My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1014: The time of annihilation

But finally, the emperor should wake up!

Perhaps no fairy **** ever thought that the heavens that stood for tens of thousands of years would be overthrown. Even if it could be overthrown, it would not be overthrown by such a weak demon and Buddha.

Yes, compared to the heavenly court in its heyday, the demon races and Buddhist gates are so weak now.

At most, these fairy gods only feel that the majesty of the heaven is challenged and their interests are violated!

This piece of cake that they are competing with each other, always have to protect its integrity together! No one wants to see that when everyone is fighting for cakes, but there is a hand tossing outside, which makes the cakes less and less. In the end, the competition is over and over, and there are not as many cakes as before ...

Thanks to that!

After a series of seminars, Tianting, the emperor of the Jade Emperor and Ziwei Emperor, who were the most powerful in the political power, temporarily shook hands and made peace. For the inviolability of Heavenly Court, they decided to suppress these two fleas together!

This has also been recognized by other factions in Tianting.

So since the division of the heavens thousands of years ago, all the parts of this huge organization have finally been operating for the same goal again.

The first to be counterattacked by heaven is the Buddha Gate!

Lingshan Alanye took a few preachers from the seat to preach on the frontier of the territories of Shenzhou. He suddenly met the heavenly fairy and was caught flat-footed. Alanye Bodhisattva fell on the spot!

Almost only two hours apart, the fine slave Bodhisattva, who has been honored as the ‘Guardian Bodhisattva’ by the Qizi Kingdom of the Western Regions, was being suppressed by the famous Huanglong real person when he received worship from all the living creatures of King Qizi! It is said that the two sides only fought for a moment, and the general of the military minister of the tortoise country has not yet reacted. This god, who has just been honored as the protector of the country, was killed.

The next day, the Buddha made the most prestigious Dragon Tree Bodhisattva in Lingshan lead dozens of arhats to descend into the western region of Shenzhou.

Heavenly Court was not willing to show its weakness, and was ordered by Haotianyu Emperor and Arctic Ziwei Emperor to let Beidouxing Jun, who is the top-ranking fighting agency in Heavenly Court, come forward and lead all the gods of war to meet the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva and dozens of Luohan!

It is needless to say that the fighting strength of the Dragon Tree Bodhisattva in full-time combat is not inferior to the four major Bodhisattvas in the Buddha!

Needless to say, the Big Dipper is notoriously famous, and the Star House where he lives hangs on the sky every night, supervising the underworld! There are rumors among the people that the main power of heaven is Sanqing, Siyu, Wulao, Liusi, Qiyuan, Baji, Jiuyao and Shidu, of which Qiyuan refers to the Big Dipper.

The Big Dipper are Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang and Yaoguang. The seven star rulers in charge of the seven stars are the greed wolf star king, the giant door star king, the Lu Cun star king, the Wenqu star king, the Lianzhen star king, the Wuqu star king, and the broken army star king.

After a terrifying battle, the residents of the Western Region and the Western Han Dynasty were terrified. They shivered all day long, thinking that the world was about to collapse, and there were gods and demons to destroy all living beings.

The final result is that the Big Dipper Qixingjun wins slightly!

The Dragon Tree Bodhisattva was defeated and was seriously injured. Dozens of arhats suffered heavy losses. If the eighteen arhats in Lingshan and the Fuxian Bodhisattva were rescued in time, they would have lost everything!

Heaven Court and Buddhism did not continue to face off. Although the Buddhist door ushering in reinforcements temporarily dominates in strength, Lingshan knows that his own heritage is far less than the heavenly courts that ruled the Three Realms for tens of thousands of years. The battle!

Several fighting incidents broke out.

Needless to say the results.

As an orthodox heavenly court regime, unimaginable power broke out, not only the fighting power accumulated for so many years, but also the majesty brought by the long rule!

In the past, the heavenly court was too busy fighting, and did not have time to show up, so it gave the Buddha the opportunity to rise! Now when we first return to the world, we immediately attracted some mortal practitioners, spirits of the world, and even mortal regimes to bow their heads.

So Tianting easily obtained the general layout of the power of the Buddha, and sent gods to kill the Buddhas, Luohan and Venerables who came to the world!

Sudden loss at the Lingshan Buddhist Temple!

Just a week later, the spirit before the Buddhist door was greatly frustrated, and the Buddha had to send more powerful Bodhisattva Arhats to the world, and shrink the strategy, on the one hand, stabilize the place currently occupied, in order to slowly expand, on the other hand, sit Seeing the movements of the heavenly court is based on seeing the situation.

