My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1017: misfortune

"What way?" Anyang asked.

"If I lose again this time, I want to go to the Buddhist gate for cooperation. I do n’t want to think about the glory of the demon clan, and I do n’t want to sit in the Lingxiao Baodian. It does n’t make much sense to revive the demon heaven, and it ’s far from I ca n’t look to the side. As long as I can overthrow the present heaven and negotiate with the Buddha, I can guarantee that my demon will not be oppressed in the future, and I can be just like the human practitioners, then I will be satisfied. "Sun Wukong opened his hand. Bananas, "This is already a good idea."

"What about the bad one?" Anyang asked again.

"Bad?" Sun Wukong laughed, and took a bite of the banana. "Of course I gave up! So many monsters who have lived for thousands of years have not stood up, so many powerful monsters are willing to be the mount of the fairy god. , I am fighting here alone, and I can only do my best! "

After he paused, he said, "With my grandson's ability, even if he loses, he can still find a place where he can live forever. No matter who is Buddhist or heavenly, no one can help me!"

Anyang listened, but sighed: "If someone wants to start with the Great Saint, no matter whether the Great Saint hides in the corner of the world, he can't escape. If the Great Saint wants freedom from the Demon Race, he still has to shoot it with a real sword, You cannot pin your hopes on the Buddha. "

"Speak lightly!"

"Let's see the situation!"

"It's nothing to say, I still know a few demon with good strength. Looking at the situation now, it's time to invite them out of the mountain! If not, the demon race is over." Sun Wukong said, jumping from the branch, Stably landed, "Today's events will bring the relationship between the Buddha Gate and my demon clan closer. Heavenly Court will definitely not let us win so happy. The next wave of attack may come soon, and we must be prepared."

"The Great Sacred Word makes sense."

Sun Wukong waved at him and walked away.

Soon, the two of them disappeared.

Sun Wukong was right. After this joint resistance to the Heavenly Court, he further confirmed the ally relationship between the Buddhist gate and the demon clan. In other words, this kind of default relationship was directly put on the table after being stimulated by this matter.

The contact between the two sides began to become closer.

But the two sides are not without competition.

The Bodhisattva under the Lingshan Buddhism sent Sun Wukong several times to mention what the demon he sent to the west would do, and they were dealt with by Sun Wukong.

They also asked about the reform of Huaguo Mountain several times, and Sun Wukong also flickered with them for a long time.

It can only be said that the two sides have reached a consensus on the fight against the heaven, but in other respects, the two are still fighting for their own benefit! Even if there is a gap in strength, the Buddha can not suppress the stubborn demon.

At the same time, the offensive of the heavenly court also came unusually fast.

Their pride caused them to postpone the suppression of Huaguo Mountain, but aimed directly at the Buddhist gate.

Several scattered sky soldiers were put together again, and together with the most famous warriors in the heavenly court, many great supernaturalists who held positions in the heavenly court or practiced in the hidden world were invited to join the army and bypass the surrounding area of ​​the galaxy.

The battle between Heavenly Court and Buddhism is on the verge!

I heard that in this army of heaven, only the Arctic Ziwei Great Emperor, dispatched the Yi Sheng Zhen Jun and You Sheng Zhen Jun among the Four Arctic Saints, as well as the Big Dipper Jun, 28 Star Constellation, and the Northern Cave Yinshuo Shan Depressing Wuling Xuan Laojun, the power of the Jade Emperor was no less, and many fairy gods in the heavenly courts were called out by the officials of Fengjiang.

There are also immortals of other factions in the heavenly courts. There are countless immortals who remain neutral but have to obey the decree!

The number of sky soldiers has reached as many as 800,000.

In addition to the well-known Erlang God of Guanjiangkou, the three crown princes of Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, the king of the tower, the four kings of the throne, the giant spirit god, etc., there are many powerful warriors who are not known to the world!

This huge expeditionary army of the Heavenly Court was blocked by the Buddhist door when the lower realm approached Tianzhu. The two sides symbolically shirk their responsibilities from each other, and later accused each other of not. After a period of pre-war diplomacy, this upside-down sun and moon were opened. war!

In terms of the Buddhist gates, almost all the strongmen came out. Hundreds of thousands of monks and soldiers all came into battle. Hundreds of Arhats came out of the nest. Most of the bodhisattvas also joined the battlefield. The sacred Bodhisattva, the Maitreya Bodhisattva who was positioned as the next leader in the past, but many sages were standing still, presumably to stabilize the faith.

Sun Wukong, who is located in Tianzhu, is also very decisive. He, together with the Lion King and Dapeng, will leave the Lion King Mountain with dozens of demon kings and many demon, and go to the battlefield to help the Buddha.

This war has fought for a whole month!

From the collision of the armies of both sides to the battle between the generals and the fighting between the generals, and then the fighting skills of the great supernaturalists, this world has been shrouded in the sound of the drum of war, the glory of the magic weapon and the aftermath of the battle. Almost flattened, all creatures either fled or were destroyed!

A month later, after all, it was the heaven that prevailed. Its background is too deep. No matter from the quality or the quantity of the supernatural powers, it is far more than the two!

