My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1018: Demon Clan Destruction Crisis

At that time, Anyang, who heard the news, was shocked!

But the Buddhist monks and soldiers had already set off from Eagle Eagle Mountain to Lion King Mountain under the leadership of several Bodhisattvas. The speed was extremely fast. On the afternoon of the day when Anyang heard the news, they arrived at the Lion King Mountain area and joined the demon clan of Lion King Mountain. The defense forces engaged in confrontation.

It stands to reason that the current enemy is still, Yu Wei of the Heavenly Court is still horrible, and Yumen and the Demon Clan should be united with each other in order to persevere in the suppression of the Heavenly Court!

But the Buddha did not say hello, and went directly to Huaguo Mountain!

That must be related to the previous battle of Heavenly Buddhism, Anyang speculated that it might be because Heavenly Court showed the strength that made Buddha ’s fear, and promised something in the subsequent negotiations, and the two parties reached a certain consensus, which made the Buddha ’s determination. Turning Bingfeng to his previous allies in exchange for certain benefits or directly is an opportunity to continue to develop in the future.

After the gods of the heavenly courts successfully maintained the majesty of the heavenly courts, just like the decayed feudal dynasty of ancient China, they never thought of taking advantage of the victory and pursuing the benefits. In the eyes!

What blinded them?

Rights for countless years?

Absolute rule over countless years?

Or something else.

But Anyang has no time to care for him. Standing directly on the Lion King Mountain, he can see the Buddhist gates and demon clan armies that are fighting twenty miles away. The black pressure is one piece, the formation is neat, like two blocks colliding with each other!

But in these two squares, splendid fireworks are continually bursting out, colorful and beautiful!

And there are various lights and shadows of magical instruments, there are monsters that turn into huge bodies, there are shock waves swayed by the strong, and there are golden Buddhas that rush up the dome and dive down ...

The number of monks and soldiers is only a few hundred thousand, which may sound a lot, but Huaguo Mountain does not have an advantage over the re-expanded army! In addition, Buddhism has always used faith as a weapon, and it is not as good as Huaguoshan in military wars. Even in the military formation, there are almost no attack and defense equipment and large magic circles. Only countless monks wearing robes and beads are going to succeed Rush into the battle array, resist the attack of the demon army with a body that is almost not bad, and then rush into the battle array, enter the left and right, and compete with the demon!

Very cruel in the battlefield!

Most of the Buddhist monks and soldiers are not strong in attacking force, and only the defense can be praised. The combined combat strength of the individual soldiers is slightly superior to that of the demon, but the quantity and military quality are too far away. It is not the material of the battle. damage!

Across this distance, Anyang can still see the scene where the Buddhist monks and soldiers knocked the huge monsters into the air, and they could also see the dazzling sparks that the monsters slashed on the monks, or the monks shot the monsters hard The scene where the dead and the demon tore the monks with their minions. There are also high-ranking monks who recite the Buddha's number to call out the huge golden Buddha phantom, and fight with those deep-made demon generals, which has injured many friendly troops by mistake!

In general, the monks and soldiers still showed their decline.

Seeing that the situation was unfavorable and unable to advance, the several Bodhisattvas finally couldn't sit still and shot!

At the same time, several demon kings in Huaguo Mountain roared to the sky, and they each found a bodhisattva to rush up and intercept it!

A fierce battle suddenly broke out in the sky!

On the Lion King Mountain, the two Sun Wukong, Lion King and Dapeng were watching, especially Sun Wukong five hundred years ago had the most mood swings and his face was blue and white.

Not long ago, he took a group of demon kings and thousands of demon generals to help the Buddha. The top fighting power of Huaguo Mountain almost came out of the nest. After a whole month of hard work, he finally helped the Buddha to suppress the suppression of the heaven. When I came down, I didn't expect Buddhism to say nothing, turning over his face faster than turning over books. Even this group of monks and soldiers did not withdraw to the West Heaven Bliss World, and turned their gun heads directly towards Huaguo Mountain!

How can he be upset?

I saw Sun Wukong gritted his teeth fiercely, his face was ugly, his hands clenched into fists, the sharp claws of his fingertips almost pierced into the meat, his eyes were lingering in the golden flame, and there was a shocking rush in his body !

"I! Fuck!"

He scolded a swear word, took a deep breath, or stood still without moving. Not only that, he also ordered the rest of the demon kings in Huaguo Mountain not to move.

The demon kings now playing are not Huaguoshan ’s strongest fighting force, but they are definitely the most resilient.

All because in the previous month's battle, the Huaguoshan demon king and the demon will almost injured everyone, even Sun Wukong also suffered a lot of injuries, it is difficult to experience such a battle!

If you do n’t make time to recuperate, Huaguoshan will be defeated!

At the same time, Sun Wukong sent a special demon to travel around the world with his own avatar, looking for some demons who had been in contact before but had not officially joined Huaguo Mountain, hoping to invite them to help!

So I saw the demon kings fighting desperately, and barely dragged a few bodhisattvas, so that the army of demon clan below could gain the upper hand.

But Sun Wukong still frowned five hundred years later.

Under such circumstances, if Buddhism really reached a hard agreement with Heavenly Court, and it was necessary to exchange Huaguo Mountain for its own peaceful development, Huaguo Mountain would be difficult to persevere under Buman's offensive.

