My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1022: negotiation

Anyang pursed his lips and looked up at the dome. He was very satisfied with the effect of this round of attack!

Two different civilizations will inevitably overlap, and naturally they will not. In the areas where they are good at, they can beat the enemy with their own strength, no matter which civilization can abuse the other party!

According to his orders, the starships have now withdrawn from the atmosphere and kept moving at high speed in space. This is the safest distance and way to face these gods and Buddhas.

The sniper gun is a standing weapon of the Pallans battleship. It is a mixture of physical and energy attacks, but it will not explode. It has only strong penetration and energy destructive power to ensure that it can break the thick protective cover on the battleship. , And then break it down fiercely!

Once this weapon is fired, it is almost unstoppable!

The deep space sunspot cannon is a kind of ground weapon. Most warships will be equipped to attack space fortresses, satellites, or destroy military grounds on the ground. Once included in its explosion range, even some warships or space fighters with weak defense effectiveness can only have a dead end!

Even those massive space fortresses, if broken by the protective cover, have to be broken into pieces by a cannon!

Anyang also threw a few mechanical eyes, and imprinted the situation at a distance. With the heart of the god, he marked the Bodhisattvas who were fighting with the demon king one by one, and then sent them to the warships in space as targets of attack .

"Establish a reference transmission channel ..."

"The channel is established ..."

"Calculating the target of attack ..."

After a few prompts flashed on the projection panel, Anyang ordered: "Find a good target and attack freely!"

A series of light flashes quickly.

Then, the end came--

"Suddenly ..."

A ray of fire flew obliquely downward from the distant sky in all directions. Each one came from a different direction and instantly penetrated the distance between the sky and the earth. It was too fast for people to respond, like a heavenly punishment in myth and legend!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

There was a dull sound in the air.

Every firelight hit a bodhisattva flying in the sky, and even some bodhisattvas were still flying at high speed, and were stopped by the firelight halfway, and then they were carried into the ground.

"Boom ..."

Only then did the earth start to swell with dust, and there were loud noises, and tremors kept coming ...

The Bodhisattvas almost did not react, and did not make effective defense measures against the upper part. They were completely caught off guard at one time.

In the blink of an eye, all the Bodhisattvas in the sky except Avalokitesvara were actually punched deep into the ground!

Seeing this, Anyang didn't change his face and continued: "Don't let your guard down, these people have a low chance of dying, prepare for the next round of lock-up attacks!"

Almost the words had just fallen, and the first place hit by the shells rushed out a figure conveniently. It was a tall bodhisattva wearing a yellow cassock, a tall figure, and a solemn treasure!

But the bodhisattva was quite embarrassed. The left arm exposed from the cassock was full of scars, and the cassack was also torn and ragged. Most of it was soaked with blood, and it was sticking together. At the same time, there was a blur of flesh and blood on his body. Many of the meat almost fell off, leaving only a trace of skin connected, which looked terrible!

Then a bodhisattva rose from the dust and sang the Amitabha with his hands together, all of them were seriously injured and dying!

The next second, they have activated defensive magical powers!

Anyang glanced indifferently and counted.

Of the dozens of Bodhisattvas, only one is absent--

Long sleep underground!

It seems that the power of the sniper gun is still very strong, but after these Bodhisattvas are prepared, it is difficult to come up with an unexpected shot to achieve this effect.

Before he thought, the sky was another burst of fire!

These fire lights still penetrate the distance between the bodhisattvas and space in an instant, giving almost no time for reaction!

One after another, endlessly!

But there was a bodhisattva chanting verses in a low voice, carefully aware of the signs of danger, and then, as expected, moved a few tens of meters to the side, and the fire light hit him on the ground !

There is also a bodhisattva lingering in golden light, although it can't stop the sniper gun that was born for ‘broken cover’, but it also eliminates a large part of its power!

There are also bodhisattva offering magic instruments and hard anti-sniper guns!

Show your magical powers ...

But the attack from the top of the head was endless, one after another, with a sense of urgency!

The bodhisattvas can't bear it anymore!

In addition to them, Anyang also marked the Luohan who were in a standing state and sent their coordinates to several starships from Star Trek.

After a while, the sky dropped countless magenta beams!

"Suddenly ..."

The fuchsia beam is like raindrops, containing the most powerful force, leaning towards these arhats ...

If those Bodhisattvas can still barely support under the bombardment of the sniper gun, in the face of the bombardment of the intergalactic cavalry-level phase main gun and the dual-phased phased gun array with the highest power, the Luohan can not insist Living.

For a time, the Luohan suffered heavy losses and countless casualties!

The destruction range of the phase gun is also much larger than that of the sniper gun. In just a moment, the ground was hit with holes and unrecognizable!

Some Bodhisattvas saw the miserable state of the Luohan while concentrating on facing the naval gun, and their faces suddenly changed!

