My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1015: Deceptive contest

Sun Wukong next to Anyang grinned at him: "I'll say it, it's done ..."

"You guessed it?" Anyang was a little surprised.

"Now that Heavenly Court rules everything, my demon clan has not fallen for a long time, but don't forget that in the ancient times, before the rise of the human clan Tianting, it was my demon clan that ruled the Three Realms!" Sun Wukong said calmly, treating his expression A lot more moderate, "Even though the heavenly court is powerful, but my demon clan is naturally more suitable for cultivation than human beings, so many powerful people will emerge in these years! If it is not for the fairy gods to suppress too much ..."

Sun Wukong said, sighing.

Anyang frowned and looked forward: "These two are?"

"The lion was the former owner of this mountain. He and the Buddha have reached some agreements and have been hiding here for many years. Hearing the arrival of our army of Huaguo Mountain, they directly gave us the Lion King Mountain." Sun Wukong said, "I don't know that Dapeng. I have nothing to do with Huaguo Mountain. I hadn't seen him before when Huaguo Mountain was established. I want to come to be a demon in the hidden world. I know the lion!"

"Oh! I thought you had snatched this Lion King Mountain from you!"

"Hahaha ..."

Sun Wukong laughed and looked forward.

A lion king, a giant ape, and a Dapeng confronted several fairy gods with a calm and sturdy attitude.

Five hundred years ago, Sun Wukong panted, spitting out a **** spit from time to time, his huge eyes staring at the fairy gods coldly, holding the gold hoop in one hand, spinning unconsciously, stirring the air. Whine sound.

The lion paced back and forth, roaring from time to time, staring down at the fairy gods with his head down, the lion staring!

Dapeng is like a sculpture, with giant claws shining in golden light deeply embedded in the stone layer of the snowy mountain, using the entire towering snowy mountain as its base, motionless, and sharp eyes.

It's just that this sculpture is really a bit scary.

Several immortals held their breaths with dignity and dignity.

Suddenly, the lion king raised his head violently, his bright yellow eyes glowed with gold, and a roar came from the mouth of blood.


The sky burst out with a dazzling golden light!

Buddhism power finally arrived!

Without Arhat and without many monks and soldiers, there are only two people in total, but several immortals are like enemies.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who came from Zhengjue Mingru to come down from Cihang, the "Golden Bodhisattva" who is immortal like the earth, and the deliberate as the secret, both of them are powerful figures, the top of the spirit mountain Buddhism God, placed in the heavenly court is also a person who can compete with the emperor and heavenly respect!

Even Sun Wukong, Lion King, and Dapeng are dignified.

At this moment, I heard only a light chant of Zen, which made people feel involuntarily calm down, but the fairy gods in the air were not affected, and they still frowned.

Suddenly a person looked up and said: "It turned out to be Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and Dizang Bodhisattva. When you came here, you were far away, and you asked two bodhisattvas to atone for your sins! ... But the courage to ask, God Tianting Haotian and Ziwei Emperor sent me to wait Surrendering to the rebellious demon, two Bodhisattvas suddenly appeared, but came to help me wait for help? If not to help me wait for the fall ... "

The fairy **** hadn't finished his words, but was interrupted by the Amitabha of the Dizang Bodhisattva: "Amitabha, the borders of several upper immortals are the birthplace of my Buddha's gate, even the God of Haotian also defaults to this is my Buddha's gate I have heard that several Shangxian demons and demons here, the little monk and Avalokiteshvara knew that there are two other big demons here, both of which have supernatural powers. I am afraid that some Shangxian will be devoured by the big demon. ! "

"Oh? How does the bodhisattva help?"

"My Buddha is self-cultivation, unwilling to fight, and is the best at convincing others. Of course, I persuade several Shangxian to leave, lest the big demon devour some Shangxian, then it will be a tragedy!"

"You!" An immortal was furious!

"If the immortals are dissatisfied, the little monk and Avalokitesvara can also persuade the two great demons to see if they can arouse their compassion and heart, and leave a few to die for life!" The Dizang Bodhisattva said, lowering his head with his hands together, "Amitabha , God really has a good life. "

"It's too deceiving!" An immortal **** said angrily, staring fiercely at Dizang Bodhisattva and Avalokiteshvara.

If he was n’t afraid to beat him, he would have already started!

But I am afraid that he is not afraid! Although the identities of the two bodhisattvas are higher than them in their calculations, and they are also higher than theirs, but they are born out of heaven and have the arrogance that others do not have, and also have a strong backing, so no matter where they go, they will never Bow your head to anyone!

I saw one of the fairy gods holding the umbrellas in the exquisite mountains and rivers scolded and said: "A few of me were ordered by Haotian God and Ziwei Emperor to come down to the demon. Did n’t the lesson tell you to remember the pain? If it annoys the heavenly court, how can the great emperors Tianzun bypass you? "

"Play a few more games, and your Buddha foundation is gone!"

"Unforgettable people, how many favors did you get from the Heavenly Court when your Buddhist door was incomplete when you created it? Quite early, your Buddhist door was nowhere to be contained, or the emperor of the upper palace and Tianzhu approved by you, now even bite back, and it is shameless!"

The fairy gods who just despised everything suddenly scolded like a mortal, and their cheeks turned red when they were excited!

The Dizang Bodhisattva and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva had nothing to feel, and their expressions remained indifferent from beginning to end.

For a long time, Bodhisattva Guanyin said: "In the past, heaven has blessed everything, and it is naturally respected by people, but now the heaven has become a redundancy of the three realms. The fairy gods only know that they fight for power for profit for desire, and ignore the world! Heavenly Court can no longer be the master of everything. Several of them are people who have major repairs. Why is it that they want to be obsessed, and help Heavenly Court do harm to all beings? "

"Heaven's blame for all beings? What about you?"

"My Buddhism is dedicated to good ~ ~ Pursue merit, longing for the purity of the soul, how to harm all living beings?"

"You ruined my heavenly dojo. After that, no matter whether it is a **** sitting in a dojo or a mortal who is practicing! Nothing has happened! Hundreds of such cases have occurred, and you still have the face to say that you are dedicated to the good and pursue merit? I shit!"

"It is a last resort." Dizang Bodhisattva said.

"Oh! Last resort?"

"Yeah!" Said the King of Tibet, suddenly raised his head, gazing at the fairy god, "for the world no longer has the gods to blind the world to sacrifice the young woman; for the world there is no gods to take the baby's spirit For the consumption of ginseng fruit, just to extend your life; for the sake of no longer being an organization in the world, all the flesh and soul spirits of all righteous gods who rebelled against themselves were extracted, and the Meng Po soup was refined to make the world forget all ... "

"You ... why are you ... nonsense!" An immortal **** became angry and pulled out his long sword!

With a clatter, Qing Jianjian light spread all over the place!

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