My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1009: Marshal Netherwind

For no reason, Tianting still broke out the most intense struggle for power along the path of fate.

Perhaps there is no reason, but the disease that has accumulated over a long period of time is very serious by this day. And when the roller blind that was once valued by the Emperor Jade Emperor was demoted, the identity of the Emperor Ziwei was high, and the Marshal Tianpeng who held the heavy power became a victim of the rights of all parties. All parties took advantage of this opportunity to launch The impact of supremacy!

And those ancestor-level characters are either tired of the endless battles of these immortal gods and have never been taught, or they have surpassed this category, and their mentality is in two different worlds with them.

Therefore, in this struggle for power, the fighting organs that have the most influence on the rule have been shuffled, and many gods who have been in charge of the heavenly troops for thousands of years will be relegated, and even be sentenced to imprisonment for being charged with unjustifiable crimes. , The disaster of decapitation!

The vacated positions will either remain vacant or be replaced by new gods launched by the major forces, and even many conflicts between the heavenly soldiers and the gods will be triggered by this!

The Heavenly Court, which has been ruling the world for many years, has almost been paralyzed in this matter!

The old powerful force department was completely mixed up!

The heavenly gods who claim to be the supreme of the world and always think that Laozi is the world's first great **** may be aware of the threats of Buddhism and demon clan, but they don't think that Buddhism and demon clan and other clowns can threaten them. In the final analysis, it is still the pride of these tens of millions of years that has thoroughly penetrated the cognition of each fairy god, making them a little unclear about the world.

But from a certain perspective, they are also right.

Because even after going through this big mistake of chess, the Buddha Gate and the Demon Clan did not let the Heavenly Court do anything. Instead, one was still restricted by the Heavenly Court and one was completely destroyed!

According to the original fate trajectory, the Buddhist door at this time was arbitrarily fighting Tiantian. This kind of struggle was more like a temperamental young wife. Lingshan still nominally obeyed the dispatch of the Tianting regime and dared not pull the face directly with Tianting. ! At this time, Huaguo Mountain was already disabled by the Tianhe Army, and he was worried about how to shrink his head tighter.

They didn't realize that the heavens were so turbulent, and they were careful and thin. One is prudently running his own believer, and the other is watching for when the Tianhe Water Army will organize the next attack, or what conspiracy to play!

After a lot of storms and collisions of power, the battles among the major factions of the Heavenly Court gradually ended. No matter whether they win or lose, at least all the departments of the Heavenly Court ’s fighting organs have stabilized. The newly appointed gods will have some dominance over their respective troops, so The behemoth started to work again.

At this time, the Buddhist door reacted, but had lost the best opportunity, and could only continue to operate carefully.

Soon after, Huaguo Mountain will perish.

In the present era, Huaguo Mountain not only retains a considerable part of its power, but also has contact with the Buddha Gate, with the seclusion **** of the heavenly court, and pays close attention to the heavenly court under the guidance of Anyang. Dare to!

This opportunity, whether it is Huaguo Mountain or Buddhism, will never let go!

So the Buddha took the lead, and Shakyamuni was also cautious and bold. He actually lowered the oracle, and sent a group of Buddhists from Tianzhu to the Eastern Han Dynasty of China.

This is the foundation that directly challenges heaven!

The demon clan is also reorganizing the army and expanding vigorously.

Sun Wukong ordered his demon king to recruit demon everywhere to form a new army, ready to challenge the heaven.

And in the distant Xinghe, the battleships of the Tianhe navy are ups and downs in the bright sky, and the ships are scattered randomly, but they are particularly shockingly beautiful!

Lingfeng, wearing a silver-light armor, stood in the flagship command room of the Tianhe Marine Army. He looked calmly and sat on a chair to read the intelligence from the Tianhe Marine Army reconnaissance unit.

For a long time, he rubbed his temples.

"I'm so distressed ..."

"Since clearing the line with Heavenly Court, there is no intelligence agency in Heavenly Court. The reconnaissance forces in the army alone cannot afford today's intelligence needs! Especially in this day and age, if we want to be completely independent, we need all aspects. Independence, cannot rely on other talents in any way. "

"It's troublesome!"

"Finally, I realize the marshal's difficulty."

Lingfeng sighed, suddenly pushed away the chair and got up, his face gradually solemn, and walked to the map of the command room.

I saw a small incense burner placed on the dark red table case, still smoky blue smoke.

Lingfeng was silent for a moment, and said lightly: "Marshal, it has been forty-nine days. Even if you were hurt by those traitors to the essence of the soul, should you stay in this soul furnace for so long, should you wake up?"