Although these magical powers of the Luohan are not comparable to the bodhisattva, they are barely able to enter the category of high-end combat power, but each of them has the potential and knowledge, and it is possible to prove the bodhisattva's status at any time!

Even some Luohan's knowledge and wisdom are not lower than those of the Bodhisattvas, but they lack a chance ...

But now ...

At this moment, the fire above his head no longer dropped.

Those purple beams also stopped abruptly!

Only the remnants of the Buddhism still face the encirclement of the demon clan army. Some Arhats are still fighting with the demon generals. The distant demon king is still **** and squinting at the bodhisattvas.

Most of the bodhisattvas have been seriously injured ...

The Bodhisattvas could not help turning their gaze to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, but they saw that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was still standing in the sky, and no one knew what he was thinking.

The bodhisattvas looked to the top of their heads again, praying for help.

But there was no movement when they got the golden crack, they just remembered that it was the Guan Yin Yin who was standing behind the golden crack to review the situation. It was up to him to decide whether to increase his troop strength, but he now came to this world, and one at every turn.

A bodhisattva gritted his teeth and dragged his wounded body forward to take a step forward, wanting to rush back to Xitian Bliss World to call for reinforcements!

"Bodhisattvas, let me go ..."

Before he had finished speaking, he found an ugly monkey demon with a golden stick on his hand, standing in front of the crack with a smile, and stared at him with that scarlet gaze, not who could Sun Wukong be?

Seeing this, the several Bodhisattvas around him looked carefully at the top of their eyes. After making sure that there would be no more flames coming down, they stood up resolutely: "Whoever enters **** if I don't go to hell, Garosha Bodhisattva will know about Shakya despite going back Venerable, this monkey demon will be stopped by several of me!

Garosha Bodhisattva did not speak much, and immediately stood up, ready to rush towards the crack again!

But I saw a huge flame falling from the sky, dragging a long tail, and blasted away before falling to the ground!

"Boom !!!"

Really like the sound of the end of destruction!

The dazzling light enveloped the sky, making people dare not open their eyes and look directly. That huge sound was like a real attack, making people's ears humming, the shock wave swaying around, and the few Buddhas who had just flew into the sky were hardened. Shockwave hit down!

I saw that the fireball became the most conspicuous part of the sky, the clouds were lined up one after another, and the cracks were submerged!

Everyone was shocked!

Several Bodhisattvas quickly stabilized their body, hesitated, and when they were about to rush up again, they saw that Sun Wukong danced a golden hoop in his hand, and the stick grew up against the wind, sweeping towards them like a giant pillar of sky. come!

They quickly squeezed Ming Wangyin against it!


The huge immovable Ming Wang Yin and the gold cudgel banged another loud noise, and several bodhisattvas sipped, but heard Sun Wukong standing above his head and yelled: "The children of the demon clan, listen to my order, all stop and return! Buddha's Bald donkeys, if you do n’t want to die, close your hands with Grandpa and get over to negotiate with Grandpa! "

Several Bodhisattvas raised their brows!

This man is crazy enough!

But the fact is that they are all hesitant.

If the demon clan had said to negotiate before, let alone such an arrogant tone ~ ~ Even if the words and demands are good, the Buddhists cannot agree! But now the demon clan has shown such a powerful means that their own casualties are heavy and there is no way to seek help. If they do not want to continue to expand casualties, they really have to seriously consider the truce negotiations.

So many Bodhisattvas gradually turned their gaze to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, where only he can take the lead.

A moment later, Guan Shiyin Bodhisattva regained focus, took a deep breath, turned his gaze, and folded his hands together to give Sun Wukong a distant salute: "Ok, let's negotiate."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the top of his head and his eyes shifted.

Anyang was shocked, his heart trembling, and then felt a chill.

Because what Guan Shiyin Bodhisattva only saw was the general area where the several shipborne satellites were located!


When Guanyin Bodhisattva talked about the negotiations, all the Buddhists took a sigh of relief. After all, as of the war, it is obvious that the Buddhists have suffered more losses, and everyone in the battlefield is seriously injured. Even if the belief is strong, I do n’t want to fight anymore. Go on.

The Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva is the head of the four major Bodhisattvas of Buddhism. It was once the existence of a Buddha, and its status is only under the limited number of people such as Venerable Sakyamuni, the ancient Buddha burning lamp, and Maitreya.

What he said certainly didn't work.

So the two sides sent their envoys to negotiate in the area where the big explosion just happened.

Sun Wukong complied with Anyang's request and sent out clever, clever and witty monsters. Most of them were educated, and they were regarded as Huaguoshan's intellectuals. Be accompanied by yourself and a white ape to ensure foolproof!

On the Buddhist side, several Bodhisattvas headed by Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva are responsible for negotiating officials.

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