My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1016: Monkey demon

I saw that the fairy face was blue and red, but hesitated a little, but pushed the sword back again.


The sound of Jian Huishe seems to be three points more pleasing than she is!

In the end the battle was still not started. Although several immortals thought highly of themselves, they were not stupid. In this case, if they insisted on their hands, the majesty of the heavens was preserved, but their lives were lost.

"Heaven will not stop! It is your death time when the army is pressed!" One of the immortal gods dropped this sentence before leaving, like the stubbornness of each minister in the last year of the feudal dynasty, but the difference is this time Tianting of China does have some capital to say such things.

After several immortals left, the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva and Avalokitesvara were silent, standing on the lotus platform, sweeping Sun Wukong, Lion King and Dapeng, sweeping the entire Lion King Mountain, and sweeping another Sun Wukong With Anyang next to him, he finally sighed and said: "The donors can do it for themselves. The power of the heavens may be much stronger than we thought. The next will be a hard battle or a catastrophe!"

Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong stared at him, silently, clearly maintaining his human form, but his eyes vaguely changed into monkey eyes, flashing a fine light!

Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong shook his head and roared. The body of the giant ape thousands of meters shrank suddenly, and soon turned into a monkey demon about 1.2 meters tall.

The other two demon kings quickly turned into humanoids.

The lion king turned into a middle-aged man in a burly but majestic face, strong and tall!

Dapeng turned into a tall, thin and tall young man, wearing a blue-gold suit, with a bun on his head, and his face was evil and charming, but the most striking thing was his sharp eyes, such as The blade is the same!

Only he folded his hands together to pay homage to the two bodhisattvas: "Thank you for the two bodhisattvas to come to the rescue, and hope that the friendship between the demon and the Buddha can go further."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva smiled: "There is still a long way to go to fight against the heavenly courts, donors, we are destined to see you again."

"Buddha walking slowly."

The Dizang Bodhisattva and Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva left quickly, and the Lion King Mountain seemed to return to a short period of calm again, but because of the arrival of the Lion King and Dapeng, the calm seemed to be unable to calm down.

The conflict is already fierce, but it continues to escalate!

In the evening, Huaguoshan group demons held a celebration feast.

Today, the fairy gods are among the most powerful supernatural powers in heaven. According to the law of heaven, they should not participate in the foreign war of heaven. But at this critical moment, the heavenly fighting organs were basically paralyzed, and they had to ask these parties to take the lead.

In addition to the original Three World God of War Yang Ji, this is the biggest blow that Huaguo Mountain has encountered at the level of the top strongmen since the inauguration of the Huaguo Mountain for more than 100 years!

But their Qitian Dasheng still survived!

And there are two more reinforcements!

Nothing is more fortunate than this! It seems that the suffocation and despair in the past more than 100 years have all disappeared. The fighting spirit that responded to the roar of Qitian Dasheng was revived again!

Tonight the Lion King ’s Mountain bonfire is bright, the wine is mixed with meat, and the demons are singing and dancing, so that the whole mountain is echoed with the loud singing of the demons. The heart is cold.

The starry sky above the head is bright. Although the galaxy is invisible, there is no bright light and brilliant colors, but the dense stars are like the sand. The sky is full of people, and the eyes are full of this shimmering luster. The night sky blew silently from a distance, blowing through every bonfire, and with the coolness of the towering snow mountain opposite, but it could not extinguish the enthusiasm on the mountain.

Hilltop, next to the newly built Monkey King Mansion.

The ground is desolate, with only a bunch of weeds. It seems that even in such a high place, it is difficult for even weeds to take root.

Suddenly white light flashed in place!

A straight figure appeared out of thin air, wearing a gray-white cloth, short hair, and holding a long box in his hand.

It is faintly visible that many symbols on the box still have pale gold afterglow shining, but as the figure steadily landed, the light on these symbols quickly dimmed.

The lights of other parts of Lion King Mountain are shining brightly, but at the very top where the power of the demon gathers is dark.

From this position, you can see many monsters eating barbecue wild fruits and dancing around the campfire. You can also see Sun Wukong and a group of demon kings cheering on the wine. Welcome to the two worldly monsters who have just joined Huaguo Mountain today!

But the figure standing in the dark frowned.

"Seventeen, record feelings ..."


He has shuttled the Moonlight Box many times tonight and also recorded a lot of data. Including the feelings when using the Moonlight Box to shuttle, the operation exploration, use methods and restrictions of the Moonlight Box, etc., it has already been thoroughly understood.

The Moonlight Box is not completely against the sky.

It has limited space shuttle, but it can't leave this planet, and can't go to other planes such as the Celestial Realm, West Heaven Elysium and Qinghua Changle World.

In time, it can only be worn forward from the time the owner is, not to the future of the shuttle!

