My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1019: Shot

Before Anyang had time to speak, he listened to him: "Go around or go back to the original point! If you don't want to come, I would have defeated Huaguoshan at this time. I might have been under the pressure of Wuxing Mountain at this time. "

Hearing his very tired tone, Anyang didn't know what to think, but just said: "Don't panic, and the demons didn't come!"

"Buddha came fiercely, even if they came, it would not last long." Sun Wukong waved his hand. "Fate can't be changed after all, you don't have to comfort me anymore, but just defeated, I have seen a lot in these years. It ’s about the same time, and it ’s almost the same every time. Now it looks like it ’s painful at best ... "

He sighed as he spoke.

"Alas, Huaguoshan changed so many ways, after all, can't he avoid the end of the destruction?" Sun Wukong looked dimly, and suddenly turned to him again, as if grabbing the last life-saving straw, "You are so weird, Come to think of it, can you think of a way to come? If you save Huaguo Mountain, what kind of world do you want in the future, I will give you what kind of world you want, what kind of rules do you want to make, what kind of rules will I make ! "

Anyang frowned and said lightly: "Da Sheng, haven't you already accepted your fate?"

"The last time, the last time!" Sun Wukong said with some uncomfortable scratching his head hard. "If it is not compelling, who the **** is willing to admit his fate!"

Anyang did not speak, but looked at the battlefield.

If this continues, the demon clan will be defeated, and Sun Wukong will still be suppressed by the Rulai Buddha under the mountain of Wuxing, thereby winning the chance for the Buddha to develop peacefully with the heavenly court.

Then the Heaven Court continued to fight internally, the Buddha door sat secretly, and the two sides fought, and it is likely that the gods and Buddhas will not appear in the world five hundred years later. The demon clan became the victims of the battle between the two sides, while the heaven and the Buddha were both defeated.

Five hundred years later, Sun Wukong came out of the trap and may still be a missionary westbound! It is only now that Anyang can't tell whether he accepts that the westbound trip was influenced by Xuanzang, or whether he wants to suppress the old heaven and the old Buddhist thoughts by spreading the Mahayana Dharma through the westbound trip, thus seeking a sovereignty for the demon clan.

After the westward mission, maybe he will realize the great enlightenment, will have great merit, and will become a new invincible battle to defeat the Buddha. If so, the future of this world will likely become almost the same as that of the God and Buddha era!

The world in the epoch of Buddha ...

Therefore, Anyang hopes that the knowledge he instilled in Sun Wukong and Xuanzang in advance will play a role.

After their victory, what appeared in the world was not the result of the increasingly fierce battle between the gods and the gods, but the godless gods in the heavens.

The **** Buddha is hidden, and there is no **** Buddha in the heavens!

Universal education!

Later ... it was modern!

This is the idea that Anyang adheres to.

Suddenly, he pursed his lips and asked Sun Wukong: "What about the demon clan that Dasheng went to invite? What about the sedentary gods who had a close relationship with Dasheng?"

"Demon Clan Power? Now that the Clan Clan hasn't fallen here, I am afraid they won't be able to return to the sky even if they come! As for those seclusion gods, Heavenly Court must have gone through a power contest before letting the Buddha to suppress my Clan Clan. Come down, how can those seclusion gods go against this decision? I'm afraid they won't answer even if I go to them. "

"Dasheng, let's go find it. If Huaguo Mountain is destroyed, it is even more impossible for the seclusion gods to want to fight against the **** gods! Plus their ideas are there, and the negotiations with Buddhism are all dominated by masters. Immortals are responsible, they still have a great chance to help! "

"Then I will send people to find them immediately!"

"Well." Anyang nodded and hesitated before continuing. "In front of this hurdle, I will cross over for Huaguo Mountain first, and then the Great Saint is going to send clever people to persuade the Buddha and the heavenly seclusion god. , A decisive battle! "

"Decisive battle?" Sun Wukong was stunned for a while, and then said unpleasantly, "Want to deal with Buddhism?"

"Hahahaha, Master, keep calm, don't be stunned by anger. The Buddhist doors at this moment are ruthless and shameless, but only for the sake of profit and survival! At the root of it, they still have to fight against heaven!" Anyang said "In the same way, for your own victory, Huaguo Mountain can also turn against the water at any time and attack the Buddha Gate, or you can join hands with the Buddha Gate to fight against the heavens. Master, remember, you are not fighting together because of friendship, but for For yourself, for a common and powerful enemy, for the whole demon race! "

Sun Wukong frowned for a long time, waved his hand and said, "My grandson doesn't understand your weird doorways, but the Buddhist doors are so shameless, so that my grandson cooperates with the group of bald donkeys, and my grandson refuses. of!"

Anyang pursed his lips: "This is the only way for Huaguo Mountain to win, Da Sheng think clearly!"

"Ho ho!" Sun Wukong rubbed his chin with his hand, making an unpleasant sound from his throat, and finally glanced at him, leaving a sentence, "My old grandson can't figure it out!"

At the end of the day, he rose into the sky and disappeared into the sky as a meteor.

Anyang pursed his lips and continued to watch the situation ahead.

He held the Moonlight Box in one hand, opening and closing it from time to time, making a "popping, popping" sound.

At this moment, a demon king was bombarded by a bodhisattva who looked like a female with a blue pearl, and turned into a pile of blue flames, which fell into the sky.

Five hundred years ago, Sun Wukong turned into a violent giant ape, wreaking havoc among monks and soldiers, while chasing a few bodhisattvas, besides his hair was terrible, and there were several bright wounds.

Suddenly, he jumped up, grabbed a bodhisattva who had become a huge golden monk, and slammed it into his mouth!

The golden monk was instantly crushed and put into his mouth!


The Lion King is still roaring and powerful, but he is blinded by a powerful Bodhisattva with a devil's pestle and his blood is constantly flowing!

Dapeng fought fiercely in the air, and Iron Feather was scattered!

Qingjiao encountered many Bodhisattva siege, but the strength is very powerful ~ ~ One claw was almost destroyed!

There is also a terrible black bull who came from the east and joined the battlefield. One or seven or eight bodhisattvas alone will not fall, and it is no worse than Sun Wukong!

However, I do n’t know how many Buddhas there are. The four major Buddhas have not yet appeared, and the Buddha is also a future. Even if Huaguo Mountain briefly achieved battlefield balance, it will still be inevitable to lose.

It did n’t take long for Anyang to feel something and turned around violently. I saw dozens of monster generals flying from the monkey king ’s house at the top of Lion King Mountain. Disappeared in the sky.

It's all Sun Wukong's messenger!

A group of communication forces composed of flying monsters, and the messenger commander is all the fastest and most powerful demon.

Looking at their direction, it should be to go to the entrance of the heaven!

Anyang whispered something to herself, and then stepped out decisively, ready to shoot!

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