My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1010: Battle of Tianhe

? Lion King Mountain, the wind is light.

In addition to the more and more demons gathered on the mountain, it seems that all changes in the outside world will not affect this place, and the breeze is still gentle.

Because of the powerful capabilities of the monsters, the Lion King Mountain is now far different from more than two months ago. If the former Lion King Mountain was a towering mountain range, the current Lion King Mountain is a huge demon kingdom.

Under the Lion King ’s Mountain, there is a magic circle, which can be dazzled by thousands of monsters. The lower half of the Lion King ’s Mountain is full of military fortresses and offensive and defensive equipment. It feels like the Tianhe Army ca n’t fly past it. And from the middle up, it has been filled with buildings of various styles, making the middle and upper part of the mountain like a huge city, but in this city are all demon.

What ordinary people can't see is the extremely hidden caves all around the Lion King Mountain, deep and dark, twists and turns, not knowing where to go.

Under the hard work of certain monsters with special abilities all day long, this mountain, which is many times larger than Huaguo Mountain, is gradually being dug through, and there are groups of monsters that change the interior of the mountain from earth to stone. Quirky black material.

Seeing this mountain gradually becoming the base camp and military base of the world's monsters, and like Huaguo Mountain in the past, seeing the enthusiasm and efficiency of these monsters, Anyang also sighed.

These days he has been trying to continue to perfect his space spells, at least he must be able to control the direction of the shuttle, not like the first time he played with Sun Wukong, he can only use the spell and open the space channel, but he can't control the direction at all, he doesn't know Where is the other side of the space channel ...

After unremitting research on space gems, he has been very effective in this regard.

At the same time, Buddhism has had a lot of friction with Heavenly Court, but because the fighting institutions of Heavenly Court are still in turmoil so far, the leader has not yet determined, so Tianting's provocative behavior against Buddhism is very weak.

After knowing the weakness of the Heavenly Court, Shakyamuni was very determined. Knowing that time was not to be delayed and opportunities were rare, he directly increased the intensity of his actions.

The demon clan led by Sun Wukong was not to be outdone. During this time, he not only had several conflicts with Heavenly Court, but also had been planning to unite the Heavenly Court Seclusion God to launch a strong attack on the Domination God!

In this situation, the group of fairy gods in Tian Ting who are fighting for power and profit are overwhelmed, and they are already a bit burned.

And at this moment, Anyang heard that the Tianhe Water Army, who had drawn the line with the Heavenly Court, suddenly led his troops to rush into the mansion, and forcibly broke into the holy land of the mansion-reincarnation reincarnation!

Unpredictable soldiers in the dynasty were unable to stop and suffered heavy losses.

Then somehow, the spirit spirit general who led the Tianhe Water Army suddenly went wild, leading three thousand elite soldiers and hundreds of warlords to directly launch the massacre in the nearby dungeon city, causing countless deaths and injuries to the inferior soldiers and ghosts. He drove thousands of miles with a warship and bombarded the king city where King Taishan is located, almost razing the king city of King Taishan to the ground!

The remaining royal cities also suffered more or less damage.

So Lingfeng became the second man in the world after the founding of the Monkey King after the Monkey King, and he did much more than Sun Wukong, even more so!

Anyang was a little puzzled and couldn't figure out why.

Then I heard that Tianting was furious, and sent out the famous Tianting warrior, Prince Nezha, and dispatched 300,000 Tianbing soldiers in all major troops to go to fight against the Tianhe naval forces who had defected from Tianting!

It is said that the goal is to recover the Tianhe Navy, and to capture the spirit general who is currently in command of the Tianhe Navy.

The two sides are now in confrontation!


The battleships of the Tianhe Army no longer disperse before, but float neatly in the air in a three-dimensional layout. Various battleships of different sizes and shapes are either hierarchical or interlaced.

Is quiet all around, very silent.

Opposite the Tianhe naval warship, there are almost endless white clouds, above which are neat sky soldiers, showing a square array.

At the forefront is a Qingxiu warrior dressed in a lotus armor, stepping on a hot wheel, a collar and a circle of celestial beings, a lingering waistband, a fire-pointed gun and a blue sword, and various rare treasures. Will, the body is extremely strong.

The two sides are confronting silently.

On the flagship of the Tianhe Water Army, the spirit wind in silver armor pressed a long sword with one hand and stood at the top of the deck.

His expression was calm and unreasonable, but compared to Gu Jing, who was in the past when Marshal Tianpeng was working, his expression was more like a kind of indifference, a kind of indifference to war.

But the same strategy!

The same leisurely!

Ke Lingfeng's other hand squeezed his fist tightly, revealing a mood different from the indifferent expression, and at the same time looked up at the infinite warship and the shining galaxy, and the sky soldiers.

There is no day and night beside the galaxy. Every day is this look. The bright stars outline a galaxy, with a touch of color, but beautiful, and he was deeply impressed by this picture when he first came to the Tianhe Navy. Deep shock!