Lingfeng stared at the incense burner, but there was no movement for a long time.

For a long time, he sighed again and turned around.

At this moment, the small incense burner, called the rejuvenating stove, suddenly shivered, and the lid of the incense burner almost fell down!


In the sight of Lingfeng, he turned suddenly!

I saw the billowing cigarettes rising in the incense burner, and gradually condensed into the image of a **** in the air! The **** general was tall and heroic, and his face was majestic, and he was the commander of the Tianhe Navy-Marshal Tianpeng!

"Marshal, you are awake!" Lingfeng said suddenly.

"Huh?" Marshal Tian Peng was startled, turned his head to look around the surrounding environment, and looked at the spirit wind and the incense burner underneath. After a moment of silence, he knew the general facts.

"You rescued me?"

"Yes! Marshal!" Lingfeng respectfully said.

"Why did you do this?" Marshal Tian Peng maintained a majestic and graceful manner even though there was only a trace of residual soul!

"The Marshal is so loyal to the Marshal that he can't watch the Marshal take that step anyway, so he used only means to control the **** of execution, and he did his hands and feet in the place of reincarnation to save the Marshal from the Soul Furnace. "Soul," Lingfeng said both respectfully and sonorously. "The end will know that he cannot stop the marshal, so he can only do so!"

"The Soul Furnace is the treasure of Yinxueguixian?"

"Yes!" Lingfeng Gongdao said, "Mo will take a few brothers to the lower realm in person, and took this soul furnace from the shadow of the ghost, and now it is ours!"

"What about that Yinxian Guixian?"


"Huh?" Marshal Tian Peng immediately frowned, and then sighed, and then said about his own situation at this time, "You know that you are in violation of Tiantiao ..."

"Return to Marshal, it is as if today's court is too busy, and Tiantiao ... can't control my Tianhe Marines anymore." Lingfeng hesitated when he spoke. Now he is very prestigious in the army, but in front of Marshal Tianpeng But still a little uneasy, still maintaining the original gesture of respect.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Return to Marshal ..." Lingfeng arched his hand and began to talk about what happened after Marshal Tianpeng was killed.

"After the marshal left, there was a chaos in the army, and the generals who could sit in the command room all began to compete for the command of the army, which led to a chaos in the army ... The emperor Ziwei sent a new marshal and was treated by the brothers of the Shenhuo fleet as a heavenly instrument. The face of Wei was bombarded, and it was in front of Xinghe ... Heavenly Court was furious, Ziwei Emperor was furious ... "

"In the end, in order to stabilize the army's heart and wait for the marshal to return, he was forced to fight against the generals. Fortunately, he recovered from the turmoil and returned the whole army ..."

"The killing of the Marshal has caused a lot of anger in the army, plus the bombing of the new Marshal, my Tianhe Army is no longer tolerated by the Heavenly Court and the Emperor Ziwei! Plus, if today's court is decaying, the Emperor Tianzun's power is serious, and the existing building Facing the trend, he will finally follow Mr. Anyang's advice ... "


General Lingfeng has been clenching his fists, bowing slightly to report the spirit of Marshal Tianpeng.

Time passed little by little.

Marshal Tian Peng listened, pondered for a moment, and asked him two sentences from time to time. It wasn't until after the two hours that Lingfeng had finished all that he had said.

Suddenly, Marshal Tianpeng sighed. He seemed to be unable to restore the first strategy in an instant, and he was no longer heroic. He became extremely tired and extremely silent in an instant.

This time the pondering was particularly long, and he said for a long time: "So now you are in charge of the Tianhe Water Army?"

"Yes!" Ling Feng sonorously replied, and quickly opened the cloak on one knee and respectfully said, "The end will only be a temporary exercise, even if it is too weak, now that the marshal has returned, the end will also be relaxed. Breath! "

After speaking, he lowered his head again and shouted: "Please also ask the Marshal to continue leading the Tianhe Water Army and fight him for ten thousand years!"

Marshal Tianpeng stared at him with his head down slightly.

Lingfeng kept his head down, looking pleading.

It took a long time for Marshal Tianpeng to wearyly take his gaze back and look far into the sky: "I have made an oath. In any case, it is impossible to betray Tianting in this life, but now the Tianhe Marines have betrayed Tianting and have to betray Tianting ... Maybe the cultivator of the tour is right and you are right, but these things are not for me to do. "

Lingfeng suddenly raised his head, shocked: "Marshal ..."

Marshal Tianpeng waved his hand to stop his words: "You were brought out by me with one hand, or even raised by me. I know your character and your abilities."

