My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 1041: visit

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The old man spoke, and the young woman stopped. Oriental Novel Reading Network

Ge Jingrong didn't realize that something was wrong until some personal items were taken from the car and put into the room.

The old man's dress seems a bit ...

She thought for a while, but thought that the old man was wearing common cloth made by ordinary mountain people, but she felt wrong. When she met again, she was surprised to find that the old man was wearing a common cloth robe. The feeling of an old magician in a fantasy movie.


Not only did she feel weird, her two childhood partners also felt a little weird. Those who deepened the mountains and old forests, somehow were no longer residents of last year.

And the other two did not notice any difference in his dress even after seeing the old man twice. I thought he was like himself, completely attracted by the old man ’s kind and gentle face and natural calmness, he did n’t pay attention to his dress .

If it were not for the elderly, she was very kind-hearted, if it were not for the young woman ’s strong temperament, she was not linked to the mountain spirits and ghosts. Adventures in this inexplicable place, even if she was a firm atheist before.

After staying all night, except that the movement of the two unknown young people was too much to be warned by the woman that night, she was quite safe, making her vigilant all night like a joke.

Ge Jingrong was relieved!

The next morning, they also received an invitation from the elderly for breakfast. Unexpectedly, the breakfast was very rich.

It is not the kind of richness of the people in the mountain village, but it is really a breakfast that only people can eat. The seemingly light foods all use the best ingredients, such as good quality wild mushrooms, black truffles, etc. Not to mention, the beef used for egg rolls uses the best Kobe beef, which is often used in Japanese state banquets. One of the ingredients she came to, she remembers that Japan began to strictly monitor the flow of this kind of luxury meat with extremely low annual output since 2012 and no longer exports it.

She had eaten it about seven years ago, and the fragrant but not greasy, melt-in-your-mouth feeling is still memorable.

Those who don't know Kobe beef, just look at the appearance and fineness of these meals, they also know that they are not what ordinary people can eat, and it is even less likely to appear here.

At this time, several young people did not speak much, including the two young people who had been troublesome and the canary they brought. The portable food brought by them in order not to eat the food in the mountains was left in the car.

It was also at breakfast that Ge Jingrong saw the people who live in this courtyard—

A kind-hearted old man looks very mild. After watching it for a long time, he feels that he still has the dignity of the person who is still a bit of a person.

There is also a somewhat handsome young man with mature charm, who can clearly distinguish the vicissitudes and wisdom from his eyes. It seems that the old man is more gentle, and the gentler is more pure. Like that kind.

This is the old white demon.

The woman she had seen before was called the queen of the mountains by two other young people, but in fact she was Chen Benlan.

There is also a tall young man who always looks unsmiling and has great momentum. Chen Benlan seems to have a higher position in the house and often asks her to do something.

He and his two little friends are family members of the military. The military compound came out, but he was completely overwhelmed by his momentum!

This man is called Fang Han, she remembered it.

This is obviously not a family.

Chen Benlan, who has dealt more with them, has never said that they are a family and have a family relationship. Their previous relationship is more like a service relationship with a status level.

Chen Benlan, a powerful woman who attracted the covetation of the two of hers, seemed to be a servant. She did all the chores. She made the extraordinary breakfast, and she did not have any discretion. Sometimes she had to follow Fang Han ’s instructions. .

And Fang Han, who is awesome from the bottom of his heart, is a bit like a bodyguard.

Undoubtedly, the two old people and young people who made them feel a little familiar but could not remember at all were the people for whom they worked.

Or ... serve.

Ge Jingrong felt weird the more he thought, feeling that his group seemed to have broken into a very mysterious place.

Cao Yangcheng and her share the same vigilant opinion. Yao Yongzhi and the two young men named Zhou Si and Shao Bai are a little excited. They may think they have met a political leader who cultivated here.

After eating breakfast, they hunted as usual in the mountains, but they didn't have much harvest. Even the rabbit didn't hit one, only two skinny pheasants. Ge Jingrong couldn't help being dissatisfied.

She thinks that it is mainly Shao Bai and Zhou Si who are dragging their legs, and they have to take those two canaries. These two women, who are not beautiful in appearance, even with compound bows, walked two steps and yelled that they could not move. , Making her terrible.

But Cao Yangcheng's and Yao Yongzhi's family seemed to have something to do with Shao Bai and Zhou Si's family and had to take them.

This made Ge Jingrong even worse.

It happened that it was snowing today, and they did not dare to mountain.

