My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1021: Sniper gun

All the demon soldiers who have penetrated behind the enemy have withdrawn to the battle front, and they are clearly separated from the Buddhist army. Only on the edge of collision with each other will there be slight friction and confrontation, and more of them are still in confrontation!

The picture projected in the black hole of Fang Cai made them not yet relieved, and was in a slight state of distraction.

One by one, the eyes were lost, standing staring at the spot with a sword, or bowing his head with his hands folded, wondering what to think. Others raised their heads high, only to find that the black hole in the dome had long since disappeared, leaving only the endless sky dome, and looking far away to look for the strange warships that flew through the sky.

The orderly, fantasy and novel world there is like an illusion. They inadvertently glanced through the gap of the box, but there is only the gift of this one. It will become a mirror flower and water moon in the next second. .

The demon kings stood in the sky and the bodhisattva stepped on the lotus platform. They no longer fought each other, but all were silent.

No one noticed that in a golden crack above his head, a monk folded his hands together, staring blankly at the dome of nothingness, still reading a string of verses in Sanskrit unconsciously.

It is Avalokiteshvara!

He read the "Vajra Sutra" subverting his heart, which was called the "Mahra Prajna Bromami Daming Mantra" in the East, and later Xuan Zang re-translated it, called the "Vajra Prajna Sutra", referred to as "Heart Sutra" It is also one of the most familiar Buddhist classics in the real world.

Among them, the Maha Prajna Paramita Daming Mantra is a translated version of the Jin monk of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and is regarded as a world-renowned thinker, Buddhist scholar, philosopher, and translator in the later generations. , Its translation of scriptures and achievements in Buddhism are recognized as unprecedented and uncommon.

If you follow the Xuan Zang version of the translation, it would be—

Looking at the free bodhisattva, when the depth is as long as the paramita, and the five aggregates are empty, all the misery is spent.

Relics, color is not different, and empty is not different, color is empty, empty is color, and the same is true of imagined behavior.


I do n’t know what kind of psychological consideration the Avalokitesvara murmured at this time.

It is worth mentioning that the name "Buddha in the mind" in the Heart Sutra is also a translated version of Xuan Zang, which should be Sanskrit in itself, and in the translated version of Kumarajiva, "Buddha in the mind" should be It is called "Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva".

Suddenly, Guan Shiyin Bodhisattva's hands tremble together.

Perhaps almost no one noticed the same, whether it is a demon general or an Arhat, a demon king or a bodhisattva, they are facing each other, and the demon clan and the army of the Buddhist gate are still colliding!

The attack really came too fast, so fast that these great supernaturalists barely reacted!

I saw a black light slanting toward the battlefield from the distant sky. The speed was like light. I could not hear the roar of breaking the sky, and there was no precursor. The sky was like a piece of rice paper, and the black light was like a ink brush After that, leaving a trail like a tear behind the black light!

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva's eyes were stunned, his hands were separated, and he stepped forward, and has crossed thousands of meters ...

Sun Wukong also raised his head in an instant.

Lion kings, Dapeng, Qingjiao, Niu Demon and other demons have all sensed, but their group of "Wufu" senses have not followed the enlightened Guanyin Bodhisattva. 'Ink marks' across the sky!

They only have time to make such actions!

Including the Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva, even if he can burst out of such speed in negligible time, he can only cross a thousand meters, far less than this black light!

In the next moment, black light has arrived!

It looks like a drop of ink, dripping into the center of the position where the Buddha's army is located, very accurate!

The ink dots fainted, but it caused the mountains to shake!


There was a deafening muffled sound, the earth was like paper violently blown by the wind, and all the patterns where the ink dots were smeared were covered, leaving only an empty black!

The light is swallowed directly, and nothing is left!

Whether it is a Venerable, a monk, or the earth, all the figures are annihilated in the darkness, only the earth is still trembling, and the darkness quickly spread to all around! The rolling shock wave drove all the monks and soldiers along the outside of the Buddhist gate, even to the demon soldiers in the demon battle array!

"Boom ..."

The bodhisattvas and demon kings standing in the air were unstable for a while, and they were temporarily deaf in their ears! The rapidly advancing Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva hit the shock wave head-on, only to realize that he was immediately overwhelmed by this powerful force!

But his figure is still firm!

In a blink of an eye, he crashed into the shock wave and rushed into the darkness.

Until then

The eyes of the distant Buddhas and demon kings gradually widened!

The monks and demon took a deep breath!


"what is this?"

I saw that the darkness directly covered most of the Buddha's position. There was no sound in it, only a lot of smoke. Faintly, from the edge, there was no land in the darkness, and it descended straight down, like a huge abyss appeared.

