My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1020: Fire!


On the battlefield, Black Bull hissed and slammed towards a Bodhisattva. Even if the Bodhisattva was prepared for defense, he was crushed by Black Bull and the defense was backed up.

At the same time, several golden brushes flew, hitting Black Bull accurately.

Jin Guang was followed by a huge golden palm print, spanning thousands of kilometers in an instant, and slammed on the back of the black bull.


A muffled sound is shaking!

The shock wave that burst from the black cow is terrifying!

But the black bull's figure remained immobile like a mountain, and suddenly turned his head to look at a Bodhisattva in the distance, blazing flames from his nose, and a palm print composed of countless golden Sanskrits was printed on his back ...

At this moment, the sky and the clouds changed suddenly!

A spinning black hole appeared out of thin air, like a great magical power! The black hole is constantly rotating, with a trembling tianwei, covering the sky above the head, revealing the mysterious azure blue light and powerful suction, easily overshadowing the thunder of the war below!

"what is this?"

Countless demons and monks raised their heads and looked at the sky, staring at the vision of the world and frowned.

The bodhisattvas who stood tall also stepped back to avoid the demon king, temporarily closed their hands, looked up at the top of their heads, folded their hands together, and a thought appeared in their eyes.

The demon kings are more dignified and more anxious.

After all, in this war, they are in a disadvantaged position. If this black hole is made by the Buddhist side, it will definitely make them more disadvantaged!

Until they saw the bodhisattvas frowning equally, and the monks looked at the sky in astonishment, their hearts were settled a little!

Suddenly, the black hole became ‘clear’.

Perhaps it is not appropriate to be clear, but it is no longer dark and dark, but can see things.

Through the black hole, many monks and demons can see a strange scene, it seems to be another world, another completely strange world, no longer in these three realms!

The world is by no means a plateau near Lion King Mountain. There are no rolling hills, no snow peaks rising into the clouds, but there are continuous high mountain valleys, magnificent castles and vast cities, and magnificent and magnificent. Military fortress, defensive zone in a circle!

There are still some castles in that world covered by a hemispherical and translucent cover, some are not, and some are under construction. It is not a bungalow courtyard or a pavilion that constitutes a city, but some strange and unimaginable buildings that are inserted straight into the sky, like a forest!

There are huge steel human figures galloping across the earth, and there are various metal giants that shuttle through the towering buildings, rise and fall in the castle, roar through the clouds, or shuttle back and forth between the translucent covers ...

People on the ground are dressed strangely, and they also hold strange things in their hands, or they are driving on steel mounts and galloping on unflattering roads!

Everything is organized ...

Everything runs orderly ...

Those people will stop at the intersection at the same time and wait for various steel boxes to pass by. Those steel boxes will also stop at the right time to wait for pedestrians. Those pedestrians come and go freely between tall buildings or shops and do their own things ... …

Whether it is a demon or a monk, they were deeply shocked. When they suddenly recovered, they realized that they had only watched it for a moment.

But it was at this moment that they had compressed the entire world into their pupils, and presented to them the rules of life of thousands of creatures of the entire world, making them stunned.

Unknowingly, there is a spirit in my heart!

Whether it is a demon or a monk.

Unknowingly, goose bumps on his arms!

It is not the highway that leads to the horizon on the plains, nor the shocking bridge across the canyon and the river, nor the metal giants who act as guards or metal boxes flying on the road, but the people of this world. The world of equality and freedom is the invisible rules that control the speed of the metal box but never hit the pedestrian ...

They did not know that the world was still full of powerful and murderous monsters a few years ago. What they saw was just the rapid recovery of the Pallans civilization, an equal world where countless demons longed for life, and a Dharma that every monk read. Utopia depicted in

And this black hole does not symbolize death, but it is like a channel connecting truth, pointing the direction to the monks in the lost way, and giving hope to the demons in wonder!

Suddenly, people in that world seemed to sense something, and suddenly looked up at them.

The eyes of the two sides suddenly collided.

The demons suddenly worries!

The monks were also silent.

It was a very prosperous city. The young people in this city were all surprised and curious, even with a trace of excitement and excitement.

It is this battlefield where they look!

Only those who have never experienced disasters and have never been invaded by war, and have lived in peace since childhood, will face a **** battlefield with such eyes, and will be curious, not afraid, of all this.

Anyang also looked to the top of his head, and at the same time he looked at the looks of the demon and the monks with Yu Guang, holding a black glass-like mobile phone in his hanging hand, which was constantly spinning.

