My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1040: Oyama

"By the way, that picture in your room is good!" Anyang glanced at the plate of the rabbit's tip with a mouthful, and took a deep breath and said casually.

"..." Huang Lan's face turned red.

Instead, Anyang looked back at her with surprise and asked, "What's wrong, my face is hungry and red?"

Huang Lan didn't speak, but just turned his head away, stopped looking at him, and made him invisible.

However, the neck was inexplicably red.

Going upstairs, Ji Weiwei woke up, had breakfast, and drove her home in a small sports car. Anyang did not go back, but drove directly to a county road. After driving for more than 30 kilometers, he turned into a car. A country road that can accommodate a car until it drives through a village and stops under a big mountain.

It still belongs to Jinguan, but it is far away from the urban area. Even people here want to go to the city and have to change the car several times, which takes a little time.

Xiaoqian said that it is a suburb, and it already lifts it up. In fact, it is a mountainous area.

Anyang parked the small sports car on the roadside outside the village, because only here is a little more spacious and can't get off.

Looking up into the distance, there is a continuous forest of deep mountains, and some mountains are hidden in the clouds and fog, which is indistinguishable from the naked eye. I can only see a road spiraling upwards, seemingly leading to the clouds.

At the entrance of the mountain, the road was blocked by road signs, and the vehicles could not pass, so they could only walk.

"It seems to be a scenic area under development."

Anyang muttered to himself.

Some of these places are populated by people, even in the depths of the white clouds on the mountain, there are still people, and the houses are built, which makes people feel the wisdom and hard work of our working people and the greatness of the government.

Even if they build a house in such a remote place, the "country road to home" policy implemented a few days ago still needs to repair the road to their doorstep, and they need to lay special pipelines to provide them with water and electricity services. Communication providers still have to Set up a base station for them. If there are too many people, you must send someone to bring the network cable to this mountain.

Anyang is no stranger to this.

When he was in college, he ran through many remote places in Yizhou, especially Yixi with the most beautiful scenery.

At that time, I often saw a building where a bird did n’t shit, and a few buildings popped up, and it was built on a mountain. It was so high that it was necessary to raise my head to see these families. When the weather was slightly bad, the clouds and mist were Will cover them up. And the road to these people belongs to the kind of ‘even if you dare to drive, I do n’t dare to ride a car’, which is terrifying.

At first, Anyang wanted to know what these people thought, why did he need to repair the house so high, wouldn't inconvenience affect his life? Later, he began to be surprised by the government's policy, because even so, the government still built the road uphill for them, and led the hydropower cable.

Sometimes, there are some donkey friends visiting these places, or some of the second and rich second-generation officials who drive off-road vehicles come to experience the wild life, and there are also many people who hunt with their equipment.

"This place has begun to develop scenic spots, and it is almost the same if you think about it, and it should have been famous for a long time."

Although he was here for the first time, he also guessed that eight or nine were inseparable.

There are some buildings scattered on the mountain, which are not luxurious, but because the land used to be free of money, most of them were built into spacious courtyards, connected by wide and narrow concrete trails to the highway, and the environment is still elegant.

In addition, there are few people here, and it is difficult to find out what is happening. After discussing with a family, Xiaoqian simply bought a house under the condition of retaining their future scenic dividends, and handed it to the Changchen Dao Ren and the white old demon. Live, and arrange for someone to arrange food and guide life, so that they can continue to do their research with peace of mind.

Anyang didn't have a backpack, so he walked into the mountain empty-handed. It didn't look like a donkey who came to the mountain to play, but it didn't look like a resident on or below the mountain.

Several workers at the mountain gate squatted together and chatted to the sky. He glanced at him curiously as he passed, but did not pay much attention to it.

Anyang walked into the mountain in this way, while taking a closer look at the unscathed East.

"It should belong to ... Qionglai Mountains." He read through the geographical knowledge he had accumulated for many years, and he barely remembered to clear some small mountains that were not required to be remembered in the geography class.

Not far away, there was snow on the ground. At the beginning, a layer of snow covered the branches and leaves of the roadside plants. Later, thin snow could be seen on the ground, until the snow became thicker and the whole mountain became In the world wrapped in silver, the crystal mist is hanging on the branches. These extra pure and beautiful things are like elves that will come to the world in winter.

It is ridiculous that for most Jinguan people, snow is actually a very strange thing, but they don't know that as long as they are willing to leave the city on which they live, there is not much distance to see the snow flying.

After walking for a while, Anyang felt so bored that he found a no-man's place and soared into the sky after stealth.

Actually, the residence of Changchen Dao Ren and Bai Laoyang is not far away, but the mountain road is rugged and winding. It must be a long walk on foot, and driving is only a few tens of minutes.

