My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1011: fierce

Three days later, the heavenly army was defeated and almost wiped out.

The Tianhe Water Army not only defeated them easily, but also deployed a variety of battle arrays and used various means to siege the Tianting Army and launched a shocking **** massacre!

Only Nezha, who was capable, fled back with a group of generals and thousands of personal soldiers, and the rest of them were transformed into the blood stains of Xinghe under the wrath of the Tianhe Navy.

This is also the first self-sacrifice that has happened here since Sansheng had souls and Xinghe had black slits!

Heaven is silent, the Three Realms are shaking!

The Tianhe Water Army made everyone begin to reflect on, is the Heavenly Court really invincible? Is the Divine Power of Heaven really invincible? Are the gods really high?

Maybe some people finally realize that in this era, internal and external troubles, if you don't wake up, Tianting may suffer a major blow.

Yes, a big blow!

After so many years, no one thought that heaven would die!

And at this time, the Buddhist door once again seized this opportunity, so that the Tianzhu monks had spread missions, and they also directly sent the Luohan Bodhisattva from the Western Heaven Elysium to protect the monks and entered the East with an attitude that almost broke the face with the heavenly court!

They have challenged Heavenly Court.

After the Huaguo Mountain demon soldiers did not fall, when a million demon were gathered, they were decisively divided into four roads and set up a **** cloud, led by the demon king, and headed towards the southeast and northwest.

The Four Seas is an important stronghold of the heavenly court in the mortal world. It is responsible for controlling the wind, rain and solar terms of the mortal world, and these are all important parts of the divine power in the eyes of mortals.

It can be said that the Four Seas Dragon Palace, the land **** Huang, and the mountain and river gods form the foundation of the heavenly rule of the mortal world, especially the Four Seas Dragon Palace!

Now Huaguo Mountain is to remove the foundation of the rule of heaven by heaven.

The first step is the Four Seas Dragon Palace. The next step is the gods from all over the place, followed by the Nether Sect, a temple stronghold scattered in the famous mountains and rivers, and closely related to the immortal gods dominated by the heavenly court. When the prestige of Huaguo Mountain reaches its apex again in the world of demon, the tradeoff between heaven and earth gradually, the prestige of the heaven and earth gradually sweeps the ground, and Huaguo Mountain can order the demon in the world to remove the land of mountain gods ...

By then, the foundation of Heavenly Court in the lower realm is over!

And Huaguo Mountain cooperates with Buddhism, one starts from the stronghold, erases the substantive control of Heavenly Court on the lower realm, and the most essential thing that starts from faith and competes with Heavenly Court for the Divine Power directly!

Cooperating with the control of the Tianhe army by the Tianhe Army, the internal reference of the seclusion gods, Tianting has fallen into a lot of difficulties.

But most immortals are still unaware.

At the same time, the two Sun Wukong of Huaguo Mountain were also burnt.

Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong was deeply touched by the power of religious belief. Under the guidance of Anyang, he was almost determined to shake the heavens with the power of religion. Although Sun Wukong was a little confused about it five hundred years ago, he was influenced by his own future and inspired by today's Buddhism. Coupled with talking to Anyang several times, he gradually realized the importance of faith.

But in terms of belief, Buddhism has already taken the lead and has a solid foundation in the West.

Coupled with the impression of people's demon, the demon clan can be said to be in a weak position in this respect.

By contrast, Huaguoshan is too difficult to intervene in faith.

Qi Tian Da Sheng has absolutely nothing to do in this regard!

Not much gossip.

Anyang still lives at the top of Lion King Mountain. He studies space spells every day and practices ancient nerves at night.

Has experienced several ‘relocations’ at the same time, and his current residence is almost closest to the Monkey King ’s Mansion!

Frontline battle situation keeps coming.

At the same time, Huaguoshan successfully built a complete and secret intelligence system in the world with the unity of the demon clan, spreading all over the world and strong camouflage. It transmits information in a unique way of the demon clan, which belongs directly to Huaguoshan. !

In this respect, the demon clan has much more advantages than the Buddha.

After all, there are too many monsters with unusual talents, strange and strange, and not easy to attract people's attention, far from being comparable to human practitioners.

This information system also keeps sending messages.

The demon army soldiers who have been recuperating for so long are divided into four roads, each of which is fierce and murderous. On the contrary, the Four Seas Dragon Palace has relied on the majesty of the Heavenly Court and the strength of the Heavenly Soldiers for thousands of years, but when this inviolable aura is broken and the Heavenly Court cannot send effective assistance, the weak body under the tiger's skin is exposed Too.

In addition to the East China Sea, the Four Seas Dragon Palace organized little resistance, and it was almost negligible.

It is said that the East China Sea Dragon Palace was also because Sun Wukong broke into the Dragon Palace one hundred years ago and robbed the Dinghai God Needle. At that time, the water of the Dragon Palace would hardly form resistance, and the already rotten Heavenly Court could not help Sun Wukong. The entire army develops its own strength. After a hundred years of development, it finally has some self-protection.

But the good times didn't last long. After Sun Wukong in Tianzhu learned of the strong resistance from the East China Sea Dragon Palace, he didn't hesitate immediately and immediately sent reinforcements from the Lion Mountain headquarters to the East China Sea. At the same time, the other three seas' troops were quickly determined to prepare for the East China Sea.