Anyang, who is located at the Tianzhu Lion King Mountain, was shocked.

He thought that the Heavenly Court had been decayed for so many years, and it had already caused his own power to be empty, and the complaints of the Three Realms were right. The Emperor Tianzun ’s internal fighting consumed so much power, and it coincided with the critical moment when the Heavenly Court ’s upper and lower regimes changed and the fighting organs were almost paralyzed. It should be very weak; Lingshan Fomen has prepared for so many years, and Huaguo Mountain has provided excellent assists for them in the past 100 years. The storm they set off should be more violent ...

But the fact is that he is too little to see heaven.

Even though the three realms were chaotic during the decay period, the "orthodox divine power" of Heaven Court still has great prestige in the minds of many practitioners; even if the internal struggle consumes too much power, the fighting organization is paralyzed by more than half, but the accumulation of Heaven Court for so many years is also terrifying. ! In addition to fighting fighting organs, there are also fairy gods with great magical powers in the heavenly courts, but most of these fairy gods did not work in fighting organs.

Although the Buddha Gate is much stronger than the Demon Clan, there is still a big gap compared to the Heaven Court. Although the opportunity is good now, the Buddha is still afraid of heaven.

Perhaps the history of the God and Buddha era is similar to this. Buddha and Heaven are not a war to fight, or a simple wrench to see who has more power, but a long-term game of entanglement of power and power!

The final victory ... not yet known.

Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong also came to him on this matter and wanted to hear his views.

They all came and went from five hundred years later, and the first person who dealt with Sun Wukong more than a hundred years after he was suppressed was him, so he always trusted him a little.

But Anyang didn't have enough information about the intelligence, and he couldn't figure out the situation at this time, so he had to assume that Tianting would eat jujube pills.

But is n’t it?

After that, Tianting almost did not stop, on the one hand, many fairy gods deterred the Buddha, on the other hand, against the demon clan, the people sent by Huaguoshan suffered heavy losses!

Until several great supernaturalists came across the border, regardless of whether Tianzhu was the base camp of the Buddha, they came to the Lion King Mountain in the attitude of a master, after a few harsh words, they attacked Huaguo Mountain with a few words, ready to capture Sun Wukong and the demon kings!

In that battle, the mountains were cracked and the earth was broken. The whole sky was grey and the river was completely blocked!

The mortals around Lion King Mountain were almost dead and injured!

Some monks who practiced Dharma did not see the bleakness of the world, and they all tried to ask for help for the people of the world ...

However, the great magicians of the heavenly court did not give them the opportunity to speak at all. With only one palm, they became a giant hand covering the land of ten miles, and they were covered by the sky!

From afar, I only heard a bang!

Anyang frowned!

The Fangshan River has not seen the figures of the monks, only to see a huge palm print, and both the river and the hillside have been leveled before, including the villages and fields of this mortal kingdom.

For the first time, Anyang felt the attitude of these high gods toward the ordinary creatures, and was very shocked.

He is not a benevolent person himself, but I do n’t know how many creatures there are in this area, whether it is a human being who is expensive for all creatures or a wild animal for cats and dogs, after all, there are so many lives. , He thought he could not do it.

I am afraid that those demons are not necessarily ruthless!

Only these high gods ...

Living on the top of the Lion King Mountain, Anyang overlooked the demon with defensive equipment under the mountain, then stared at Sun Wukong, who had turned into a thousands of giant apes in front of him, and those fairy gods with great magical powers, who stood out of thin air, seeming to ignore everything We suddenly understood the attachment of these demons.

They did not refuse to succumb, did not want to dominate the world, nor did they want to sit in the position of the Jade Emperor ...

They just want to fight for a right for themselves, just want to regain their dignity and dominance of destiny! I just want to be a life, not to be the dust that is annihilated by these fairy gods in the ten miles of the land without any guilt!

Just listening to Sun Wukong's roar in the sky, inspiring all the fighting power, and fighting against those fairy gods!

The demon kings around him are not behind, although they are far from these immortals, but like the countless little demons, they still attack these immortals with all their strength!

The lion lost, just hungry.

Antelope loses, but will lose its life!

They knew that if Qi Tian's holy war was defeated, Huaguo Mountain would also be defeated. The demon clan will return to the rule of heaven and be oppressed by thousands of immortals. Waiting for them are the hunters and perverts of the Demon Guardians. They are used by immortals of alchemy refiners as medicines or materials. They are caught by immortals holding powerful powers to be gatekeepers or mounts ...

