My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1012: Method

It turned out to be Sun Wukong.

Looked at each other far away, their eyes met.

This Sun Wukong's expression is indifferent and hides fierceness and anger in his eyebrows, apparently not Sun Wukong five hundred years ago.

"Da Sheng, why come to me?" Anyang asked.

Sun Wukong walked in and glanced at several glassware and notebooks on the table in the corner of the room, focusing on the contents of the needle pen and notebook for a moment before looking at Anyang again: "Are you busy?"

"Well." Anyang nodded.

"Did I bother you?"

"..." Anyang stared at him, and after exchanging eyes with him for a few seconds, he exhaled a breath, "I'm bothered to disturb too, can't it be possible to invite Dasheng back now?"

"That's really embarrassing." Sun Wukong said, with no expression of guilt, walked in, and glanced at the scribbles and unusually neatly arranged formulas on the notebook, and his eyes shone brightly. "You What is written above, is it a secret? "

"Some information only." Anyang said lightly, he was not afraid that Sun Wukong could recognize the word, nor was he afraid that he could understand it.

"Oh?" Sun Wukong seemed interested, "What information?"

"research material."

"Research? What to study? What to do?"

"..." Anyang showed a speechless look. "Study some laws and record them, you can figure out its principles and operating rules, and then know how to use it, you can strengthen your knowledge and strength step by step!"

"Oh? So amazing?"

"For example, if you know that the ground is flat, there is an object that can smoothly intersect the ground no matter how the orientation is changed, then if you use this object as a wheel, it can roll on the ground." Anyang paused, "Let ’s say another You know that saltpeter absorbs a lot of heat when dissolved in water, so even a mortal can make ice cubes. "

"Oh?" Sun Wukong was stunned. "Don't you first know that there is a circle, the circle can roll on the ground, can you speculate on the truth you said above? And ... what is the Laoshizi saltpeter?"

"Ordinary people do, as you said, know an object first, and then think about its existence. But in this way, they will always be limited by the world and their eyes. They can only know what they see, but they cannot create new ones. thing."

"You haven't said what that Laoshizi saltpeter is!"


"So what are you studying now? Do you want the wheels to roll on the ground or use the Laozi saltpeter to make ice?"

"..." Looking at Sun Wukong's curious and unwilling look, Anyang took a deep breath and said to him: "I am studying the solidification of material and the possibility of space compression and folding, and hope to make it. The barrier based on the space level, in theory, this barrier can be as strong as the world, because the solidification of matter is almost static in time, and the static of time is absolute ... "

"..." This time for Sun Wukong, he stayed for a while, and he only reacted for a long time, "What ... what are you talking about?"

Anyang did not answer, but said: "Da Sheng, what are you doing, let's talk quickly."

"That's fine." Sun Wukong nodded. "I came here because you said before that if you want a lake to no longer have water, you need to fill it with other things. Now that old baldness like Rulai The donkey has begun to fill the lake, and I ca n’t get anything to fill the lake from Huaguo Mountain, so I ’ll ask you for advice ... "

"... Da Sheng, didn't I say that, in this respect, Da Sheng can only study on his own, I can't help." Anyang looked at Sun Wukong calmly.

"But you also know that I am a demon, and this Huaguo Mountain is also a demon. We have never been exposed to faith, and we never know how to correct this thing. It really needs you to show us a way, otherwise We are headless flies. "

Anyang listened and fell silent.

Blowing into the damp wind from the open door, blowing the notebook full of words, the paper clambered.

Anyang nodded and said, "Well, then I can only point in a few directions. I ca n’t guarantee it if it is detailed or not. Please forgive me."

"You talk about it, talk about it."

Anyang pondered a little before he said: "The first way, the great saint can use religious beliefs to replace religious beliefs such as today ’s court or Buddhist gates."

"The second way, the Great Saint can replace religion with other things."

"If the great saint chooses the first path, then the great saint must have proper doctrines. It is obviously difficult for the great saint to create a religion, but it is also no problem. In this era, heaven is in chaos, and there are many religions in this world. Sprout, these religions do not have their own deities, the great sage can go to find one, support them, and let these religions without deities replace Taoism or Buddhism. "

"So good?"

"Nature." Anyang nodded and said, "So there is another advantage, that is, the reclusive fairy gods of the heavenly courts naturally do not want to see the heavenly master's patriarchal fairy goddesses be defeated, and immediately a new heavenly **** dominates. It is not disgusting for the Holy People to replace those religions with gods with these religions without gods. "

"Oh? It seems reasonable."