A very simple farmyard, at this time, the cooking smoke gradually rose, and the white wall was very beautiful.

There are several fruit trees planted in front of the courtyard, including pear trees, plum trees, and apple trees that are rare in Yizhou, but many have fallen leaves. Only the plum blossoms are still in full bloom, little blood, and the branches are covered with branches.

On the side of the house, there were piles of dry firewood, and there were also pickles and bacon that the original owner had not taken away.

Walking up a hundred meters behind the house is the highway. There is a small dam that usually lays out the grain. It can be used for parking and just a few off-road vehicles.

Although the off-road vehicles were parked quietly, they also showed obvious toughness. An Mercedes-Benz g65, which caused an atmosphere and was expensive, and a civilian Hummer, which was difficult to obtain with money, had two sharp edges. The Dongfeng warrior and the Beijing Jeep 212, which had been discontinued for a long time, took pictures at the beginning that ordinary people can not apply for. It seems to represent not only money but also prominent status.

These cars alone were out of tune with this courtyard, but they just matched the profound temperament of this deep mountain.

In the yard, several young people sat chatting.

They are four men and three women.

Among them, two women were enchanting and beautiful, and the undeveloped mountains still had exquisite makeup, painted with red lip glaze, leaning on the two men, laughing and chatting, seemingly they brought it out Canary.

The cold winter twelfth lunar month can't stop them from wearing light and close-fitting clothes, outline the goddess-level figure, exposed chest gully and slender thighs, looks particularly gorgeous.

There is also a woman wearing an assault trousers, stepping on a pair of high-top hiking shoes and drinking with a cup of hot tea.

She pulled the zipper all the way to her chin, wore a sun hat, and put her other hand in her pocket because of the cold weather. It was like she wrapped her body tightly, which was a stark contrast to the other two women.

The woman's name is Ge Jingrong.

The two young men opposite Ge Jingrong were called Cao Yangcheng and Yao Yongzhi, while the other two were busy with the woman Qing Qing, my young man and their Qing Ge, and my target Ge Jingrong did n’t know each other. It is estimated that it is also fresh and exciting. I heard that they came out to hunt and happily followed.

When they really get into the mountains, it is nothing more than two situations. The first is to find no stimulus and boredom to death, and the second is to encounter stimulus and be scared to death.

Ge Jingrong thought so.

"The taste of this tea is really good. It's strange to see such a good tea in the old forest of the deep mountain." Ge Jingrong glanced at the cup in his hand, and the goose yellow liquid in the cup was exuding lightly. Fragrance rose up.

Since she was a child, her stomach was not very good, so she didn't drink tea very much, and she didn't know much about tea, but the elders at home loved this bite. After a long period of edification, she can also divide the quality of tea.

This tea seems to be better than the special offer from my parents.

Ge Jingrong looked up again at this simple courtyard, but frowned, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking.

She and Cao Yangcheng and Yao Yongzhi were buddies who grew up in a yard. Although they grew older, they could still come together every year. They can trust each other and have common hobbies. They often come out together. play.

They visited this place last year, and it is also the family they live in.

However, they lived in a family of six at the time: two elderly people who were not in good health, a middle-aged couple who were too embarrassed to charge for their accommodation, a daughter who was in junior high school, and a baby Fetal child.

A typical rural family ~ ~ She remembered that she also gave them some rabbits from hunting and gave her daughter many snacks.

But now ...

Ge Jingrong withdrew his gaze, pursed his mouth, and smelled the faint aroma from the tea cup.

They had just arrived the day before yesterday and wanted to live in that family last year. However, after knocking on the door for a long time, the door was opened by a well-proportioned, beautifully-looking young woman who was not dressed like a mountain man And the middle-aged couple who had a relationship with the previous honest Pakistani are even more different!

She thought that this girl, like her own group, came to this rare mountain to find excitement and borrowed from this family. But after some conversation, the woman said that the family had moved away. They were their distant relatives, bought the house, and with a strong attitude, they refused to lend their own request.

Ge Jingrong planned to leave at this point. Anyway, there are still a few families on the mountain, but they are a little far from the road. They are not so deep into the mountain. It is a little inconvenient for them to wait for others.

She didn't care about it and didn't plan to make trouble.

But the two canaries heard that they would go more on the mountain, but they refused, and the other two young men heard something awkward, so they went to knock on the door again, and they were attracted by the cold young woman as a face-to-face. The stalking mode.

After the big price was rejected and the status and money were disregarded, the elder brothers also had some helplessness.

Fortunately, at this time, an old-faced old man walked out of it. Ge Jingrong immediately seized the opportunity to ask the old man for a night of stay. Perhaps it was too late to see the sky, and perhaps the heart was kind. The old man allowed them to stay here, but only if they must leave early Return late, no noise, no noise.

So they stayed here overnight.

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