Everything should be the fastest!

During this process, Tian Ting behaved in a state of consternation and panic. It seemed that she did not expect that Huaguo Mountain, who was almost disabled by the Tianhe Army, had the power and the courage to do this kind of thing. They did not expect them to happen at this time. .

When the court tried to suppress the turmoil, he found that he was enemies at the time, and at the same time, he was caught in a situation of "no soldiers, no generals", so he was at a loss.

Tianting also did not deal with the matter calmly, and dispatched some celestial soldiers in a hurry, so that some powerful immortals, who had never taken the soldiers, and the new generals who replaced the old warlords as temporary commanders, then proceeded to the lower realm.

The result is conceivable. The troops formed in this way are not as powerful as those led by the gradually corrupt veterans. They were directly beaten by Huaguo Mountain.

Was the first to fall into the Beihai Dragon Palace.

The fall of the remaining three seas has also become a foregone conclusion.

Compared with, the collision between Buddha and Heaven is much more intense.

Because the Buddhist gate directly shakes the beliefs of the heavenly courts, it invisibly touches more people's cakes, so many fairy gods have voluntarily descended from the heavenly courts to prevent the invasion of faith from Buddhism.

The Buddha and Luohan sent by the Buddha from Xitian finally played a role-anti-intercept these immortal gods who had not received the order of the heavenly court alone, or even directly destroy them to eat away the power of the heavenly court.

So many wars broke out in the east. Although the number of people participating in the war was single and not as powerful as the army's pressure, both sides were extremely powerful gods and buddies, with the power of collapsing mountains and breaking water.

So that mortal thought that the devil came, the gods civil war and panic all day long.

Tianting didn't realize his weakness until then, but it was too late and the building had begun to lean.

Wasn't because of the demon race and the Buddha's struggling step by step, but because of their internal struggle, pushing themselves to the weakest and most unresponsive point in history, and then met these two powerful rebels!

Perhaps everyone has overlooked one side--

Tianhe Water Army!

It is said that when Huaguo Mountain entered the four seas, the army sent by the court included the West Road Army with relatively good strength. Although the West Road Army was not enough to destroy Huaguo Mountain, it was necessary to defeat one of the four road troops sent by Huaguo Mountain. It's still very easy.

Until the Four Seas Dragon Palace showed defeat, the Heavenly Court soldiers were also beaten down, and the West Road Army had never appeared.

It is said that when Buddhism spread to the east, Chunyang Gate, one of the Taoist schools, was severely affected. Chunyang Lu Zu, who was one of the eight immortals, once went down personally, but in the end failed to get in touch with Buddha Bodhisattva!

Because of the movements of the demon clan and the Buddha, the Emperor Ziwei had sent one of the Arctic Four Saints, Ling Yingyou, Sheng Zhenjun (later called the True Martial Devil Emperor), to lead people to suppress in the lower realm, including Zeng also led by Marshal Tianpeng Thirty-six thunder generals in the Thunder House can be described as imposing.

The well-known Yousheng Zhenjun also failed to achieve a record. After only two days of leaving the heavenly court, he returned to Ziweixing, and the thirty-six thunder as the backbone of the heavenly fighting organization will disappear.


All signs indicate that the Tianhe Water Army should secretly intervene in this matter, and the spirit spirit general who now dominates the Tianhe Water Army has been manipulating the situation, serving as an invisible aid for the demon clan and the Buddhist gate.

Half a month later, Huaguoshan Army triumphed.

The four-sea dragon palace is almost destroyed. A few royal families and powerful waters will flee. The rest will either be captured or killed. All treasures and treasures will be put into Huaguo Mountain ’s pockets, becoming the first war money after Huaguo Mountain moved to Lion Mountain!

And this is far more abundant than the wealth of war.

Then the Huaguoshan demon army entered the period of dressing and cultivation, and digested the elite talents, treasures and magical tools taken from the Four Seas Dragon Palace, as well as the most important classic books, magical spells, etc ...

It can be said that the accumulation of the Four Seas Dragon Palace for tens of thousands of years has been turned into nourishment for the Huaguoshan demon tribe to grow ~ ~ This is also a necessary means for most forces to rise in troubled times.

Buddhist missions are in full swing.

The king of a small country in the East has become a devout Buddhist when the Buddha deity was personally dispatched. He even issued a decree to make people all over the country believe in Buddhism, establish funds to build Buddhist temples, and make Buddhism a national religion.

There are also heavenly great supernaturalists who violently collide with the power of the Buddhist gates and strongly block their teachings!

And at this time, Huaguo Mountain has abandoned the bloated army, let the powerful demon will form their own team, go to various places to hunt Shenhuang, and destroy the temple that can be directly connected to heaven ...

The war is getting more and more intense.

In such a situation, one day, Anyang was thinking about how to build a defense based on the principle of space, but he did not expect a sudden knock on the door.

"Boom boom!"

He immediately frowned and turned to look at the door.

Through a layer of paper brushed through the cutouts on the doors and windows, he could see a head, which was not high.

"Sun Wukong ..."

Anyang looked at various notes in front of him, and used scribbled text to record various formulas, and there were no lack of twisty symbols.

His brow furrowed tighter.

Hesitated a little, but waved his hand and opened the door.

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