. We only have to find an ally to have a hint of victory."

Anyang nodded: "It is true."

So, things were basically settled.

Then the demon king asked again: "Will the river and water army come to trouble us that day?"

Anyang shook his head and said: "It should be impossible, but the Buddhist gate meeting, I have met many monks when I came."


Fourteen demon kings and Sun Wukong frowned.

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