Or the same as those monks who are kind-hearted and naive to call for life ...

Who wants to have such a destiny?

Sun Wukong didn't want to, so he roared and pulled out the gold hoop that was comparable to the giant pillar of Optimus, and kept fighting with Tiandou!

The demon kings were reluctant, so they gathered in Huaguo Mountain from all over the world and joined Qitian Dasheng. As long as they could see a glimmer of hope, they would never regret it even if they died!

The demon were unwilling, so they traveled to Huaguo Mountain to follow the orders of Sun Wukong. Even if every war would kill many companions, even if they had been full of despair in the past few years, they never thought of giving up!

Maybe one day he will die!

Maybe you can't get your own destiny!

Maybe I can't see a beautiful tomorrow, the day when the demon triumphs.

But the Demon Race will one day win!

There is always a demon who can live!

There is always a demon to get his own destiny!

There is always a demon who can wait until the day the demon triumphs!

If we use human language to write the thoughts in the hearts of these barbaric demon clan, it is probably to use my life to exchange the lives of the future generations of the descendants, and use my flesh and blood to fill out the peace of the future generations of the clan!

Anyang took a deep breath, squeezing his fist, and somehow had the urge to help.

This has nothing to do with race.

It is a battle of ideas, beliefs and ideas!

Then again, when it comes to race, Heavenly Court is of the same race as him. But do the gods in heaven still treat themselves as humans? Do you still treat people as their siblings?

They have long pretended to be high above and detached from all beings in the three realms, otherwise how could they wipe out so many creatures of the same race without blinking their eyes? That being the case, why does Anyang have to stand by them by his own identity?

Suddenly, Sun Wukong next to him patted his shoulder and nodded indifferently to him: "It's alright."

Anyang frowned: "Huh?"

Suddenly seeing the two sides of Sun Wukong staring in front, squirting endless flames from those huge eyes, and then the golden hoop waved at a giant umbrella inspired by a fairy, and roared up in the sky: "You group of bastards, don't come out, want to hide When? When all the demon clan is defeated, will they be killed? "

Just listen to a roar from behind, very dull!


A huge golden lion phantom emerged from behind the Lion King Mountain and soared into the sky!

Suddenly, it seemed that the whole world was covered with a smelly hurricane, all flowers and trees were shaking, all the souls were uneasy, and a strong momentum enveloped the battlefield, blowing people's clothes and hunting!

I saw a fairy above frowned: "Is there another King of Demons?"

The other fairy nodded: "Well, it seems that it was a lion that was suppressed by Dizu thousands of years ago. At that time, he was ran away by him somehow. Two thousand days soldiers used a speculum to find him for 13 years. The trace of, it turned out to be hiding in Tianzhu! "



"No hindrance"

Just as a few people whispered, they suddenly heard a shriek from the distant sky, which could pierce the eardrum!

A dark cloud pressed across the sky at an extremely fast speed, constantly changing, with awe-inspiring pressure! But when I got closer, I discovered that this is a cloud. It is clearly a Dapeng with a wing span of 10,000 meters, covering the sky and the sun. The fangs and mouth are still flashing with silver light, which is daunting!

"This is ..."

Several immortals looked a little uncomfortable.

Although they are great supernaturalists, they encountered this talented and indestructible monkey, which is really not easy to clean up, and now there are two more evils that look no worse than this monkey, they immediately feel Very difficult!

Two loud noises almost connected together!

The lion jumped directly over the Lion King Mountain ~ ~ The huge body fell beside Sun Wukong, walking back and forth, together with this giant ape to form a terrifying scene on the horizon.

Another sound was that Dapeng flew to, swooped in the sky at a rapid speed, and horrified the hurricane hurricane, directly arrogantly passed them over the heads of several fairy gods, and the huge body fell on a snow mountain at an altitude of several kilometers Underneath it is the majestic snow mountain, just like a small earth bag!

Suddenly the rocks shattered, and the avalanche was more than one!

At the same time, after a short wait and see, the Buddha Gate could no longer sit and watch the heavenly court make such a violent movement in its base camp! Of course, perhaps they felt the threat of heaven, and they could n’t sit back and watch the only ally lose it.

Although this ally is still weak ...

So at the time of the destruction of Huaguo Mountain, they still sent a very powerful force to assist!

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