At that time, he thought, how could there be such a magnificent and magnificent scene in this world?

Later, he became the guardian of this galaxy.


He remembered that Marshal Tianpeng said to him at this time: This beautiful galaxy contains a deadly murderous opportunity. Many years ago, the great gods were fighting **** here, resisting the enemies from other realms, and now they have the three realms. ! So far those enemies are still staring at our world and coming across the border from time to time. Therefore, for the tranquility of the Three Realms and the inviolability of this beautiful world, we must always stay here and vow to protect the world forever!

At that time, he was still lingering in the magnificent galaxy, but he was hit with a hammer in the heart.

Sense of mission? He must have felt it then.

Otherwise, he would not fight here for so long, always guarding the calm of the galaxy.

He still remembers every sentence that Marshal Tianpeng had said to him who had just come here. He also remembered that his father was buried in Xinghe for the great mission. He also remembered Marshal Tianpeng's demeanor and gentle smile ... …

That was the hero in his heart!

But now! ! !

Watching the Soul Furnace fall into the animal path, he knew what it meant! I also know that Marshal Tianpeng who has not been cut off from his personality, immortality and memory will never become an ordinary beast, but such insults, even if Marshal Tianpeng can face it calmly, how can he and Tianhe Marines endure up and down ?

Carried out a massacre in the prefecture and destroyed the King Taishan City. He thought it was already light! This heaven is so unfair, how can this little thing release his own hatred!

If he had only three thousand soldiers, if the mansion was in the law, he had to move it!

Heroes of Earth……

Marshal Tianpeng understands Spirit Wind, and why does Spirit Wind not know Marshal Tianpeng? He knew that Marshal Tianpeng would not continue to control the Tianhe Marines. He also knew that the Tianhe Marines were almost in his pockets, just like Marshal Tianpeng could see his careful thinking. So the two people are more in a tacit agreement, no one to break through the tacit agreement to complete the power transfer ...

He did have ambitions. He did know that Marshal Teng Peng was no longer suitable to control the Tianhe Navy. He did want to control the power in the army from the beginning. He did guess that Marshal Teng Peng would insist on reincarnation ... but he did not guess. To this last scene!

Lingfeng pinched his fist tighter and tighter, his expression getting colder and colder!

If he said that he was pretending to be a child who had not grown up in front of Marshal Tianpeng a few days ago, now he is a real marshal who is downright!

And he has gone through hundreds of battles!

At this time, I only listen to the shouting from Nezha from that side: "Spirit Wind, you and I are old. You know that you can't fight against the entire heaven with the Tianhe Army alone, so you still have to grab your hands and hand over your military power. Go home with me, obediently! I assure you that I will beg the Jade Emperor to open the net to you and let it fall lightly! "

Lingfeng listened quietly without speaking.

He stood still on the flagship deck, towering like a mountain, and his cloak spreading behind the wind, as if he hadn't heard any words.

It was the other Tianhe Marines who sneered.

Is now the base camp of the Tianhe naval army beside the Xinghe River. At this time, the Tianhe naval army is the complete Tianhe naval army, much more than the Tianhe naval army sent to encircle Huaguo Mountain.

This army responsible for defending enemies outside the territory and guarding the Three Realms has been one of the most elite troops in the heavens since its inception. Only the peak court guards can barely compare with it, but now even the heaven guards have been corrupted and corrupted ~ www ~ The army in front of him does not have many Tianhe Watermen, no Tianhe Watermen can fight, no battleships of the Tianhe Watermen, I am afraid that there is no chance of even touching the Tianhe Watermen at all! I really don't know where this man came from, or whether those in power in the heavenly courts had their heads drawn or what happened. Actually, they wanted to defeat the Tianhe Water Army!

Are they all chickens, ducks, pigs and dogs when they are outside the domain?

Nezha shouted again. Without a response, he closed his mouth helplessly, took a deep breath, and waved to let the herald officer around him order drumming, with a rather helpless expression.

The military order is like a mountain, I have to follow!


"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

The sound of the drum of battle sounded, and the excitement was magnificent. At last, the eyes of the spirit wind changed, and they turned to Nezha.

His eyes contained some disdain.

But he still moved forward, step by step to the end of the battleship deck, stepped on the collision angle of the battleship, and stepped on the collision angle to continue to move forward, until standing on the outermost side of this huge flagship projecting out, looking up Holding a completely silent self-alignment, which is diametrically opposed to the opposite momentum.

He raised his hand, the scarlet cloak was pulled back by the wind, and the commander stared at him until he saw him wave his hand!

"Kill! One will not stay!"

Brushed, the scarlet flag began to dance, like painting, but depicting the cruelest military order!

Every battleship of the Tianhe Navy suddenly sounded the dull thunder of drums, as if hitting the soul! The warships that couldn't see the edge started slowly, no shouting, but only the silent movement, but the momentum instantly overwhelmed the opposite.


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