The city in front is the Yinyue City, the current capital of the Yinyue Empire. It is a city with the latest policies, the most advanced ideas, and the most prosperous and prosperous city. Any good things are popularized here first, and any top talents are gathered here. Civilization The focus of the recovery is also reflected in this. At the same time, many of the residents here were residents who were once led by Yinyue. After being established in Yinyue City for many years, the Yinyue Legion has been guarding the territory firmly and ensuring the safety of the residents. Even if a full-scale war is launched later, God will We have also withstood everything, and many young people really have not experienced the cruelty of war and disaster!

Everything is far away from them, making them seem to be born in heaven and never descended from heaven. They have lived in the dream environment of others all their lives.

A series of metal giants began to fly out of the military fortresses around the city and the castle in the center. They rose into the sky at a very fast speed and flew towards this world.

The monks and demons suddenly opened their eyes.

But they failed to do so. The two worlds seemed to be separated by sky, no matter how they flew, they were always far away from this world.

But the good times are not long, and the dark warships that come from nowhere appear in the sky, one after another! Some of their hulls look like cigars, slender and smooth, and they also have a round pie shape, which looks quite weird.

But even more weird ... these strange and huge fleets actually crossed the black hole!

With a bang!

The first long closed warship came across the border!

At this time, the talents realized that these warships looked very small from a distance, but in fact each ship was several thousand meters long. From a distance, they did not seem to be fast, and slowly passed through the black hole, but in fact they were like lightning flashes With just a blink of an eye, he pierced out of the black hole and flashed lightning along the ground ...

The demons and monks quickly turned around.

I saw the glare of blue fire behind the warship, which had flown to the sky, and was slowing down, circling back!

They withdrew their gazes, but they felt that the second wacky warship passed over their heads, and they could only see the blurred shadow, and the warship appeared on the horizon.

One, then one!

There is no abnormal power and mana fluctuations on these warships similar to the Tianhe naval warships, but there is a depressing and dull feeling! They do not have a deck, but no one knows what is hidden in them and what drives them!

A total of fifty interstellar warships, and fifty master control soldiers, assume the position of captain!

The battleship flight is all controlled by intelligence. Fortunately, it should not require complex operations in this world. The other positions on the battleship are all waiting for the activated Transformers.

In other words, there is only one captain on each battleship!

He can't control the warship to do anything except control the flight of the warship and do some fool-like operations!

But it will be different in a moment!

Suddenly, there was a roar in the distance, and Sun Wukong, 500 years later, flew out of the monkey king's palace and fell suddenly beside Anyang: "Is this the rescuer you moved?"

Anyang nodded, put away the phone, took out a ball from the sky and buckled it on his wrist, turning it into a watch.

"Good! Great!" Sun Wukong slapped his knees and stared at the watch on his hand, "I thought it was a reinforcement for Heavenly Court or Buddhism, now I'm at ease! But ... you How is the rescue force? "

"You will know when you wait, but now let your men not be stunned, gather in battle, do not go deep into the enemy ’s back, and do not penetrate into the enemy ’s camp, ready to give this group of bald donkeys a little color to watch Negotiations lay the capital! "Anyang said, pressing a button on the watch, and a floating command panel popped up immediately," I want to cover the group of bald donkeys ... there is no wide-scale attack! "

"Oh! Understood! Let my old grandson see how powerful your rescue team is, so emboldened!" Sun Wukong said, he rose up, and did not miss the thing on his wrist, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Anyang issued a command to the projection panel without any fuss: "Use a one-time fire seed source to activate the" special equipment on the battleship ~ ~ Follow the process, be sure to ensure that the embedded data is fully opened, innate skills Start smoothly! "

There is no response on the projection panel, only one light spot turns blue, indicating that the command has been received!

After waiting for about three minutes, the light spots changed from blue to green one by one, indicating that the command has been successfully executed!

At this time, all the specially prepared mechanical equipment has been activated into Transformers, and the knowledge of warship operation embedded in the equipment has become the "innate skills" of these Transformers. All positions outside, operate this battleship!

In other words, they are natural warship operators, born for this warship, and also speak out on the warship.

After all the light spots had turned green, Anyang saw that the fleet had circled in the distant sky and dispersed again until it disappeared. Then he marked a position on the map of the projection panel and issued the command: "Ship One, use Deep Space Sunspot Cannon, aim at the location I marked! "

One of the lights flashed and turned green immediately!

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