Of course, Buddhism will certainly not be better.

After the war for a long time, the demon king of Huaguo Mountain repelled the Buddha and Bodhisattva with a deadly attitude and a fierce offensive, but he was seriously injured and dying. Once he returned to Lion King Mountain, he fainted, and the other three basically depended. The support of others can keep standing.

The Buddhism obviously knew the intention of Huaguo Mountain, and did not give them a chance to breathe. Soon they sent a new Bodhisattva, and even dozens of Luohan.

The golden slit on the top of the head is not closed yet.

Anyang, standing on the Lion King Mountain, looked up at this scene, frowned, and muttered to himself: "It seems that the Buddhist door is not willing to damage too many monks and soldiers in Huaguo Mountain. In this case, they will send more Have the power of Bodhisattva and Luo Han Guo? "

Sure enough, those descended Bodhisattva Arhats just stood in the sky with their hands folded together, or sat cross-legged, and were not in a hurry to attack the demon race.

The fissure remained for a moment, and suddenly the golden light was released, and a dozen Bodhisattvas came out of the fissure again.

They folded their hands together, looked at each other with their brows, and bowed their heads with their heads down, saying, "The South has no Amitabha! The sea is boundless, and the head is the shore. Why don't the donors bitter and stubborn? Why not put down the butcher knife and convert to my Buddha? "

"Ah!" A demon with a paste on his left shoulder shouted. "Shy! You bald **** are all pretense, treacherous and vicious bastards. Lao Tzu was only called by the king last month Go to the Eagle Condor Mountain to help you fight against the Heavenly Soldier and the General, and you are all injured. Finally, you saved your Buddhist door. I didn't expect that your bald donkeys will sell us in a blink of an eye! "

"There is no Amitabha Buddha in Nan, the donor is extreme." The bodhisattva said flatly, "The alliance is a matter of alliance. If the covenant has been dispersed, it will naturally not be the same!"

"Ah! Bullshit!"

"If the donor said that the demon clan helped me, and the last few gods of the heavenly court besieged Qitian Dasheng, wouldn't my Venerable Mount Sakyamuni send a Bodhisattva to cheer the demon clan?"

"You just came here for a while, and all the demon kings and a dry demon in Huaguo Mountain have been fighting really hard for more than a month. Can this be mixed together?" That demon's voice was unusual. Big, the effect of roaring out is no worse than that of the Bodhisattva who used the secret method. When the Buddha and the demon looked at him along the voice, they found that although he was seriously injured, his body was very powerful, especially with a fluffy head. Lush blond hair is the most conspicuous!

This is estimated to be a demon turned into a lion!

This is a bit interesting. The bodhisattva who exhibited the secret method of the lion roar of the Buddha met a real demon turned into a demon!

"Nanwu Amitabha, the donor must not be attached to the surface of the thing! If the fairy **** insists on that day, if there are no two demon kings in Huaguo Mountain, I will repel those fairy gods like a Buddha, just like January The former Huaguo Mountain helped me to repel the Buddha's army. "The Bodhisattva's face said unchanged." At first, you and I stood on a line, but now it is no longer the case. You can't blame my Buddha for the way of heaven. " Now. "

"Ha ha ha ha! What a strong word! What a distorted fact!" The demon would laugh with his head up, and the sound wave caused many monks and demon to hug his head in pain. "A month of hard work can not be compared with fart, and it is badly wounded. Comparable to unscathed, the repulsion of the million troops in the Heavenly Court can be compared with the several immortals who are forced to retreat. No wonder your Buddhist door can rise so quickly, it is really good to talk! "

Without waiting for the Bodhisattva to speak, his bright yellow eyes condensed and shouted again: "Also, what is the Heavenly Walkway? Your Buddha and my demon race against the Heavenly Court is called the Heavenly Walkway. For the way of heaven, did your Buddha open this day? "

"Namo Amitabha……"

Perhaps it was some guilt for the demon clan's heart, or it might be to let the previous party's own forces rest and recuperate. This Bodhisattva and the demon below will debate for a long time, but because of the different positions of the station, he has always been salty He questioned and even scolded the demons below, and shamelessly excused the Buddha. Of course, in the end, he could not avoid a war.

In this battle, the demon king of Huaguo Mountain came out together, and Sun Wukong also played in person, barely evenly matched with the Buddha!

Obviously, the strength of the Buddha Gate does not stop there. After the balance of the war balance is maintained, several Buddhas emerge from the golden slit above the head ~ ~ to break the balance again!

The Lion King also had to join the battle!

Dapeng is also spreading its wings!

Even receiving a message from Huaguo Mountain for help, the Green King from the nearest sea joined the battlefield.

But it still doesn't help!

More and more Bodhisattvas and Arhats sent by Buddhism soon surpassed the scope of Huaguo Mountain's response, and unless the few demon clan gods that existed in the ancient times shot, it was absolutely impossible to save the situation.

But the demon clan gods, like the ancestors of Taoism, have already surpassed this level, and they don't care about how the clan demon and the heavens are going.

The crisis is over, right now!

Five hundred years later, Wu Wukong came to Anyang sometime. He sighed deeply, squeezing his mouth tightly.


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