Ge Jingrong and his party have more opportunities to observe the mysterious four people, or to explore.

The result is more mysterious.

After eating, the young man and the old man would walk into the house behind the yard. There was no movement, and the gate would be guarded by Fang Han, and they were not good to bother.

This tight guarding even tickled them.

After a day, the harvest was so pitiful.

apart from--

Suddenly, they felt dizzy.


Ge Jingrong said quietly.

The dizziness was still acceptable, and it just disappeared for a moment.

Ge Jingrong couldn't help but look at the figure standing at the backyard door, only to see that he was still standing straight, his expression firm, and it seemed not affected at all.

Withdrawing her gaze, she took out her mobile phone, clicked on the note, and typed in the record: "Thirteen times, today's fourth."

This happened more than the first time, and this was the most suspicious of her.

She asked Chen Benlan, but asked nothing.

She suspected that the two old men were doing pulse research, or doing some kind of research with short-lived radioactivity, which once panicked her until they saw that they had no protective devices, so they stayed here. Perhaps she also had the idea of ​​forming a chance or happening to find something.

"To find a way, how can we understand what they are doing without causing the other party to resist?" Chen Benlan glanced at Shao Bai and Zhou Si, and he suddenly had an idea.

I saw that she put the tea cup on the table, raised her head, and under her cap was a face that didn't lose to those two canaries. Even though she didn't know her figure, Shao Bai and Zhou Si swallowed hard. .

"Sister Jing Rong, what are you looking at us for, are you interested in both of us?" Zhou Si joked.

Ge Jingrong didn't answer, but pouted at them and said, "Looking at the girl named Chen Benlan, who looks so beautiful and has good temperament, it is a pity to stay in this mountain."

"Huh?" Zhou Si frowned, "there is no way, I want to take her away, but you also saw it, people don't look at us with a straight eye!"

"A woman's high cold and pride are temporary, if you can touch her heart, even the cold iceberg can be turned into tenderness." Ge Jingrong said in a tone of laughter with them, and then said, " Chen Meili should be hired to take care of the two. I do n’t know the information of the two, but if you can start from the two, it is estimated that it will be feasible to take Chen Mei after a period of time. "

"Don't fool me!" Shao Bai Lima looked at her alertly, frowning. "It's because Chen Benlan was so cold and strong during work, but we still don't know what those two are doing, I Do n’t dare to strike her, do what you want to do by yourself, do n’t pull me! ”

"That's wrong!" Ge Jingrong said, and put the phone screen in front of them. "I think the probability that those two are secret scientists is very high. Such people are strictly protected by the state, but they have no power. In this way, as long as you dare to do it and work harder, it is still very easy to capture the heart of the beautiful Chen! "

Ge Jingrong knows what they think, but she ca n’t say anything about getting Chen Benlan to bed. Anyway, no matter what she says, it will be automatically converted to that in Zhou Si and Shao Bai ~ ~ and she knows better It's because of these two playboys that they are far away from each other. Except for smashing with money, otherwise, holding the beauty to them is a fairy tale.

But Shao Bai still refused to listen to her, and took the woman who hugged her in her arms, saying, "I think it's enough to make fun of ordinary teasing. If I really want to soak her up, how much effort might I have to spend, this The business is a bit worthless! "

Ge Jingrong was helpless: "You didn't try her attitude to make a conclusion like this, I really look down on you."

"Come on, try it!" Shao Bai said.

It happened that Chen Benlan came out of the back room and was throwing a bunch of strangely shaped keys in his hand.

Shao Bai immediately patted the woman on her body, but the woman was also acquainted, quietly and quietly, standing up from him, standing behind him, looking calmly.

But they did not see, and a person came from afar.

So when Anyang came here, he just saw Shao Bai blowing a whistle to Chen Benlan and smiled: "Chen beautiful girl, she looks so beautiful, such a good age, wasted in this old forest in the deep mountains, and she doesn't go out in bright red and fresh clothes Angry horse, do you think it's worth it? "

Chen Benlan listened, stopped, turned around, his expression a little funny, and subconsciously looked at him in a predominant gesture: "Why, want to soak me?"

Shao Bai was stunned for a while, then he was very happy, but still kept a little arrogant: "Yes!"

"What are you doing?" Chen Benlan said, waiting for him to answer, and said lightly, "Are you taking pictures of your civil Hummer and Yi 0? Sorry, don't look at me as a servant here, but you Those things are ridiculous ... "

Her tone was calm, so Shao Bai was stunned.

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