Sacred Bodhisattva is seriously injured!

Dragon Tree Bodhisattva loses combat power!

Manjusri Bodhisattva was almost captured!

Maitreya Bodhisattva is a little better, but he is not too daring to continue to fight with the heavenly supernatural powers.

But Heavenly Court did not have the idea of ​​stopping. The army continued to advance, and the wounded great supernaturalist went down to repair, replaced with a new fairy **** to lead the whole army, a gesture of not swearing to destroy the Buddha!

Soon, the forces of Buddhism and Demon Clan suffered heavy losses!

If both have their own belief support, after such a high-strength brutal war and severe damage, I am afraid they will be defeated long ago!

At a critical moment, the ancient Buddha blazes out the lights at a critical moment, and the Mega Forces save the Buddha and the demon forces.

But I never imagined that Tianting had expected this day already. Behind the Tianting Army was the East China Qinghua Great Emperor who was named Taiyi to save the suffering Tianzun!

The ancient Buddha of the burning lamp was immediately contained.

The two strongest deities in the world launched their fighting methods, reversing the sun and the moon, and fighting between the yin and yang, only between the hands and hands. Caused serious damage!

In the next two days, the Buddha could not sit still!

The other two great supernaturalists, the Buddha Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva who issued the great aspirations, and the Bodhisattva Bodhisattva who had made great aspirations, also shot the famous Buddhas such as Nanwu Countless Longevity Buddha and Nanbuli Vladimir Buddha in the world. .

The heaven was shocked. On the one hand, it was shocked by the power of Buddhism, and on the other hand, it was angered by such a strong provocation.

So Dahui real people and rescue real people who shared the same name with the Qinghua emperor of the Antarctic (Taiyi rescue the suffering Tianzun) descended one after another. Among the nine emperors of the heaven and earth, Jiu Tian Yingyuan thundered Puhua Tianzun, Jiutian Leizu emperor, Shangqing Ziwei Emperors such as Taiyi Emperor of Jasper Palace also descended into the world under their anger!

The Buddha door fell into the downwind again, and the situation was extremely unfavorable!

By this time, the demon race had basically become a supporting role, and even Sun Wukong could not intervene in such intensity of battle!

Finally, the Buddha of Xitianrulai ripped through the cracks in the space and brought dozens of Buddhas under the world such as Nanwu Jinhua Guangfo, Nanwu Caiguang Buddha, Nanwu Wisdom Victory Buddha, and Nanwu Sun Moonlight Buddha to negotiate with the great emperors of the heavenly court.

At that time, Anyang was very shocked when he saw the score.

Dozens of buddhas are all majestic, sitting on the huge lotus stands, and the light behind them gathers to make the whole sky golden, and if there is no meditation, the soul is very pure. It seemed as though nothing was going on, only an urge to convert to my Buddha spread in the body!

There are only less than ten great emperors on the opposite side, and many of them are fake names, but they are also awe-inspiring and not afraid!

But they were also very surprised, probably because the Buddha has been showing people innocently since the establishment of the people. It was only in recent years that it began to show its edge and threatened and provoked the heavenly court! They did not expect that the Buddhism had accumulated so much power without realizing it. It seems that it has been a long time to plan the world and dominate the world!

The two parties seem to have started negotiations.

The war between Heavenly Court and Buddhism was halted, and the Buddha seemed to be afraid of the strength of Heavenly Court, revealing his will and willingness.

And ... Heavenly Court actually agreed!

The negotiations took about four or five days. After that, the Tianting Army withdrew its troops under the orders of the Qinghua Emperor of the East Pole.

Many battle generals are puzzled!

Not only are they, Anyang is also very puzzled.

Seeing this, Tianting apparently did not stun the Buddha, obviously so many people have been sacrificed, and they will definitely win when they fight again, but they gave up the victory in front of them and turned to the soldiers!

Could it be that the great emperors saw so many Buddhas suddenly appearing at the Buddhist gate and felt that they were unsure of victory?

Or the emperors were busy going back to fight for power ~ ~ didn't want to waste time and energy on it, so they only gave the Buddha a lesson and hurried back to heaven to continue fighting for the highest divine power in the world?

Anyang really couldn't understand.

But in any case, this negotiation was also carried out by Heaven Court forcing Buddhism, and it was exchanged for war. As a winner, it should reasonably dominate the negotiating table, plus Heaven Court ’s strength, as long as the brains of the fairy gods responsible for negotiation are not bad Many benefits should have been obtained from the Buddha gate, or the persecution of the Buddha, who was forced to promise many conditions, to withdraw his troops.

However, he still couldn't understand the specifics.

After the withdrawal of the army of the court in that day, Rulai Buddha also brought all the Buddha and most of the strength of the Buddhist gate back to Xitian, and many monks and soldiers remained in the world.

Sun Wukong was consciously uninterested. In addition to leaving his contempt for Buddhism and Heavenly Court, he also brought people back to Lion King Mountain.

But I never imagined that only a few days later, the Lingshan Buddha Gate declared war on Huaguo Mountain on the ground that the demon clan occupied the Tianzhu region. The monks and soldiers who stayed in the world were prepared for this war!

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