Moreover, the farther the time point of the shuttle is from the user's original time point, the harder the shuttle process is. Anyang has tried to shuttle to more than 1,300 years ago, but when the shuttle felt, the moonlight box and its own load seemed to reach the limit, and even had the illusion that it was about to collapse, and the shuttle was no longer a blink of an eye. And it seems that he waited for a long time before landing, in the process he was always lingering in a fear that he was about to be lost in the river of time!

Adding these five hundred years, Anyang concluded that the limit for using the Moonlight Box was more than 1,800 years. It is only because of his own problems or the limitations of the Moonlight Box itself, or the limitations of this world law, he did not know.

From the forward of the Zhenguan period five hundred years later, to the 1,200 BC, he could shuttle casually, but he needed to take risks again, and he could not shuttle to future generations.

"The restrictions are large and reasonable."

If Anyang thought about it, his eyes were still burning, and he still had a lot to explore in the direction of the space law!

I saw his hands separate the moonlight treasure box and inject spiritual power into the box. With a click, the white light flashed, and his figure disappeared into the darkness again.

Not long after, he appeared on the other side of the mountain.

Just a blink of an eye, he disappeared again.

When they reappeared, they changed places.

The celebration feast under the mountain is still fiery. The bonfire and the starry sky are set against each other, one is like silver sand, the other is like golden dots, all releasing their brightest side.

Only occasionally when a demon leaves the campfire and finds a secluded forest excretion alone can it be seen, the white light on the top of the Lion King Mountain is constantly flashing, and the place is constantly changing!

There is also a figure sitting on a big tree, which is one of the few trees on the top of Lion King Mountain.

His eyes were clear and sharp, and with the blinking white dot changing its position from time to time, he occasionally turned his head to look at the lights below, looked at the same figure in the middle of the stars holding the moon, listening to the push cup The sound of changing and complimenting each other, but the expression did not change.

Suddenly, white light flashed in front of him.

Anyang still frowned, but his eyes were clearer than before. He still talked to himself.


"Is the recording finished? ... Save it!"

"Named the Moonlight Box Information Query."

Then he raised his head, took a deep breath, and looked at Sun Wukong on the tree: "What is the Great Saint thinking? Everyone else is happy below, you are the king of the demon clan, why are you silent here alone? ? "

"I didn't even bite a banana." Anyang thought to himself.

"Hehe." Sun Wukong smiled. "The king of the demon clan is underneath. He is the king, and I am just a monkey demon who has been suppressed for five hundred years!"

Anyang also smiled, then took a banana out of thin air and threw it at Sun Wukong on the tree: "Give!"

Sun Wukong took it, but for a long time, he couldn't help laughing out loud: "In fact, I have faded the monkey's nature for a long time, especially after staying under Wuxing Mountain for 500 years, the world has changed. Even bananas are not the original taste. "

"It should be that the Great Saint has changed."

"Maybe." Sun Wukong stared calmly at his hurt but self-conscious, "When I just came out of the Wuxing Mountain, I was full of mania, and I had the urge to kill everyone and destroy the world. But then I do n’t know why, but I ’m getting more and more calm. I always think of the Buddhist disciple who knelt in front of me, the girl doll with the last surname, and the things you have been instilling in me. ”

"Indoctrination ..." Anyang twitched his lips.

Sun Wukong didn't look at his expression and continued to say: "I thought about a lot of things afterwards, so ah, now I really can't be called the Monkey King 500 years ago, nor the name of Monkey King. Sometimes think about it, after fighting for so many years, but nothing left, even thinking about pitying yourself, like a dog ... "

"Why did Dasheng say this?"

"Why can Qitian Dasheng be level with the sky? I don't have the ability to sit on the same level with the heavens ~ ~ and I don't have the power to overturn the sky. I can only be level with the sky. Fearlessness, the courage to dare to stick out no matter what is ahead, no matter how many times you fail and what you are beaten, you can stand up and come back! "

"The Monkey King is not the strongest demon. There are many old monsters hidden in the world, most of them have the ability to control the sky, and there are even some who can suppress it. But why is the Monkey King being regarded as the king of the monster family? For many years, only I thought about letting the demon out of the oppression of the fairy god. Only I tried to let the demon regain control of my destiny. Only I dared to take the demon clan against the heaven, and only I still remember the glory of the demon clan in the past ... "

"But what about me now?" Sun Wukong's face was filled with self-deprecation, "I have no fearless heart, nor the courage to move forward, and I don't even bother to insist!"

"I don't think the radiance of the Demon Clan was so bright, but it just reversed the status of the man and the demon. I don't think the blind war can achieve its purpose. Even after coming here for so long, I thought about other methods ... "

Anyang was shocked.

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