"And if things are done, the great sage must pay attention! These religions are empty shells and beliefs have no end, so no matter what religion the great sage chooses, we should try our best to avoid these religions from rebirth of gods or other gods. Yes."

"How to avoid?"

"The great sage can gradually change the teachings of these religions so that they tend to their own ideas, or they can directly transform themselves into the master gods of these religions and allow themselves to be worshipped by the world. In this way, no new gods will naturally be born. It's threatening Dasheng and Yaozu. "

"But in this way, those heavenly seclusion gods are not stupid, can they tolerate the birth of new gods in the world and conflict with their ideas?"

"Dai Sheng said even, then there is a more complicated method."

"You say, you say you say."

"After the religion is established, the great sage must start education and let the world enter an era where all people are taught. This action is expected to be opposed by the whole world, but these oppositions are insignificant for the demon race." Anyang used a calm and slow tone Said, "Latest Saint will either fully integrate the demon and the human, regardless of each other, regardless of their status, and let them know each other, or they will be separated from each other, and they must not communicate with each other, nor allow the fairy to appear in the world. In the first place, people will slowly dilute their impressions of God, and only pursue the spirits that do not exist in the teachings of the Great Saint. "

"Then if the great sage wants to eradicate the influence of God completely, he must let people no longer believe in God, and no **** will be born."

"People no longer believe in God, how is this possible?" Sun Wukong said in surprise.

"This is how important it is to make you universally educated. A person who has a complete and correct understanding of the world and self will not blindly worship the gods." Anyang's words sounded ridiculous in Sun Wukong, but somehow It has a fairly reliable credibility, "then the Holy Master should control the transition of religion to another system, not to say that everyone should abandon religion, at least to allow some elites to transition to another level."

"What level?"

"It was born out of religion, but beyond religion ..."

"Less nonsense! I don't understand, you'll talk!"

"I call it philosophy."


"Yes." Anyang said, and suddenly, with a wave of his hand, a tablet appeared on the table. Several projections were projected on the tablet, all of which were floating books.

"Master, please see." He said.

Sun Wukong leaned over and suddenly startled.

I saw that the books were beautifully printed, and the titles of the books in this era were clearly written in simplified Chinese style.

"Sophie's World"

"Questions of Philosophy"

"Your first philosophy book"

"Critique of Pure Reason"

"Spiritual Phenomenology"

"The Story of Philosophy"

"Philosophy and Life"

"Big Issue"


"Marxist Philosophy"

There are more than ten books in total, a series of philosophical books.

Sun Wukong scratched his head.

"Philosophy is the best way to make people transition from religion to reason, but not necessarily everyone can accept it. But as long as the Great Saint firmly destroys religion, and then firmly controls the influence of fairy gods on mortals, one day this world It will become an era where the fairy gods only exist in the dark, or people understand the fairy gods, and no longer offer worship and faith to these real fairy gods. "Anyang told Sun Wukong a semi-firm and inaccurate way." And I do n’t have much attainment in this regard. The specific method of implementation can only be explored by Dasheng himself. Many things have been recorded in the book. "

"So, can not only cut off the belief of Buddhism and Taoism, but also make this world no longer have fairy gods?"

"I can guarantee the previous one. As for the latter one, Da Sheng still has a long way to go."

"What way?

"The Road to Universal Education ~ ~ Education?" Sun Wukong tapped his head, "I understand! What do you want a person to be, just teach him what!"

"..." Anyang's mouth twitched, "Dasheng's understanding is very good, but if Dasheng does this, wouldn't it be the same as the previous Heavenly Court? In case one day a race does not accept the teaching of Dasheng, Stand up and rebel. Does Dasheng want to suppress them like heaven? "

Sun Wukong pondered and nodded, "It makes sense! What do you say?"

"The supreme king's path should be on the most correct path, imparting the most correct knowledge to the people, so that everyone can understand the world, self, and naturally the road of the Great Sanctuary." Anyang said. "If there are still people who stand up against the Great Saint in this way, then he is wrong. He is enemies against the whole world. He does not have to be a wicked person. The people of the world will recognize the right and wrong and refute them."

"It makes sense!" Sun Wukong nodded again and again.

Seeing him like this, Anyang smiled: "Dasheng sounds simple, but if it is implemented, it may not be successful for hundreds of years. And there is a prerequisite for doing these things. Dasheng will win in this battle. Yes. "

"Is it ..." Sun Wukong nodded quickly, and he seemed to be a monkey who had just opened his mind.

Suddenly, he raised his head again and looked at Anyang brightly: "So if I choose the second way? How can I replace religion with something directly?"

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