"Now that the Tianhe Water Army has arrived in your hands, I believe you can lead it well, and you are more suitable than me to be the marshal of the Tianhe Water Army in this era. Put the Tianhe Water Army in your hands than anyone else Let me rest assured! "

The spirit wind was stunned, and there was some tears in his eyes: "No! Marshal, you are ..."

Marshal Tian Peng looked at him lightly: "If the Tianhe Water Army wants to survive in this era, there must be a leader who dares to act! And I have lived for so many years, worked for the Heavenly Court for so many years, and also commanded the Tianhe Water Army. For so many years, I have too many things on my body and it is no longer suitable for this role. "

"But my qualifications are still shallow ..."

"You have been recognized by the whole army, and you have begun to control the whole army, so you don't need to say more." Marshal Tian Peng's words seemed to show through all the calmness, and looked at the information booklet on the command room table. , "You are brave, decisive, act decisively, don't be constrained by anything, and dare to act, no one in the army is more suitable for you as a marshal of the Tianhe Water Army, including other generals ..."

After listening to Lingfeng, he suddenly fell silent.

He did not tell Marshal Tianpeng that most of the other generals in Marshal Tianpeng's mouth had been killed by him, leaving only a small part with little power and little ambition.

"What about Marshal?" Lingfeng asked, as if he had accepted Marshal Tengpeng's words.

"Me?" Marshal Tianpeng was silent, and then looked down at the Soul Furnace. "I was not tolerated by so many fairy gods, and I failed to do enough. I think, maybe that reincarnation is my destination, this heavenly court. Not suitable for me anymore. "

"Marshal! No!"

"It's okay, since they want me to reincarnate, then I will follow them to reincarnate! Perhaps after the reincarnation, I can better see what this world is like, what I should do, and the ones who insisted Is it really meaningful in this era ... "


"I've decided, you don't need to say much." Marshal Tian Peng stared at the spirit wind lightly, "You don't need to worry, I am now no matter how magical spells, mana immortals or memories are, I just go to reincarnation, and there is no difference from the next! "

"Then ..." Lingfeng was speechless.

"Send me to the reincarnation." Marshal Tianpeng said, looking down at his vaguely transparent dress. "It's just as they intended, to devote to that one."

"Follow the order!" The spirit wind pressed heavily, and the armor made a heavy noise as he stood up.

In fact, he has thought about this scene many times in his mind, but he did not expect that Marshal Peng really "opened up" that day. When he insisted on going into the reincarnation, his heart would be so heavy that it was almost blocked.

In the blink of an eye, Marshal Tian Peng had turned into smoke and got into the soul rejuvenation furnace.

The spirit wind silently lifted the soul furnace with both hands ~ ~ Suddenly took a deep breath, his expression suddenly changed, strode meteor to the door of the command room, and slammed the door open.

"Come here, call the light ship, and let the generals choose the three thousandth elite brothers, and I will go to the mansion with me!" At this time, his face was full of perseverance and fierceness, just like the previous spirit.

"Yes! Will ... Marshal!"

Soon, several light ships of the Tianhe Navy carried the most elite Tianhe Navy, and hundreds of battles were heading towards the local government.

It's easy to fish out Marshal Tianpeng from the reincarnation, but now the power of the prefecture has been changed, and it is much more difficult to send people into the reincarnation. The only way for Lingfeng is to come hard.

There are no more ticks, and anyway, he has drawn a line with Heavenly Court. He is not afraid of Heavenly Court ’s sanctions.

With so many brothers, who was afraid?

The fleet of the Tianhe Water Army was stopped by the Yin soldiers in Huangquankou. Without saying anything, Lingfeng said that while leading the battle to fight the Tianbing and the Yin soldiers, he ordered the light ship to directly penetrate the defense of the Yin soldiers and continue to before.

Encountered numerous obstacles along the way.

But how can the Difu Yinbing be the opponent of the Tianhe Navy? What's more, the elite of the entire Tianhe Army is gathered here!

Therefore, the spirit of the marshal who supported Tianpeng with the spirit wind approached the mouth of the reincarnation all the way. It was not until the ten palaces that the king of the king personally shot that he blocked the pace of the Tianhe Navy.

But at this time, they have reached the reincarnation.

After a confrontation between the two sides for a while, Lingfeng realized that the delay of time would definitely be detrimental to his own side, and he decided to start the war.

In the end, he took the powerful warriors of the Tianhe naval forces to break through the blockade of the Ten Temples, and successfully reached the reincarnation door, but when he threw the soul furnace into the reincarnation, he was blocked by King Taishan and his soldiers. When the wind missed, the spirit of Marshal Canopy was thrown into the beast road!

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