Gradually, the shock wave calmed down.

The smoke quickly fell to the ground, and the light re-entered the area, presenting the scene there to everyone.


Everyone gasped again.

Bodhisattva, Luohan and the monks who survived the battle all bowed their heads, folded their hands together, muttered silently about the Nanwu Amitabha, with a horrified expression.

There are other demon kings who are shocked!

I saw that the area covered by darkness before was gone, and there was only a deep pit with the same depth and radius as the perfect circle! Everyone who just stood here no longer exists, and no one can be found in the traces. Only the Guanyin Bodhisattva, who is wearing a holy white robe, stands in the sky, his eyes closed, his hands silently chanting the scriptures, and his expression is extremely silent.

Sun Wukong immediately gritted his teeth and gripped the gold hoop firmly in his hand, as if he was facing an enemy!

Other monks were equally silent.

Hundreds of thousands of monks and soldiers died in half of them in an instant, and at most tens of thousands survived, plus the monks and soldiers who had rushed into the demon camp before.

Suddenly chanting chanting sounded at the scene!

It was Sun Wukong who responded the fastest. When he stood upright, he grasped the gold hoop and slammed it into the ground. With a sudden thud, he knocked the ground out of countless cracks!

"Don't be stunned! Kill me!"

Many demon will be stunned, watching their own king has turned into a meteor with a stick, and flew towards a nearby Bodhisattva. Then he was so excited that he couldn't care about so much, and he held up the sword The monks around rushed!

"Kill all the bald donkeys!"

"My demon clan will never be bullied!"


"My demon clan can do it! The Buddha will lose!"


The demon generals successfully led the demon soldiers, and the entire demon clan suddenly boiled, and the fierce gods rushed towards the Buddha door!

"The demon must win!"

"The glory of the demon race will be restored!"


Buddhism didn't check for a while and suffered major losses!

Suddenly, Sun Wukong, who was five hundred years ago, landed next to Anyang, with blood stains on his stick, staring at him in a brutal manner: "Is that what you did? Is there any?"

Anyang froze for a moment. In his impression, Sun Wukong, who was 500 years ago, rarely voluntarily sought him, but he quickly responded, and he nodded and said, "There are still."

"That's good!" Sun Wukong finished, without any words, bent forward, and vacated away!

"..." Anyang shook his head.

At this time, Bodhisattva Guanyin had put his hands down, raised his head, and opened his eyes to look at the demon army that was besieging the monks and soldiers of the Buddhist monks, and the bodhisattvas who had not been investigated by the demon kings and were in a hurry.

He paused in place for a few seconds, wondering what to think, and finally waved his hand into a huge golden barrier, separating the demon army from the Buddhist soldiers.


"Boom Boom ..."

Countless demon clan faced this sudden barrier, and there were countless weapon blades and spells hitting this barrier, making a series of muffled noises, but they couldn't shake it at all!

On the contrary, there are thousands of monsters in the barrier. They had the advantage of strength and immediately fell into the downwind. The situation reversed. They became a small force, and in front were tens of thousands of Buddhist monks!

These thousands of demons stopped, looked up at the golden barrier, looked at the monks in front of them, and turned to look at the companions who were desperately attacking the barrier outside the barrier. ~ subconsciously swallowing saliva!

Suddenly, a demon will roar, knocking his strong chest with a purple gold short hammer!


"Afraid of an egg! Give it to Lao Tzu! The king and the brothers are behind, and we will be able to break this thing right away. We must not be ashamed of the demon clan! Show your momentum!"

"Rush up! Tear them!"

This little demon will take the lead and rush up!

The fierce soldiers in the rear were also stimulated, and there was no fear of the end, they all roared, their eyes were bloodshot to bright red, and the teeth of the claws rushed towards the army of Buddhas ten times as large as themselves!

Anyang pursed his lips and clicked on the projection panel: "Ship One is preparing a sniper gun, aiming at the location I marked and firing!"

The first light spot flashed again and turned green again.

The sky is still slanting from afar, but it has changed its direction, a flash of fire!

The distance between the sky and the golden barrier is penetrated!


The sniper gun used exclusively for starship warfare hits this golden barrier precisely, just as it hits the thick energy shield of the battleship, and it will be penetrated instantly!


The energy-capped sniper gun passed through the golden barrier and remained intact. It hit a monk flying in the sky and smashed his body into blood foam before hitting the position of the Buddhist army and splashing. Dust and sand!

There was a deep hole with a diameter of several meters and no bottom, and a broken hole appeared in the golden barrier above the head, and it started to break along the broken hole.

In a blink of an eye, the golden barrier turned into countless light spots and disappeared into the air.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is still standing in the sky.

He was silent and thinking.

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